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(*       Copyright 2009-2011: Thomas Braibant, Damien Pous.               *)

Basic definitions for matrices: definition of their Graph

Require Import Common.
Require Import Classes.
Require Import Graph.
Require List.
Require Force.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

Section Defs.

  Context {G: Graph}.
  Variable A: T.
  Notation X := (X A A).

n and m are phantom types, a matrix is a function from two nat to X
  Inductive MX (n m: nat) :=
    box: (nat -> nat -> X) -> MX n m.

  Definition get n m (M: MX n m) := let (f) := M in f.

matrix equality is bounded pointwise equality

  Definition mx_equal n m: relation (MX n m) :=
    fun M N => forall i j, i<n -> j<m -> get M i j == get N i j.

matrix Graph, equality is bounded pointwise equality
  Program Instance mx_Graph: Graph := {
    T := nat;
    X := MX;
    equal := mx_equal }.
  Next Obligation.
    split; repeat intro; simpl in *.
    symmetry; auto.
    transitivity (get y i j); auto.

  Lemma mx_equal': forall n m (M N: @Classes.X mx_Graph n m)
    (H: forall i j, i<n -> j<m -> get M i j == get N i j), M == N.
  Proof (fun _ _ _ _ H => H).

  Definition mx_equal_at p q n m n' m' (M : MX n m) (N : MX n' m') :=
    forall i j, i < p -> j < q -> get M i j == get N i j.

  Lemma mx_equal_at_equal n m (M N: @Classes.X mx_Graph n m) : mx_equal_at n m M N <-> M == N.
  Proof. intros. unfold mx_equal_at. intuition. Qed.
End Defs.

Notation MX_ A n m := (@X (mx_Graph A) (n%nat:nat) (m%nat:nat)) (only parsing).
Notation mx_equal_ A n m := (@equal (mx_Graph A) (n%nat) (m%nat)) (only parsing).

Notation "! M" := (get M) (at level 0) : A_scope.
Notation "M == [ n , m ] N" := (@equal (mx_Graph _) n m M N) (at level 80) : A_scope.

Lemma plus_minus : forall m n, S (m+n)-n = S m.
Proof. intros. omega. Qed.
Global Opaque minus.

Lemma lt_n_1 n: ~ (S n<1)%nat.
Proof. omega. Qed.

case analysis on block matrix acesses
Ltac destruct_blocks :=
  unfold mx_equal; intros; simpl;
  rewrite ? plus_minus;
  repeat match goal with
           | |- context[S ?i - ?n] => case_eq (S i - n); intros

tactic to pointwise check matrix equality
Ltac mx_intros i j Hi Hj :=
  apply mx_equal'; intros i j Hi Hj;
  match type of Hi with
    | i < 0%nat => elim (lt_n_O _ Hi)
    | i < 1%nat => destruct i; [clear Hi | elim (lt_n_1 Hi)]
    | _ => idtac
  match type of Hj with
    | j < 0%nat => elim (lt_n_O _ Hj)
    | j < 1%nat => destruct j; [clear Hj | elim (lt_n_1 Hj)]
    | _ => idtac

Transparent equal.

Section Props.

  Context {G: Graph}.
  Variable A: T.
  Notation MX n m := (MX_ A n m).
  Notation mx_equal n m := (mx_equal_ A n m) (only parsing).

  Lemma mx_equal_compat n m: forall M N: MX n m,
    M == N ->
    forall i j i' j', i<n -> j<m -> i=i' -> j=j' -> !M i j == !N i' j'.
  Proof. intros; subst; auto. Qed.

  Definition mx_force n m (M: MX n m): MX n m := box n m (Force.id2 n m !M).
  Definition mx_print n m (M: MX n m) := Force.print2 n m !M.
  Definition mx_noprint n m (M: MX n m) := let _ := mx_force M in (n,m).

  Lemma mx_force_id n m (M: MX n m): mx_force M == M.
  Proof. repeat intro; unfold mx_force. simpl. rewrite Force.id2_id by assumption. reflexivity. Qed.

