
Require Import ExtLib.Tactics.Consider.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Strict Implicit.

This tactic will perform case splits on terms that are matched on. It only does this on terms where only one of the cases is non-trivial (i.e. by intuition congruence). **
Ltac forward' dst sol :=
  let check X :=
    match X with
      | match _ with _ => _ end => fail 1
      | if _ then _ else _ => fail 1
      | _ => idtac
  let go X :=
    first [ (dst X; try solve [ sol ]); [ intros ]
          | dst X; solve [ sol ] ]
  repeat match goal with
           | [ H : context [ match ?X with _ => _ end ] |- _ ] =>
             go X
           | [ H : context [ if ?X then _ else _ ] |- _ ] =>
             go X
           | [ |- context [ match ?X with _ => _ end ] ] =>
             go X
           | [ |- context [ if ?X then _ else _ ] ] =>
             go X

Ltac forward :=
    ltac:(fun x => consider x; intros)
    ltac:(intuition congruence).

Ltac forward_unsafe' dst sol :=
  let check X :=
    match X with
      | match _ with _ => _ end => fail 1
      | if _ then _ else _ => fail 1
      | _ => idtac
  let go X :=
      dst X; try solve [ sol ]
  repeat match goal with
           | [ H : context [ match ?X with _ => _ end ] |- _ ] =>
             go X
           | [ H : context [ if ?X then _ else _ ] |- _ ] =>
             go X
           | [ |- context [ match ?X with _ => _ end ] ] =>
             go X
           | [ |- context [ if ?X then _ else _ ] ] =>
             go X

Ltac forward_unsafe :=
    ltac:(fun x => consider x; intros)
    ltac:(intuition congruence).

Ltac change_rewrite H :=
  match type of H with
    | ?X = _ =>
      match goal with
        | |- context [ ?Y ] =>
          change Y with X ; rewrite H

Ltac change_rewrite_in H H' :=
  match type of H with
    | ?X = _ =>
      match type of H' with
        | context [ ?Y ] =>
          change Y with X in H' ; rewrite H in H'

Tactic Notation "change_rewrite" hyp(H) := (change_rewrite H).
Tactic Notation "change_rewrite" hyp(H) "in" hyp(H') := (change_rewrite_in H H').

Ltac rewrite_all_goal :=
  repeat match goal with
           | [ H : _ |- _ ] =>
             progress (erewrite H by eauto with typeclass_instances)

Ltac rewrite_all_in H' :=
  repeat match goal with
           | [ H : _ |- _ ] =>
             progress (erewrite H in H' by eauto with typeclass_instances)

Ltac rewrite_all_star :=
  repeat match goal with
           | [ H : _ |- _ ] =>
             progress (erewrite H in * by eauto with typeclass_instances)

Ltac rewrite_all := rewrite_all_goal.