(* (c) Copyright Christian Doczkal, Saarland University                   *)
(* Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B license                    *)
Require Import mathcomp.ssreflect.ssreflect.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
From CompDecModal.libs
 Require Import edone bcase fset base modular_hilbert.
From CompDecModal.CTL
 Require Import CTL_def hilbert.
Import IC.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.

Agreement of Paths Semantics and Inductive Semantics

Agreement on Finite Models

Function choosing infinite paths for serial relations

Lemma xchoose_rel (T : choiceType) (e : rel T) :
  (forall x, exists y, e x y) -> exists f, forall x, e x (f x).
  move => serial_e. exists (fun x => xchoose (serial_e x)) => x.
  exact: xchooseP.

We show that the path semantics agrees with the boolean reflections for the inductive semantics on finite models.

Section Agreement.
  Variables (T: finType) (e : rel T) (p q : pred T).
  Hypothesis serial_e : forall x, exists y, e x y.
  Local Notation AUb := (AUb e p q).
  Local Notation ARb := (ARb e p q).

  Lemma auP2 w : reflect (pAU e p q w) (AUb w).
    rewrite /AUb; apply: introP => [|nLfp].
    - move: w. pattern (lfp (AU_fun e p q)). apply: lfp_ind; first by move => ?; rewrite inE.
      move => X IH w. case/setUP; rewrite !inE.
      + move => qw pi pi1 pi2. exists 0 => //; congruence.
      + case/andP => pw /forall_inP inX pi pi1 pi2.
        rewrite -pi2 in inX. move: (IH _ (inX _ (pi1 0)) (ptail pi)).
        repeat case/(_ _)/Wrap => //; first exact: path_ptail.
        case => m m1 m2. exists m.+1 => //. case => //; congruence.
    - pose e' := [rel x y | e x y && (~~ AUb x ==> p x ==> ~~ AUb y)].
      have E x : exists y, e' x y.
        case: (boolP (AUb x)); case: (boolP (p x)) => px pAU;
          try by case: (serial_e x) => y xy; exists y => //= ; rewrite ?(negbTE px); bcase.
        move: pAU. rewrite /AUb (lfpE (AU_mono e p q)) !inE negb_or px negb_and negb_forall /=.
        case/andP => _ /existsP [y]. rewrite negb_imply. case/andP => *. exists y. bcase.
      case: (xchoose_rel E) => f Hf.
      pose pi n := iter n f w.
      have Pe': path (fun x y => e' x y) pi by move => n; move : (Hf (pi n)).
      suff S k : (exists2 m : nat, m < k & ~ p (pi m)) \/ ~~ AUb (pi k).
        apply: pAU_pER. exists pi. split => // n; first by case/andP : (Hf (pi n)).
        case: (S n); first tauto.
        rewrite /AUb (lfpE (AU_mono e p q)) !inE negb_or => /andP [/negP ? _]. tauto.
      elim: k => [|k IHk]; first by right.
      case: IHk => [[m]|AR]; first by left; exists m => //; exact: ltnW.
      case: (boolP (~~ p (pi k))) => [/negP|/negPn pk] ; first by left; exists k.
      right. move: (Pe' k). rewrite /= AR pk /=. by bcase.

  Lemma pARE1 w : pAR e p q w -> q w.
    case: (xchoose_rel serial_e) => f Hf.
    have pth: path e (fun n => iter n f w) by move => m; exact: Hf.
    move => Hw. case: (Hw (fun n => iter n f w) pth (erefl _) 0) => //. by case.

  Lemma pARE2 w v : pAR e p q w -> ~~ p w -> e w v -> pAR e p q v.
    move => Hw pw wv pi p1 p2 n.
    case/(_ _ (erefl _))/Wrap: (@Hw (pcons w pi)). apply: path_pcons => //; congruence.
    move/(_ n.+1) => /=. intuition. case: H => [[|m]] Hm Hm'.
    - by rewrite /= (negbTE pw) in Hm'.
    - left. by exists m.

  Lemma arP2 w : reflect (pAR e p q w) (ARb w).
    apply: (iffP arP).
    - move => H pi p1 p2.
      suff S n : (exists2 m : nat, m < n & p (pi m)) \/ cAR e p q (pi n).
        move => n. case: (S n); first tauto. by case; right.
      elim: n => [|n IHn]; first by right; congruence.
      case: IHn => [[m]|]; first by left; exists m => //; exact: ltnW.
      case => [? ?|qn CI]; first by left; exists n.
      right. apply CI. exact: p1.
    - move: w. cofix arP2 => w Hw.
      case: (boolP (p w)) => Hp.
      * apply: AR0. exact: Hp. exact: pARE1.
      * apply: ARs => [|v wv]. exact: pARE1. apply: arP2. exact: pARE2 wv.
End Agreement.

