(* (c) Copyright Christian Doczkal, Saarland University *)
(* Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B license *)
Require Import mathcomp.ssreflect.ssreflect.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
From CompDecModal.libs
Require Import edone bcase fset base modular_hilbert.
From CompDecModal.CTL
Require Import CTL_def hilbert.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
(* Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B license *)
Require Import mathcomp.ssreflect.ssreflect.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
From CompDecModal.libs
Require Import edone bcase fset base modular_hilbert.
From CompDecModal.CTL
Require Import CTL_def hilbert.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Import Prenex Implicits.
Emerson's Axiomatization
The defined logical operations are only available once the respective
records (pSystem etc.) have been declared. Hence we introduce local notations
and later restate some of the axioms and rules using the defined notations from
Local Notation "s ---> t" := (fImp s t).
Local Notation "~~: s" := (s ---> fF).
Local Notation "s :\/: t" := (~~: s ---> t).
Local Notation "s :/\: t" := (~~: (s ---> ~~: t)).
Local Notation "s <--> t" := ((s ---> t) :/\: (t ---> s)).
Definition fEX s := (~~: fAX (~~: s)).
Definition fEU s t := (~~: fAR (~~: s) (~~: t)).
Definition fAG s := fAR fF s.
Inductive prv : form -> Prop :=
| rMP s t : prv (s ---> t) -> prv s -> prv t
| axK s t : prv (s ---> t ---> s)
| axS s t u : prv ((u ---> s ---> t) ---> (u ---> s) ---> u ---> t)
| axDN s : prv (((s ---> fF) ---> fF) ---> s)
| rGen s : prv s -> prv (fAG s)
| axEXD' s t : prv (fEX (s :\/: t) <--> fEX s :\/: fEX t)
| axReg' s t : prv (fAG (s ---> t) ---> fEX s ---> fEX t)
| axSer' : prv (fEX (fF ---> fF))
| axAXT : prv (fAX (fF ---> fF))
| axEUeq' s t : prv (fEU s t <--> t :\/: (s :/\: fEX (fEU s t)))
| axAUeq' s t : prv (fAU s t <--> t :\/: (s :/\: fAX (fAU s t)))
| axAUr' s t u : prv (fAG (u ---> ~~:t :/\: fEX u) ---> u ---> ~~: fAU s t)
| axEUr' s t u : prv (fAG (u ---> ~~:t :/\: (s ---> fAX u)) ---> u ---> ~~: fEU s t)
| axAXdef' s : prv (fAX s <--> ~~: fEX (~~: s))
| axARdef' s t : prv (fAR s t <--> ~~: fEU (~~: s) (~~: t))
End Hilbert.
Canonical Structure prv_mSystem := MSystem rMP axK axS.
Canonical Structure prv_pSystem := PSystem axDN.
Lemma axAXdef s : prv (fAX s <--> ~~: fEX (~~: s)). exact: axAXdef'. Qed.
Lemma axEXD s t : prv (fEX (s :\/: t) <--> fEX s :\/: fEX t). exact: axEXD'. Qed.
Lemma axReg s t : prv (fAG (s ---> t) ---> fEX s ---> fEX t). exact: axReg'. Qed.
Lemma rRegEX s t : prv (s ---> t) -> prv (fEX s ---> fEX t).
Proof. move => H. rule axReg. exact: rGen. Qed.
Lemma rRegAX s t : prv (s ---> t) -> prv (fAX s ---> fAX t).
move => H. rewrite -> (axAXdef s), -> (axAXdef t). rule ax_contraNN.
apply: rRegEX. by rule ax_contraNN.
Lemma rNec s : prv s -> prv (fAX s).
Proof. move => H. apply: rMP axAXT. apply: rRegAX. ApplyH H. Qed.
