Require Import Coq.Classes.RelationClasses.
Require Import Setoid.
Require Import ExtLib.Data.Fun.
Require Import ExtLib.Structures.Monads.
Require Import ExtLib.Structures.MonadLaws.
Require Import ExtLib.Data.Monads.IdentityMonad.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Strict Implicit.
Section with_T.
Context {T : Type} (e : type T).
Definition equal_ident (a b : ident T) : Prop :=
equal (unIdent a) (unIdent b).
Global Instance type_ident : type (ident T) :=
{ equal := equal_ident
; proper := fun x => proper (unIdent x)
Global Instance typeOk_ident (tT : typeOk e) : typeOk type_ident.
{ unfold equal, proper, type_ident, equal_ident; simpl; intros.
apply only_proper; auto. }
{ red. destruct x. intros.
red; simpl. red; simpl.
eapply preflexive with (wf := proper); eauto with typeclass_instances. }
{ red. simpl. unfold equal_ident. intros.
symmetry. assumption. }
{ red; simpl. unfold equal_ident. intros.
etransitivity; eassumption. }
Global Instance proper_unIdent : proper unIdent.
Proof. red; simpl; red; simpl. destruct x; compute; auto. Qed.
Global Instance proper_mkIdent : proper mkIdent.
Proof. do 7 red. compute; auto. Qed.
End with_T.
Global Instance FunctorOrder_fmleq : FunctorOrder _ (@Identity_leq) _.
constructor; eauto with typeclass_instances.
Require Import ExtLib.Tactics.TypeTac.
Global Instance MonadLaws_GFix : MonadLaws Monad_ident (@type_ident).
constructor; eauto with typeclass_instances; try solve compute; intuition .
{ unfold equal; simpl. intros. red in H2. red; simpl.
eapply H2. eapply preflexive with (wf := proper); auto.
eapply equiv_prefl; auto. }
{ unfold proper, equal; simpl. eauto with typeclass_instances. }
{ simpl; intros. red. solve_equal. }
{ unfold bind, Monad_ident. do 6 red; intros. solve_equal. }
Require Import Setoid.
Require Import ExtLib.Data.Fun.
Require Import ExtLib.Structures.Monads.
Require Import ExtLib.Structures.MonadLaws.
Require Import ExtLib.Data.Monads.IdentityMonad.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Strict Implicit.
Section with_T.
Context {T : Type} (e : type T).
Definition equal_ident (a b : ident T) : Prop :=
equal (unIdent a) (unIdent b).
Global Instance type_ident : type (ident T) :=
{ equal := equal_ident
; proper := fun x => proper (unIdent x)
Global Instance typeOk_ident (tT : typeOk e) : typeOk type_ident.
{ unfold equal, proper, type_ident, equal_ident; simpl; intros.
apply only_proper; auto. }
{ red. destruct x. intros.
red; simpl. red; simpl.
eapply preflexive with (wf := proper); eauto with typeclass_instances. }
{ red. simpl. unfold equal_ident. intros.
symmetry. assumption. }
{ red; simpl. unfold equal_ident. intros.
etransitivity; eassumption. }
Global Instance proper_unIdent : proper unIdent.
Proof. red; simpl; red; simpl. destruct x; compute; auto. Qed.
Global Instance proper_mkIdent : proper mkIdent.
Proof. do 7 red. compute; auto. Qed.
End with_T.
Global Instance FunctorOrder_fmleq : FunctorOrder _ (@Identity_leq) _.
constructor; eauto with typeclass_instances.
Require Import ExtLib.Tactics.TypeTac.
Global Instance MonadLaws_GFix : MonadLaws Monad_ident (@type_ident).
constructor; eauto with typeclass_instances; try solve compute; intuition .
{ unfold equal; simpl. intros. red in H2. red; simpl.
eapply H2. eapply preflexive with (wf := proper); auto.
eapply equiv_prefl; auto. }
{ unfold proper, equal; simpl. eauto with typeclass_instances. }
{ simpl; intros. red. solve_equal. }
{ unfold bind, Monad_ident. do 6 red; intros. solve_equal. }