Require Import ExtLib.Structures.Monads.
Require Import ExtLib.Data.Monads.OptionMonad.
Require Import ExtLib.Programming.Extras.
Import FunNotation.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Maximal Implicit Insertion.
Import MonadNotation.
Import MonadPlusNotation.
Open Scope monad_scope.
Section tree.
Variable E:Type.
Variable comp : E -> E -> comparison.
(* a two-three tree *)
Inductive tree :=
(* Null_t = _ *)
| Null_t : tree
(* a
* Two_t X a Y = / \
* X Y
* Invariant: x in X => x < a; y in Y => y > a
| Two_t : tree -> E -> tree -> tree
(* ab
* Three_t X a Y b Z = / | \
* X Y Z
* Invariant: x in X => x < a; y in Y => a < y < b; z in Z => z > b
| Three_t : tree -> E -> tree -> E -> tree -> tree
Fixpoint height_t (t:tree) : nat :=
match t with
| Null_t => O
| Two_t tl _ tr => max (height_t tl) (height_t tr)
| Three_t tl _ tm _ tr => max (max (height_t tl) (height_t tm)) (height_t tr)
(* a context of a two-three tree. this is the type of taking a tree and
* replacing a sub-tree with a hole.
Inductive context :=
(* Top_c = _ *)
| Top_c : context
(* C
* TwoLeftHole_c a Y C = |
* a
* / \
* ? Y
| TwoLeftHole_c : E -> tree -> context -> context
(* C
* TwoRightHole_c X a C = |
* a
* / \
* X ?
| TwoRightHole_c : tree -> E -> context -> context
(* C
* ThreeLeftHole a Y b Z C = |
* ab
* / | \
* ? Y Z
| ThreeLeftHole_c : E -> tree -> E -> tree -> context -> context
(* C
* ThreeMiddleHole X a b Z C = |
* ab
* / | \
* X ? Z
| ThreeMiddleHole_c : tree -> E -> E -> tree -> context -> context
(* C
* ThreeRightHole_c X a Y b C = |
* ab
* / | \
* X Y ?
| ThreeRightHole_c : tree -> E -> tree -> E -> context -> context
(* zip takes a context (which can be thought of as a tree with a hole), and a
* subtree, and fills the hole with the subtree
Fixpoint zip (t:tree) (c:context) : tree :=
match c with
| Top_c => t
| TwoLeftHole_c em tr c' => zip (Two_t t em tr) c'
| TwoRightHole_c tl em c' => zip (Two_t tl em t) c'
| ThreeLeftHole_c el em er tr c' => zip (Three_t t el em er tr) c'
| ThreeMiddleHole_c tl el er tr c' => zip (Three_t tl el t er tr) c'
| ThreeRightHole_c tl el em er c' => zip (Three_t tl el em er t) c'
Fixpoint fuse (c1:context) (c2:context) : context :=
match c1 with
| Top_c => c2
| TwoLeftHole_c em tr c1' => TwoLeftHole_c em tr (fuse c1' c2)
| TwoRightHole_c tl em c1' => TwoRightHole_c tl em (fuse c1' c2)
| ThreeLeftHole_c el em er tr c1' => ThreeLeftHole_c el em er tr (fuse c1' c2)
| ThreeMiddleHole_c tl el er tr c1' => ThreeMiddleHole_c tl el er tr (fuse c1' c2)
| ThreeRightHole_c tl el em er c1' => ThreeRightHole_c tl el em er (fuse c1' c2)
Inductive location :=
(* C
* TwoHole_l X Y C = |
* ?
* / \
* X Y
| TwoHole_l : tree -> tree -> context -> location
(* C
* TwoHole_l X Y b Z C = |
* ?b
* / | \
* X Y Z
| ThreeLeftHole_l : tree -> tree -> E -> tree -> context -> location
(* C
* TwoHole_l X a Y Z C = |
* a?
* / | \
* X Y Z
| ThreeRightHole_l : tree -> E -> tree -> tree -> context -> location
Definition fillLocation (e:E) (l:location) : tree :=
match l with
| TwoHole_l tl tr c => zip (Two_t tl e tr) c
| ThreeLeftHole_l tl tm vr tr c => zip (Three_t tl e tm vr tr) c
| ThreeRightHole_l tl el tm tr c => zip (Three_t tl el tm e tr) c
Fixpoint locate (e:E) (t:tree) (c:context) : context + E * location :=
match t with
| Null_t => inl c
| Two_t tl em tr =>
match comp e em with
| Lt => locate e tl $ TwoLeftHole_c em tr c
| Eq => inr (em, TwoHole_l tl tr c)
| Gt => locate e tr $ TwoRightHole_c tl em c
| Three_t tl el tm er tr =>
match comp e el, comp e er with
| Lt, _ => locate e tl $ ThreeLeftHole_c el tm er tr c
| Eq, _ => inr (el, ThreeLeftHole_l tl tm er tr c)
| Gt, Lt => locate e tm $ ThreeMiddleHole_c tl el er tr c
| _, Eq => inr (er, ThreeRightHole_l tl el tm tr c)
| _, Gt => locate e tr $ ThreeRightHole_c tl el tm er c
Fixpoint locateGreatest (t:tree) (c:context)
: option (E * (context + E * context)) :=
match t with
| Null_t => None
| Two_t tl em tr => liftM sum_tot $
locateGreatest tr (TwoRightHole_c tl em c)
ret (em, inl c)
| Three_t tl el tm er tr => liftM sum_tot $
locateGreatest tr (ThreeRightHole_c tl el tm er c)
ret (er, inr (el, c))
Definition single e := Two_t Null_t e Null_t.
