(* (c) Copyright Christian Doczkal, Saarland University                   *)
(* Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B license                    *)
Require Import mathcomp.ssreflect.ssreflect.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
From CompDecModal.libs
 Require Import edone bcase fset base sltype.
From CompDecModal.CTL
 Require Import CTL_def gen_def.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.

Hint Constructors gen : core.

Decidability of Gentzen Derivability

We show decidability of gen derivability in three steps.
1) Define a syntactic universe that is closed under backward application of the rules
2) Show that this entails that derivability inside a given universe is decidable
3) Show that every annotated clause is contained in some syntactic universe

Part 1: Syntactic Universe

Section gen_closure.
  Variable F : {fset sform}.
  Hypothesis sfc_F : sf_closed F.

  Lemma sf_AU s t b : ((fAU s t,b) \in F) = ((fAX (fAU s t),b) \in F).
  Proof. apply/idP/idP; move/sfc_F //=. by bcase. Qed.

  Lemma sf_AR s t b : ((fAR s t,b) \in F) = ((fAX (fAR s t),b) \in F).
  Proof. apply/idP/idP; move/sfc_F //=. by bcase. Qed.

  Definition Cs := powerset F.
  Definition Hs := powerset Cs.

  Definition AUs := [fset p in positives F `x` positives F | fAU p.1 p.2^+ \in F].
  Definition ARs := [fset p in negatives F `x` negatives F | fAR p.1 p.2^- \in F].

  Definition As :=
    aVoid |` [fset aAU (p,H) | p AUs, H Hs ]
         `|` [fset aAXU (p,H) | p AUs, H Hs ]
         `|` [fset aAR (p,H) | p ARs, H Hs ]
         `|` [fset aAXR (p,H) | p ARs, H Hs ].

  Definition U : {fset clause * annot} := Cs `x` As.

  Lemma AsX p H : (aAU (p, H) \in As) = (aAXU (p, H) \in As).
    rewrite /As !inE !eqF //= !in_fimset2 ?curryE ?in_fimset2F //;
     split; congruence.

  Lemma AsAU s t H : aAU (s,t,H) \in As = [&& fAU s t^+ \in F & H \in Hs].
    rewrite !inE !eqF //= in_fimset2 // ; last by split; congruence.
    rewrite ![aAU _]curryE !in_fimset2F // !orbF !inE in_fsetX !posE /=.
    case e: (fAU _ _^+ \in F) //. by case/and3P:(sfc_F e) _ .

  Lemma AsAXU s t H : aAXU (s,t,H) \in As = [&& fAX (fAU s t)^+ \in F & H \in Hs].
  Proof. by rewrite -AsX -sf_AU AsAU. Qed.

  Lemma AsX' p H : (aAR (p, H) \in As) = (aAXR (p, H) \in As).
    rewrite /As !inE !eqF //= !in_fimset2 ?curryE ?in_fimset2F //;
     split; congruence.

  Lemma AsAR s t H : aAR (s,t,H) \in As = [&& fAR s t^- \in F & H \in Hs].
    rewrite !inE !eqF //= in_fimset2 // ; last by split; congruence.
    rewrite ![aAR _]curryE !in_fimset2F // !orbF !inE in_fsetX !negE /=.
    case e: (fAR _ _^- \in F) //. by case/and3P:(sfc_F e) _ .

  Lemma AsAXR s t H : aAXR (s,t,H) \in As = [&& fAX (fAR s t)^- \in F & H \in Hs].
  Proof. by rewrite -AsX' -sf_AR AsAR. Qed.

  Lemma AsV : aVoid \in As.
  Proof. by rewrite !in_fsetU inE. Qed.

  Lemma AU_shift s t C H : (fAU s t^+ |` C \in Cs) && (H \in Hs) = ((C,aAU (s,t,H)) \in U).
  Proof. by rewrite in_fsetX AsAU powersetU powersetE fsub1 -/Cs; bcase. Qed.

  Lemma AXU_shift s t C H : (fAX (fAU s t)^+ |` C \in Cs) && (H \in Hs) = ((C,aAXU (s,t,H)) \in U).
  Proof. by rewrite in_fsetX AsAXU powersetU powersetE fsub1 -/Cs; bcase. Qed.

  Lemma AR_shift s t C H : (fAR s t^- |` C \in Cs) && (H \in Hs) = ((C,aAR (s,t,H)) \in U).
  Proof. by rewrite in_fsetX AsAR powersetU powersetE fsub1 -/Cs; bcase. Qed.