Lemma axABBA s t : prv (fAX s :/\: fAX t ---> fAX (s :/\: t)).
rewrite -> (axAXdef s),(axAXdef t),(axAXdef (s :/\: t)). rewrite <- dmO.
rule ax_contraNN. rewrite <- axEXD. apply: rRegEX. rewrite -> dmA. exact: axI.
Lemma axN s t : prv (fAX (s ---> t) ---> fAX s ---> fAX t).
Proof. apply: rAIL. rewrite -> axABBA. apply: rRegAX. by rule axAcase. Qed.
Canonical Structure prv_kSystem := KSystem rNec axN.
Lemma axSer : prv (fEX Top). exact: axSer'. Qed.
Lemma axEUeq s t : prv (fEU s t <--> t :\/: (s :/\: fEX (fEU s t))). exact: axEUeq'. Qed.
Lemma axAUeq s t : prv (fAU s t <--> t :\/: (s :/\: fAX (fAU s t))). exact: axAUeq'. Qed.
Lemma axAUr s t u : prv (fAG (u ---> ~~:t :/\: fEX u) ---> u ---> ~~: fAU s t). exact: axAUr'. Qed.
Lemma axEUr s t u : prv (fAG (u ---> ~~:t :/\: (s ---> fAX u)) ---> u ---> ~~: fEU s t). exact: axEUr'. Qed.
Lemma axARdef s t : prv (fAR s t <--> ~~: fEU (~~: s) (~~: t)). exact: axARdef'. Qed.
Admissibility of the induction rules
Lemma AR_ind s t u : prv (u ---> t) -> prv (u ---> (s ---> fF) ---> fAX u) -> prv (u ---> fAR s t).
move => H1 H2. rewrite -> axARdef. rule axEUr. apply: rGen.
ApplyH axAI => //. by rewrite -> axDNE.
Lemma AU_ind_aux s t u : prv (t ---> u) -> prv (fAX u ---> u) -> prv ((fAU s t) ---> u).
move => H1 H2. rule ax_contra. rule axAUr. apply: rGen. rewrite -> H1.
Intro. ApplyH axAI. Rev. rule ax_contraNN. rewrite -[fAX _]/(AX (~~: (~~: u))).
by rewrite -> axDNE.
Lemma AU_ind s t u : prv (t ---> u) -> prv (s ---> fAX u ---> u) -> prv ((fAU s t) ---> u).
move => H1 H2. rewrite -> (axA2 (fAU s t)). rule axAcase. apply: AU_ind_aux.
- rewrite <- H1. exact: axK.
- rewrite -> axAUeq at 2. Intro. ApplyH axOE; first by ApplyH H1.
ApplyH axAcase. do 2 Intro. ApplyH H2. ApplyH (axN (fAU s t)).
Introducion/Inversion Rules
Lemma ax_serial : prv (fAX fF ---> fF).
Proof. rewrite -> axAXdef. Intro. Apply. drop. exact: axSer. Qed.
Lemma axAUI s t : prv (t ---> fAU s t).
Proof. rewrite -> axAUeq. exact: axContra. Qed.
Lemma axAUf s t : prv (s ---> fAX (fAU s t) ---> fAU s t).
Proof. rewrite -> axAUeq at 2. do 2 Intro. ApplyH axOIr. ApplyH axAI. Qed.
Lemma axARE s t : prv (fAR s t ---> t).
Proof. rule ax_contra. rewrite -> axARdef, axDNE,axEUeq. exact: axOIl. Qed.
Lemma axARu s t : prv (fAR s t ---> (s ---> fF) ---> fAX (fAR s t)).
rewrite -> axARdef at 1. rewrite -> axEUeq,dmO,dmA.
set u := fEU _ _. rewrite -[~~: fEX u]/(~~: (~~: (fAX (~~: u)))).
do ! rewrite -> axDNE. rewrite /u. rewrite <- axARdef. rule axAcase. Intro.
ApplyH axOE. ApplyH axContra. do 2 Intro. by Asm.
End Eme90.
