
(*  This is part of ATBR, it is distributed under the terms of the        *)
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(*       Copyright 2009-2011: Thomas Braibant, Damien Pous.               *)

Reflexive algorithm to check that two regex have the same sets of variables.
We also prove that equal regex necessarily have the same set of labels, and that the conversion into strict star form preserves this set.

Require Import Common.
Require Import Classes.
Require Import Graph.

Require Import DKA_Definitions.
Require Import StrictStarForm.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.

Fixpoint collect e acc
  match e with
    | RegExp.var i NumSet.add i acc
    | a b collect a (collect b acc)
    | a b collect a (collect b acc)
    | a collect a acc
    | _ acc

Definition same_labels a b : bool
  NumSet.equal (collect a NumSet.empty) (collect b NumSet.empty).

Infix " [=] " NumSet.Equal (at level 80).

Section protect.

Local Instance collect_compat a: Proper (NumSet.Equal NumSet.Equal) (collect a).
  induction a; simpl; intros ? ? H; rewrite H; reflexivity.

Definition collect_compat' a x @collect_compat a x.

Lemma collect_incr_2: a i acc,
  NumSet.In i acc NumSet.In i (collect a acc).
  induction a; simpl; intros; auto.

Lemma collect_incr_1: a i acc acc',
  NumSet.In i (collect a acc') NumSet.In i (collect a acc) NumSet.In i acc'.
  induction a; simpl; intros i acc acc' Hi; auto.
   eapply in Hi as [Hi|Hi]. left. apply Hi. eapply in Hi as [Hi|Hi]; auto. left. apply collect_incr_2, Hi.
   eapply in Hi as [Hi|Hi]. left. apply Hi. eapply in Hi as [Hi|Hi]; auto. left. apply collect_incr_2, Hi.

Lemma collect_com: a b acc, collect a (collect b acc) [=] collect b (collect a acc).
  induction a; simpl; intros; try reflexivity.
   rewrite , . reflexivity.
   rewrite , . reflexivity.
   apply IHa.
   revert acc. induction b; intro acc; simpl; try reflexivity.
    rewrite , . reflexivity.
    rewrite , . reflexivity.
    apply IHb.

Lemma collect_idem: a acc, collect a (collect a acc) [=] collect a acc.
  induction a; simpl; intro; try reflexivity.
   rewrite (collect_com ). rewrite , . reflexivity.
   rewrite (collect_com ). rewrite , . reflexivity.
   apply IHa.

Lemma NumSetEqual_refl: x, x [=] x.
Proof. reflexivity. Qed.

Local Hint Resolve collect_compat' collect_idem collect_com NumSetEqual_refl : core.

Notation clean RegExp.Clean.rewrite.

Ltac contradict
  match goal with
    | H: RegExp.equal ?x ?y , Hx: RegExp.is_zero (clean ?x) = _ , Hy: RegExp.is_zero (clean ?y) = _ |- _
      exfalso; apply RegExp.Clean.equal_rewrite_zero_equiv in H; rewrite H, Hy in Hx; discriminate Hx

Lemma equal_collect: a b, a==b
   acc, collect (clean a) acc [=] collect (clean b) acc.
  intros a b H. induction H; intro acc; simpl in *; RegExp.destruct_tests; simpl in*; auto; try contradict.
   rewrite (collect_com (clean z)). rewrite collect_idem. reflexivity.
   rewrite 2 (collect_com (clean y)). rewrite collect_idem. auto.
   rewrite , . reflexivity.
   rewrite , . reflexivity.
   rewrite . apply .
   symmetry. apply IHequal.

Theorem complete: a b, same_labels (clean a) (clean b) = false a == b.
  intros a b H H'. assert (F equal_collect H' NumSet.empty). apply NumSet.equal_1 in F.
  unfold same_labels in H. rewrite F in H. discriminate.

Proof that rewriting a regex in strict star form preserves its set of labels

Lemma collect_ssf_remove: a acc, collect (remove a) acc [=] collect a acc.
  induction a; simpl; intro acc; auto.
   case contains_one; simpl; auto.
    case contains_one; simpl; auto.
    unfold plus_but_one. RegExp.destruct_tests; simpl; auto.
     rewrite , . reflexivity.
     rewrite , . reflexivity.
     rewrite , . reflexivity.
   case contains_one; simpl; auto.
    unfold plus_but_one. RegExp.destruct_tests; simpl; auto.
     rewrite , . reflexivity.
     rewrite , . reflexivity.
     rewrite , . reflexivity.
    case contains_one; simpl; auto.
     unfold plus_but_one. RegExp.destruct_tests; simpl; auto.
      rewrite , . reflexivity.
      rewrite , . reflexivity.
      rewrite , . reflexivity.

Lemma collect_ssf: a acc, collect (ssf a) acc [=] collect a acc.
  induction a; simpl; unfold dot', plus_but_one, star'; intro acc; auto;
    RegExp.destruct_tests; simpl; auto.
   rewrite , . reflexivity.
   rewrite , . reflexivity.
   rewrite , . reflexivity.
   rewrite , . reflexivity.
   rewrite IHa. rewrite collect_ssf_remove. rewrite (RegExp.Is_one O). reflexivity.
   rewrite collect_ssf_remove, IHa. reflexivity.

Theorem same_labels_ssf: a b, same_labels a b = true same_labels (ssf a) (ssf b) = true.
  intros. unfold same_labels. rewrite 2 collect_ssf. assumption.

End protect.