  Global Instance mx_force_compat n m: Proper (mx_equal n m ==> mx_equal n m) (@mx_force n m).
  Proof. intros M N H. rewrite 2 mx_force_id. assumption. Qed.

  Global Instance box_compat n m:
  Proper (pointwise_relation nat (pointwise_relation nat (equal A A)) ==> mx_equal n m) (box n m).
  Proof. intros. intros f g H. mx_intros i j Hi Hj. apply H. Qed.

  Definition mx_sub n' m' x y n m (M: MX n' m') : MX n m
    := box n m (fun i j => !M (x+i) (y+j))%nat.

special case of block matrices
  Section Subs.
    Variables x y n m: nat.
    Section Def.
      Variable M: MX (x+n) (y+m).
      Definition mx_sub00 := mx_sub 0 0 x y M.
      Definition mx_sub01 := mx_sub 0 y x m M.
      Definition mx_sub10 := mx_sub x 0 n y M.
      Definition mx_sub11 := mx_sub x y n m M.
    End Def.
    Global Instance mx_sub00_compat: Proper (mx_equal (x+n) (y+m) ==> mx_equal x y) mx_sub00.
    Proof. repeat intro. simpl. apply H; auto with omega. Qed.
    Global Instance mx_sub01_compat: Proper (mx_equal (x+n) (y+m) ==> mx_equal x m) mx_sub01.
    Proof. repeat intro. simpl. apply H; auto with omega. Qed.
    Global Instance mx_sub10_compat: Proper (mx_equal (x+n) (y+m) ==> mx_equal n y) mx_sub10.
    Proof. repeat intro. simpl. apply H; auto with omega. Qed.
    Global Instance mx_sub11_compat: Proper (mx_equal (x+n) (y+m) ==> mx_equal n m) mx_sub11.
    Proof. repeat intro. simpl. apply H; auto with omega. Qed.
  End Subs.

  Section Blocks.

    Variables x y n m: nat.

block matrix
    Definition mx_blocks
      (M: MX x y)
      (N: MX x m)
      (P: MX n y)
      (Q: MX n m): MX (x+n) (y+m)
      := box _ _
      (fun i j =>
        match S i-x, S j-y with
          | O, O => !M i j
          | S i, O => !P i j
          | O, S j => !N i j
          | S i, S j => !Q i j

    Global Instance mx_blocks_compat:
    Proper (
      mx_equal x y ==>
      mx_equal x m ==>
      mx_equal n y ==>
      mx_equal n m ==>
      mx_equal (x+n) (y+m))
      repeat intro. destruct_blocks; auto with omega.

    Lemma mx_decompose_blocks :
      forall M: MX (x+n) (y+m),
        M ==
          (mx_sub00 M)
          (mx_sub01 M)
          (mx_sub10 M)
          (mx_sub11 M).
      simpl; intros. destruct_blocks; auto with omega.

    Section Proj.

      Variables (a: MX x y) (b: MX x m) (c: MX n y) (d: MX n m).

      Lemma mx_block_00: mx_sub00 (mx_blocks a b c d) == a.
        simpl. intros. destruct_blocks; reflexivity || omega_false.

      Lemma mx_block_01: mx_sub01 (mx_blocks a b c d) == b.
        simpl. intros. destruct_blocks; omega_false || auto with compat omega.

      Lemma mx_block_10: mx_sub10 (mx_blocks a b c d) == c.
        simpl. intros. destruct_blocks; omega_false || auto with compat omega.

      Lemma mx_block_11: mx_sub11 (mx_blocks a b c d) == d.
        simpl. intros. destruct_blocks; omega_false || auto with compat omega.

    End Proj.

