Formal Specification of a parity test
Consider the following declarations:
Definition Even (n:nat) : Prop :=
exists p:nat, n = 2*p.
Definition Odd (n:nat) : Prop :=
exists p:nat, n = S (2*p).
Inductive even_spec (n:nat) : bool -> Prop :=
| even_true : forall (Heven : Even n), even_spec n true
| even_false : forall (Hodd : Odd n), even_spec n false.
Definition even_test_ok (f : nat -> bool) :=
forall n:nat, even_spec n (f n).
Define a function even_bool such that even_test_ok even_bool holds.
Prove the following lemma:
Lemma even_bool_false (f: nat->bool) (H: even_test_ok f):
forall n, Odd n <-> f n = false.
Prove the following lemma:
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