Require Import Setoid Morphisms.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Import edone.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.


Use capitalized names for Coq.Relation_Definitions
(* Definition Symmetric := Relation_Definitions.symmetric. *)
(* Definition Transitive := Relation_Definitions.transitive. *)


Coq treats axioms of type False specially: the Print Asssumptions command prints the types that are inhabited by an (empty) case analysis on the axiom. The alternative definition of admit below allows closing proofs that contain admits by Qed, leading to a more precise tracking of the "holes" during proof development.
Of course, the axiom makes the global context inconsistent, making it necessary to check final results using Print Assumptions to ensure the axiom is not acually used.
The tactics below should be commented out in released and review versions.

(* Axiom admitted_case : False. *)
(* Ltac admit := case admitted_case. *)

Ltac reflect_eq :=
  repeat match goal with [H : is_true (_ == _) |- _] => move/eqP : H => H end.
Ltac contrab :=
  match goal with
    [H1 : is_true ?b, H2 : is_true (~~ ?b) |- _] => by rewrite H1 in H2
Tactic Notation "existsb" uconstr(x) := apply/existsP;exists x.

Hint Extern 0 (injective Some) => exact: @Some_inj : core.


Declare Scope sigT_scope.
Open Scope sigT_scope.

Notation "'Σ' x .. y , p" :=
  (sigT (fun x => .. (sigT (fun y => p%type)) ..))
  (at level 200, x binder, y binder, right associativity) : sigT_scope.

Notation "⟨ x , m ⟩" := (existT _ x m) : sigT_scope.

Lemma tagged_eq (T : eqType) (T_ : T -> eqType) (x : T) (u v : T_ x) :
  ( x , u == x , v ) = (u == v).
Proof. by rewrite -tag_eqE/tag_eq/= eqxx tagged_asE. Qed.

Lemma tagged_eqF (T : eqType) (T_ : T -> eqType) (x y : T) (u : T_ x) (v : T_ y) :
  x != y -> ( x , u == y , v ) = false.
Proof. by rewrite -tag_eqE/tag_eq/= => /negbTE ->. Qed.

Generic Trivialities

Lemma enum_sum (T1 T2 : finType) (p : pred (T1 + T2)) :
  enum p =
  map inl (enum [pred i | p (inl i)]) ++ map inr (enum [pred i | p (inr i)]).
by rewrite /enum_mem {1}unlock /= /sum_enum filter_cat !filter_map.

Lemma enum_unit (p : pred unit) : enum p = filter p [:: tt].
Proof. by rewrite /enum_mem unlock. Qed.

usage: rewrite [pat]rwT replaces pat with true and creates pat as a subgoal
Definition rwT (b : bool) := @id (is_true b).
rewrite [pat]rwF replaces pat with false and creates ~~ pat as a subgoal
Definition rwF := negbTE.

Lemma forall_imset (aT rT : finType) (f : aT -> rT) (p : {pred aT}) (q : {pred rT}) :
  [forall x in [set f z | z in p], q x] = [forall x in p, q (f x)].
apply/forall_inP/forall_inP=>[allQ x xp|]; first by apply: allQ; rewrite imset_f.
by move => allQ ? /imsetP[z zp ->]; apply: allQ.

Lemma forall2_imset (aT rT : finType) (f g : aT -> rT) (p : {pred aT}) (q : rel rT) :
  [forall x in [set f z | z in p], forall y in [set g z | z in p], q x y] =
  [forall x in p, forall y in p, q (f x) (g y)].
by rewrite forall_imset; under eq_forallb => y do rewrite forall_imset.

Lemma eq_forall_in (T : finType) (A P1 P2 : {pred T}) :
  {in A, P1 =1 P2} -> [forall x in A, P1 x] = [forall x in A, P2 x].
Proof. move=> eqP. apply/eq_forallb => x; case xA: (x \in A) => //=. exact: eqP. Qed.

Lemma insubdT (T : Type) (P : pred T) (sT : subType P) (d : sT) (x : T) (Px : P x) :
  insubd d x = Sub x Px.
Proof. by rewrite /insubd insubT. Qed.

Section Val2.
Variables (T : Type) (P : pred T) (sT : subType P) (P' : pred sT) (sT' : subType P').
Definition val2 (x : sT') := val (val x).

Lemma val2_inj : injective val2.
Proof. by apply:inj_comp; apply: val_inj. Qed.
End Val2.
Prenex Implicits val2.

Variant xchoose_spec (T : choiceType) (P : pred T) (E : ex P) : T -> Prop :=
  XChosen x of P x : xchoose_spec E x.

Lemma xchooseP' (T : choiceType) (P : pred T) (E : ex P) :
  xchoose_spec E (xchoose E).
Proof. constructor; exact: xchooseP. Qed.

Lemma exists_inPnn {T : finType} {D P : pred T} :
  reflect (forall x : T, x \in D -> P x) (~~ [exists x in D, ~~ P x]).
rewrite negb_exists_in; under eq_forallb => ? do rewrite negbK.
exact: forall_inP.

Lemma existsb_case (P : pred bool) : [exists b, P b] = P true || P false.
Proof. apply/existsP/idP => [[[|] -> //]|/orP[H|H]]; eexists; exact H. Qed.

Lemma all_cons (T : eqType) (P : T -> Prop) a (s : seq T) :
  {in a::s, forall x, P x} <-> P a /\ {in s, forall x, P x}.
split => [A|[A B]]; last by move => x /predU1P [-> //|]; apply: B.
by split => [|b Hb]; apply: A; rewrite !inE ?eqxx ?Hb.

Lemma cons_subset (T : eqType) (a:T) s1 (s2 : pred T) :
  {subset a::s1 <= s2} <-> a \in s2 /\ {subset s1 <= s2}.
Proof. exact: all_cons. Qed.

Lemma subrelP (T : finType) (e1 e2 : rel T) :
  reflect (subrel e1 e2) ([pred x | e1 x.1 x.2] \subset [pred x | e2 x.1 x.2]).
Proof. apply: (iffP subsetP) => [S x y /(S (x,y)) //|S [x y]]. exact: S. Qed.

Lemma eqb_negR (b1 b2 : bool) : (b1 == ~~ b2) = (b1 != b2).
Proof. by case: b1; case: b2. Qed.

Lemma orb_sum (a b : bool) : a || b -> (a + b)%type.
Proof. by case: a => /=; [left|right]. Qed.

(* should possibly be called inj_leq but that's aleady used *)
Lemma inj_card_leq (A B: finType) (f : A -> B) : injective f -> #|A| <= #|B|.
Proof. move => inj_f. by rewrite -[#|A|](card_codom (f := f)) // max_card. Qed.

