Require Import RelationClasses.
Require Import Setoid.
Require Import ExtLib.Tactics.Consider.
Require Import ExtLib.Data.Fun.
Require Import ExtLib.Structures.Monads.
Require Import ExtLib.Structures.MonadLaws.
Require Import ExtLib.Data.Monads.FuelMonad.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Strict Implicit.
Section Laws.
Section fixResult_T.
Context {T : Type} (e : type T).
Definition FixResult_eq (a b : FixResult T) : Prop :=
match a , b with
| Diverge , Diverge => True
| Term a , Term b => equal a b
| _ , _ => False
Global Instance type_FixResult : type (FixResult T) :=
type_from_equal FixResult_eq.
Variable tokE : typeOk e.
Global Instance typeOk_FixResult : typeOk type_FixResult.
eapply typeOk_from_equal.
{ unfold proper; simpl.
destruct x; destruct y; simpl; intros; auto; try contradiction.
apply only_proper in H; auto.
destruct H; split; apply tokE; assumption. }
{ red. destruct x; destruct y; simpl; auto; simpl. symmetry; auto. }
{ red. destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; simpl; intros; auto; try contradiction.
etransitivity; eauto. }
End fixResult_T.
Section with_T.
Context {T : Type} (e : type T).
Variable tokE : typeOk e.
Definition fix_meq (l r : GFix T) : Prop :=
equal (runGFix l) (runGFix r).
Global Instance type_GFix : type (GFix T) :=
type_from_equal fix_meq.
Global Instance typeOk_GFix : typeOk type_GFix.
eapply typeOk_from_equal.
{ destruct x; destruct y; simpl.
intros; split; intros.
{ red; simpl.
red in H; red. simpl FuelMonad.runGFix in *.
eapply only_proper in H; eauto with typeclass_instances.
intros; subst.
eapply preflexive with (wf := proper); eauto with typeclass_instances.
eapply equiv_prefl; eauto with typeclass_instances.
solve_proper; intuition. }
{ red; simpl.
red in H; red; simpl FuelMonad.runGFix in *.
eapply only_proper in H; eauto with typeclass_instances.
intros; subst.
eapply preflexive with (wf := proper); eauto with typeclass_instances.
eapply equiv_prefl; eauto with typeclass_instances.
solve_proper. intuition. } }
{ red. destruct x; destruct y; simpl; unfold fix_meq.
simpl FuelMonad.runGFix in *. intros.
symmetry; auto. }
{ red; destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; simpl; unfold fix_meq;
simpl FuelMonad.runGFix in *. intros.
etransitivity; eauto. }
Global Instance proper_runGFix : proper (@runGFix T).
repeat red; simpl; intros. eapply H. subst. reflexivity.
Global Instance proper_mkGFix : proper (@mkGFix T).
repeat red; simpl; intros. eapply H. subst. reflexivity.
End with_T.
Require Import ExtLib.Tactics.TypeTac.
Global Instance MonadLaws_GFix : MonadLaws Monad_GFix (@type_GFix).
{ (* bind_of_return *)
red; simpl; intros. red. simpl runGFix. type_tac. }
{ (* return_of_bind *)
red; simpl; intros. red. simpl runGFix. type_tac.
assert (equal (runGFix aM x) (runGFix aM y)) by type_tac.
destruct (runGFix aM x); destruct (runGFix aM y); simpl in *; try contradiction; auto.
specialize (H0 a x y H2).
red. destruct (runGFix (f a) x); simpl in *; auto. etransitivity; eauto. }
{ (* bind associativity *)
red; simpl; intros.
red; simpl runGFix. type_tac.
assert (equal (runGFix aM x) (runGFix aM y)) by type_tac.
destruct (runGFix aM x); destruct (runGFix aM y); simpl in H6; try contradiction; auto.
assert (equal (runGFix (f a) x) (runGFix (f a0) y)) by type_tac.
destruct (runGFix (f a) x); destruct (runGFix (f a0) y); simpl in H7; try contradiction; type_tac. }
{ unfold ret; simpl. red. red. Opaque equal. simpl. intros; type_tac. Transparent equal. }
{ unfold bind; simpl; intros. red; intros.
red; intros. red; simpl. red; intros; subst.
assert (equal (runGFix x y1) (runGFix y y1)) by type_tac. red in H2.
destruct (runGFix x y1); destruct (runGFix y y1); simpl in H3; try contradiction.
2: red; auto.
match goal with
| |- FixResult_eq _ ?X ?Y => change (equal X Y)
end. type_tac. }
Theorem Diverge_minimal : forall C (eC : relation C) x,
FixResult_leq eC Diverge x.
destruct x; compute; auto.
Theorem Term_maximal : forall C (eC : relation C) x y,
FixResult_leq eC (Term x) y ->
exists z, y = Term z /\ eC x z.
destruct y; simpl; intros; try contradiction; eauto.
Lemma leq_app : forall B C (eB : relation B) (eC : relation C) (pB : Proper eB) (pC : Proper eC) g (b b' : B) n n',
proper g -> proper b -> proper b' ->
eB b b' ->
BinNat.N.le n n' ->
FixResult_leq eC (runGFix (g b) n) (runGFix (g b') n').
intros. destruct H. specialize (H4 _ _ H0 H1 H2 _ _ H3). auto.
End Laws.