  Lemma AXR_shift s t C H : (fAX (fAR s t)^- |` C \in Cs) && (H \in Hs) = ((C,aAXR (s,t,H)) \in U).
  Proof. by rewrite in_fsetX AsAXR powersetU powersetE fsub1 -/Cs; bcase. Qed.

U is closed under backward application of the rules

  Lemma subCs s C : s |` C \in Cs s \in F.
  Proof. by rewrite !powersetE fsubUset fsub1; bcase. Qed.

  Lemma subU t X C A :
    (sf_closed' F t X `<=` F) (t |` C,A) \in U (X `|` C,A) \in U.
    move H. rewrite !in_fsetX ![_ && (A \in _)]andbC. case (A \in As) //=.
    rewrite !powersetE ![_ `|` C]fsetUC !fsubUset fsub1. case (C `<=` F) //=.
    by move/sfc_F.

  Lemma genU_ipl s t C E : (fImp s t^+ |` C, E) \in U (s^- |` C, E) \in U.
  Proof. apply: subU /=. auto with fset. Qed.

  Lemma genU_ipr s t C E : (fImp s t^+ |` C, E) \in U (t^+ |` C, E) \in U.
  Proof. apply: subU /=. auto with fset. Qed.

  Lemma genU_in s t C E : (fImp s t^- |` C, E) \in U ([fset s^+ , t^- & C], E) \in U.
  Proof. rewrite fsetUA. apply: subU /=. auto with fset. Qed.

  Lemma genU_aR E : E \in As aR E \in As.
  Proof. case: E //=; try by rewrite AsV. case [[u v] H]. by rewrite AsX. Qed.

  Let RinU := RinU sfc_F.

  Lemma genU_AXn s C E : (fAX s^- |` C , E) \in U (s^- |` R C, aR E) \in U.
    rewrite !in_fsetX /andP [ ]. rewrite genU_aR // andbT.
    move: . rewrite powersetU powersetE fsub1 /andP [/sfc_F ? /RinU ?].
    rewrite powersetU powersetE fsub1. by apply/andP.

  Lemma genU_AUpl s t C E : (fAU s t^+ |` C,E) \in U (t^+ |` C,E) \in U.
  Proof. apply: subU /=. case/and3P []; auto with fset. Qed.

  Lemma genU_AUpr s t C E : (fAU s t^+ |` C,E) \in U ([fset s^+, fAX (fAU s t)^+ & C],E) \in U.
  Proof. rewrite fsetUA. apply: subU /=. case/and3P []; auto with fset. Qed.

  Lemma genU_AUnl s t C E : (fAU s t^- |` C, E) \in U ([fset s^-, t^- & C], E) \in U.
  Proof. rewrite fsetUA. apply: subU /=. case/and3P []; auto with fset. Qed.

  Lemma genU_AUnr s t C E : (fAU s t^- |` C, E) \in U ([fset t^-, fAX (fAU s t)^- & C],E) \in U.
  Proof. rewrite fsetUA. apply: subU /=. case/and3P []; auto with fset. Qed.

  Lemma genU_foc s t C : (fAU s t^+ |` C , aVoid) \in U (C,aAU (s, t, fset0)) \in U.
  Proof. by rewrite -AU_shift in_fsetX AsV [_ \in Hs]powersetE sub0x. Qed.

  Lemma genU_AUhl s t H C : (C, aAU (s, t, H)) \in U (t^+ |` C, aVoid) \in U.
  Proof. rewrite -AU_shift /andP [A _]. apply: (@genU_AUpl s). by rewrite in_fsetX AsV. Qed.

  Lemma genU_AUhr s t H C : (C, aAU (s, t, H)) \in U (s^+ |` C, aAXU (s, t, C |` H)) \in U.
    rewrite !in_fsetX -AsX !AsAU powersetU -/Cs -andbA.
    rewrite [_ |` _ \in Hs]powersetU powersetE fsub1 /and3P [? HF ?].
    apply/and5P ; split //. rewrite powersetE fsub1. move: (sfc_F HF) /=. by bcase.

  Lemma genU_jmp C E : (C,E) \in U (R C, aR E) \in U.
  Proof. rewrite !in_fsetX /= /andP [? ?]. rewrite RinU //. exact: genU_aR. Qed.

  Lemma genU_ARpl s t C E : (fAR s t^+ |` C,E) \in U ([fset s^+, t^+ & C],E) \in U.
  Proof. rewrite fsetUA. apply: subU /=. case/and3P []; auto with fset. Qed.

  Lemma genU_ARpr s t C E : (fAR s t^+ |` C,E) \in U ([fset t^+, fAX (fAR s t)^+ & C],E) \in U.
  Proof. rewrite fsetUA. apply: subU /=. case/and3P []; auto with fset. Qed.

