Division by bounded recursion

Using the definition of a division function by bounded recursion given by the following text :

Require Export Arith.

Fixpoint bdiv_aux (b m n:nat) {struct b} : nat * nat :=
  match b with
  | O => (0, 0)
  | S b' =>
      match le_gt_dec n m with
      | left H => match bdiv_aux b' (m - n) n with
                  | (q, r) => (S q, r)
      | right H => (0, m)

Prove the following property:

bdiv_aux_correct2 :
 forall b m n:nat, m <= b -> 0 < n -> snd (bdiv_aux b m n) < n.


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Yves Bertot
Last modified: Sun May 3 13:52:16 CEST 2015