Library hydras.Schutte.Schutte

Axiomatic definition of countable ordinal numbers (after Kurt Schutte's "Proof Theory"
Pierre Casteran (LaBRI, University of Bordeaux) with contributions by Florian Hatat (formerly student at ENS Lyon)

From hydras Require Export Schutte_basics Ordering_Functions
        Addition AP CNF Critical Correctness_E0.


This directory contains an adaptation to Coq of the mathematical presentation of the set of countable ordinal numbers by K. Schutte.
In order to respect as most as possible the style of that presentation, we chosed to work in classical logic augmented by Hilbert's [epsilon] operator.
So, all the construction herein is powered by six axioms, three of them are Schutte's axioms, and the other ones allow us to work in that "classical" framework, still using the Coq proof assistant and its libraries.

Schutte's Axioms

We consider a type ON (Ordinal numbers), well-ordered by some relation lt, and such that every subset X of Ord is countable iff X is bounded.

Axiom AX1 : WO lt.

Axiom AX2 : X: Ensemble Ord, ( a, ( y, X yy < a)) →
                                   countable X.

Axiom AX3 : X : Ensemble Ord,
              countable X
               a, y, X yy < a.

Classical logic and Hilbert style

From Coq.Logic.Classical

Axiom classic : P:Prop, P ∨ ¬ P.

From Coq.Logic.Epsilon

Axiom epsilon_statement :
   (A : Type) (P : AProp), inhabited A
    { x : A | ( x, P x) → P x }.

Needed for epsilon to work properly.

Axiom inh_Ord : inhabited Ord.
Example Ex42: omega + 42 + omega^2 = omega^2.
  Check AP_plus_closed.