(* if insertion results in a subtree which is too tall, propegate it up into
* its context.
Fixpoint insertUp (tet:tree * E * tree) (c:context) : tree :=
let '(tl,em,tr) := tet in
match c with
(* _
* |
* em => em
* // \\ / \
* tl tr tl tr
| Top_c => Two_t tl em tr
(* c' c'
* | |
* em' => emem'
* / \ / | \
* em tr' tl tr tr'
* // \\
* tl tr
| TwoLeftHole_c em' tr' c' =>
zip (Three_t tl em tr em' tr') c'
(* c' c'
* | |
* em' => em'em
* / \ / | \
* tl' em tl' tl tr
* // \\
* tl tr
| TwoRightHole_c tl' em' c' =>
zip (Three_t tl' em' tl em tr ) c'
(* c' c'
* | |
* eler => el
* / | \ // \\
* em tm tr' em er
* // \\ / \ / \
* tl tr tl tr tm tr'
| ThreeLeftHole_c el tm er tr' c' =>
insertUp (Two_t tl em tr, el, Two_t tm er tr') c'
(* c' c'
* | |
* eler => em
* / | \ // \\
* tl' em tr' el er
* // \\ / \ / \
* tl tr tl' tl tr tr'
| ThreeMiddleHole_c tl' el er tr' c' =>
insertUp (Two_t tl' el tl, em, Two_t tr er tr') c'
(* c' c'
* | |
* eler => er
* / | \ // \\
* tl' tm em el em
* // \\ / \ / \
* tl tr tl' tm tl tr
| ThreeRightHole_c tl' el tm er c' =>
insertUp (Two_t tl' el tm, er, Two_t tl em tr) c'
(* insert an element into the two-three tree *)
Definition insert (e:E) (t:tree) : tree :=
match locate e t Top_c with
| inl c => insertUp (Null_t, e, Null_t) c
| inr (_, l) => fillLocation e l
(* if remove results in a tree which is too short, propegate the gap into the
* context *)
Fixpoint removeUp (t:tree) (c:context) : tree :=
match c with
(* _
* ||
* e => e
| Top_c => t
(* c' c'
* | |
* em => el'
* // \ / \
* t el'er' em er'
* / | \ / \ / \
* tl' tm' tr' t tl' tm' tr'
| TwoLeftHole_c em (Three_t tl' el' tm' er' tr') c' =>
zip (Two_t (Two_t t em tl') el' (Two_t tm' er' tr')) c'
(* c' c'
* | ||
* em => emem'
* // \ / | \
* t em' t tl' tr'
* / \
* tl' tr'
| TwoLeftHole_c em (Two_t tl' em' tr') c' =>
removeUp (Three_t t em tl' em' tr') c'
(* c' c'
* | |
* em => er'
* / \\ / \
* el'er' t el' em
* / | \ / \ / \
* tl' tm' tr' tl' tm' tr' t
| TwoRightHole_c (Three_t tl' el' tm' er' tr') em c' =>
zip (Two_t (Two_t tl' el' tm') er' (Two_t tr' em t)) c'
(* c' c'
* | ||
* em => em'em
* / \\ / | \
* em' t tl' tr' t
* / \
* tl' tr'
| TwoRightHole_c (Two_t tl' em' tr') em c' =>
removeUp (Three_t tl' em' tr' em t) c'
(* c' c'
* | |
* eler => eler
* // | \ / | \
* t el'er' tr el' er' tr
* / | \ / \ / \
* tl' tm' tr' t tl' tm' tr'
| ThreeLeftHole_c el (Three_t tl' el' tm' er' tr') er tr c' =>
zip (Three_t (Two_t t el' tl') el (Two_t tm' er' tr') er tr) c'
(* c' c'
* | |
* eler => er
* // | \ / \
* t em' tr elem' tr
* / \ / | \
* tl' tr' t tl' tr'
| ThreeLeftHole_c el (Two_t tl' em' tr') er tr c' =>
zip (Two_t (Three_t t el tl' em' tr') er tr) c'
(* c' c'
* | |
* eler => er'er
* / || \ / | \
* el'er' t tr el' el tr
* / | \ / \ / \
* tl' tm' tr' tl' tm' tr' t
| ThreeMiddleHole_c (Three_t tl' el' tm' er' tr') el er tr c' =>
zip (Three_t (Two_t tl' el' tm') er' (Two_t tr' el t) er tr) c'
(* c' c'
* | |
* eler => elel'
* / || \ / | \
* tl t el'er' tl er er'
* / | \ / \ / \
* tl' tm' tr' t tl' tm' tr'
