Require Import RelationClasses.
Require Import Setoid.
Require Import ExtLib.Data.Fun.
Require Import ExtLib.Structures.Monads.
Require Import ExtLib.Structures.MonadLaws.
Require Import ExtLib.Data.Option.
Require Import ExtLib.Data.Monads.OptionMonad.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Strict Implicit.
Section Laws.
Variable m : Type -> Type.
Variable Monad_m : Monad m.
Variable mtype : forall T, type T -> type (m T).
Variable mtypeOk : forall T (tT : type T), typeOk tT -> typeOk (mtype tT).
Variable ML_m : MonadLaws Monad_m mtype.
Section parametric.
Variable T : Type.
Variable tT : type T.
Definition optionT_eq (a b : optionT m T) : Prop :=
equal (unOptionT a) (unOptionT b).
Global Instance type_optionT : type (optionT m T) :=
type_from_equal optionT_eq.
Variable tokT : typeOk tT.
Global Instance typeOk_readerT : typeOk type_optionT.
eapply typeOk_from_equal.
{ simpl. unfold optionT_eq. intros.
generalize (only_proper _ _ _ H); intros.
split; solve_equal. }
{ red. unfold equal; simpl. unfold optionT_eq; simpl.
unfold Morphisms.respectful; simpl. symmetry. auto. }
{ red. unfold equal; simpl. unfold optionT_eq; simpl.
unfold Morphisms.respectful; simpl. intros.
etransitivity; eauto. }
Global Instance proper_unOptionT : proper (@unOptionT m T).
Proof. do 3 red; eauto. Qed.
Global Instance proper_mkOptionT : proper (@mkOptionT m T).
Proof. do 5 red; eauto. Qed.
End parametric.
Theorem equal_match : forall (A B : Type) (eA : type A) (eB : type B),
typeOk eA -> typeOk eB ->
forall (x y : option A) (a b : B) (f g : A -> B),
equal x y ->
equal a b ->
equal f g ->
equal match x with
| Some a => f a
| None => a
match y with
| Some a => g a
| None => b
destruct x; destruct y; intros; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
{ inversion H1. assumption. }
{ inversion H1. }
{ inversion H1. }
Instance proper_match : forall (A B : Type) (eA : type A) (eB : type B),
typeOk eA -> typeOk eB ->
forall (x : option A),
proper x ->
forall f : A -> optionT m B,
proper f ->
proper match x with
| Some a => unOptionT (f a)
| None => ret None
destruct x; intros; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
Global Instance MonadLaws_optionT : MonadLaws (@Monad_optionT _ Monad_m) type_optionT.
{ (* bind_of_return *)
intros. do 3 red. unfold bind, optionT_eq; simpl.
rewrite bind_of_return; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
eapply equal_match; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac. }
{ (* return_of_bind *)
simpl; unfold optionT_eq; simpl; intros.
rewrite return_of_bind; eauto with typeclass_instances; intros; type_tac.
destruct x; type_tac. }
{ (* bind_associativity *)
simpl; unfold optionT_eq; simpl; intros.
rewrite bind_associativity; eauto with typeclass_instances; intros; type_tac.
destruct x; destruct y; try solve inversion H5 ; type_tac.
inversion H5; assumption.
eapply equal_match; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
rewrite bind_of_return; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
eapply equal_match; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
eapply equal_match; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
eapply equal_match; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac. }
{ simpl; unfold optionT_eq; simpl; intros. red; simpl; intros. type_tac. }
{ simpl; unfold optionT_eq; simpl; intros. red; simpl; intros.
red; simpl; intros. type_tac.
eapply equal_match; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac. }
(* Theorem equal_match_option : forall T U (tT : type T) (tU : type U),
typeOk tT -> typeOk tU ->
forall (a b : option T) (f g : T -> U) (x y : U),
equal a b -> equal f g -> equal x y ->
equal match a with
| Some a => f a
| None => x
match b with
| Some b => g b
| None => y
clear. destruct a; destruct b; simpl; intros; try contradiction; auto.
Global Instance MonadTLaws_optionT : MonadTLaws _ _ _ _ (@MonadT_optionT _ Monad_m).