Lemma bij_card_eq (A B: finType) (f : A -> B) : bijective f -> #|A| = #|B|.
  case => g can_f can_g. apply/eqP.
  rewrite eqn_leq (inj_card_leq (f := f)) ?(inj_card_leq (f := g)) //; exact: can_inj.

Note: u : sig_subType P provides for the decidable equality
Lemma sub_val_eq (T : eqType) (P : pred T) (u : sig_subType P) x (Px : x \in P) :
  (u == Sub x Px) = (val u == x).
Proof. by case: (SubP u) => {u} u Pu. Qed.

Lemma valK' (T : Type) (P : pred T) (sT : subType P) (x : sT) (p : P (val x)) :
  Sub (val x) p = x.
Proof. apply: val_inj. by rewrite SubK. Qed.

Lemma inl_inj (A B : Type) : injective (@inl A B).
Proof. by move => a b []. Qed.

Lemma inr_inj (A B : Type) : injective (@inr A B).
Proof. by move => a b []. Qed.

Lemma inr_codom_inl (T1 T2 : finType) x : inr x \in codom (@inl T1 T2) = false.
Proof. apply/negbTE/negP. by case/mapP. Qed.

Lemma inl_codom_inr (T1 T2 : finType) x : inl x \in codom (@inr T1 T2) = false.
Proof. apply/negbTE/negP. by case/mapP. Qed.

Lemma Some_eqE (T : eqType) (x y : T) : (Some x == Some y) = (x == y).
Proof. exact: inj_eq. Qed.

Lemma inl_eqE (A B : eqType) x y : (@inl A B x == @inl A B y) = (x == y).
Proof. exact/inj_eq/inl_inj. Qed.

Lemma inr_eqE (A B : eqType) x y : (@inr A B x == @inr A B y) = (x == y).
Proof. exact/inj_eq/inr_inj. Qed.

Definition sum_eqE := (inl_eqE,inr_eqE).

Lemma sum_nat_mulnr [I : finType] (A : pred I) (n : nat) (F : I -> nat) :
  (n * \sum_(i in A) F i)%N = \sum_(i in A) n * F i.
by elim/big_ind2 : _ => // [|? m1 ? m2 <- <-]; rewrite ?muln0 ?mulnDr.

Lemma sum_cardI (T : finType) (A B : {set T}):
  \sum_(x in A) (x \in B) = #|A :&: B|.
rewrite -sum1_card; under [RHS]eq_bigl do rewrite inE.
by rewrite [RHS]big_mkcondr /=; apply: eq_bigr => i _; case: (_ \in _).

Lemma sum_cond1 (I : finType) (r : seq I) (P Q : I -> bool) :
  \sum_(x <- r | Q x ) P x = \sum_(x <- r | Q x && P x) 1.
by rewrite [RHS]big_mkcondr; apply: eq_bigr => x _; case: (P x).

Lemma card_gtnE (T : finType) n (p : {pred T}) : n < #|p| -> { x | x \in p }.
Proof. by move=> n_p; apply/sigW/card_gt0P; apply: leq_trans n_p. Qed.

getting the "n-th element" of a set of ordinals TOTHINK: generalize ot aribtaryy ordered types?
Lemma nth_ord (k n : nat) (A : {set 'I_k}) :
  n < #|A| -> { i : 'I_k | i \in A & #|[set j in A | j < i]| = n}.
elim: n A => [|n IHn] A ltA; have [/= i0 i0A] := card_gtnE ltA.
- pose i := [arg min_(i < i0 | i \in A) i].
  exists i; rewrite /i; case: arg_minnP => // j jA min_j. apply/eq_card0 => o.
  by rewrite !inE; apply: contraTF isT => /andP[oA]; rewrite ltnNge min_j.
- pose i := [arg min_(i < i0 | i \in A) i].
  have [iA min_i] : i \in A /\ forall j, j \in A -> i <= j by rewrite /i; case: arg_minnP.
  rewrite (cardsD1 i) iA add1n ltnS in ltA.
  have [j /setD1P [jDi jA] <-] := IHn _ ltA.
  exists j; rewrite // [in LHS](cardsD1 i) inE iA ltn_neqAle eq_sym jDi min_i //=.
  by rewrite add1n; congr (_.+1); apply/eq_card => o; rewrite !inE -andbA eq_sym.

Lemma inj_omap T1 T2 (f : T1 -> T2) : injective f -> injective (omap f).
Proof. by move=> f_inj [x1|] [x2|] //= []/f_inj->. Qed.

Definition ord1 {n : nat} : 'I_n.+2 := Ordinal (isT : 1 < n.+2).
Definition ord2 {n : nat} : 'I_n.+3 := Ordinal (isT : 2 < n.+3).
Definition ord3 {n : nat} : 'I_n.+4 := Ordinal (isT : 3 < n.+4).

Lemma ord_size_enum n (s : seq 'I_n) : uniq s -> n <= size s -> forall k, k \in s.
  move => uniq_s size_s k.
  rewrite (@uniq_min_size _ _ (enum 'I_n)) ?size_enum_ord ?mem_enum // => z _.
  by rewrite mem_enum.

Lemma ord_fresh n (s : seq 'I_n) : size s < n -> exists k : 'I_n, k \notin s.
  move => H. suff: 0 < #|[predC s]|.
  { case/card_gt0P => z. rewrite !inE => ?; by exists z. }
  rewrite -(ltn_add2l #|s|) cardC addn0 card_ord.
  apply: leq_ltn_trans H. exact: card_size.

Lemma bigmax_leq_pointwise (I :finType) (P : pred I) (F G : I -> nat) :
  {in P, forall x, F x <= G x} -> \max_(i | P i) F i <= \max_(i | P i) G i.
move => ?. elim/big_ind2 : _ => // y1 y2 x1 x2 A B.
by rewrite geq_max !leq_max A B orbT.

Lemma set1_inj (T : finType) : injective (@set1 T).
Proof. move => x y /setP /(_ y). by rewrite !inE eqxx => /eqP. Qed.

Lemma id_bij T : bijective (@id T).
Proof. exact: (Bijective (g := id)). Qed.

Lemma card_ltnT (T : finType) (p : pred T) x : ~~ p x -> #|p| < #|T|.
  move => A. apply/proper_card. rewrite properE.
  apply/andP; split; first by apply/subsetP.
  apply/subsetPn. by exists x.