| ThreeMiddleHole_c tl el er (Three_t tl' el' tm' er' tr') c' =>
zip (Three_t tl el (Two_t t er tl') el' (Two_t tm' er' tr')) c'
(* c' c'
* | |
* eler => er
* / || \ / \
* em' t tr em'el tr
* / \ / | \
* tl' tr' tl' tr' t
| ThreeMiddleHole_c (Two_t tl' em' tr') el er tr c' =>
zip (Two_t (Three_t tl' em' tr' el t) er tr) c'
(* c' c'
* | |
* eler => el
* / || \ / \
* tl t em' tl erem'
* / \ / | \
* tl' tr' t tl' tr'
| ThreeMiddleHole_c tl el er (Two_t tl' em' tr') c' =>
zip (Two_t tl el (Three_t t er tl' em' tr')) c'
(* c' c'
* | |
* eler => eler'
* / | \\ / | \
* tl el'er' t tl el' er
* / | \ / \ / \
* tl' tm' tr' tl' tm' tr' t
| ThreeRightHole_c tl el (Three_t tl' el' tm' er' tr') er c' =>
zip (Three_t tl el (Two_t tl' el' tm') er' (Two_t tr' er t)) c'
(* c' c'
* | |
* eler => el
* / | \\ / \
* tl em' t tl em'er
* / \ / | \
* tl' tr' tl' tr t
| ThreeRightHole_c tl el (Two_t tl' em' tr') er c' =>
zip (Two_t tl el (Three_t tl' em' tr' er t)) c'
| TwoLeftHole_c _ Null_t _ => Null_t (* not wf *)
| TwoRightHole_c Null_t _ _ => Null_t (* not wf *)
| ThreeLeftHole_c _ Null_t _ _ _ => Null_t (* not wf *)
| ThreeMiddleHole_c Null_t _ _ _ _ => Null_t (* not wf *)
| ThreeRightHole_c _ _ Null_t _ _ => Null_t (* not wf *)
Definition remove (e:E) (t:tree) : tree :=
match locate e t Top_c with
(* element doesn't exist *)
| inl _ => t
(* element found at location loc *)
| inr (_, loc) =>
match loc with
(* element found at a two-node *)
| TwoHole_l tl tr c =>
let mkContext g c' := TwoLeftHole_c g tr c' in
match locateGreatest tl Top_c with
(* no children: turn into a hole and propagate *)
| None => removeUp Null_t c
(* greatest leaf is a two-node: replace it with a hole and propagate *)
| Some (g, inl c') => removeUp Null_t $ fuse (mkContext g c') c
(* greatest leaf is a three-node: turn it into a two-node *)
| Some (g, inr (el, c')) => zip (single el) $ fuse (mkContext g c') c
(* element found on left side of three-node *)
| ThreeLeftHole_l tl tm er tr c =>
let mkContext g c' := ThreeLeftHole_c g tm er tr c' in
match locateGreatest tl Top_c with
(* no children: turn into a two-node *)
| None => zip (single er) c
(* greatest leaf is a two-node: replace it with a hole and propagate *)
| Some (g, inl c') => removeUp Null_t $ fuse (mkContext g c') c
(* greatest leaf is a three-node: turn it into a two-node *)
| Some (g, inr (el, c')) => zip (single el) $ fuse (mkContext g c') c
(* element found on right side of three-node *)
| ThreeRightHole_l tl el tm tr c =>
let mkContext g c' := ThreeMiddleHole_c tl el g tr c' in
match locateGreatest tm Top_c with
(* no children: turn into a two-node *)
| None => zip (single el) c
(* greatest leaf is a two-node: replace it with a hole and propagate *)
| Some (g, inl c') => removeUp Null_t $ fuse (mkContext g c') c
(* greatest leaf is a three-node: turn it into a two-node *)
| Some (g, inr (el, c')) => zip (single el) $ fuse (mkContext g c') c
End tree.
Arguments Null_t {E}.
Section treeWfP.
Context {E:Type} {TO:TotalOrder E} {TOP:TotalOrderP E}.
Context {EP:EquivP E} {POEP:PreOrderEquivP _ EP}.