{ simpl. unfold optionT_eq; simpl; intros.
unfold liftM. rewrite bind_of_return; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac. }
{ simpl; unfold lift, optionT_eq; simpl; intros.
unfold liftM.
rewrite bind_associativity; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
rewrite bind_associativity; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
rewrite bind_of_return; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
eapply equal_match; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
eapply equal_match; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac. }
{ unfold lift, liftM; simpl; intros. unfold liftM. red; simpl; intros.
unfold optionT_eq; simpl. type_tac. }
Global Instance MonadReaderLaws_optionT (s : Type) (t : type s) (tT : typeOk t) (Mr : MonadReader s m) (MLr : MonadReaderLaws Monad_m _ _ Mr) : MonadReaderLaws _ _ _ (@Reader_optionT _ _ _ Mr).
{ simpl. unfold optionT_eq; simpl; intros; unfold liftM.
rewrite local_bind; eauto with typeclass_instances.
(erewrite bind_proper; | | | | eapply ask_local | ); eauto with typeclass_instances.
rewrite bind_associativity; eauto with typeclass_instances.
rewrite bind_associativity; eauto with typeclass_instances.
type_tac. 6: eapply preflexive.
repeat rewrite bind_of_return; eauto with typeclass_instances.
rewrite local_ret; eauto with typeclass_instances. type_tac.
type_tac. eapply equal_match; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
apply proper_fun; intros. repeat rewrite local_ret; eauto with typeclass_instances.
type_tac; eauto with typeclass_instances. type_tac.
type_tac. eapply equal_match; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
apply proper_fun; intros. repeat rewrite local_ret; eauto with typeclass_instances.
type_tac. eauto with typeclass_instances.
type_tac. type_tac. }
{ simpl. unfold optionT_eq; simpl; intros; unfold liftM.
rewrite local_bind; eauto with typeclass_instances.
destruct x; destruct y; try solve inversion H4 ; type_tac.
inversion H4; assumption.
rewrite local_ret; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
type_tac. eapply equal_match; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac. }
{ simpl. unfold optionT_eq; simpl; intros; unfold liftM.
rewrite local_ret; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac. }
{ simpl. unfold optionT_eq; simpl; intros; unfold liftM.
rewrite local_local; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac. }
{ unfold local; simpl; intros. red. red. intros. red in H0.
red; simpl. type_tac. }
{ Opaque lift. unfold ask; simpl; intros. red. type_tac.
eapply lift_proper; eauto with typeclass_instances. Transparent lift. }
Global Instance MonadStateLaws_optionT (s : Type) (t : type s) (tT : typeOk t) (Ms : MonadState s m) (MLs : MonadStateLaws Monad_m _ _ Ms) : MonadStateLaws _ _ _ (@State_optionT _ _ _ Ms).
{ simpl; unfold optionT_eq; simpl; intros; unfold liftM; simpl.
rewrite bind_associativity; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
erewrite bind_proper; eauto with typeclass_instances.
2: instantiate (1 := get); type_tac.
instantiate (1 := fun a => bind (put a) (fun x : unit => ret (Some x))).
{ rewrite <- bind_associativity; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
erewrite bind_proper; eauto with typeclass_instances.
2: eapply get_put; eauto with typeclass_instances.
rewrite bind_of_return; eauto with typeclass_instances.
instantiate (1 := fun x => ret (Some x)). simpl. type_tac.
type_tac. type_tac. }
{ type_tac. rewrite bind_of_return; eauto with typeclass_instances.
type_tac. type_tac.
eapply equal_match_option; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac. }
{ eapply equal_match_option; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac. } }
{ simpl; unfold optionT_eq; simpl; intros; unfold liftM; simpl.
repeat rewrite bind_associativity; eauto with typeclass_instances;
try solve type_tac; eapply equal_match_option; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac .
rewrite bind_proper; eauto with typeclass_instances.
2: eapply preflexive; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
instantiate (1 := fun a : unit => bind get (fun x0 : s => ret (Some x0))).
{ rewrite <- bind_associativity; eauto with typeclass_instances.
Require Import MonadTac.
Ltac cl := eauto with typeclass_instances.
Ltac tcl := solve cl .
Ltac monad_rewrite t :=
first t | rewrite bind_rw_0; [ | tcl | tcl | tcl | t | type_tac ] | rewrite bind_rw_1 .
monad_rewrite ltac:(eapply put_get; eauto with typeclass_instances).
rewrite bind_associativity; cl; try solve_proper.
rewrite bind_rw_1; | tcl | tcl | tcl | intros | type_tac .
Focus 2.
etransitivity. eapply bind_of_return; cl; type_tac.
instantiate (1 := fun _ => ret (Some x)). simpl. type_tac.
Add Parametric Morphism (T : Type) (tT : type T) (tokT : typeOk tT) : (@equal _ tT)
with signature (equal ==> equal ==> iff)
as equal_mor.
clear - tokT. intros. split; intros.
