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(*       Copyright 2009-2011: Thomas Braibant, Damien Pous.               *)

Properties about sets of sets, and maps over sets

Require Import Utils_WF.
Require Import DisjointSets.
Require Import DKA_Definitions.
Require Import MyFSets.
Require Import MyFSetProperties.
Require Import MyFMapProperties.
Require Import Common.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

Module StateSetMap' FMapAVL.Make StateSet. Module StateSetMap FMapHide StateSetMap'.
Module StateSetMapProps MyMapProps StateSetMap.
Notation statesetmap StateSetMap.t.

(* this module is used in proofs only, no need to go to AVL sets *)
Module StateSetSet' FSetList.Make StateSet. Module StateSetSet FSetHide StateSetSet'.
Module StateSetSetProps MySetProps StateSetSet.
Notation statesetset StateSetSet.t.

map a function f over a set of statesets
Definition statesetset_map f t
  StateSetSet.fold (fun x acc StateSetSet.add (f x) acc) t StateSetSet.empty.

properties of the above function
Section sssm.
  Variable : StateSetSet.t.
  Variable f: stateset stateset.

  Lemma statesetset_map_in p:
    StateSetSet.In p (statesetset_map f ) q, StateSetSet.In q & StateSet.Equal (f q) p.
    unfold statesetset_map.
    apply StateSetSetProps.Props.fold_rec_nodep. StateSetSetProps.setdec.
    intros q a Hq IH. StateSetSetProps.Facts.set_iff. intros [Hp|Hp]; eauto.

  Hypothesis Hf: p q, StateSetSet.In p StateSetSet.In q
    (StateSet.Equal (f p) (f q) StateSet.Equal p q).

  Lemma statesetset_map_cardinal:
    StateSetSet.cardinal (statesetset_map f ) = StateSetSet.cardinal .
    refine (proj2 (StateSetSetProps.Props.fold_rec_bis
      (Pfun t a ( p, StateSetSet.In p (StateSetSet.In (f p) a StateSetSet.In p t))
        (( p, StateSetSet.In p t StateSetSet.In p )
          StateSetSet.cardinal a = StateSetSet.cardinal t)) _ _ _) _); trivial.
    intros. setoid_rewrite H. trivial.
    split; trivial. StateSetSetProps.setdec.
    intros p a t' Hp Hp' [IH IHc]. split.
    intros q Hq.
    StateSetSetProps.Facts.set_iff. specialize (IH q Hq). rewrite Hf by auto. tauto.
    intros Ht'.
    rewrite (StateSetSetProps.Props.cardinal_2 (sa) (xf p)); auto with set.
    symmetry. rewrite (StateSetSetProps.Props.cardinal_2 (st') (xp)); auto with set.
    symmetry. rewrite IHc; auto. intros q Hq. apply Ht'. StateSetSetProps.setdec.
    rewrite IH; auto.

End sssm.

the only set whose all elements are below 0 is the empty set
Lemma below0_empty p: setbelow p (num_of_nat 0) StateSet.Equal p StateSet.empty.
  intro H.
  apply StateSetProps.Props.empty_is_empty_1.
  rewrite StateSetProps.Props.elements_Empty.
  remember (StateSet.elements p) as l. destruct l as [|i l]. trivial.
  specialize (H i). apply apply in H. exfalso. clear - H. num_omega.
  rewrite StateSetProps.Facts.elements_iff. rewrite Heql. auto.

technical lemmas for using FSet lemmas
Lemma compat_split s: compat_bool StateSet.Equal (fun p StateSet.mem s p).
Proof. intros ? ? H. rewrite H. trivial. Qed.
Lemma compat_negsplit s: compat_bool StateSet.Equal (fun p negb (StateSet.mem s p)).
Proof. intros ? ? H. rewrite H. trivial. Qed.
Local Hint Resolve compat_split compat_negsplit : core.