Inductive tree_wf : tree E -> nat -> EtndTopBot E -> EtndTopBot E -> Prop :=
| NullTreeWf : forall eLL eRR, tree_wf Null_t O eLL eRR
| TwoTreeWf : forall tl em tr h eLL eRR,
eLL << IncEtndTopBot em
-> IncEtndTopBot em << eRR
-> tree_wf tl h eLL (IncEtndTopBot em)
-> tree_wf tr h (IncEtndTopBot em) eRR
-> tree_wf (Two_t tl em tr) (S h) eLL eRR
| ThreeTreWf : forall tl el tm er tr eLL eRR h,
eLL << IncEtndTopBot el
-> el << er
-> IncEtndTopBot er << eRR
-> tree_wf tl h eLL (IncEtndTopBot el)
-> tree_wf tm h (IncEtndTopBot el) (IncEtndTopBot er)
-> tree_wf tr h (IncEtndTopBot er) eRR
-> tree_wf (Three_t tl el tm er tr) (S h) eLL eRR
Inductive tree_in : E -> tree E -> Prop :=
| TwoTreeIn : forall e tl em tr,
e ~= em
\/ tree_in e tl
\/ tree_in e tr
-> tree_in e (Two_t tl em tr)
| ThreeTreeIn : forall e tl el tm er tr,
e ~= el
\/ e ~= er
\/ tree_in e tl
\/ tree_in e tm
\/ tree_in e tr
-> tree_in e (Three_t tl el tm er tr)
Lemma swapTwoWf : forall tl em tr h eLL eRR em',
tree_wf (Two_t tl em tr) h eLL eRR
-> em ~= em'
-> tree_wf (Two_t tl em' tr) h eLL eRR.
Proof. intros ; induction h.
inversion H.
inversion H ; subst ; clear H. constructor. repeat (ohsnap ; girlforeal).
unfold ltP in H5. destruct eLL ; repeat (ohsnap ; girlforeal).
End treeWfP.
Definition context_wf (c:context) (sth:nat) (sel:E+bool) (ser:E+bool) (th:nat) (eLL:E+bool) (eRR:E+bool) : Prop :=
forall t:tree, tree_wf t sth sel ser -> tree_wf (zip t c) th eLL eRR.
Lemma twoLeftHoleZipWf : forall tl em tr c h eLL eRR,
tree_wf (zip (Two_t tl em tr) c) h eLL eRR -> tree_wf (zip tl (TwoLeftHole_c em tr c)) h eLL eRR.
Proof. intros. induction tl ; intros ; simpl ; auto. Qed. Hint Immediate twoLeftHoleZipWf : twoThreeDb.
Lemma twoRightHoleZipWf : forall tl em tr c h eLL eRR,
tree_wf (zip (Two_t tl em tr) c) h eLL eRR -> tree_wf (zip tr (TwoRightHole_c tl em c)) h eLL eRR.
Proof. intros. induction tl ; intros ; simpl ; auto. Qed. Hint Immediate twoRightHoleZipWf : twoThreeDb.
Lemma threeLeftHoleZipWf : forall tl el tm er tr c h eLL eRR,
tree_wf (zip (Three_t tl el tm er tr) c) h eLL eRR-> tree_wf (zip tl (ThreeLeftHole_c el tm er tr c)) h eLL eRR.
Proof. intros. induction tl ; intros ; simpl ; auto. Qed. Hint Immediate threeLeftHoleZipWf : twoThreeDb.
Lemma threeMiddleHoleZipWf : forall tl el tm er tr c h eLL eRR,
tree_wf (zip (Three_t tl el tm er tr) c) h eLL eRR -> tree_wf (zip tm (ThreeMiddleHole_c tl el er tr c)) h eLL eRR.
Proof. intros. induction tl ; intros ; simpl ; auto. Qed. Hint Immediate threeMiddleHoleZipWf : twoThreeDb.
Lemma threeRightHoleZipWf : forall tl el tm er tr c h eLL eRR,
tree_wf (zip (Three_t tl el tm er tr) c) h eLL eRR -> tree_wf (zip tr (ThreeRightHole_c tl el tm er c)) h eLL eRR.
Proof. intros. induction tl ; intros ; simpl ; auto. Qed. Hint Immediate threeRightHoleZipWf : twoThreeDb.
Definition location_wf (l:location) h eLL eRR : Prop := forall e:E, tree_wf (fillLocation e l) h eLL eRR.
Lemma zipLocationWf : forall tl em tr c, tree_wf (zip (Two_t tl em tr) c) -> location_wf (TwoHole_l tl tr c).
Proof. intros. unfold location_wf. intros. simpl.
exists em. auto. Qed. Hint Immediate zipLocationWf : twoThreeDb.
Lemma locate_wf : forall e t c, tree_wf (zip t c) -> match locate e t c with inl c => tree_wf (zip Null_t c) | inr (_,l) => location_wf l end.
Proof. intros. gd c. gd e.
induction t ; intros ; simpl ; auto. destruct (compareo e0 e).
pose (twoLeftHoleZipWf _ _ _ _ H). specialize (IHt1 e0 _ t). apply IHt1.
eauto with twoThreeDb.
pose (twoRightHoleZipWf _ _ _ _ H). specialize (IHt2 e0 _ t). apply IHt2.
Lemma single_wf : forall e, tree_wf (single e). Proof. intros. simpl. auto. Qed.
Definition insert_wf : forall e t, tree_wf t -> tree_wf (insert e t).
Proof. intros.
destruct t. simpl. auto.
unfold insert. simpl.
destruct (compareo e e0).
unfold insert.
destruct (locate e t Top_c). simpl.