Given the agreement for AU and AR, agreement between the two semantics follows using a simple induction on formulas

Lemma evalP2 (M:fmodel) s (w : M) : satisfies s w <-> eval s w.
  apply: rwP2 (evalP w s).
  elim: s w => [|x|s IHs t IHt|s IHs|s IHs t IHt|s IHs t IHt] w /=.
  - by constructor.
  - exact: idP.
  - apply: iffP (@implyP _ _) _ _ => ? /IHs ?; apply/IHt; firstorder.
  - apply: iffP (@forall_inP _ _ _) _ _ => H v /H /IHs; done.
  - apply: iffP (@arP2 _ _ _ _ _ _ ) _ _; first exact: fser;
    apply: pAR_strengthen; intuition; solve [exact/IHs|exact/IHt].
  - apply: iffP (@auP2 _ _ _ _ _ _ ) _ _;first exact: fser;
    apply: pAU_strengthen; intuition; solve [exact/IHs|exact/IHt].

Agreement on General Models

Even though this is not necesary for the soundness result we prove the corresponcence lemmas for all characterizations (AU, AG, EU, and EG).

Lemma dn (xm : XM) : forall P, ~ ~ P -> P.
Proof. move => P HP. case: (xm P); tauto. Qed.

Lemma dmAll (xm : XM) X (P : X -> Prop) : (~ forall x, P x) -> exists x, ~ P x.
  move => H. apply: (dn xm) => C. apply H => x. apply: (dn xm) => nPx. firstorder.

Lemma nImp (xm : XM) (P Q : Prop) : ~ (P -> Q) -> P /\ ~ Q.
Proof. case: (xm P); tauto. Qed.

Section Paths.
  Variables (X : Type) (R : X -> X -> Prop) (P Q : X -> Prop).
  Hypothesis (R_serial : forall x, exists y, R x y).

  Implicit Types (f g : nat -> X).

  Lemma dmAU (xm : XM) w : ~ cAU R P Q w -> cER R (PredC P) (PredC Q) w.
    move: w. cofix dmAU => w Hw.
    have nQw: (~ Q w). move => c. apply Hw. exact: AU0.
    case: (xm (P w)) => [pw|nPw]; last exact: ER0.
    suff {dmAU} [v v1 v2] : exists2 v, R w v & ~ cAU R P Q v.
      apply: ERs v1 _. exact: nQw. exact: dmAU.
    apply: (dn xm) => C. apply: Hw. apply: AUs pw _ => v wv.
    apply: (dn xm) => C'. apply: C. by exists v.

  Lemma dmAR (xm : XM) w : ~ cAR R P Q w -> cEU R (PredC P) (PredC Q) w.
    move => H. apply: (dn xm) => C. apply: H.
    move: w C. cofix dmAR => w Hw.
    have Qw : Q w. apply: (dn xm) => H. apply Hw. exact: EU0.
    case: (xm (P w)) => [Pw|nPw]; first exact: AR0.
    apply: ARs Qw _ => v wv. apply: dmAR => C. apply: Hw. exact: EUs C.

  Lemma dmpAR (xm : XM) w : ~ pAR R P Q w -> pEU R (PredC P) (PredC Q) w.
    move => H. apply: (dn xm) => H'. apply: H => pi p1 p2 n.
    apply: (dn xm) => C. apply: H'. exists pi. by firstorder.

  Lemma EU1 (dc : DC_ X) w : cEU R P Q w -> pEU R P Q w.
    elim => {w} [w Qw|w v Pw wv _ IH].
    + case: (dc _ R_serial w) => f ? ?. exists f. split => //. exists 0 => //. congruence.
    + case: IH => f [f1 f2 [n Bn Qn]]. exists (pcons w f).
      split => //. apply: path_pcons => //; by rewrite f2.
      exists n.+1 => //. by case.

  Lemma EU2 w : pEU R P Q w -> cEU R P Q w.
    case => f [f1 f2 [n n1 n2]].
    elim: n w f f1 f2 n1 n2 => [w f _ -> _|n IH w f f1 f2 n1 n2]; first exact: EU0.
    rewrite -f2. apply: EUs (f1 0) _. exact: n1.
    apply: (IH _ (ptail f)) => //. exact: path_ptail.
    move => k. rewrite -ltnS. exact: n1.