    Lemma mx_blocks_equal: forall (a a': MX x y) b b' c c' (d d': MX n m),
      mx_blocks a b c d == mx_blocks a' b' c' d' ->
      a==a' /\ b==b' /\ c==c' /\ d==d'.
      rewrite <- (mx_block_11 a b c d) at 1.
      rewrite <- (mx_block_10 a b c d) at 1.
      rewrite <- (mx_block_01 a b c d) at 1.
      rewrite <- (mx_block_00 a b c d) at 1.
      rewrite H.
      rewrite mx_block_00, mx_block_01, mx_block_10, mx_block_11.
      repeat split; reflexivity.

  End Blocks.

  Lemma mx_blocks_degenerate_00 (a: MX 1 1) b c (d: MX 0 0):
    (mx_blocks a b c d: MX 1 1) == a.
    intros [|] [|] Hi Hj; try omega_false. reflexivity.

  Lemma mx_blocks_degenerate_11 n m (a: MX 0 0) b c (d: MX n m):
    (mx_blocks a b c d: MX n m) == d.
    mx_intros i j Hi Hj. reflexivity.

conversions from and to scalars
  Definition mx_of_scal (x: X A A): MX 1 1 := box 1 1 (fun _ _ => x).
  Definition mx_to_scal (M: MX 1 1): X A A := !M O O.

  Global Instance mx_of_scal_compat:
  Proper (equal A A ==> mx_equal 1 1) mx_of_scal.
  Proof. repeat intro. simpl. trivial. Qed.

  Global Instance mx_to_scal_compat:
  Proper (mx_equal 1 1 ==> equal A A) mx_to_scal.
  Proof. repeat intro. simpl. apply H; auto. Qed.

  Lemma mx_to_scal_from_scal (M: MX 1 1):
    M == mx_of_scal (mx_to_scal M).
  Proof. mx_intros i j Hi Hj. reflexivity. Qed.

  Lemma Meq_to_eq: forall a b, mx_of_scal a == mx_of_scal b -> a == b.
    intros a b H. apply (H O O); auto.

  Lemma eq_to_Meq: forall a b, mx_to_scal a == mx_to_scal b -> a == b.
    intros a b H. mx_intros i j Hi Hj. apply H.

  Definition mx_transpose n m (M : MX n m): MX m n := box m n (fun i j => !M j i).

  Global Instance mx_transpose_compat n m:
  Proper (mx_equal n m ==> mx_equal m n) (@mx_transpose n m).
  Proof. repeat intro. simpl. apply H; trivial. Qed.

  Lemma mx_transpose_blocks x y n m (a: MX x y) b c (d: MX n m):
    mx_transpose (mx_blocks a b c d)
    == mx_blocks (mx_transpose a) (mx_transpose c) (mx_transpose b) (mx_transpose d).
    repeat intro. simpl. destruct_blocks; reflexivity.

End Props.

Hint Extern 1 (mx_equal_ _ _ _ _ _) => apply mx_sub00_compat: compat algebra.
Hint Extern 1 (mx_equal_ _ _ _ _ _) => apply mx_sub01_compat: compat algebra.
Hint Extern 1 (mx_equal_ _ _ _ _ _) => apply mx_sub10_compat: compat algebra.
Hint Extern 1 (mx_equal_ _ _ _ _ _) => apply mx_sub11_compat: compat algebra.
Hint Extern 1 (mx_equal_ _ _ _ _ _) => apply mx_transpose_compat: compat algebra.
Hint Extern 1 (mx_equal_ _ _ _ _ _) => apply mx_force_compat: compat algebra.
Hint Extern 4 (mx_equal_ _ _ _ _ _) => apply mx_blocks_compat: compat algebra.
Hint Extern 1 (mx_equal_ _ _ _ _ _) => apply mx_of_scal_compat: compat algebra.
Hint Extern 1 (equal _ _ _ _) => apply mx_to_scal_compat: compat algebra.
Hint Extern 5 (equal _ _ _ _) => apply mx_equal_compat : compat algebra.

(* Hint Resolve @equal_compat: compat algebra.  *)

(* Hint Resolve  *)
(*   @mx_sub_compat @mx_blocks_compat  *)
(*   @scal_to_Mat_compat @Mat_to_scal_compat *)
(*   : compat algebra. *)