Lemma leq_cardsD1 (T : finType) (a : T) (A : {set T}) : #|A|.-1 <= #|A :\ a|.
Proof. by rewrite (cardsD1 a); case: (a \in A); case: (#|_|). Qed.

Lemma setE (T : finType) (A : {set T}) : [set x in A] = A.
Proof. by apply/setP => ?; rewrite inE. Qed.

Lemma setDK (T : finType) (A B : {set T}) : B \subset A -> (A :\: B :|: B) = A.
by move => subBA; rewrite setDE setUIl (setUidPl subBA) setUC setUCr setIT.

(* what's a good name? *)
Lemma setUUC (T : finType) (A B : {set T}) : (A :|: B) :&: (~: A :|: B) = B.
Proof. by apply/setP => z; rewrite !inE; case: (z \in A). Qed.

Lemma setU1_mem (T : finType) x (A : {set T}) : x \in A -> x |: A = A.
  move => H. apply/setP => y. rewrite !inE.
  case: (boolP (y == x)) => // /eqP ->. by rewrite H.

Variant picks_spec (T : finType) (A : {set T}) : option T -> Type :=
| Picks x & x \in A : picks_spec A (Some x)
| Nopicks & A = set0 : picks_spec A None.

Lemma picksP (T : finType) (A : {set T}) : picks_spec A [pick x in A].
  case: pickP => /= [|eq0]; first exact: Picks.
  apply/Nopicks/setP => x. by rewrite !inE eq0.

Lemma set10 (T : finType) (e : T) : [set e] != set0.
Proof. apply/set0Pn. exists e. by rewrite inE. Qed.

Lemma setU1_neq (T : finType) (e : T) (A : {set T}) : e |: A != set0.
Proof. apply/set0Pn. exists e. by rewrite !inE eqxx. Qed.

TOTHINK: #|P| <= #|aT| would suffice, the other direction is implied. But the same is true for inj_card_onto.
Lemma inj_card_onto_pred (aT rT : finType) (f : aT -> rT) (P : pred rT) :
  injective f -> (forall x, f x \in P) -> #|aT| = #|P| -> {in P, forall y, y \in codom f}.
  move => f_inj fP E y yP.
  pose rT' := { y : rT | P y}.
  pose f' (x:aT) : rT' := Sub (f x) (fP x).
  have/inj_card_onto : injective f' by move => x1 x2 []; exact: f_inj.
  case/(_ _ (Sub y yP))/Wrap => [|/codomP[x]]; first by rewrite card_sig E.
  by move/(congr1 val) => /= ->; exact: codom_f.

TODO: check whether the collection of lemmas on sets/predicates and their cardinalities can be simplified

Lemma cards3 (T : finType) (a b c : T) : #|[set a;b;c]| <= 3.
Proof. by rewrite -setUA cardsU1 cards2; case: (_ \in _); case (_ == _). Qed.

Lemma eq_set1P (T : finType) (A : {set T}) (x : T) :
  reflect (x \in A /\ {in A, all_equal_to x}) (A == [set x]).
apply: (iffP eqP) => [->|]; first by rewrite !in_set1; by split => // y /set1P.
case => H1 H2. apply/setP => y. apply/idP/set1P;[exact: H2| by move ->].

Lemma setN01E (T : finType) A (x:T) :
  A != set0 -> A != [set x] -> exists2 y, y \in A & y != x.
case/set0Pn => y Hy H1; apply/exists_inP.
apply: contraNT H1 => /exists_inPn => H; apply/eq_set1P.
suff S: {in A, all_equal_to x} by rewrite -{1}(S y).
by move => z /H /negPn/eqP.

Lemma sub_filter (T : eqType) (p : {pred T}) (s : seq T) :
  {subset [seq x <- s | p x] <= s}.
Proof. by move=> x; rewrite mem_filter => /andP[_ ->]. Qed.

Lemma sub_filter_cond (T : eqType) (p : {pred T}) (s : seq T) :
  {subset [seq x <- s | p x] <= p}.
Proof. by move=> x; rewrite mem_filter => /andP[? _]. Qed.

Lemma subseq_of_subset (T : finType) (A : pred T) (s : seq T) n :
  uniq s -> {subset A <= s} -> n <= #|A| ->
  exists p : seq T, [/\ {subset p <= A}, size p = n & subseq p s].
move => uniq_s subAs leq_n_A; exists (take n [seq x <- s | x \in A]); split.
- by move=> x /mem_take; rewrite mem_filter => /andP[->].
- rewrite size_takel // -(card_uniqP _) ?filter_uniq //.
  apply: leq_trans leq_n_A _; apply/subset_leq_card/subsetP => x x_A.
  by rewrite mem_filter x_A subAs.
- apply: subseq_trans (take_subseq _ _) _. exact: filter_subseq.

Lemma bigcup_set1 (T I : finType) (i0 : I) (F : I -> {set T}) :
  \bigcup_(i in [set i0]) F i = F i0.
Proof. by rewrite (big_pred1 i0) // => i; rewrite inE. Qed.

usage: elim/(size_ind f) : x
Lemma size_ind (X : Type) (f : X -> nat) (P : X -> Type) :
  (forall x, (forall y, (f y < f x) -> P y) -> P x) -> forall x, P x.
move => ind x; have [n] := ubnP (f x); elim: n x => // n IHn x le_n.
apply: ind => y f_y_x; apply: IHn; exact: leq_trans f_y_x _.
Arguments size_ind [X] f [P].

Ltac eqxx := match goal with
             | [ H : is_true (?x != ?x) |- _ ] => by rewrite eqxx in H

use tactics in terms to obtain the argument type when doing induction on the size of something (e.g., a type, set, or predicate). This works since at the time where elim/V evaluates V, the last assumption is _top_assumption_ : T with T being the type of the variable one want's to do induction on. Usage: elim/card_ind
Notation card_ind :=
  (size_ind (fun x : (ltac:(match goal with [ _ : ?X |- _ ] => exact X end)) => #|x|))
  (only parsing).

(* TOTHINK: is there a card_ind LEMMA that does not require manual
instantiation or Ltac trickery?  The following works for pred T but
not for {set T}. *)

Lemma card_ind' (T : finType) (pT : predType T) (P : pT -> Type) : 
  (forall x : pT, (forall y : pT, (|y| < |x|) -> P y) -> P x) -> forall x : pT, P x. 
Proof. exact: size_ind. Qed. 

Lemma proper_ind (T: finType) (P : pred T -> Type) :
  (forall A : pred T, (forall B : pred T, B \proper A -> P B) -> P A) -> forall A, P A.
move => ind; elim/card_ind => A IH.
apply: ind => B /proper_card; exact: IH.