Require Import ExtLib.Data.Monads.OptionMonad.
Require Import ExtLib.Programming.Extras.
Import FunNotation.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Maximal Implicit Insertion.
Import MonadNotation.
Import MonadPlusNotation.
Open Scope monad_scope.
Section tree.
Variable E:Type.
Variable comp : E -> E -> comparison.
(* a two-three tree *)
Inductive tree :=
(* Null_t = _ *)
| Null_t : tree
(* a
* Two_t X a Y = / \
* X Y
* Invariant: x in X => x < a; y in Y => y > a
| Two_t : tree -> E -> tree -> tree
(* ab
* Three_t X a Y b Z = / | \
* X Y Z
* Invariant: x in X => x < a; y in Y => a < y < b; z in Z => z > b
| Three_t : tree -> E -> tree -> E -> tree -> tree
Fixpoint height_t (t:tree) : nat :=
match t with
| Null_t => O
| Two_t tl _ tr => max (height_t tl) (height_t tr)
| Three_t tl _ tm _ tr => max (max (height_t tl) (height_t tm)) (height_t tr)
(* a context of a two-three tree. this is the type of taking a tree and
* replacing a sub-tree with a hole.
Inductive context :=
(* Top_c = _ *)
| Top_c : context
(* C
* TwoLeftHole_c a Y C = |
* a
* / \
* ? Y
| TwoLeftHole_c : E -> tree -> context -> context
(* C
* TwoRightHole_c X a C = |
* a
* / \
* X ?
| TwoRightHole_c : tree -> E -> context -> context
(* C
* ThreeLeftHole a Y b Z C = |
* ab
* / | \
* ? Y Z
| ThreeLeftHole_c : E -> tree -> E -> tree -> context -> context
(* C
* ThreeMiddleHole X a b Z C = |
* ab
* / | \
* X ? Z
| ThreeMiddleHole_c : tree -> E -> E -> tree -> context -> context
(* C
* ThreeRightHole_c X a Y b C = |
* ab
* / | \
* X Y ?
| ThreeRightHole_c : tree -> E -> tree -> E -> context -> context
(* zip takes a context (which can be thought of as a tree with a hole), and a
* subtree, and fills the hole with the subtree
Fixpoint zip (t:tree) (c:context) : tree :=
match c with
| Top_c => t
| TwoLeftHole_c em tr c' => zip (Two_t t em tr) c'
| TwoRightHole_c tl em c' => zip (Two_t tl em t) c'
| ThreeLeftHole_c el em er tr c' => zip (Three_t t el em er tr) c'
| ThreeMiddleHole_c tl el er tr c' => zip (Three_t tl el t er tr) c'
| ThreeRightHole_c tl el em er c' => zip (Three_t tl el em er t) c'
Fixpoint fuse (c1:context) (c2:context) : context :=
match c1 with
| Top_c => c2
| TwoLeftHole_c em tr c1' => TwoLeftHole_c em tr (fuse c1' c2)
| TwoRightHole_c tl em c1' => TwoRightHole_c tl em (fuse c1' c2)
| ThreeLeftHole_c el em er tr c1' => ThreeLeftHole_c el em er tr (fuse c1' c2)
| ThreeMiddleHole_c tl el er tr c1' => ThreeMiddleHole_c tl el er tr (fuse c1' c2)
| ThreeRightHole_c tl el em er c1' => ThreeRightHole_c tl el em er (fuse c1' c2)
Inductive location :=
(* C
* TwoHole_l X Y C = |
* ?
* / \
* X Y
| TwoHole_l : tree -> tree -> context -> location
(* C
* TwoHole_l X Y b Z C = |
* ?b
* / | \
* X Y Z
| ThreeLeftHole_l : tree -> tree -> E -> tree -> context -> location
(* C
* TwoHole_l X a Y Z C = |
* a?
* / | \
* X Y Z
| ThreeRightHole_l : tree -> E -> tree -> tree -> context -> location
Definition fillLocation (e:E) (l:location) : tree :=
match l with
| TwoHole_l tl tr c => zip (Two_t tl e tr) c
| ThreeLeftHole_l tl tm vr tr c => zip (Three_t tl e tm vr tr) c
| ThreeRightHole_l tl el tm tr c => zip (Three_t tl el tm e tr) c
Fixpoint locate (e:E) (t:tree) (c:context) : context + E * location :=
match t with
| Null_t => inl c
| Two_t tl em tr =>
match comp e em with
| Lt => locate e tl $ TwoLeftHole_c em tr c
| Eq => inr (em, TwoHole_l tl tr c)
| Gt => locate e tr $ TwoRightHole_c tl em c
| Three_t tl el tm er tr =>
match comp e el, comp e er with
| Lt, _ => locate e tl $ ThreeLeftHole_c el tm er tr c
| Eq, _ => inr (el, ThreeLeftHole_l tl tm er tr c)
| Gt, Lt => locate e tm $ ThreeMiddleHole_c tl el er tr c
| _, Eq => inr (er, ThreeRightHole_l tl el tm tr c)
| _, Gt => locate e tr $ ThreeRightHole_c tl el tm er c
Fixpoint locateGreatest (t:tree) (c:context)
: option (E * (context + E * context)) :=
match t with
| Null_t => None
| Two_t tl em tr => liftM sum_tot $
locateGreatest tr (TwoRightHole_c tl em c)
ret (em, inl c)
| Three_t tl el tm er tr => liftM sum_tot $
locateGreatest tr (ThreeRightHole_c tl el tm er c)
ret (er, inr (el, c))
Definition single e := Two_t Null_t e Null_t.