Ltac solve_p1 intros ? ? H'; rewrite H'; reflexivity.

bound of the cardinal of a set of bounded sets
Lemma card_pset (s: ) t: ( p, StateSetSet.In p t setbelow p (state_of_nat s))
  (StateSetSet.cardinal t power s)%.
  revert t. induction s; intros t H; simpl.
  (* the set of set contains at most the empty set *)
   destruct (StateSetSetProps.Props.cardinal_0 t) as (l&Hl&Hlt&).
   setoid_rewrite Hlt in H. clear Hlt. revert H Hl.
   destruct l as [|x [| y q]]; intros H Hl; simpl; auto with arith.
   exfalso. inversion_clear Hl. apply . left. clear .
   rewrite (@below0_empty x), (@below0_empty y). reflexivity.
    apply H. right. left. reflexivity.
    apply H. left. reflexivity.

  (* for the inductive case, we partition the set according to the presence of s *)
  pose ( StateSetSet.filter (fun p StateSet.mem (state_of_nat s) p) t).
  pose ( StateSetSet.filter (fun p negb (StateSet.mem (state_of_nat s) p)) t).
  pose ( statesetset_map (StateSet.remove (state_of_nat s)) ).
  setoid_replace t with (StateSetSet.union ).
  rewrite StateSetSetProps.Props.union_cardinal.
  replace (StateSetSet.cardinal ) with (StateSetSet.cardinal ).
  assert ( IHs ). apply apply in .
  assert ( IHs ). apply apply in .

   subst . clear . intros p Hp.
   destruct (statesetset_map_in Hp) as [q Hq Hq']. revert Hq.
   rewrite StateSetSetProps.mem_iff.
   rewrite StateSetSetProps.EqProps.filter_mem by solve_p1.
   case_eq (StateSetSet.mem q t). 2:(intros; discriminate). simpl. intros Hq Hq''.
   intros x Hx.
   destruct (eq_num_dec x s). rewrite e, Hq' in Hx.
    exfalso. revert Hx. clear. StateSetProps.setdec.
   rewrite StateSetSetProps.mem_iff in Hq.
   rewrite StateSetProps.mem_iff in Hq''.
   specialize (H q Hq x). apply apply in H. clear - H n. num_omega. StateSetProps.setdec.

   subst . clear . intro p.
   rewrite StateSetSetProps.mem_iff.
   rewrite StateSetSetProps.EqProps.filter_mem by solve_p1.
   case_eq (StateSetSet.mem p t). 2:(intros; discriminate). simpl. intros Hp Hp'.
   intros x Hx.
   destruct (eq_num_dec x s). subst. apply StateSet.mem_1 in Hx. rewrite Hx in Hp'. discriminate.
   apply StateSetSet.mem_2 in Hp. pose (H' H p Hp x Hx). num_omega.

  subst . clear .
  apply statesetset_map_cardinal.
  intros p q.
  setoid_rewrite StateSetSetProps.mem_iff.
  do 2 rewrite StateSetSetProps.EqProps.filter_mem by solve_p1.
  case (StateSetSet.mem p t). 2: (intros; discriminate).
  case (StateSetSet.mem q t). 2: (intros; discriminate). simpl.
  setoid_rewrite StateSetProps.mem_iff. try StateSetProps.setdec. (* BUG setdec*)
   split; intro Hpq.
    clear - Hpq. intro x.
     generalize (Hpq x). clear Hpq. StateSetProps.set_iff.
     destruct (eq_num_dec s x). subst. firstorder. firstorder. rewrite Hpq. reflexivity.

  subst . clear . intro x.
  setoid_rewrite StateSetSetProps.mem_iff.
  do 2 rewrite StateSetSetProps.EqProps.filter_mem by solve_p1.
  StateSetProps.mem_analyse; StateSetSetProps.mem_analyse; simpl; firstorder.

  subst . clear . intro x.
  rewrite StateSetSetProps.EqProps.union_filter by trivial.
  setoid_rewrite StateSetSetProps.mem_iff.
  rewrite StateSetSetProps.EqProps.filter_mem by solve_p1.
  rewrite andb_comm. StateSetProps.mem_analyse; reflexivity.

domain of a statesetmap, to apply the above results to maps :
Section domain.
  Variable T: Type.