Lemma propers_ind (T: finType) (P : {set T} -> Type) :
  (forall A : {set T}, (forall B : {set T}, B \proper A -> P B) -> P A) -> forall A, P A.
move => ind; elim/card_ind => A IH.
apply: ind => B /proper_card; exact: IH.

Section Smallest.

Variables (T : finType).
Implicit Types (P : {set T} -> Prop) (p : {set T} -> bool) (U V : {set T}).

Definition smallest P U := P U /\ forall V : {set T}, P V -> #|U| <= #|V|.
Definition largest P U := P U /\ forall V : {set T}, P V -> #|V| <= #|U|.

Lemma below_smallest P U V : smallest P U -> #|V| < #|U| -> ~ P V.
Proof. move => [_ small_U]; rewrite ltnNge; exact/contraNnot/small_U. Qed.

Lemma above_largest P U V : largest P U -> #|V| > #|U| -> ~ P V.
Proof. move => [_ large_U]. rewrite ltnNge; exact/contraNnot/large_U. Qed.

Variables (P : {set T} -> Prop) (p : {set T} -> bool).
Hypothesis PP : forall x, reflect (P x) (p x).

Lemma smallestPP A : smallest P A <-> smallest p A.
Proof. by split => -[/PP ? H]; split => // ? /PP; apply: H. Qed.

Lemma argmin_smallest A : p A -> smallest p [arg min_(B < A | p B) #|B|].
Proof. by move=> pA; case: arg_minnP. Qed.

Lemma ex_smallest A : P A -> exists B, smallest P B.
move=> /PP PA. exists [arg min_(B < A | p B) #|B|].

End Smallest.

Lemma sub_in2W (T1 : predArgType) (D1 D2 D1' D2' : pred T1) (P1 : T1 -> T1 -> Prop) :
 {subset D1 <= D1'} -> {subset D2 <= D2'} ->
 {in D1' & D2', forall x y : T1, P1 x y} -> {in D1&D2, forall x y: T1, P1 x y}.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.

Definition restrict_mem (T:Type) (A : mem_pred T) (e : rel T) :=
  [rel u v | (in_mem u A) && (in_mem v A) && e u v].
Notation restrict A := (restrict_mem (mem A)).

Lemma sub_restrict (T : Type) (e : rel T) (a : pred T) :
  subrel (restrict a e) e.
Proof. move => x y /=. by do 2 case: (_ \in a). Qed.

Lemma restrict_mono (T : Type) (A B : {pred T}) (e : rel T) :
  {subset A <= B} -> subrel (restrict A e) (restrict B e).
Proof. move => H x y /= => /andP [/andP [H1 H2] ->]. by rewrite !H. Qed.

Lemma restrict_irrefl (T : Type) (e : rel T) (A : pred T) :
  irreflexive e -> irreflexive (restrict A e).
Proof. move => irr_e x /=. by rewrite irr_e. Qed.

Lemma restrict_sym (T : Type) (A : pred T) (e : rel T) :
  symmetric e -> symmetric (restrict A e).
Proof. move => sym_e x y /=. by rewrite sym_e [(x \in A) && _]andbC. Qed.

Notation vfun := (fun x: void => match x with end).
Notation rel0 := [rel _ _ | false].
Definition surjective (aT : finType) (rT : eqType) (f : aT -> rT) := forall x, x \in codom f.

Fact rel0_irrefl {T:Type} : @irreflexive T rel0.
Proof. done. Qed.

Fact rel0_sym {T:Type} : @symmetric T rel0.
Proof. done. Qed.

Lemma relU_sym' (T : Type) (e e' : rel T) :
  symmetric e -> symmetric e' -> symmetric (relU e e').
Proof. move => sym_e sym_e' x y /=. by rewrite sym_e sym_e'. Qed.

Lemma codom_Some (T : finType) (s : seq (option T)) :
  None \notin s -> {subset s <= codom Some}.
Proof. move => A [a|] B; by [rewrite codom_f|contrab]. Qed.

Unlike Logic.unique, the following does not actually require existence
Definition unique X (P : X -> Prop) := forall x y, P x -> P y -> x = y.

Lemma empty_uniqe X (P : X -> Prop) : (forall x, ~ P x) -> unique P.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.


(* Lemma in mathcomp-1.12 has A : {set T} *)
Lemma disjoints1 (T : finType) (A : {pred T}) x :
  [disjoint [set x] & A] = (x \notin A).
Proof. by rewrite (@eq_disjoint1 _ x) // => y; rewrite !inE. Qed.

Lemma disjoints0 (T : finType) (A : {pred T}) : [disjoint set0 & A].
Proof. by apply/pred0Pn => -[x /=]; rewrite inE. Qed.

Lemma disjointP (T : finType) (A B : pred T):
  reflect (forall x, x \in A -> x \in B -> False) [disjoint A & B].
Proof. by rewrite disjoint_subset; apply:(iffP subsetP) => H x; move/H/negP. Qed.
Arguments disjointP {T A B}.

Definition disjointE (T : finType) (A B : pred T) (x : T)
  (D : [disjoint A & B]) (xA : x \in A) (xB : x \in B) := disjointP D _ xA xB.

Lemma disjointsU (T : finType) (A B C : {set T}):
  [disjoint A & C] -> [disjoint B & C] -> [disjoint A :|: B & C].
  move => a b.
  apply/disjointP => x /setUP[]; by move: x; apply/disjointP.

Function Update

Section update.
Variables (aT : eqType) (rT : Type) (f : aT -> rT).
Definition update x a := fun z => if z == x then a else f z.

Lemma update_neq x z a : x != z -> update z a x = f x.
Proof. rewrite /update. by case: ifP. Qed.

Lemma update_eq z a : update z a z = a.
Proof. by rewrite /update eqxx. Qed.

End update.
Definition updateE := (update_eq,update_neq).
Notation "f [upd x := y ]" := (update f x y) (at level 2, left associativity, format "f [upd x := y ]").

Lemma update_same (aT : eqType) (rT : Type) (f : aT -> rT) x a b :
  f[upd x := a][upd x := b] =1 f[upd x := b].
Proof. rewrite /update => z. by case: (z == x). Qed.

Lemma update_fx (aT : eqType) (rT : Type) (f : aT -> rT) (x : aT):
  f[upd x := f x] =1 f.
Proof. move => y. rewrite /update. by case: (altP (y =P x)) => [->|]. Qed.

