From Coq.Classes Require EquivDec.
Require Import ExtLib.Structures.EqDep.
Require Import ExtLib.Tactics.Injection.
Require Import ExtLib.Tactics.EqDep.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Strict Implicit.
Set Printing Universes.
Require Import ExtLib.Structures.EqDep.
Require Import ExtLib.Tactics.Injection.
Require Import ExtLib.Tactics.EqDep.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Strict Implicit.
Set Printing Universes.
For backwards compatibility with hint locality attributes.
Set Warnings "-unsupported-attributes".
Section injective.
Variable T : Type.
Variable F : T -> Type.
Variable ED : EquivDec.EqDec _ (@eq T).
Global Instance Injective_existT a b d
: Injective (existT F a b = existT F a d) | 1.
refine {| result := b = d |}.
abstract (eauto using inj_pair2).
Global Instance Injective_existT_dif a b c d
: Injective (existT F a b = existT F c d) | 2.
refine {| result := exists pf : c = a,
b = match pf in _ = t return F t with
| eq_refl => d
end |}.
abstract (inversion 1; subst; exists eq_refl; auto).
End injective.
Lemma eq_sigT_rw
: forall T U F (a b : T) (pf : a = b) s,
match pf in _ = x return @sigT U (F x) with
| eq_refl => s
end =
@existT U (F b) (projT1 s)
match pf in _ = x return F x (projT1 s) with
| eq_refl => (projT2 s)
Proof. destruct pf. destruct s; reflexivity. Qed.
Hint Rewrite eq_sigT_rw : eq_rw.
Section injective.
Variable T : Type.
Variable F : T -> Type.
Variable ED : EquivDec.EqDec _ (@eq T).
Global Instance Injective_existT a b d
: Injective (existT F a b = existT F a d) | 1.
refine {| result := b = d |}.
abstract (eauto using inj_pair2).
Global Instance Injective_existT_dif a b c d
: Injective (existT F a b = existT F c d) | 2.
refine {| result := exists pf : c = a,
b = match pf in _ = t return F t with
| eq_refl => d
end |}.
abstract (inversion 1; subst; exists eq_refl; auto).
End injective.
Lemma eq_sigT_rw
: forall T U F (a b : T) (pf : a = b) s,
match pf in _ = x return @sigT U (F x) with
| eq_refl => s
end =
@existT U (F b) (projT1 s)
match pf in _ = x return F x (projT1 s) with
| eq_refl => (projT2 s)
Proof. destruct pf. destruct s; reflexivity. Qed.
Hint Rewrite eq_sigT_rw : eq_rw.