(* if insertion results in a subtree which is too tall, propegate it up into
* its context.
Fixpoint insertUp (tet:tree * E * tree) (c:context) : tree :=
let '(tl,em,tr) := tet in
match c with
(* _
* |
* em => em
* // \\ / \
* tl tr tl tr
| Top_c => Two_t tl em tr
(* c' c'
* | |
* em' => emem'
* / \ / | \
* em tr' tl tr tr'
* // \\
* tl tr
| TwoLeftHole_c em' tr' c' =>
zip (Three_t tl em tr em' tr') c'
(* c' c'
* | |
* em' => em'em
* / \ / | \
* tl' em tl' tl tr
* // \\
* tl tr
| TwoRightHole_c tl' em' c' =>
zip (Three_t tl' em' tl em tr ) c'
(* c' c'
* | |
* eler => el
* / | \ // \\
* em tm tr' em er
* // \\ / \ / \
* tl tr tl tr tm tr'
| ThreeLeftHole_c el tm er tr' c' =>
insertUp (Two_t tl em tr, el, Two_t tm er tr') c'
(* c' c'
* | |
* eler => em
* / | \ // \\
* tl' em tr' el er
* // \\ / \ / \
* tl tr tl' tl tr tr'
| ThreeMiddleHole_c tl' el er tr' c' =>
insertUp (Two_t tl' el tl, em, Two_t tr er tr') c'
(* c' c'
* | |
* eler => er
* / | \ // \\
* tl' tm em el em
* // \\ / \ / \
* tl tr tl' tm tl tr
| ThreeRightHole_c tl' el tm er c' =>
insertUp (Two_t tl' el tm, er, Two_t tl em tr) c'
(* insert an element into the two-three tree *)
Definition insert (e:E) (t:tree) : tree :=
match locate e t Top_c with
| inl c => insertUp (Null_t, e, Null_t) c
| inr (_, l) => fillLocation e l
(* if remove results in a tree which is too short, propegate the gap into the
* context *)
Fixpoint removeUp (t:tree) (c:context) : tree :=
match c with
(* _
* ||
* e => e
| Top_c => t
(* c' c'
* | |
* em => el'
* // \ / \
* t el'er' em er'
* / | \ / \ / \
* tl' tm' tr' t tl' tm' tr'
| TwoLeftHole_c em (Three_t tl' el' tm' er' tr') c' =>
zip (Two_t (Two_t t em tl') el' (Two_t tm' er' tr')) c'
(* c' c'
* | ||
* em => emem'
* // \ / | \
* t em' t tl' tr'
* / \
* tl' tr'
| TwoLeftHole_c em (Two_t tl' em' tr') c' =>
removeUp (Three_t t em tl' em' tr') c'
(* c' c'
* | |
* em => er'
* / \\ / \
* el'er' t el' em
* / | \ / \ / \
* tl' tm' tr' tl' tm' tr' t
| TwoRightHole_c (Three_t tl' el' tm' er' tr') em c' =>
zip (Two_t (Two_t tl' el' tm') er' (Two_t tr' em t)) c'
(* c' c'
* | ||
* em => em'em
* / \\ / | \
* em' t tl' tr' t
* / \
* tl' tr'
| TwoRightHole_c (Two_t tl' em' tr') em c' =>
removeUp (Three_t tl' em' tr' em t) c'
(* c' c'
* | |
* eler => eler
* // | \ / | \
* t el'er' tr el' er' tr
* / | \ / \ / \
* tl' tm' tr' t tl' tm' tr'
| ThreeLeftHole_c el (Three_t tl' el' tm' er' tr') er tr c' =>
zip (Three_t (Two_t t el' tl') el (Two_t tm' er' tr') er tr) c'
(* c' c'
* | |
* eler => er
* // | \ / \
* t em' tr elem' tr
* / \ / | \
* tl' tr' t tl' tr'
| ThreeLeftHole_c el (Two_t tl' em' tr') er tr c' =>
zip (Two_t (Three_t t el tl' em' tr') er tr) c'
(* c' c'
* | |
* eler => er'er
* / || \ / | \
* el'er' t tr el' el tr
* / | \ / \ / \
* tl' tm' tr' tl' tm' tr' t
| ThreeMiddleHole_c (Three_t tl' el' tm' er' tr') el er tr c' =>
zip (Three_t (Two_t tl' el' tm') er' (Two_t tr' el t) er tr) c'
(* c' c'
* | |
* eler => elel'
* / || \ / | \
* tl t el'er' tl er er'
* / | \ / \ / \
* tl' tm' tr' t tl' tm' tr'