Sequences and Paths

Lemma eq_in_pmap (aT : eqType) rT (f1 f2 : aT -> option rT) (s : seq aT) :
  {in s, f1 =1 f2} -> pmap f1 s = pmap f2 s.
by elim: s => // a s IHs /all_cons [eq_a eq_s]; rewrite /= eq_a (IHs eq_s).

Variants of splitP and splitPr that remembers that provides the information that the split is performed at the first occurrence.
Section SplitPlus.
Variables (n0 : nat) (T : eqType).
Implicit Type p : seq T.

Variant split x : seq T -> seq T -> seq T -> Type :=
  Split p1 p2 of x \notin p1 : split x (rcons p1 x ++ p2) p1 p2.

Lemma splitP p x (i := index x p) :
  x \in p -> split x p (take i p) (drop i.+1 p).
rewrite -has_pred1 => /split_find[? ? ? /eqP->].
by rewrite has_pred1; constructor.

Variant splitr x : seq T -> Type :=
  Splitr p1 p2 of x \notin p1 : splitr x (p1 ++ x :: p2).

Lemma splitPr p x : x \in p -> splitr x p.
Proof. by case/splitP=> p1 p2; rewrite cat_rcons. Qed.
End SplitPlus.

Lemma tnth_uniq (T : eqType) n (t : n.-tuple T) (i j : 'I_n) :
  uniq t -> (tnth t i == tnth t j) = (i == j).
  move => uniq_t.
  rewrite /tnth (set_nth_default (tnth_default t j)) ?size_tuple ?ltn_ord //.
  by rewrite nth_uniq // size_tuple ltn_ord.

Lemma mem_tail (T : eqType) (x y : T) s : y \in s -> y \in x :: s.
Proof. by rewrite inE => ->. Qed.
Arguments mem_tail [T] x [y s].

Lemma in_set_seq (T : finType) (s : seq T) : [set z in s] =i s.
Proof. by move=> z; rewrite inE. Qed.

(* inline? *)
Lemma subset_seqR (T : finType) (A : pred T) (s : seq T) :
  (A \subset s) = (A \subset [set x in s]).
Proof. by rewrite (eq_subset_r (in_set_seq _)). Qed.

Lemma subset_seqL (T : finType) (A : pred T) (s : seq T) :
  (s \subset A) = ([set x in s] \subset A).
Proof. by rewrite (eq_subset (in_set_seq _)). Qed.

Lemma mem_catD (T:finType) (x:T) (s1 s2 : seq T) :
  [disjoint s1 & s2] -> (x \in s1 ++ s2) = (x \in s1) (+) (x \in s2).
  move => D. rewrite mem_cat. case C1 : (x \in s1) => //=.
  symmetry. apply/negP. exact: disjointE D _.
Arguments mem_catD [T x s1 s2].

Lemma rpath_sub (T : eqType) (e : rel T) (a : pred T) x p :
  path (restrict a e) x p -> {subset p <= a}.
  elim: p x => //= b p IH x. rewrite -!andbA => /and4P[H1 H2 H3 H4].
  apply/cons_subset. by split; eauto.

Lemma closed_path_sub (T : eqType) (e : rel T) (x : T) (s : seq T) (p : {pred T}) :
  (forall z y, e z y -> p z -> p y) -> p x -> path e x s -> {subset s <= p}.
move => cl_p; elim: s x => //= y s IHs x /cl_p py /andP[e_xy pth_p].
apply/all_cons; split; by [apply: py |apply: IHs (py _ _) pth_p].

Lemma path_rpath (T : eqType) (e : rel T) (A : pred T) x p :
  path e x p -> x \in A -> {subset p <= A} -> path (restrict A e) x p.
  elim: p x => [//|a p IH] x /= /andP[-> pth_p] -> /cons_subset [Ha ?] /=.
  rewrite /= Ha. exact: IH.

Lemma last_take (T : eqType) (x : T) (p : seq T) (n : nat):
  n <= size p -> last x (take n p) = nth x (x :: p) n.
  elim: p x n => [|a p IHp] x [|n] Hn //=.
  by rewrite IHp // (set_nth_default a x).

Lemma take_find (T : Type) (a : pred T) s : ~~ has a (take (find a s) s).
Proof. elim: s => //= x s IH. case E: (a x) => //=. by rewrite E. Qed.

Lemma rev_inj (T : Type) : injective (@rev T).
Proof. apply: (can_inj (g := rev)). exact: revK. Qed.

Lemma last_mem (T : eqType) (x : T) (s : seq T) :
  x \in s -> last x s \in s.
by elim/last_ind: s => // s y _ _; rewrite last_rcons mem_rcons mem_head.

Lemma last_belast_eq (T : Type) (x : T) p q :
  last x p = last x q -> belast x p = belast x q -> p = q.
  elim/last_ind : p => [|p a _]; elim/last_ind : q => [|q b _] //=;
    try by rewrite belast_rcons => ?.
  rewrite !belast_rcons !last_rcons => ?. congruence.

Lemma lift_path (aT : finType) (rT : eqType) (e : rel aT) (e' : rel rT) (f : aT -> rT) a p' :
  (forall x y, f x \in f a :: p' -> f y \in f a :: p' -> e' (f x) (f y) -> e x y) ->
  path e' (f a) p' -> {subset p' <= codom f} -> exists p, path e a p /\ map f p = p'.
  move => f_inv.
  elim: p' a f_inv => /= [|fb p' IH a H /andP[A B] /cons_subset[S1 S2]]; first by exists [::].
  case: (codomP S1) => b E. subst. case: (IH b) => // => [x y Hx Hy|p [] *].
  - by apply: H; rewrite inE ?Hx ?Hy.
  - exists (b::p) => /=. suff: e a b by move -> ; subst. by rewrite H ?inE ?eqxx.

Lemma mem_bigcup (T1 T2 : finType) (F : T1 -> {set T2}) (P : pred T1) z y :
  P y -> z \in F y -> z \in \bigcup_(x | P x) F x.
Proof. move => Py zF. by apply/bigcupP; exists y; rewrite ?yA. Qed.
Arguments mem_bigcup [T1 T2 F P z] y _ _.

Reflexive Transitive Closure

Lemma connectUP (T : finType) (e : rel T) (x y : T) :
  reflect (exists p, [/\ path e x p, last x p = y & uniq (x::p)])
          (connect e x y).
  apply: (iffP connectP) => [[p p1 p2]|]; last by firstorder.
  exists (shorten x p). by case/shortenP : p1 p2 => p' ? ? _ /esym ?.
Arguments connectUP {T e x y}.

