From Coq.Classes Require Import RelationClasses.
From Coq.Arith Require Wf_nat.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Strict Implicit.
Section parametric.
Context {T U : Type}.
Variable f : T -> U.
Variable R : U -> U -> Prop.
Hypothesis well_founded_R : well_founded R.
Definition compose (a b : T) : Prop :=
R (f a) (f b).
Definition well_founded_compose : well_founded compose :=
(fun t =>
(@Fix _ R well_founded_R (fun x => forall y, f y = x -> Acc compose y)
(fun x recur y pf =>
@Acc_intro _ compose y (fun y' (pf' : R (f y') (f y)) =>
recur _ match pf in _ = t return R (f y') t with
| eq_refl => pf'
end _ eq_refl))
(f t) t eq_refl)).
End parametric.
From Coq.Arith Require Wf_nat.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Set Strict Implicit.
Section parametric.
Context {T U : Type}.
Variable f : T -> U.
Variable R : U -> U -> Prop.
Hypothesis well_founded_R : well_founded R.
Definition compose (a b : T) : Prop :=
R (f a) (f b).
Definition well_founded_compose : well_founded compose :=
(fun t =>
(@Fix _ R well_founded_R (fun x => forall y, f y = x -> Acc compose y)
(fun x recur y pf =>
@Acc_intro _ compose y (fun y' (pf' : R (f y') (f y)) =>
recur _ match pf in _ = t return R (f y') t with
| eq_refl => pf'
end _ eq_refl))
(f t) t eq_refl)).
End parametric.
A well-founded relation induced by a measure to nat