Theorem Eme90_translation s : IC.prv s -> Eme90.prv s.
elim => {s}; eauto using Eme90.prv,Eme90.axARE,Eme90.axARu,Eme90.AR_ind,
Eme90.AU_ind,Eme90.axAUI, Eme90.axAUf, Eme90.axN, Eme90.rNec,Eme90.ax_serial.
Import IC.
Lemma rGen s : prv s -> prv (AR Bot s).
move => H. apply: (@modular_hilbert.rMP _ s) => //.
apply: modular_hilbert.rAR_ind => //. do 2 drop. exact: rNec.
Lemma axEXAXI s t : prv (EX s ---> AX (s ---> t) ---> EX t).
do 2 Intro. Have (EX (s :/\: (s ---> t))). by ApplyH axDBD.
drop. rewrite -> axAC. apply: rEXn. by rule axAcase.
Lemma axAUr (s t u : form) : prv (AR Bot (u ---> ~~:t :/\: EX u) ---> u ---> ~~: AU s t).
apply: rAIL. rule ax_contra. rewrite -> axDNE. rewrite -> dmA. rewrite <- axOC.
rewrite /Or. rewrite -> axDNE. set X := ~~: AR _ _. apply: rAU_ind.
- rewrite /X. rewrite -> axARE. do 3 Intro. Suff (~~: t). Intro; Apply. ApplyH axAEl. by Apply.
- drop. rewrite {2}/X. rewrite -> axAReq. rewrite -> dmA. rewrite -> axOF.
rewrite /Or. rewrite -> axDNE. rewrite -> dmAX. rewrite -/X.
do 3 Intro. ApplyH (axEXAXI u). ApplyH axAEr. by Apply.
Lemma axEUr s t u : prv (AR Bot (u ---> ~~:t :/\: (s ---> fAX u)) ---> u ---> ~~: EU s t).
rewrite /EU. rewrite -> axDNE. apply rAIL. apply: modular_hilbert.rAR_ind.
- rewrite -> axARE. rule axAcase. do 2 Intro. ApplyH axAEl. by Apply* 1.
- rewrite -> axAReq at 1. rewrite -> axOF. do 2 rule axAcase. do 4 Intro.
rewrite <- axABBA. ApplyH axAI. Rev. rewrite -[~~: s ---> Bot]/(~~: (~~: s)).
rewrite -> axDNE. ApplyH axAEr. Apply* 2.
Lemma axEUeq (s t : form) : prv (EU s t <--> t :\/: s :/\: EX (EU s t)). exact: axEUeq. Qed.
Lemma axAUeq (s t : form) : prv (AU s t <--> t :\/: s :/\: AX (AU s t)). exact: axAUeq. Qed.
Lemma axEXD s t : prv (EX (s :\/: t) <--> EX s :\/: EX t).
Proof. rewrite /EX. rewrite -> dmO, <- axABBA, dmA. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma axReg s t : prv (AR Bot (s ---> t) ---> EX s ---> EX t).
do 2 rewrite -> axAReq. do 2 rewrite -> axOF. rule axAcase; drop.
rewrite -> axAC,<- axABBA. rule axAcase; drop. rule axC. exact: axEXAXI.
Lemma axAXdef s : prv (AX s <--> ~~: EX (~~: s)).
Proof. rewrite /EX. do ! rewrite -> axDNE. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma axARdef s t : prv (fAR s t <--> ~~: EU (~~: s) (~~: t)).
Proof. rewrite /EU. do ! rewrite -> axDNE. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma axSer : prv (EX (fF ---> fF)).
Proof. change (prv (~~: AX (~~: (~~: fF)))). rewrite -> axDNE. exact: ax_serial. Qed.
Lemma axAXT : prv (AX (fF ---> fF)).
Proof. apply: rNec. exact: axI. Qed.