Lemma sub_connect (T : finType) (e : rel T) : subrel e (connect e).
Proof. exact: connect1. Qed.
Arguments sub_connect [T] e _ _ _.

Lemma sub_trans (T:Type) (e1 e2 e3: rel T) :
  subrel e1 e2 -> subrel e2 e3 -> subrel e1 e3.
Proof. firstorder. Qed.

Lemma connect_mono (T : finType) (e1 e2 : rel T) :
  subrel e1 e2 -> subrel (connect e1) (connect e2).
Proof. move => A. apply: connect_sub. exact: sub_trans (sub_connect e2). Qed.

Lemma sub_restrict_connect (T : finType) (e : rel T) (a : pred T) :
  subrel (connect (restrict a e)) (connect e).
Proof. apply: connect_mono. exact: sub_restrict. Qed.

Lemma connect_restrict_mono (T : finType) (e : rel T) (A B : pred T) :
  A \subset B -> subrel (connect (restrict A e)) (connect (restrict B e)).
  move/subsetP => AB. apply: connect_mono => u v /=.
  rewrite -!andbA => /and3P [? ? ->]. by rewrite !AB.

Lemma restrictE (T : finType) (e : rel T) (A : pred T) :
  A =i predT -> connect (restrict A e) =2 connect e.
  move => H x y. rewrite (eq_connect (e' := e)) //.
  move => {x y} x y /=. by rewrite !H.

Lemma connect_restrictP (T : finType) (e : rel T) (A : pred T) x y (xDy : x != y) :
  reflect (exists p, [/\ path e x p, last x p = y, uniq (x::p) & {subset x::p <= A}])
          (connect (restrict A e) x y).
apply: (iffP connectUP) => [[p] [rpth_p lst_p uniq_p]|[p] [rpth_p lst_p uniq_p sub_p]].
- exists p. rewrite (sub_path _ rpth_p); first split => //; last exact: sub_restrict.
  apply/cons_subset; split; last exact: rpath_sub rpth_p.
  case: p rpth_p lst_p {uniq_p} => /= [_ /eqP E|]; by [rewrite E in xDy| case: (x \in A)].
- by exists p; case/cons_subset : sub_p => ? ?; rewrite path_rpath.
Arguments connect_restrictP {T e A x y _}.

Lemma connect_symI (T : finType) (e : rel T) : symmetric e -> connect_sym e.
move => sym_e; suff S x y : connect e x y -> connect e y x.
  move => x y. apply/idP/idP; exact: S.
case/connectP => p; elim: p x y => /= [x y _ -> //|z p IH x y /andP [A B] C].
rewrite sym_e in A; apply: connect_trans (connect1 A); exact: IH.

Lemma equivalence_rel_of_sym (T : finType) (e : rel T) :
  symmetric e -> equivalence_rel (connect e).
  move => sym_e x y z. split => // A. apply/idP/idP; last exact: connect_trans.
  rewrite connect_symI // in A. exact: connect_trans A.

Lemma homo_connect (aT rT : finType) (e : rel aT) (e' : rel rT) (f : aT -> rT) a b :
  {homo f : x y / e x y >-> e' x y} -> connect e a b -> connect e' (f a) (f b).
move => hom_f; case/connectP => p p1 p2; apply/connectP.
exists (map f p); by [exact: homo_path p1|rewrite last_map -p2].

Lemma eq_connect_sym (T : finType) (e e' : rel T) :
  e =2 e' -> connect_sym e -> connect_sym e'.
Proof. by move=> eq_e sym_e x y; rewrite -!(eq_connect eq_e). Qed.

Definition sc (T : Type) (e : rel T) := [rel x y | e x y || e y x].

Lemma sc_sym (T : Type) (e : rel T) : symmetric (sc e).
Proof. move => x y /=. by rewrite orbC. Qed.

Lemma sc_eq T T' (e : rel T) (e' : rel T') f x y :
  (forall x y, e' (f x) (f y) = e x y) -> sc e' (f x) (f y) = sc e x y.
Proof. move => H. by rewrite /sc /= !H. Qed.

Equivalence Closure

Section Equivalence.

Variables (T : finType) (e : rel T).

Definition equiv_of := connect (sc e).

Definition equiv_of_refl : reflexive equiv_of.
Proof. exact: connect0. Qed.

Lemma equiv_of_sym : symmetric equiv_of.
Proof. apply: connect_symI => x y /=. by rewrite orbC. Qed.

Definition equiv_of_trans : transitive equiv_of.
Proof. exact: connect_trans. Qed.

(* Canonical equiv_of_equivalence := *)
(*   EquivRel equiv_of equiv_of_refl equiv_of_sym equiv_of_trans. *)

Lemma sub_equiv_of : subrel e equiv_of.
Proof. move => x y He. apply: connect1 => /=. by rewrite He. Qed.

End Equivalence.

Lemma lift_equiv (T1 T2 : finType) (E1 : rel T1) (E2 : rel T2) h :
  bijective h -> (forall x y, E1 x y = E2 (h x) (h y)) ->
  (forall x y, equiv_of E1 x y = equiv_of E2 (h x) (h y)).
  move=> [hinv] hK hinvK hE x y. rewrite /equiv_of. apply/idP/idP.
  - by apply: homo_connect => {x y} x y /=; rewrite !hE.
  - rewrite -{2}(hK x) -{2}(hK y).
    by apply: homo_connect => {x y} x y /=; rewrite !hE !hinvK.

Hint Resolve Some_inj inl_inj inr_inj : core.

Set preimage

Notation "f @^-1 x" := (preimset f (mem (pred1 x))) (at level 24) : set_scope.

Lemma mem_preim (aT rT : finType) (f : aT -> rT) x y :
  (f x == y) = (x \in f @^-1 y).
Proof. by rewrite !inE. Qed.

Lemma can_preimset (aT rT : finType) (f : aT -> rT) (A : {set rT}) :
  A \subset codom f -> [set f x | x in f @^-1: A] = A.
move/subsetP => subAi; apply/setP => z; apply/imsetP/idP => [[x]|zA].
  by rewrite inE => ? ->.
by exists (iinv (subAi _ zA)); rewrite ?inE f_iinv.
Arguments can_preimset [aT rT] f [A] _.

Lemma preim_omap_Some (aT rT : finType) (f : aT -> rT) y :
  (omap f @^-1 Some y) = Some @: (f @^-1 y).
  apply/setP => [[x|]] //=; rewrite !inE /= ?Some_eqE.
  - apply/idP/imsetP => E. exists x => //. by rewrite -mem_preim.
    case: E => x0 ? [->]. by rewrite mem_preim.
  - by apply/idP/imsetP => // [[?]] //.