Require Import Setoid.
Require Import ExtLib.Tactics.Consider.
Require Import ExtLib.Data.Fun.
Require Import ExtLib.Structures.Monads.
Require Import ExtLib.Structures.MonadLaws.
Require Import ExtLib.Data.Monads.FuelMonad.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Strict Implicit.
Section Laws.
Section fixResult_T.
Context {T : Type} (e : type T).
Definition FixResult_eq (a b : FixResult T) : Prop :=
match a , b with
| Diverge , Diverge => True
| Term a , Term b => equal a b
| _ , _ => False
Global Instance type_FixResult : type (FixResult T) :=
type_from_equal FixResult_eq.
Variable tokE : typeOk e.
Global Instance typeOk_FixResult : typeOk type_FixResult.
eapply typeOk_from_equal.
{ unfold proper; simpl.
destruct x; destruct y; simpl; intros; auto; try contradiction.
apply only_proper in H; auto.
destruct H; split; apply tokE; assumption. }
{ red. destruct x; destruct y; simpl; auto; simpl. symmetry; auto. }
{ red. destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; simpl; intros; auto; try contradiction.
etransitivity; eauto. }
End fixResult_T.
Section with_T.
Context {T : Type} (e : type T).
Variable tokE : typeOk e.
Definition fix_meq (l r : GFix T) : Prop :=
equal (runGFix l) (runGFix r).
Global Instance type_GFix : type (GFix T) :=
type_from_equal fix_meq.
Global Instance typeOk_GFix : typeOk type_GFix.
eapply typeOk_from_equal.
{ destruct x; destruct y; simpl.
intros; split; intros.
{ red; simpl.
red in H; red. simpl FuelMonad.runGFix in *.
eapply only_proper in H; eauto with typeclass_instances.
intros; subst.
eapply preflexive with (wf := proper); eauto with typeclass_instances.
eapply equiv_prefl; eauto with typeclass_instances.
solve_proper; intuition. }
{ red; simpl.
red in H; red; simpl FuelMonad.runGFix in *.
eapply only_proper in H; eauto with typeclass_instances.
intros; subst.
eapply preflexive with (wf := proper); eauto with typeclass_instances.
eapply equiv_prefl; eauto with typeclass_instances.
solve_proper. intuition. } }
{ red. destruct x; destruct y; simpl; unfold fix_meq.
simpl FuelMonad.runGFix in *. intros.
symmetry; auto. }
{ red; destruct x; destruct y; destruct z; simpl; unfold fix_meq;
simpl FuelMonad.runGFix in *. intros.
etransitivity; eauto. }
Global Instance proper_runGFix : proper (@runGFix T).
repeat red; simpl; intros. eapply H. subst. reflexivity.
Global Instance proper_mkGFix : proper (@mkGFix T).
repeat red; simpl; intros. eapply H. subst. reflexivity.
End with_T.
Require Import ExtLib.Tactics.TypeTac.
Global Instance MonadLaws_GFix : MonadLaws Monad_GFix (@type_GFix).
{ (* bind_of_return *)
red; simpl; intros. red. simpl runGFix. type_tac. }
{ (* return_of_bind *)
red; simpl; intros. red. simpl runGFix. type_tac.
assert (equal (runGFix aM x) (runGFix aM y)) by type_tac.
destruct (runGFix aM x); destruct (runGFix aM y); simpl in *; try contradiction; auto.
specialize (H0 a x y H2).
red. destruct (runGFix (f a) x); simpl in *; auto. etransitivity; eauto. }
{ (* bind associativity *)
red; simpl; intros.
red; simpl runGFix. type_tac.
assert (equal (runGFix aM x) (runGFix aM y)) by type_tac.
destruct (runGFix aM x); destruct (runGFix aM y); simpl in H6; try contradiction; auto.
assert (equal (runGFix (f a) x) (runGFix (f a0) y)) by type_tac.
destruct (runGFix (f a) x); destruct (runGFix (f a0) y); simpl in H7; try contradiction; type_tac. }
{ unfold ret; simpl. red. red. Opaque equal. simpl. intros; type_tac. Transparent equal. }
{ unfold bind; simpl; intros. red; intros.
red; intros. red; simpl. red; intros; subst.
assert (equal (runGFix x y1) (runGFix y y1)) by type_tac. red in H2.
destruct (runGFix x y1); destruct (runGFix y y1); simpl in H3; try contradiction.
2: red; auto.
match goal with
| |- FixResult_eq _ ?X ?Y => change (equal X Y)
end. type_tac. }
Theorem Diverge_minimal : forall C (eC : relation C) x,
FixResult_leq eC Diverge x.
destruct x; compute; auto.
Theorem Term_maximal : forall C (eC : relation C) x y,
FixResult_leq eC (Term x) y ->
exists z, y = Term z /\ eC x z.
destruct y; simpl; intros; try contradiction; eauto.
Lemma leq_app : forall B C (eB : relation B) (eC : relation C) (pB : Proper eB) (pC : Proper eC) g (b b' : B) n n',
proper g -> proper b -> proper b' ->
eB b b' ->
BinNat.N.le n n' ->
FixResult_leq eC (runGFix (g b) n) (runGFix (g b') n').
intros. destruct H. specialize (H4 _ _ H0 H1 H2 _ _ H3). auto.
End Laws.