  Definition domain t StateSetMap.fold (fun p (np: T) a StateSetSet.add p a) t StateSetSet.empty.

  Lemma domain_spec: x t, StateSetSet.In x (domain t) StateSetMap.In x t.
    intros x t. unfold domain.
    refine (StateSetMapProps.fold_rec_bis (Pfun m a StateSetSet.In x a StateSetMap.In x m) _ _ _).
     intros. rewrite H. assumption.
     StateSetSetProps.set_iff. StateSetMapProps.map_iff. tauto.
     intros. StateSetSetProps.set_iff. StateSetMapProps.map_iff. tauto.

  Lemma cardinal_domain t: StateSetSet.cardinal (domain t) = StateSetMap.cardinal t.
    refine (proj2 (StateSetMapProps.fold_rec_bis
      (Pfun t a ( p, StateSetSet.In p a StateSetMap.In p t)
                     StateSetSet.cardinal a = StateSetMap.cardinal t) _ _ _)).
    intros. setoid_rewrite H. trivial.
    split; trivial. split. StateSetSetProps.setdec. StateSetMapProps.map_iff. tauto.
    intros p np a t' Hp Hp' [IH IHc]. split.
    intro q. StateSetSetProps.set_iff. StateSetMapProps.map_iff. specialize (IH q). tauto.
    rewrite (StateSetMapProps.cardinal_2 Hp') by (intro; reflexivity).
    rewrite (StateSetSetProps.Props.cardinal_2 (sa) (xp)). congruence. rewrite IH; trivial.
    auto with set.

End domain.

Results about the number of classes in a partition (for termination of the equivalence check)

Module DS DisjointSets.PosDisjointSets.
Module DSUtils DisjointSets.DSUtils Numbers.Positive DS.
Import DSUtils.Notations.

Definition add_classes t fun i StateSetSet.add (DS.class_of t (num_of_nat i)).
Fixpoint classes size t
  match size with
    | O StateSetSet.empty
    | Datatypes.S n add_classes t n (classes n t)
Definition measure size t StateSetSet.cardinal (classes size t).

Lemma classes_compat: size `{DS.WF} {t'} `{DS.WF t'}, t [=T=] t'
  StateSetSet.Equal (classes size t) (classes size t').
   induction size as [|s IHs]; intros t t' H H'' Ht; simpl.
    apply StateSetSetProps.add_m; trivial.
    apply DSUtils.class_of_compat'; ti_auto.
    apply IHs; trivial.

Lemma measure_compat: size `{DS.WF} {t'} `{DS.WF t'}, t [=T=] t' measure size t = measure size t'.
  apply StateSetSetProps.Props.Equal_cardinal, classes_compat; trivial.

Section protect.
(* Local Hint Resolve @DS.union_WF @DS.empty_WF: typeclass_instances. *)

Lemma measure_union_idem: `{DS.WF} size x y, {{t}} x y
  measure size (DS.union t x y) = measure size t.
  intros. eapply measure_compat; ti_auto. symmetry. apply DSUtils.eq_union; auto.

Lemma in_classes: t size x,
  StateSetSet.In x (classes size t) y, y<size & StateSet.Equal x (DS.class_of t (state_of_nat y)).
  induction size; intros x; simpl; unfold add_classes; StateSetSetProps.set_iff.
   intuition. destruct H. omega.
   rewrite IHsize. clear IHsize.
   completer idtac.
    symmetry in H. eauto with omega.
    destruct H. eauto with omega.
    destruct H as [y Hy H]. destruct (eq_nat_dec y size). subst.
     symmetry in H. auto.
     right. exists y. omega. assumption.

Lemma in_classes_empty_below: size x,
  StateSetSet.In x (classes size DS.empty) setbelow x (state_of_nat size).
  intros size x H z.
  rewrite in_classes in H. destruct H as [y Hy H].
  rewrite H. rewrite DSUtils.class_of_empty. StateSetProps.set_iff.
  intro. psubst. num_omega.

Lemma add_classes_empty: x a,
  StateSetSet.Equal (add_classes DS.empty x a) (StateSetSet.add (StateSet.singleton x) a).
  intros. unfold add_classes.
  rewrite DSUtils.class_of_empty.