{ etransitivity. symmetry; eassumption. etransitivity; eassumption. }
{ etransitivity; eauto. etransitivity; eauto. symmetry; auto. }
Add Parametric Morphism (T : Type) (tT : type T) (tokT : typeOk tT) : (@equal _ tT)
with signature (equal ==> eq ==> iff)
as equal_left_mor.
clear - tokT. intros. split; intros.
{ etransitivity. symmetry; eassumption. eassumption. }
{ etransitivity; eauto. }
Add Parametric Morphism (T : Type) (tT : type T) (tokT : typeOk tT) : (@equal _ tT)
with signature (eq ==> equal ==> iff)
as equal_right_mor.
clear - tokT. intros. split; intros.
{ etransitivity. eassumption. eassumption. }
{ etransitivity; eauto. symmetry; auto. }
assert (Morphisms.Proper (equal ==> Basics.flip Basics.impl)
(equal (bind (put x) (fun _ : unit => ret (Some x))))) by cl.
assert (Morphisms.Proper
(Morphisms.pointwise_relation unit equal ==> equal)
(bind (@put _ _ Ms x))).
{ red. red. intros. eapply bind_proper; cl. solve_proper.
red; simpl. red in H1. red.
assert bind_proper.
debug eauto with typeclass_instances.
setoid_rewrite bind_of_return.
2: rewrite bind_of_return; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
rewrite bind_rw_0
3: instantiate (1 := (bind (put x) (fun _ : unit => get))).
Theorem bind_rw_0 : forall A B (tA : type A) (tB : type B),
typeOk tA -> typeOk tB ->
forall (x z : m A) (y : A -> m B)z,
equal x z ->
proper y ->
equal (bind x y) (bind z y).
{ type_tac. rewrite bind_of_return; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
eapply equal_match_option; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac. } }
Print MonadStateLaws.
Global Instance MonadZeroLaws_optionT : MonadZeroLaws (@Monad_optionT _ Monad_m) type_optionT _.
{ simpl; unfold optionT_eq; simpl; intros.
rewrite bind_of_return; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
eapply equal_match; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac. }
{ unfold mzero; simpl; intros. red; simpl. type_tac. }
End Laws.
Require Import Setoid.
Require Import ExtLib.Data.Fun.
Require Import ExtLib.Structures.Monads.
Require Import ExtLib.Structures.MonadLaws.
Require Import ExtLib.Data.Option.
Require Import ExtLib.Data.Monads.OptionMonad.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Strict Implicit.
Section Laws.
Variable m : Type -> Type.
Variable Monad_m : Monad m.
Variable mtype : forall T, type T -> type (m T).
Variable mtypeOk : forall T (tT : type T), typeOk tT -> typeOk (mtype tT).
Variable ML_m : MonadLaws Monad_m mtype.
Section parametric.
Variable T : Type.
Variable tT : type T.
Definition optionT_eq (a b : optionT m T) : Prop :=
equal (unOptionT a) (unOptionT b).
Global Instance type_optionT : type (optionT m T) :=
type_from_equal optionT_eq.
Variable tokT : typeOk tT.
Global Instance typeOk_readerT : typeOk type_optionT.
eapply typeOk_from_equal.
{ simpl. unfold optionT_eq. intros.
generalize (only_proper _ _ _ H); intros.
split; solve_equal. }
{ red. unfold equal; simpl. unfold optionT_eq; simpl.
unfold Morphisms.respectful; simpl. symmetry. auto. }
{ red. unfold equal; simpl. unfold optionT_eq; simpl.
unfold Morphisms.respectful; simpl. intros.
etransitivity; eauto. }
Global Instance proper_unOptionT : proper (@unOptionT m T).
Proof. do 3 red; eauto. Qed.
Global Instance proper_mkOptionT : proper (@mkOptionT m T).
Proof. do 5 red; eauto. Qed.
End parametric.
Theorem equal_match : forall (A B : Type) (eA : type A) (eB : type B),
typeOk eA -> typeOk eB ->
forall (x y : option A) (a b : B) (f g : A -> B),
equal x y ->
equal a b ->
equal f g ->
equal match x with
| Some a => f a
| None => a
match y with
| Some a => g a
| None => b
destruct x; destruct y; intros; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
{ inversion H1. assumption. }
{ inversion H1. }
{ inversion H1. }
Instance proper_match : forall (A B : Type) (eA : type A) (eB : type B),
typeOk eA -> typeOk eB ->
forall (x : option A),
proper x ->
forall f : A -> optionT m B,
proper f ->
proper match x with
| Some a => unOptionT (f a)
| None => ret None
destruct x; intros; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
Global Instance MonadLaws_optionT : MonadLaws (@Monad_optionT _ Monad_m) type_optionT.
