Computing on booleans
Define the functions associated with the following boolean connectives :
Notice that these functions are already defined in the standard library
under the names negb, orb, andb , xorb
and Bool.eqb.
bool_not : bool -> bool
bool_or : bool->bool->bool
bool_and : bool->bool->bool
bool_xor : bool->bool->bool
bool_eq : bool->bool->bool
Prove the following theorems :
Theorem bool_xor_not_eq :
(b1,b2:bool)(bool_xor b1 b2)=(bool_not (bool_eq b1 b2)).
Theorem bool_not_and :
(b1,b2:bool)(bool_not (bool_and b1 b2))=
(bool_or (bool_not b1) (bool_not b2)).
Theorem bool_not_not : (b:bool)(bool_not (bool_not b))=b.
Theorem bool_tex : (b:bool)(bool_or b (bool_not b))=true.
Theorem bool_eq_reflect : (b1,b2:bool)(bool_eq b1 b2)=true -> b1=b2.
Theorem bool_eq_reflect2 : (b1,b2:bool)b1=b2 ->(bool_eq b1 b2)=true.
Theorem bool_not_or : (b1,b2:bool)(bool_not (bool_or b1 b2))=
(bool_and (bool_not b1) (bool_not b2)).
Theorem bool_or_and_distr: (b1,b2,b3:bool)
(bool_or (bool_and b1 b3) (bool_and b2 b3))=
(bool_and (bool_or b1 b2) b3).
Please notice the difference between the data type bool : Set ,
which has only two inhabitants, and the type Prop : Type
of all propositions, which has an infinite number of inhabitants.
Since Prop and bool are very different types,
the reader must not be puzzled by the boolean versions of double negation
(bool_not_not) and excluded middle (bool_tex).
Let us recall that the following propositions do not hold
in Coq!
(P:Prop)~~P <->P
(P:Prop) P \/~P
Notice also that the theorems bool_eq_reflect and
bool_eq_reflect2 establish a bridge between the boolean
function bool_eq and the Leibniz equality eq.
Pierre Castéran