Potentially infinite trees
Consider the following definition :
Set Implicit Arguments.
(* potentialy infinite trees with internal nodes labeled with type A *)
CoInductive LTree (A : Set) : Set :=
LLeaf : LTree A
| LBin : A -> (LTree A) -> (LTree A) -> LTree A.
Define the following predicates and functions :
- (is_LLeaf t) is a proposition meaning
"t is a leaf".
- (L_root t) returns the label of the root of t
(if exists)
- (L_left_son t) returns the left son of t
(if exists)
- (L_right_son t) returns the right son of t (if exists)
- (L_subtree p t) returns the subtree of t at path
p (if exists)
- (LTree_label p t) returns the label at path
p (if exists)
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