{ (* bind_of_return *)
intros. do 3 red. unfold bind, optionT_eq; simpl.
rewrite bind_of_return; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
eapply equal_match; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac. }
{ (* return_of_bind *)
simpl; unfold optionT_eq; simpl; intros.
rewrite return_of_bind; eauto with typeclass_instances; intros; type_tac.
destruct x; type_tac. }
{ (* bind_associativity *)
simpl; unfold optionT_eq; simpl; intros.
rewrite bind_associativity; eauto with typeclass_instances; intros; type_tac.
destruct x; destruct y; try solve inversion H5 ; type_tac.
inversion H5; assumption.
eapply equal_match; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
rewrite bind_of_return; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
eapply equal_match; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
eapply equal_match; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
eapply equal_match; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac. }
{ simpl; unfold optionT_eq; simpl; intros. red; simpl; intros. type_tac. }
{ simpl; unfold optionT_eq; simpl; intros. red; simpl; intros.
red; simpl; intros. type_tac.
eapply equal_match; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac. }
(* Theorem equal_match_option : forall T U (tT : type T) (tU : type U),
typeOk tT -> typeOk tU ->
forall (a b : option T) (f g : T -> U) (x y : U),
equal a b -> equal f g -> equal x y ->
equal match a with
| Some a => f a
| None => x
match b with
| Some b => g b
| None => y
clear. destruct a; destruct b; simpl; intros; try contradiction; auto.
Global Instance MonadTLaws_optionT : MonadTLaws _ _ _ _ (@MonadT_optionT _ Monad_m).
{ simpl. unfold optionT_eq; simpl; intros.
unfold liftM. rewrite bind_of_return; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac. }
{ simpl; unfold lift, optionT_eq; simpl; intros.
unfold liftM.
rewrite bind_associativity; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
rewrite bind_associativity; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
rewrite bind_of_return; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
eapply equal_match; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
eapply equal_match; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac. }
{ unfold lift, liftM; simpl; intros. unfold liftM. red; simpl; intros.
unfold optionT_eq; simpl. type_tac. }
Global Instance MonadReaderLaws_optionT (s : Type) (t : type s) (tT : typeOk t) (Mr : MonadReader s m) (MLr : MonadReaderLaws Monad_m _ _ Mr) : MonadReaderLaws _ _ _ (@Reader_optionT _ _ _ Mr).
{ simpl. unfold optionT_eq; simpl; intros; unfold liftM.
rewrite local_bind; eauto with typeclass_instances.
(erewrite bind_proper; | | | | eapply ask_local | ); eauto with typeclass_instances.
rewrite bind_associativity; eauto with typeclass_instances.
rewrite bind_associativity; eauto with typeclass_instances.
type_tac. 6: eapply preflexive.
repeat rewrite bind_of_return; eauto with typeclass_instances.
rewrite local_ret; eauto with typeclass_instances. type_tac.
type_tac. eapply equal_match; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
apply proper_fun; intros. repeat rewrite local_ret; eauto with typeclass_instances.
type_tac; eauto with typeclass_instances. type_tac.
type_tac. eapply equal_match; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
apply proper_fun; intros. repeat rewrite local_ret; eauto with typeclass_instances.
type_tac. eauto with typeclass_instances.
type_tac. type_tac. }
{ simpl. unfold optionT_eq; simpl; intros; unfold liftM.
rewrite local_bind; eauto with typeclass_instances.
destruct x; destruct y; try solve inversion H4 ; type_tac.
inversion H4; assumption.
rewrite local_ret; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
type_tac. eapply equal_match; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac. }
{ simpl. unfold optionT_eq; simpl; intros; unfold liftM.
rewrite local_ret; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac. }
{ simpl. unfold optionT_eq; simpl; intros; unfold liftM.
rewrite local_local; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac. }
{ unfold local; simpl; intros. red. red. intros. red in H0.
red; simpl. type_tac. }
{ Opaque lift. unfold ask; simpl; intros. red. type_tac.
eapply lift_proper; eauto with typeclass_instances. Transparent lift. }
Global Instance MonadStateLaws_optionT (s : Type) (t : type s) (tT : typeOk t) (Ms : MonadState s m) (MLs : MonadStateLaws Monad_m _ _ Ms) : MonadStateLaws _ _ _ (@State_optionT _ _ _ Ms).