  Lemma AU1 w : cAU R P Q w -> pAU R P Q w.
    elim => {w} [w Qw|w Pw _ IH].
    - move => f _ f2. exists 0; by [|congruence].
    - move => f pf f0. rewrite -f0 in IH.
      case: (IH _ (pf 0) (ptail f)) => // [|n n1 n2]. exact: path_ptail.
      exists n.+1 => //. case => [|k]. congruence. exact: n1.

This is, up to duality, the converse direction of AU1, see AU2 below
  Lemma ER1 (xm : XM ) (dc : DC_ X) w : cER R P Q w -> pER R P Q w.
    move => H.
    pose R' x y := R x y /\ (cER R P Q x -> ~ P x -> cER R P Q y).
    have R'_serial x : exists y, R' x y.
      case: (xm (cER R P Q x)); case: (xm (P x)); try by case: (R_serial x) => y; exists y.
      move => nPx [//|y]. by exists y.
    case: (dc _ R'_serial w) => f f0 pf.
    exists f. split => //; first by move => n; apply pf.
    suff S n : cER R P Q (f n) \/ (exists2 k : nat, k < n & P (f k)).
      move => n. case (S n);[ case; tauto|tauto].
    elim: n => [|n [IHn|IHn]]; first by rewrite f0; tauto.
    - case: (xm (P (f n))) => HP; [right; by exists n|left].
      case: (pf n) => _. by apply.
    - right. case: IHn => k ? ?. exists k => //. exact: ltnW.
End Paths.

Section Paths2.
  Variables (X : Type) (R : X -> X -> Prop).
  Hypothesis (R_serial : forall x, exists y, R x y).

  Lemma AU2 (xm : XM) (dc : DC_ X) P Q w : pAU R P Q w -> cAU R P Q w.
    move => H. apply: (dn xm) => C.
    apply (dmAU xm) in C. apply (ER1 R_serial xm dc) in C.
    move: H. exact: pAU_pER.

  Lemma ER2 (xm : XM) P Q w : pER R P Q w -> cER R P Q w.
    move => H. apply: (dn xm) => C.
    have H' : pER R (PredC (PredC P)) (PredC (PredC Q)) w.
      apply: pER_strengthen H => v; by firstorder.
    apply pAU_pER in H'.
    apply: H'. apply: AU1. apply: (dn xm) => C'. apply (dmAU xm) in C'.
    apply: C. apply: ER_strengthen C' => ?; exact: (dn xm).

  Lemma AR1 (xm : XM) (dc : DC_ X) P Q w : pAR R P Q w -> cAR R P Q w.
    move => H. apply: (dn xm) => C.
    apply (dmAR xm) in C. apply (EU1 R_serial dc) in C.
    exact: pAR_pEU H.

  Lemma AR2 (xm : XM) P Q w : cAR R P Q w -> pAR R P Q w.
    move => H. apply: (dn xm) => C. apply: cAR_cEU H.
    apply: EU2. exact: dmpAR.
End Paths2.

Soundness of Hilbert System for Path Semantics and General Models

Section Soundness.

Variables (xm : XM) (dc : DC).

Lemma sts_agreement (M:sts) (w :M) s : eval s w <-> satisfies s w.
  elim: s w => //= [s IHs t IH|s IHs|s IHs t IH|s IHs t IH] w.
  - firstorder.
  - firstorder.
  - split => H.
    + apply: (AR2 xm). apply: AR_strengthen H => *; by firstorder.
    + apply: (AR1 (@serial M) xm (@dc M)). apply: pAR_strengthen H => *; by firstorder.
  - split => H.
    + apply: AU1. apply: AU_strengthen H => *; by firstorder.
    + apply: (AU2 (@serial M) xm (@dc M)). apply: pAU_strengthen H => *; by firstorder.

Lemma sts_path_soundness s : prv s -> forall (M : sts) (w : M), satisfies s w.
  move => H M w.
  have modelP : ldec (@eval M) by move => *; exact: xm.
  set M' := CModel modelP. apply/sts_agreement. exact: (@soundness _ H M').

End Soundness.

Lemma XM_required :
  (forall s, prv s -> forall (M : sts) (w : M), satisfies s w) -> XM.
  move => snd.
  suff S : (forall P, ~ ~ P -> P).
    move => P. apply: S => C. apply: (C). right => p. apply C. by left.
  move => P.
  pose L (p : var) (w :unit) := P.
  pose R (w v : unit) := True.
  have ser x : exists y, R x y. by exists tt.
  pose M := STS L ser.
  exact: (@snd _ (axDN (fV 0)) M tt).

