Non inductive definition of sorted lists

Here are two definitions of sorted lists. Prove that they are equivalent.

Require Export List Relations.

Section Definitions.
Variables (A:Type)(R: relation A).

Inductive sorted : list A -> Prop :=
  | sorted0 : sorted nil
  | sorted1 : forall x:A, sorted  (x :: nil)
  | sorted2 :
      forall (x y:A)(l:list A),
        R x y ->
        sorted (y :: l)-> sorted  (x :: y :: l).

Definition sorted' (l:list A) :=
  forall (l1 l2:list A)(n1 n2:A),
    l = l1 ++ (n1 :: n2 ::l2) -> 
    R n1 n2.


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