Lemma measure_empty: size, measure size DS.empty = size.
  unfold measure. induction size as [|s IHs].
   simpl. rewrite add_classes_empty.
   rewrite StateSetSetProps.Props.add_cardinal_2. rewrite IHs. reflexivity.
   clear IHs. induction s; simpl.
    rewrite add_classes_empty. StateSetSetProps.set_iff.
    clear. intros [H|H].
     eapply proj1 in H. apply apply in H. 2: rewrite StateSetProps.singleton_iff; trivial.
     revert H. StateSetProps.set_iff. intro. psubst.
     revert H. generalize (statesetelt_of_nat s). intro. num_omega.
     apply in_classes_empty_below in H. specialize (H (Pos.succ (state_of_nat s))).
     apply apply in H. num_omega. auto with set.

Lemma classes_union_strict: `{DS.WF} size (x y: state),
  x < size y < size
  (classes size (DS.union t x y))
  (StateSetSet.add (StateSet.union (DS.class_of t x) (DS.class_of t y))
    (StateSetSet.remove (DS.class_of t x)
      (StateSetSet.remove (DS.class_of t y)
      (classes size t)))).
  intros t Ht size x y Hx Hy s.
   rewrite in_classes.
   StateSetSetProps.set_iff. rewrite in_classes.
    intros [z Hz H].
    destruct (@DSUtils.sameclass_spec t Ht x (state_of_nat z)) as [Hxz|Hxz].
     rewrite DSUtils.class_of_union_1 in H by auto. symmetry in H. auto.
     destruct (@DSUtils.sameclass_spec t Ht y (state_of_nat z)) as [Hyz|Hyz].
      rewrite DSUtils.class_of_union_1 in H by auto. symmetry in H. auto.
      rewrite DSUtils.class_of_union_2 in H by auto. right.
       repeat split. eauto.
       rewrite H. intro F. apply DSUtils.class_of_injective in F; auto.
       rewrite H. intro F. apply DSUtils.class_of_injective in F; auto.

    intros [H|[[[z Hz H] Hys]Hxs]].
     exists x; trivial. symmetry in H. rewrite DSUtils.class_of_union_1; auto. left. bool_simpl. reflexivity.
     exists z; trivial. rewrite DSUtils.class_of_union_2; auto.
      intro F. apply Hxs. rewrite F, H. reflexivity.
      intro F. apply Hys. rewrite F, H. reflexivity.

Lemma add_cardinal: s s' x,
  Datatypes.S (StateSetSet.cardinal s) < StateSetSet.cardinal s'
  StateSetSet.cardinal (StateSetSet.add x s) < StateSetSet.cardinal s'.
  intros. destruct (StateSetSetProps.mem_spec x s) as [Hx|Hx].
   rewrite StateSetSetProps.Props.add_cardinal_1; auto with omega.
   rewrite StateSetSetProps.Props.add_cardinal_2; auto.

Lemma rem_cardinal_lt: s x,
  StateSetSet.In x s
  StateSetSet.cardinal (StateSetSet.remove x s) < StateSetSet.cardinal s.
  intros. rewrite (StateSetSetProps.Props.remove_cardinal_1 H) ; auto.

Lemma measure_union_strict: `{DS.WF} size t' (x y: state),
  x < size y < size
  DS.equiv t x y = (false,t') measure size (DS.union t x y) < measure size t.
  intros. unfold measure.
  rewrite classes_union_strict; try eassumption.
  apply add_cardinal. rewrite StateSetSetProps.Props.remove_cardinal_1. apply rem_cardinal_lt.
   rewrite in_classes. exists y; trivial. bool_simpl; reflexivity.
   apply StateSetSet.remove_2.
    intro F. apply DSUtils.class_of_injective in F; trivial.
    apply (@Equivalence_Symmetric _ _ (@DS.sameclass_Equivalence _ H)) in F.
    rewrite DS.sameclass_equiv, in F; trivial. discriminate.
    rewrite in_classes. exists x; trivial. bool_simpl; reflexivity.

End protect.