| ThreeMiddleHole_c tl el er (Three_t tl' el' tm' er' tr') c' =>
zip (Three_t tl el (Two_t t er tl') el' (Two_t tm' er' tr')) c'
(* c' c'
* | |
* eler => er
* / || \ / \
* em' t tr em'el tr
* / \ / | \
* tl' tr' tl' tr' t
| ThreeMiddleHole_c (Two_t tl' em' tr') el er tr c' =>
zip (Two_t (Three_t tl' em' tr' el t) er tr) c'
(* c' c'
* | |
* eler => el
* / || \ / \
* tl t em' tl erem'
* / \ / | \
* tl' tr' t tl' tr'
| ThreeMiddleHole_c tl el er (Two_t tl' em' tr') c' =>
zip (Two_t tl el (Three_t t er tl' em' tr')) c'
(* c' c'
* | |
* eler => eler'
* / | \\ / | \
* tl el'er' t tl el' er
* / | \ / \ / \
* tl' tm' tr' tl' tm' tr' t
| ThreeRightHole_c tl el (Three_t tl' el' tm' er' tr') er c' =>
zip (Three_t tl el (Two_t tl' el' tm') er' (Two_t tr' er t)) c'
(* c' c'
* | |
* eler => el
* / | \\ / \
* tl em' t tl em'er
* / \ / | \
* tl' tr' tl' tr t
| ThreeRightHole_c tl el (Two_t tl' em' tr') er c' =>
zip (Two_t tl el (Three_t tl' em' tr' er t)) c'
| TwoLeftHole_c _ Null_t _ => Null_t (* not wf *)
| TwoRightHole_c Null_t _ _ => Null_t (* not wf *)
| ThreeLeftHole_c _ Null_t _ _ _ => Null_t (* not wf *)
| ThreeMiddleHole_c Null_t _ _ _ _ => Null_t (* not wf *)
| ThreeRightHole_c _ _ Null_t _ _ => Null_t (* not wf *)
Definition remove (e:E) (t:tree) : tree :=
match locate e t Top_c with
(* element doesn't exist *)
| inl _ => t
(* element found at location loc *)
| inr (_, loc) =>
match loc with
(* element found at a two-node *)
| TwoHole_l tl tr c =>
let mkContext g c' := TwoLeftHole_c g tr c' in
match locateGreatest tl Top_c with
(* no children: turn into a hole and propagate *)
| None => removeUp Null_t c
(* greatest leaf is a two-node: replace it with a hole and propagate *)
| Some (g, inl c') => removeUp Null_t $ fuse (mkContext g c') c
(* greatest leaf is a three-node: turn it into a two-node *)
| Some (g, inr (el, c')) => zip (single el) $ fuse (mkContext g c') c
(* element found on left side of three-node *)
| ThreeLeftHole_l tl tm er tr c =>
let mkContext g c' := ThreeLeftHole_c g tm er tr c' in
match locateGreatest tl Top_c with
(* no children: turn into a two-node *)
| None => zip (single er) c
(* greatest leaf is a two-node: replace it with a hole and propagate *)
| Some (g, inl c') => removeUp Null_t $ fuse (mkContext g c') c
(* greatest leaf is a three-node: turn it into a two-node *)
| Some (g, inr (el, c')) => zip (single el) $ fuse (mkContext g c') c
(* element found on right side of three-node *)
| ThreeRightHole_l tl el tm tr c =>
let mkContext g c' := ThreeMiddleHole_c tl el g tr c' in
match locateGreatest tm Top_c with
(* no children: turn into a two-node *)
| None => zip (single el) c
(* greatest leaf is a two-node: replace it with a hole and propagate *)
| Some (g, inl c') => removeUp Null_t $ fuse (mkContext g c') c
(* greatest leaf is a three-node: turn it into a two-node *)
| Some (g, inr (el, c')) => zip (single el) $ fuse (mkContext g c') c
End tree.
Arguments Null_t {E}.
Section treeWfP.
Context {E:Type} {TO:TotalOrder E} {TOP:TotalOrderP E}.
Context {EP:EquivP E} {POEP:PreOrderEquivP _ EP}.
