Require Import ExtLib.Data.Eq.
Ltac eq_rw_goal :=
autorewrite with eq_rw.
Ltac eq_rw_hyp H :=
autorewrite with eq_rw in H.
Ltac eq_rw_star :=
autorewrite with eq_rw in *.
Tactic Notation "eq_rw" := eq_rw_goal.
Tactic Notation "eq_rw" "in" hyp(H) := eq_rw_hyp H.
Tactic Notation "eq_rw" "in" "*" := eq_rw_star.
Ltac eq_rw_goal :=
autorewrite with eq_rw.
Ltac eq_rw_hyp H :=
autorewrite with eq_rw in H.
Ltac eq_rw_star :=
autorewrite with eq_rw in *.
Tactic Notation "eq_rw" := eq_rw_goal.
Tactic Notation "eq_rw" "in" hyp(H) := eq_rw_hyp H.
Tactic Notation "eq_rw" "in" "*" := eq_rw_star.