  Lemma genU_ARnl s t C E : (fAR s t^- |` C,E) \in U (t^- |` C,E) \in U.
  Proof. apply: subU /=. case/and3P []; auto with fset. Qed.

  Lemma genU_ARnr s t C E : (fAR s t^- |` C,E) \in U ([fset s^-, fAX (fAR s t)^- & C],E) \in U.
  Proof. rewrite fsetUA. apply: subU /=. case/and3P []; auto with fset. Qed.

  Lemma genU_ARhl s t H C : (C, aAR (s, t, H)) \in U (t^- |` C, aVoid) \in U.
  Proof. rewrite -AR_shift /andP [A _]. apply: (@genU_ARnl s). by rewrite in_fsetX AsV. Qed.

  Lemma genU_ARhr s t H C : (C, aAR (s, t, H)) \in U (s^- |` C, aAXR (s, t, C |` H)) \in U.
    rewrite !in_fsetX -AsX' !AsAR powersetU -/Cs -andbA.
    rewrite [_ |` _ \in Hs]powersetU powersetE fsub1 /and3P [? HF ?].
    apply/and5P ; split //. rewrite powersetE fsub1. move: (sfc_F HF) /=. by bcase.

  Lemma genU_foc' s t C : (fAR s t^- |` C, aVoid) \in U (C, aAR (s, t, fset0)) \in U.
  Proof. by rewrite -AR_shift in_fsetX AsV [_ \in Hs]powersetE sub0x. Qed.

  Lemma genU_aAXR s t H C : (C, aAXR (s, t, H)) \in U (R C, aAR (s, t, H)) \in U.
    rewrite !in_fsetX AsX'. case: (aAXR _ \in _) //; rewrite ?andbF // !andbT.
    exact: RinU.

  Hint Resolve genU_ipl genU_ipr genU_in genU_AXn genU_AUpl genU_AUpr genU_AUnl genU_AUnr genU_AUhl genU_AUhr genU_foc genU_jmp : core.

Part 2: Decidability inside a universe

  Definition step_plain_cases (D : {fset clause * annot}) (C : clause) s E :=
    match s with
      | fF^+ true
      | fV p^+ fV p^- \in C
      | (fImp )^+ ((^- |` C,E) \in D) && ((^+ |` C,E) \in D)
      | (fImp )^- ([fset ^+, ^- & C],E) \in D
      | fAX s^- (s^- |` R C,aR E) \in D
      | fAU s t^+ ((t^+ |` C,E) \in D) && (([fset s^+, fAX (fAU s t)^+ & C],E) \in D)
      | fAU s t^- (([fset s^-, t^- & C], E) \in D) && (([fset t^-, fAX (fAU s t)^- & C],E) \in D)
      | fAR s t^+ (([fset s^+, t^+ & C], E) \in D) && (([fset t^+, fAX (fAR s t)^+ & C],E) \in D)
      | fAR s t^- ((t^- |` C,E) \in D) && (([fset s^-, fAX (fAR s t)^- & C],E) \in D)
      | _ false

  Definition step_plain (D : {fset clause * annot}) (A : clause * annot) :=
    [some s in F, [some C in Cs, [some E in As, (A == (s |` C, E)) && step_plain_cases D C s E]]].

  Definition step_annot (D : {fset clause * annot}) A :=
    let: (C,E) := A in
    match E with
      | aAU (s, t, H) ((t^+ |` C, aVoid) \in D) && ((s^+ |` C, aAXU (s, t, C |` H)) \in D) || (C \in H)
      | aVoid [some s in positives F, [some t in positives F, [some C' in Cs,
                          (C == fAU s t^+ |` C') && ((C', aAU (s, t, fset0)) \in D)]]]
|| [some s in negatives F, [some t in negatives F, [some C' in Cs,
                          (C == fAR s t^- |` C') && ((C', aAR (s, t, fset0)) \in D)]]]
| aAR (s, t, H) ((t^- |` C, aVoid) \in D) && ((s^- |` C, aAXR (s, t, C |` H)) \in D) || (C \in H)
      | aAXR(s ,t, H) (R C,aAR (s,t,H)) \in D
      | _ false

  Definition step_jmp (D : {fset clause * annot}) (A : clause * annot) :=
    let (C,E) := A in (R C, aR E) \in D.

  Definition step (D : {fset clause * annot}) : {fset clause * annot} :=
    [fset A in U | [|| step_plain D A, step_annot D A| step_jmp D A ]].

