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(*       Copyright 2009-2011: Thomas Braibant, Damien Pous.               *)

Model of heterogeneous binary relations

Require Import Common.
Require Import Classes.
Require Converse.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.

Section Def.

  Definition rel A B := A -> B -> Prop.
  Definition rel_equal A B (R S: rel A B) := forall x y, R x y <-> S x y.
  Definition rel_union A B (R S: rel A B): rel A B := fun x y => R x y \/ S x y.
  Definition rel_inter A B (R S: rel A B): rel A B := fun x y => R x y /\ S x y.
  Definition rel_comp A B C (R: rel A B) (S: rel B C): rel A C := fun x z => exists2 y, R x y & S y z.
  Definition rel_conv A B (R: rel A B): rel B A := fun x y => R y x.
  Definition rel_id A: rel A A := @eq A.
  Definition rel_empty A B: rel A B := fun x y => False.
  Definition rel_top A B: rel A B := fun x y => True.
  Fixpoint rel_iter A (R: rel A A) n: rel A A :=
    match n with
      | 0 => @rel_id A
      | S n => rel_comp (rel_iter R n) R
  Definition rel_star A (R: rel A A): rel A A := fun x y => exists n, rel_iter R n x y.

  Program Instance rel_Graph: Graph := {
    T := Type;
    X := rel;
    equal := rel_equal
  Next Obligation.
    constructor; unfold rel_equal; repeat intro; intuition.
    apply H in H0; trivial.
    apply H in H0; trivial.
    apply H, H0 in H1; trivial.
    apply H0, H in H1; trivial.

  Instance rel_SemiLattice_Ops: SemiLattice_Ops rel_Graph := {
    plus := rel_union;
    zero := rel_empty

  Instance rel_Monoid_Ops: Monoid_Ops rel_Graph := {
    dot := rel_comp;
    one := rel_id

  Instance rel_Star_Op: Star_Op rel_Graph := {
    star := rel_star

  Instance rel_Converse_Op: Converse_Op rel_Graph := {
    conv := rel_conv

  Transparent equal.

  Instance rel_SemiLattice: SemiLattice rel_Graph.
    constructor; compute; firstorder.

  Ltac destruct_ex := repeat match goal with
                        | H : ex _ |- _ => destruct H
                        | H : ex2 _ _ |- _ => destruct H
                        | H : ?A \/ ?B |- _ => destruct H
                        | H : ?A , H' : (forall (x : ?A), _ ) |- _ => specialize (H' H); intuition

  Instance rel_ConverseSemiRing: ConverseIdemSemiRing rel_Graph.
    constructor; (exact rel_SemiLattice || intros; compute; firstorder).
    destruct_ex; eauto.
    destruct_ex; eauto.
    subst; auto.

  Definition rel_IdemSemiRing: IdemSemiRing rel_Graph := Converse.CISR_ISR.

  Lemma rel_leq A B: forall (a b: @X (rel_Graph) A B), a<==b <-> forall x y, a x y -> b x y.
    compute. firstorder.

  Instance rel_ConverseKleeneAlgebra: ConverseKleeneAlgebra rel_Graph.
      first [
        exact rel_ConverseSemiRing |
    intros p q; split; intro H.
    destruct H as [H|[r [n H1] H2]].
    exists O; trivial.
    exists (S n). exists r; trivial.
    destruct H as [[|n] H].
    left; trivial.
    right. destruct H as [r H1 H2]. exists r; trivial. exists n; trivial.

    apply <- rel_leq. intros x y [z [n Hn] H2].
    revert z Hn H2. induction n; intros z Hn H2.
     compute in Hn. rewrite Hn. trivial.
     destruct Hn as [t H1 H3].
     apply IHn in H1. trivial.
     apply -> rel_leq; eauto. exists z; trivial.

  Definition rel_KleeneAlgebra: KleeneAlgebra rel_Graph := Converse.CKA_KA.

End Def.

Import this module to work with binary relations
Module Load.

  Existing Instance rel_Graph.
  Existing Instance rel_SemiLattice_Ops.
  Existing Instance rel_Monoid_Ops.
  Existing Instance rel_Converse_Op.
  Existing Instance rel_SemiLattice.
  Existing Instance rel_Star_Op.
  Existing Instance rel_KleeneAlgebra.

  Canonical Structure rel_Graph.

  Transparent equal plus dot one zero star.

  Ltac fold_relAlg :=
    change rel_equal with (@equal rel_Graph);
      change rel_id with (@one rel_Graph rel_Monoid_Ops);
        change rel_comp with (@dot rel_Graph rel_Monoid_Ops);
          change rel_union with (@plus rel_Graph rel_SemiLattice_Ops);
            change rel_empty with (@zero rel_Graph rel_SemiLattice_Ops);
              change rel_star with (@star rel_Graph rel_Star_Op).

End Load.