Lemma preim_omap_None (aT rT : finType) (f : aT -> rT) :
  (omap f @^-1 None) = [set None].
Proof. apply/setP => x. rewrite -mem_preim !inE. by case: x => [x|]. Qed.

Set image

Lemma imset_inj (aT rT : finType) (f : aT -> rT) :
  injective f -> injective (fun A : {set aT} => f @: A).
move=> inj_f A B eq_AB; apply/setP => x.
by rewrite -(mem_imset_eq _ _ inj_f) eq_AB mem_imset_eq.

Lemma imset_pre_val (T : finType) (P : pred T) (s : subFinType P) (A : {set T}) :
  A \subset P -> val @: (val @^-1: A : {set s}) = A.
  move=> /subsetP A_P. apply/setP=> x; apply/imsetP/idP.
  + case=> y; by rewrite inE => ? ->.
  + move=> x_A; by exists (Sub x (A_P x x_A)); rewrite ?inE SubK.

Lemma imset_valT (T : finType) (P : pred T) (s : subFinType P) :
  val @: [set: s] = finset P.
  apply/setP=> z; apply/imsetP/idP; rewrite inE.
  + case=> y _ ->; exact: (valP y).
  + move=> z_P; by exists (Sub z z_P); last rewrite SubK.

Lemma imset_codom (aT rT : finType) (f : aT -> rT) (A : {set aT}) :
  [set f x | x in A] \subset codom f.
Proof. apply/subsetP => ? /imsetP[x xA ->]; exact: codom_f. Qed.

Lemma memKset (T : finType) (A : {set T}) : finset (mem A) = A.
Proof. apply/setP=> x; by rewrite !inE. Qed.

Lemma inj_card_preimset (aT rT : finType) (f : aT -> rT) (A : {set rT}) :
  injective f -> A \subset codom f -> #|f @^-1: A| = #|A|.
move=> inj_f /subsetP => subAf.
have [->|[y yA]] := set_0Vmem A; first by rewrite preimset0 !cards0.
have x0 : aT := (iinv (subAf _ yA)).
pose g (x : rT) : aT := if @idP (x \in codom f) is ReflectT p then iinv p else x0.
apply: on_card_preimset; exists g.
- by move => x /subAf; rewrite /g; case E : {1}_ / idP; rewrite // iinv_f.
- by move => x /subAf; rewrite /g; case E : {1}_ / idP; rewrite // f_iinv.

Lemma inj_imsetS (aT rT : finType) (f : aT -> rT) (A B : {pred aT}) :
  injective f -> (f @: A \subset f @: B) = (A \subset B).
move=> inj_f; apply/subsetP/subsetP => [/= subAB x xA|subAB ? /imsetP[x xA ->]].
  by move: (subAB (f x)); rewrite !(mem_imset_eq _ _ inj_f); apply.
by rewrite (mem_imset_eq _ _ inj_f); apply: subAB.

Lemma val_subset (T: finType) (H : {set T}) (A B : {set sig [eta mem H]}) :
  (val @: A \subset val @: B) = (A \subset B).
Proof. by rewrite inj_imsetS //; exact: val_inj. Qed.

Replacement for partial functions

Definition pimset (aT rT : finType) (f : aT -> option rT) (A : {set aT}) :=
  [set x : rT | [exists (x0 | x0 \in A), f x0 == Some x]].

Lemma pimsetP (aT rT : finType) (f : aT -> option rT) (A : {set aT}) x :
  reflect (exists2 x0, x0 \in A & f x0 == Some x) (x \in pimset f A).
Proof. rewrite inE. exact: (iffP exists_inP). Qed.

Lemma pimset_card (aT rT : finType) (f : aT -> option rT) (A : {set aT}) :
  #|[set x : rT | [exists x0 in A, f x0 == Some x]]| <= #|A|.
  apply: (@leq_trans #|[set f x | x in A]|); last exact: leq_imset_card.
  rewrite -[X in X <= _](card_imset _ (@Some_inj _)).
  apply: subset_leq_card. apply/subsetP => ? /imsetP [?] /pimsetP [x0].
  move => H /eqP <- ->. by rewrite imset_f.


Lemma mem_cover (T : finType) (P : {set {set T}}) (x : T) (A : {set T}) :
  A \in P -> x \in A -> x \in cover P.
Proof. move => HP HA. apply/bigcupP. by exists A. Qed.

Lemma pblock_eqvE (T : finType) (R : rel T) (D : {set T}) x y :
  {in D & &, equivalence_rel R} ->
  y \in pblock (equivalence_partition R D) x -> [/\ x \in D, y \in D & R x y].
  move => eqv_R.
  move/equivalence_partitionP : (eqv_R) => /and3P [P1 P2 P3].
  rewrite /pblock /=. case: pickP => //=; last by rewrite inE.
  move => B /andP [B1 xB] yB.
  have H: {subset B <= D}.
  { move => z zB. rewrite -(eqP P1). by apply/bigcupP; exists B. }
  rewrite -(pblock_equivalence_partition eqv_R) ?H //.
  rewrite -eq_pblock ?(def_pblock _ _ xB,def_pblock _ _ yB) //.
  by apply/bigcupP; exists B.

(* TOTHINK: This proof appears to complicated/monolithic *)
Lemma equivalence_partition_gt1P (T : finType) (R : rel T) (D : {set T}) :
   {in D & &, equivalence_rel R} ->
   reflect (exists x y, [/\ x \in D, y \in D & ~~ R x y]) (1 < #|equivalence_partition R D|).
  move => E.
  set P := equivalence_partition R D.
  have EP : partition P D by apply: equivalence_partitionP.
  apply: (iffP card_gt1P).
  - move => [B1] [B2] [A B C].
    have ?: set0 \notin P by case/and3P: EP.
    case: (set_0Vmem B1) => [?|[x1 inB1]]; first by subst; contrab.
    case: (set_0Vmem B2) => [?|[x2 inB2]]; first by subst; contrab.
    have ? : x1 \in cover P. { apply/bigcupP. by exists B1. }
    have ? : x2 \in cover P. { apply/bigcupP. by exists B2. }
    exists x1; exists x2. split; rewrite -?(cover_partition EP) //.
    have TP : trivIset P by case/and3P : EP.
    apply:contraNN C => Rxy.
    rewrite -(def_pblock TP A inB1) -(def_pblock TP B inB2) eq_pblock //.
    by rewrite pblock_equivalence_partition // -?(cover_partition EP).
  - move => [x] [y] [A B C]. exists (pblock P x). exists (pblock P y).
    rewrite !pblock_mem ?(cover_partition EP) //. split => //.
    rewrite eq_pblock ?(cover_partition EP) //; last by case/and3P : EP.
    by rewrite pblock_equivalence_partition.