  Lemma bounded_step : bounded U step.
  Proof. move C _. by rewrite /step subsep. Qed.

  Lemma mono_step : monotone step.
    move D D' /subP subD_D'. apply: sep_sub (subxx _) _ A inU.
    case/or3P H; apply/or3P; [apply: Or31|apply: Or32|apply: Or33].
    - apply: in_sub_has H s inF. do 2 apply: in_sub_has ? ?.
      case (A == _) //=.
      destruct s as [[|p|s t|s|s t|s t][|]] //=;
        by [apply: subD_D'|case/andP ? ?; apply/andP; split; exact: subD_D'].
    - case: A inU H C [[[s t] H]|[[s t] H]|[[s t] H]|[[s t] H]|] //= _.
      * case e: (C \in H); rewrite ?orbF // ?orbT.
        case/andP ? ?; apply/andP; split; exact: subD_D'.
      * case e: (C \in H); rewrite ?orbF // ?orbT.
        case/andP ? ?; apply/andP; split; exact: subD_D'.
      * exact: subD_D'.
      * case/orP H; [leftb|rightb]; move: H.
        do 3 apply: in_sub_has ? ?. case (C == _) //=. exact: subD_D'.
        do 3 apply: in_sub_has ? ?. case (C == _) //=. exact: subD_D'.
    - case: A inU H C E inU H. exact: subD_D'.

  Lemma plainP C u E :
    step_plain_cases (fset.lfp U step) C u E (u |` C,E) \in U step_plain (fset.lfp U step) (u |` C,E).
    move H. rewrite in_fsetX powersetU powersetE fsub1 -andbA -/Cs.
    case/and3P ? ? ?.
    apply/hasP; exists u //. apply/hasP; exists C //. apply/hasP; exists E //.
    by rewrite eqxx.

  Lemma stepP (A : clause * annot) : A \in U reflect (gen A) (A \in fset.lfp U step).
    pose lfpE := fset.lfpE mono_step bounded_step.
    move A_in_U. apply: (iffP idP) H.
    - move: A H {A_in_U}. apply: fset.lfp_ind /= A D IH.
      change (clause * annot)%type in A. change {fset clause * annot} in D.
      rewrite inE /andP [_]. case/or3P.
      + case/hasP s _. case/hasP C _. case/hasP E _. case/andP [/eqP ].
        destruct s as [[|p|s t|s|s t|s t][|]] //=;
          try solve [ move/IH ?; auto | case/andP /IH /IH ; auto ].
        move H. by rewrite (fset1U H).
      + case: A C. case [[[s t] H]|[[s t] H]|[[s t] H]|[[s t] H]|] //=; try case/orP.
        * case/andP /IH ? /IH; auto.
        * move inH. by rewrite (fset1U inH).
        * case/andP /IH ? /IH; auto.
        * move inH. by rewrite (fset1U inH).
        * move/IH. exact: gen_aAXR.
        * case/hasP s _. case/hasP t _. case/hasP C' _.
          case/andP [/eqP /IH]. auto.
        * case/hasP s _. case/hasP t _. case/hasP C' _.
          case/andP [/eqP /IH]. auto.
      + case: A C E /= /IH. exact: gen_jmp.
     - elim: H A_in_U {A}.
       + move C E inU. rewrite lfpE inE inU (_ : step_plain _ _ ) //. exact: plainP inU.
       + move p C E inU. rewrite lfpE inE inU (_ : step_plain _ _ ) //.
         apply: plainP inU /=. by rewrite !inE.
       + move s t C E _ IHs _ IHt inU. rewrite lfpE inE inU (_ : step_plain _ _ ) //.
         apply: plainP (inU) /=. by rewrite IHs ?IHt //; eauto.
       + move s t C E _ IH inU. rewrite lfpE inE inU (_ : step_plain _ _ ) //.
         apply: plainP (inU) /=. by eauto.
       + move s C E _ IH inU. rewrite lfpE inE inU (_ : step_plain _ _ ) //.
         apply: plainP (inU) /=. by eauto.
       + move s t C E _ IHs _ IHt inU. rewrite lfpE inE inU (_ : step_plain _ _ ) //.
         apply: plainP (inU) /=. rewrite IHs ?IHt //; by eauto.
       + move s t C E _ IHs _ IHt inU. rewrite lfpE inE inU (_ : step_plain _ _ ) //.
         apply: plainP (inU) /=. rewrite IHs ?IHt //; by eauto.
       + move s t C _ IH inU. rewrite lfpE inE inU (_ : step_annot _ _ ) //=.
         move/genU_foc : (inU). case/fsetXP ?.
         rewrite AsAU /andP [/sfc_F /and3P [? Hs Ht] _]. rewrite -!posE in Hs Ht. leftb.
         apply/hasP; exists s //. apply/hasP; exists t //. apply/hasP; exists C //.
         rewrite eqxx /=. by eauto.
       + move s t H C _ IHs _ IHt inU. rewrite lfpE inE inU (_ : step_annot _ _ ) //=.
         rewrite IHs ?IHt //. exact: genU_AUhr. exact: genU_AUhl inU.
       + move s t H C inU. by rewrite lfpE inE inU (_ : step_annot _ _ ) //= fset1U1.
       + move s t C E _ IHs _ IHt inU. rewrite lfpE inE inU (_ : step_plain _ _ ) //.
         apply/plainP: (inU) /=. rewrite IHs ?IHt //; by auto using genU_ARpl,genU_ARpr.
       + move s t C E _ IHs _ IHt inU. rewrite lfpE inE inU (_ : step_plain _ _ ) //.
         apply/plainP: (inU) /=. rewrite IHs ?IHt //; by eauto using genU_ARnl,genU_ARnr.
       + move s t C _ IH inU. rewrite lfpE inE inU (_ : step_annot _ _ ) //=. rightb.
         move/genU_foc': (inU). case/fsetXP ?.
         rewrite AsAR /andP [/sfc_F /and3P [? Hs Ht] _]. rewrite -!negE in Hs Ht.
         apply/hasP; exists s //. apply/hasP; exists t //. apply/hasP; exists C //.
         rewrite eqxx IH //. exact: genU_foc'.
       + move s t H C _ IHs _ IHt inU. rewrite lfpE inE inU (_ : step_annot _ _ ) //=.
         rewrite IHs ?IHt //. exact: genU_ARhr. exact: genU_ARhl inU.
       + move s t H C inU. rewrite lfpE inE inU (_ : step_annot _ _ ) //=.
         by rewrite !inE.
       + move s t H C _ IH inU. rewrite lfpE inE inU (_ : step_annot _ _ ) //=.
         rewrite IH //. exact: genU_aAXR.
       + move C E _ IH inU. rewrite lfpE inE inU (_ : step_jmp _ _) //=. auto.

