Grafting trees
Define the function graft such that
(graft t t') is the tree obtained by replacing all leaves
of t by t'.
prove the following unfolding lemmas:
Lemma graft_unfold1 {A: Type}: forall t': LTree A, graft LLeaf t' = t'.
Lemma graft_unfold2 {A: Type}: forall (a:A) (t1 t2 t':LTree A),
(graft (LBin a t1 t2) t')=
(LBin a (graft t1 t') (graft t2 t')).
Lemma graft_unfold {A: Type}: forall (t t': LTree A),
graft t t' = match t with
| LLeaf => t'
| LBin n t1 t2 =>
LBin n (graft t1 t')
(graft t2 t')
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