Lemma prv_ER : prv (ER fF (fF ---> fF)).
  rewrite /ER. apply: AU_ind. Intro. Apply. drop. exact: axI.
  Intro. drop. exact: ax_serial.

Lemma DC_required :
  (forall s, prv s -> forall (M : sts) (w : M), satisfies s w) -> DC.
  move => snd X R ser_R x.
  have xm : XM by exact: XM_required.
  pose M := STS (fun _ _ => False) ser_R.
  move: (snd _ prv_ER M x). case/(dmAll xm) => pi H. rewrite-/satisfies in H.
  apply (nImp xm) in H. destruct H as [p1 H].
  apply (nImp xm) in H. destruct H as [p2 _].
  by exists pi.

Agreement with Disjunctive Release implies LPO

We give a path characterization for AR that is classically equivalent to pAR but does not constructively agree with cAR on finite models

Definition p_release' X (p q : X -> Prop) pi :=
  (forall n, q (pi n)) \/ (exists2 n, p (pi n) & forall m, m < n -> q (pi m)).

Definition pAR' X (R : X -> X -> Prop) (p q : X -> Prop) (w : X) : Prop :=
  forall pi, path R pi -> pi 0 = w -> p_release' p q pi.

Definition R3 (m n : 'I_3) : bool :=
  match m : nat, n : nat with
    | 0,0 => true
    | 0,1 => true
    | 1,2 => true
    | 2,2 => true
    | _,_ => false

Lemma ser_R3 : forall w, exists v, R3 w v.
Proof. case => [[|[|[|n]]]] // i; by [exists ord0| exists (Ordinal (erefl (2 < 3)))]. Qed.

Definition L3 p (w : 'I_3) :=
  match p with
    | 0 => w == 1 :> nat
    | 1 => w < 2
    | _ => false

Definition M3 := FModel L3 ser_R3.

Lemma AR3_0 : cAR (@trans M3) (eval (fV 0)) (eval (fV 1)) ord0.
  cofix AR3_0. apply: ARs; first done.
  case. case => [|[|n]] i.
  - suff ->: Ordinal i = ord0. move => _. exact: AR3_0.
      congr Ordinal. exact: eq_irrelevance.
  - move => _. apply: AR0 => //.
  - move => H. case: notF. exact: contraTT H.

Section LPO.
  Hypothesis hyp_AR : forall (M : fmodel) (w : M) (s t : form),
    cAR (@trans M) (eval s) (eval t) w -> pAR' (@trans M) (satisfies s) (satisfies t) w.

  Variable f : nat -> bool.

  Definition pi3 (n : nat) : 'I_3 :=
    match n with
      | 0 => ord0
      | n.+1 => if [exists m : 'I_n, f m] then Ordinal (erefl (2 < 3)) else
                  if f n then Ordinal (erefl (1 < 3)) else ord0

   Lemma path_pi3 : path R3 pi3.
     case => [|n] ; rewrite /pi3 /R3 /=.
     - case e : (f 0); case : (ifP _) => //=; case/existsP; by case.
     - case e : (f n) => //=.
       + have -> /= : [exists m : 'I_n.+1, f m]. apply/existsP. by exists ord_max.
         by case: (ifP _).
     - case: (ifP _) => //=.
       + case/existsP => m fm.
         suff -> : [exists m : 'I_n.+1, f m] by [].
         apply/existsP. exists (inord m). by rewrite inordK // ltnW // ltnS ltn_ord.
       + move => H. case: (ifP _) => //; last by case: (ifP _).
         case/existsP => m fm /=. apply: contraFT H => _. apply/existsP.
         suff On : m < n by exists (Ordinal On).
         rewrite ltn_neqAle -ltnS ltn_ord andbT. apply: contraTneq fm => ->.
         by rewrite e.

   Lemma LPO_of_disjunctive_AR : (forall n, f n = false) \/ exists n, f n = true.
     case: (hyp_AR AR3_0 path_pi3 (erefl _)) => H; [left|right].
     - move => n. apply: contraTF (H n.+3) => Hn.
       rewrite /= (_ : [exists m : 'I_n.+2, f m] = true) //=.
       apply/existsP. have On : n < n.+2 by done. by exists (Ordinal On).
     - case: H => [[|n]] //=. do 2 (case: (ifP _) => //=). by exists n.
End LPO.