  Lemma gen_decF (A : clause * annot) : A \in U decidable (gen A).
  Proof. move H. exact: decP (stepP H). Qed.

End gen_closure.

Part 3: Existence of universes for all clauses

Lemma plain_inU {C} : (C,aVoid) \in U (sfc C).
Proof. by rewrite in_fsetX !inE //= andbT powersetE sub_sfc. Qed.

Lemma aAU_inU {C s t H} :
  (C,aAU (s, t, H)) \in U (sfc (fAU s t^+ |` C `|` \bigcup_(C' in H) C')).
  rewrite -AU_shift; last exact: closed_sfc. apply/andP; split.
  - apply: power_sub (sub_sfc _). by rewrite powersetE.
  - rewrite powersetE. apply/subP D inH. apply: power_sub (sub_sfc _).
    rewrite powersetE. apply: fsubsetU. by rewrite -[D]/(id D) bigU1.

Lemma aAR_inU {C s t H} :
  (C,aAR (s, t, H)) \in U (sfc (fAR s t^- |` C `|` \bigcup_(C' in H) C')).
  rewrite -AR_shift; last exact: closed_sfc. apply/andP; split.
  - apply: power_sub (sub_sfc _). by rewrite powersetE.
  - rewrite powersetE. apply/subP D inH. apply: power_sub (sub_sfc _).
    rewrite powersetE. apply: fsubsetU. by rewrite -[D]/(id D) bigU1.

Lemma aAXU_inU {C s t H} :
  (C,aAXU (s, t, H)) \in U (sfc (fAU s t^+ |` C `|` \bigcup_(C' in H) C')).
Proof. rewrite in_fsetX -AsX -in_fsetX -/(U _). exact: aAU_inU. Qed.

Lemma aAXR_inU {C s t H} :
  (C,aAXR (s, t, H)) \in U (sfc (fAR s t^- |` C `|` \bigcup_(C' in H) C')).
Proof. rewrite in_fsetX -AsX' -in_fsetX -/(U _). exact: aAR_inU. Qed.

Lemma gen_dec A : decidable (gen A).
  case: A C [[[s t] H]|[[s t] H]|[[s t] H]|[[s t] H]|] /=;
  eauto using gen_decF, aAU_inU, aAXU_inU, aAR_inU, aAXR_inU, plain_inU, closed_sfc.