(* This is part of ATBR, it is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 *)
(* (see file LICENSE for more details) *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2009-2011: Thomas Braibant, Damien Pous. *)
(* This is part of ATBR, it is distributed under the terms of the *)
(* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 *)
(* (see file LICENSE for more details) *)
(* *)
(* Copyright 2009-2011: Thomas Braibant, Damien Pous. *)
Handler for FMap properties, provides the find_tac tactic.
Require Import FMaps.
Require Import Common.
Require Import BoolView.
Module MyMapProps (X : FMapInterface.S).
Include FMapFacts.Properties X.
Include F.
Import X.
Lemma mapsto_in: forall T x (y: T) d, MapsTo x y d -> In x d.
Proof. intros. exists y. assumption. Qed.
Lemma in_add_1: forall T x (y: T) d, In x (add x y d).
Proof. intros. exists y. auto with map. Qed.
Lemma in_add_2: forall T x y (z: T) d, In x d -> In x (add y z d).
intros. destruct (E.eq_dec y x).
exists z. auto with map.
destruct H as [w ?]. exists w. auto with map.
Hint Resolve mapsto_in in_add_1 in_add_2 : map.
Inductive find_spec_ind A k s : option A -> Prop :=
| find_spec_1 : forall x, MapsTo k x s -> find_spec_ind A k s (Some x)
| find_spec_2 : ~In k s -> find_spec_ind A k s (None).
Lemma find_spec : forall A k s, find_spec_ind A k s (find k s).
intros. case_eq (find k s); intros; constructor; auto with map.
intros [x Hx]. apply find_1 in Hx. rewrite H in Hx. discriminate.
Instance find_view : Type_View find := {type_view := find_spec}.
Ltac find_analyse :=
repeat type_view find.
Ltac find_tac :=
repeat (
match goal with
| |- ?x = ?x => reflexivity
| H : @MapsTo _ ?s ?x1 ?eps, H' : @MapsTo _ ?s ?x2 ?eps |- _ =>
let H'' := fresh in
assert (H'' : x1 = x2) by (eapply MapsTo_fun; eauto); clear H'; destruct H''
| H : @MapsTo _ ?s ?x (@add _ ?t ?y ?eps) |- _ =>
revert H; map_iff; intros [[? ?] | [? ?]]
| H : @MapsTo _ ?x ?b (@map _ _ ?f ?m) |- _ =>
rewrite map_mapsto_iff in H;
destruct H as [?x [?H ?H]]
| H : ~(@In _ ?x (@map _ _ ?f ?m)) |- _ => rewrite map_in_iff in H
| H : @In _ ?x (map ?f ?m) |- _ => rewrite map_in_iff in H
| H : ~ (@In _ ?k (@add _ ?k ?y ?s)) |- _ => exfalso; apply H; clear H; map_iff; firstorder
| H : ~ (@In _ ?k (@add _ ?k' ?y ?s)), H' : @MapsTo _ ?k ?x ?s |- _ =>
exfalso; apply H; clear H; map_iff; firstorder
| H : ~ (@In _ ?k ?s), H' : @MapsTo _ ?k ?x ?s |- _ =>
exfalso; apply H; clear H; map_iff; firstorder
| H : ~ (@In _ ?k (@add _ ?k' ?y ?s)) |- _ => revert H; rewrite add_in_iff; intro H
| H : ?s = ?s |- _ => clear H
| H : ?s <> ?s |- _ => elim H; reflexivity
| H : ?s = ?t |- _ => subst
end); trivial.
End MyMapProps.
repeat type_view find.
Ltac find_tac :=
repeat (
match goal with
| |- ?x = ?x => reflexivity
| H : @MapsTo _ ?s ?x1 ?eps, H' : @MapsTo _ ?s ?x2 ?eps |- _ =>
let H'' := fresh in
assert (H'' : x1 = x2) by (eapply MapsTo_fun; eauto); clear H'; destruct H''
| H : @MapsTo _ ?s ?x (@add _ ?t ?y ?eps) |- _ =>
revert H; map_iff; intros [[? ?] | [? ?]]
| H : @MapsTo _ ?x ?b (@map _ _ ?f ?m) |- _ =>
rewrite map_mapsto_iff in H;
destruct H as [?x [?H ?H]]
| H : ~(@In _ ?x (@map _ _ ?f ?m)) |- _ => rewrite map_in_iff in H
| H : @In _ ?x (map ?f ?m) |- _ => rewrite map_in_iff in H
| H : ~ (@In _ ?k (@add _ ?k ?y ?s)) |- _ => exfalso; apply H; clear H; map_iff; firstorder
| H : ~ (@In _ ?k (@add _ ?k' ?y ?s)), H' : @MapsTo _ ?k ?x ?s |- _ =>
exfalso; apply H; clear H; map_iff; firstorder
| H : ~ (@In _ ?k ?s), H' : @MapsTo _ ?k ?x ?s |- _ =>
exfalso; apply H; clear H; map_iff; firstorder
| H : ~ (@In _ ?k (@add _ ?k' ?y ?s)) |- _ => revert H; rewrite add_in_iff; intro H
| H : ?s = ?s |- _ => clear H
| H : ?s <> ?s |- _ => elim H; reflexivity
| H : ?s = ?t |- _ => subst
end); trivial.
End MyMapProps.