Inductive tree_wf : tree E -> nat -> EtndTopBot E -> EtndTopBot E -> Prop :=
| NullTreeWf : forall eLL eRR, tree_wf Null_t O eLL eRR
| TwoTreeWf : forall tl em tr h eLL eRR,
eLL << IncEtndTopBot em
-> IncEtndTopBot em << eRR
-> tree_wf tl h eLL (IncEtndTopBot em)
-> tree_wf tr h (IncEtndTopBot em) eRR
-> tree_wf (Two_t tl em tr) (S h) eLL eRR
| ThreeTreWf : forall tl el tm er tr eLL eRR h,
eLL << IncEtndTopBot el
-> el << er
-> IncEtndTopBot er << eRR
-> tree_wf tl h eLL (IncEtndTopBot el)
-> tree_wf tm h (IncEtndTopBot el) (IncEtndTopBot er)
-> tree_wf tr h (IncEtndTopBot er) eRR
-> tree_wf (Three_t tl el tm er tr) (S h) eLL eRR
Inductive tree_in : E -> tree E -> Prop :=
| TwoTreeIn : forall e tl em tr,
e ~= em
\/ tree_in e tl
\/ tree_in e tr
-> tree_in e (Two_t tl em tr)
| ThreeTreeIn : forall e tl el tm er tr,
e ~= el
\/ e ~= er
\/ tree_in e tl
\/ tree_in e tm
\/ tree_in e tr
-> tree_in e (Three_t tl el tm er tr)
Lemma swapTwoWf : forall tl em tr h eLL eRR em',
tree_wf (Two_t tl em tr) h eLL eRR
-> em ~= em'
-> tree_wf (Two_t tl em' tr) h eLL eRR.
Proof. intros ; induction h.
inversion H.
inversion H ; subst ; clear H. constructor. repeat (ohsnap ; girlforeal).
unfold ltP in H5. destruct eLL ; repeat (ohsnap ; girlforeal).
End treeWfP.
Definition context_wf (c:context) (sth:nat) (sel:E+bool) (ser:E+bool) (th:nat) (eLL:E+bool) (eRR:E+bool) : Prop :=
forall t:tree, tree_wf t sth sel ser -> tree_wf (zip t c) th eLL eRR.
Lemma twoLeftHoleZipWf : forall tl em tr c h eLL eRR,
tree_wf (zip (Two_t tl em tr) c) h eLL eRR -> tree_wf (zip tl (TwoLeftHole_c em tr c)) h eLL eRR.
Proof. intros. induction tl ; intros ; simpl ; auto. Qed. Hint Immediate twoLeftHoleZipWf : twoThreeDb.
Lemma twoRightHoleZipWf : forall tl em tr c h eLL eRR,
tree_wf (zip (Two_t tl em tr) c) h eLL eRR -> tree_wf (zip tr (TwoRightHole_c tl em c)) h eLL eRR.
Proof. intros. induction tl ; intros ; simpl ; auto. Qed. Hint Immediate twoRightHoleZipWf : twoThreeDb.
Lemma threeLeftHoleZipWf : forall tl el tm er tr c h eLL eRR,
tree_wf (zip (Three_t tl el tm er tr) c) h eLL eRR-> tree_wf (zip tl (ThreeLeftHole_c el tm er tr c)) h eLL eRR.
Proof. intros. induction tl ; intros ; simpl ; auto. Qed. Hint Immediate threeLeftHoleZipWf : twoThreeDb.
Lemma threeMiddleHoleZipWf : forall tl el tm er tr c h eLL eRR,
tree_wf (zip (Three_t tl el tm er tr) c) h eLL eRR -> tree_wf (zip tm (ThreeMiddleHole_c tl el er tr c)) h eLL eRR.
Proof. intros. induction tl ; intros ; simpl ; auto. Qed. Hint Immediate threeMiddleHoleZipWf : twoThreeDb.
Lemma threeRightHoleZipWf : forall tl el tm er tr c h eLL eRR,
tree_wf (zip (Three_t tl el tm er tr) c) h eLL eRR -> tree_wf (zip tr (ThreeRightHole_c tl el tm er c)) h eLL eRR.
Proof. intros. induction tl ; intros ; simpl ; auto. Qed. Hint Immediate threeRightHoleZipWf : twoThreeDb.
Definition location_wf (l:location) h eLL eRR : Prop := forall e:E, tree_wf (fillLocation e l) h eLL eRR.
Lemma zipLocationWf : forall tl em tr c, tree_wf (zip (Two_t tl em tr) c) -> location_wf (TwoHole_l tl tr c).
Proof. intros. unfold location_wf. intros. simpl.
exists em. auto. Qed. Hint Immediate zipLocationWf : twoThreeDb.
Lemma locate_wf : forall e t c, tree_wf (zip t c) -> match locate e t c with inl c => tree_wf (zip Null_t c) | inr (_,l) => location_wf l end.
Proof. intros. gd c. gd e.
induction t ; intros ; simpl ; auto. destruct (compareo e0 e).
pose (twoLeftHoleZipWf _ _ _ _ H). specialize (IHt1 e0 _ t). apply IHt1.
eauto with twoThreeDb.
pose (twoRightHoleZipWf _ _ _ _ H). specialize (IHt2 e0 _ t). apply IHt2.
Lemma single_wf : forall e, tree_wf (single e). Proof. intros. simpl. auto. Qed.
Definition insert_wf : forall e t, tree_wf t -> tree_wf (insert e t).
Proof. intros.
destruct t. simpl. auto.
unfold insert. simpl.
destruct (compareo e e0).
unfold insert.
destruct (locate e t Top_c). simpl.