Theorem Eme90_sound s : Eme90.prv s -> prv s.
elim => {s}; eauto using prv,rGen,axEXD,axReg,axSer,axAXT,axEUeq,axAUeq,axAUr,axEUr,axAXdef,axARdef.
Lemma rGen s : prv s -> prv (AR Bot s).
move => H. apply: (@modular_hilbert.rMP _ s) => //.
apply: modular_hilbert.rAR_ind => //. do 2 drop. exact: rNec.
Lemma axEXAXI s t : prv (EX s ---> AX (s ---> t) ---> EX t).
do 2 Intro. Have (EX (s :/\: (s ---> t))). by ApplyH axDBD.
drop. rewrite -> axAC. apply: rEXn. by rule axAcase.
Lemma axAUr (s t u : form) : prv (AR Bot (u ---> ~~:t :/\: EX u) ---> u ---> ~~: AU s t).
apply: rAIL. rule ax_contra. rewrite -> axDNE. rewrite -> dmA. rewrite <- axOC.
rewrite /Or. rewrite -> axDNE. set X := ~~: AR _ _. apply: rAU_ind.
- rewrite /X. rewrite -> axARE. do 3 Intro. Suff (~~: t). Intro; Apply. ApplyH axAEl. by Apply.
- drop. rewrite {2}/X. rewrite -> axAReq. rewrite -> dmA. rewrite -> axOF.
rewrite /Or. rewrite -> axDNE. rewrite -> dmAX. rewrite -/X.
do 3 Intro. ApplyH (axEXAXI u). ApplyH axAEr. by Apply.
Lemma axEUr s t u : prv (AR Bot (u ---> ~~:t :/\: (s ---> fAX u)) ---> u ---> ~~: EU s t).
rewrite /EU. rewrite -> axDNE. apply rAIL. apply: modular_hilbert.rAR_ind.
- rewrite -> axARE. rule axAcase. do 2 Intro. ApplyH axAEl. by Apply* 1.
- rewrite -> axAReq at 1. rewrite -> axOF. do 2 rule axAcase. do 4 Intro.
rewrite <- axABBA. ApplyH axAI. Rev. rewrite -[~~: s ---> Bot]/(~~: (~~: s)).
rewrite -> axDNE. ApplyH axAEr. Apply* 2.
Lemma axEUeq (s t : form) : prv (EU s t <--> t :\/: s :/\: EX (EU s t)). exact: axEUeq. Qed.
Lemma axAUeq (s t : form) : prv (AU s t <--> t :\/: s :/\: AX (AU s t)). exact: axAUeq. Qed.
Lemma axEXD s t : prv (EX (s :\/: t) <--> EX s :\/: EX t).
Proof. rewrite /EX. rewrite -> dmO, <- axABBA, dmA. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma axReg s t : prv (AR Bot (s ---> t) ---> EX s ---> EX t).
do 2 rewrite -> axAReq. do 2 rewrite -> axOF. rule axAcase; drop.
rewrite -> axAC,<- axABBA. rule axAcase; drop. rule axC. exact: axEXAXI.
Lemma axAXdef s : prv (AX s <--> ~~: EX (~~: s)).
Proof. rewrite /EX. do ! rewrite -> axDNE. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma axARdef s t : prv (fAR s t <--> ~~: EU (~~: s) (~~: t)).
Proof. rewrite /EU. do ! rewrite -> axDNE. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma axSer : prv (EX (fF ---> fF)).
Proof. change (prv (~~: AX (~~: (~~: fF)))). rewrite -> axDNE. exact: ax_serial. Qed.
Lemma axAXT : prv (AX (fF ---> fF)).
Proof. apply: rNec. exact: axI. Qed.
Theorem Eme90_sound s : Eme90.prv s -> prv s.
elim => {s}; eauto using prv,rGen,axEXD,axReg,axSer,axAXT,axEUeq,axAUeq,axAUr,axEUr,axAXdef,axARdef.