{ simpl; unfold optionT_eq; simpl; intros; unfold liftM; simpl.
rewrite bind_associativity; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
erewrite bind_proper; eauto with typeclass_instances.
2: instantiate (1 := get); type_tac.
instantiate (1 := fun a => bind (put a) (fun x : unit => ret (Some x))).
{ rewrite <- bind_associativity; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
erewrite bind_proper; eauto with typeclass_instances.
2: eapply get_put; eauto with typeclass_instances.
rewrite bind_of_return; eauto with typeclass_instances.
instantiate (1 := fun x => ret (Some x)). simpl. type_tac.
type_tac. type_tac. }
{ type_tac. rewrite bind_of_return; eauto with typeclass_instances.
type_tac. type_tac.
eapply equal_match_option; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac. }
{ eapply equal_match_option; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac. } }
{ simpl; unfold optionT_eq; simpl; intros; unfold liftM; simpl.
repeat rewrite bind_associativity; eauto with typeclass_instances;
try solve type_tac; eapply equal_match_option; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac .
rewrite bind_proper; eauto with typeclass_instances.
2: eapply preflexive; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
instantiate (1 := fun a : unit => bind get (fun x0 : s => ret (Some x0))).
{ rewrite <- bind_associativity; eauto with typeclass_instances.
Require Import MonadTac.
Ltac cl := eauto with typeclass_instances.
Ltac tcl := solve cl .
Ltac monad_rewrite t :=
first t | rewrite bind_rw_0; [ | tcl | tcl | tcl | t | type_tac ] | rewrite bind_rw_1 .
monad_rewrite ltac:(eapply put_get; eauto with typeclass_instances).
rewrite bind_associativity; cl; try solve_proper.
rewrite bind_rw_1; | tcl | tcl | tcl | intros | type_tac .
Focus 2.
etransitivity. eapply bind_of_return; cl; type_tac.
instantiate (1 := fun _ => ret (Some x)). simpl. type_tac.
Add Parametric Morphism (T : Type) (tT : type T) (tokT : typeOk tT) : (@equal _ tT)
with signature (equal ==> equal ==> iff)
as equal_mor.
clear - tokT. intros. split; intros.
{ etransitivity. symmetry; eassumption. etransitivity; eassumption. }
{ etransitivity; eauto. etransitivity; eauto. symmetry; auto. }
Add Parametric Morphism (T : Type) (tT : type T) (tokT : typeOk tT) : (@equal _ tT)
with signature (equal ==> eq ==> iff)
as equal_left_mor.
clear - tokT. intros. split; intros.
{ etransitivity. symmetry; eassumption. eassumption. }
{ etransitivity; eauto. }
Add Parametric Morphism (T : Type) (tT : type T) (tokT : typeOk tT) : (@equal _ tT)
with signature (eq ==> equal ==> iff)
as equal_right_mor.
clear - tokT. intros. split; intros.
{ etransitivity. eassumption. eassumption. }
{ etransitivity; eauto. symmetry; auto. }
assert (Morphisms.Proper (equal ==> Basics.flip Basics.impl)
(equal (bind (put x) (fun _ : unit => ret (Some x))))) by cl.
assert (Morphisms.Proper
(Morphisms.pointwise_relation unit equal ==> equal)
(bind (@put _ _ Ms x))).
{ red. red. intros. eapply bind_proper; cl. solve_proper.
red; simpl. red in H1. red.
assert bind_proper.
debug eauto with typeclass_instances.
setoid_rewrite bind_of_return.
2: rewrite bind_of_return; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
rewrite bind_rw_0
3: instantiate (1 := (bind (put x) (fun _ : unit => get))).
Theorem bind_rw_0 : forall A B (tA : type A) (tB : type B),
typeOk tA -> typeOk tB ->
forall (x z : m A) (y : A -> m B)z,
equal x z ->
proper y ->
equal (bind x y) (bind z y).
{ type_tac. rewrite bind_of_return; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
eapply equal_match_option; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac. } }
Print MonadStateLaws.
Global Instance MonadZeroLaws_optionT : MonadZeroLaws (@Monad_optionT _ Monad_m) type_optionT _.
{ simpl; unfold optionT_eq; simpl; intros.
rewrite bind_of_return; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac.
eapply equal_match; eauto with typeclass_instances; type_tac. }
{ unfold mzero; simpl; intros. red; simpl. type_tac. }
End Laws.