Partitions possibly including the empty equivalence class
Definition pe_partition (T : finType) (P : {set {set T}}) (D : {set T}) :=
  (cover P == D) && (trivIset P).

Lemma trivIset3 (T : finType) (A B C : {set T}) :
  [disjoint A & B] -> [disjoint B & C] -> [disjoint A & C] ->
  trivIset [set A;B;C].
  move => D1 D2 D3. apply/trivIsetP => X Y. rewrite !inE -!orbA.
  do 2 (case/or3P => /eqP->); try by rewrite ?eqxx // 1?disjoint_sym.

Extra Morphism declatations

Instance ex2_iff_morphism (A : Type) :
  Proper (pointwise_relation A iff ==> pointwise_relation A iff ==> iff) (@ex2 A).
Proof. by firstorder. Qed.

Extra Preliminaries used in Domination Theory

Section Preliminaries_dom.

Lemma properC (T : finType) (A B : {set T}) : A \proper B = (~: B \proper ~: A).
Proof. rewrite !properEneq setCS [~: _ == _]inj_eq 1?eq_sym //; exact/inv_inj/setCK. Qed.

Lemma in11_in2 (T1 T2 : predArgType) (P : T1 -> T2 -> Prop) (A1 : {pred T1}) (A2 : {pred T2}) :
  {in A1, forall x, {in A2, forall y, P x y}} <-> {in A1 & A2, forall x y, P x y}.
Proof. by firstorder. Qed.

Lemma eq_extremum (T : eqType) (I : finType) r x0 (p1 p2 : pred I) (F1 F2 : I -> T) :
  p1 =1 p2 -> F1 =1 F2 -> extremum r x0 p1 F1 = extremum r x0 p2 F2.
move=> eq_p eq_F; rewrite /extremum; apply/f_equal/eq_pick => x.
by rewrite !inE eq_p; under eq_forallb => i do rewrite !eq_p !eq_F.

Lemma eq_arg_min (I : finType) (x : I) (p1 p2 : pred I) (w1 w2 : I -> nat) :
  p1 =1 p2 -> w1 =1 w2 -> arg_min x p1 w1 = arg_min x p2 w2.
Proof. exact: eq_extremum. Qed.

Lemma eq_arg_max (I : finType) (x : I) (p1 p2 : pred I) (w1 w2 : I -> nat) :
  p1 =1 p2 -> w1 =1 w2 -> arg_max x p1 w1 = arg_max x p2 w2.
Proof. exact: eq_extremum. Qed.

Variable T : finType.

Proposition maxset_properP (p : pred {set T}) (D : {set T}) :
  reflect (p D /\ (forall F : {set T}, D \proper F -> ~~ p F)) (maxset p D).
  apply: (iffP maxsetP) => -[pD maxD]; split => // E.
  - rewrite properEneq => /andP [DnE DsubE].
    apply: contra_neqN DnE => pE; exact/esym/maxD.
  - move => pE SsubE; apply: contraTeq pE => EnD; apply: maxD.
    by rewrite properEneq eq_sym EnD.

Proposition minset_properP (p : pred {set T}) (D : {set T}) :
  reflect (p D /\ (forall F : {set T}, F \proper D -> ~~ p F)) (minset p D).
  rewrite minmaxset; apply (iffP (maxset_properP _ _)).
  all: rewrite /= setCK => -[pD H]; split => // E.
  all: by rewrite properC ?setCK => /H; rewrite ?setCK.

(* not used *)
Lemma largest_maxset (p : pred {set T}) (A : {set T}) :
  largest p A -> maxset p A.
  move => [pA maxA]. apply/maxset_properP; split => // B /proper_card; rewrite ltnNge.

(* not used *)
Lemma smallest_minset (p : pred {set T}) (A : {set T}) :
  smallest p A -> minset p A.
  move => [pA minA]. apply/minset_properP; split => // B /proper_card; rewrite ltnNge.

Lemma doubleton_eq_left (u v w : T) : [set u; v] = [set u; w] <-> v = w.
  rewrite /iff ; split ; last by move->.
  apply: contra_eq => vDw; apply/eqP/setP.
  case: (eqVneq v u) => [?|vDu]; subst.
  - by move/(_ w); rewrite !inE eqxx [_ == u]eq_sym (negbTE vDw).
  - by move/(_ v); rewrite !inE eqxx (negbTE vDw) (negbTE vDu).

Lemma doubleton_eq_right (u v w : T) : [set u; w] = [set v; w] <-> u = v.
Proof. rewrite ![[set _;w]]setUC; exact: doubleton_eq_left. Qed.

Lemma doubleton_eq_iff (u v w x : T) : [set u; v] = [set w; x] <->
  ((u = w /\ v = x) \/ (u = x /\ v = w)).
  split ; last by case => -[-> ->] //; rewrite setUC.
  move=> E; case: (eqVneq u w) => [?|uDw]; subst.
    left; split => //. by move/doubleton_eq_left : E.
  have ? : u = x; subst.
  { move/setP/(_ u) : E. rewrite !inE !eqxx (negbTE uDw) /=.
    by move/esym/eqP. }
  right; split => //. rewrite [RHS]setUC in E.
  by move/doubleton_eq_left : E.

End Preliminaries_dom.

Arguments in11_in2 [T1 T2 P] A1 A2.
Arguments maxset_properP {T p D}.
Arguments minset_properP {T p D}.

Extra Preliminaries from Kuratowski/Wagner development

#[export] Hint Extern 0 (injective val) => exact val_inj : core.
#[export] Hint Extern 0 (injective sval) => exact val_inj : core.

Lemma in_setP (T : finType) (p : {pred T}) (x : T) :
  reflect (p x) (x \in [set y | p y]).
Proof. rewrite inE; exact: idP. Qed.

Lemma Sub_imset (T : finType) (P : {pred T}) (s : subFinType P) {A : {set s}} (x : T) (Px : P x) :
  (Sub x Px \in A) = (x \in val @: A).
Proof. by rewrite -[X in X \in val @: _](SubK s Px) mem_imset_eq. Qed.

Lemma Sub_map (T : eqType) (P : {pred T}) (s : subType P) {A : seq s} (x : T) (Px : P x) :
  (Sub x Px \in A) = (x \in map val A).
Proof. by rewrite -[X in X \in map val _](SubK s Px) mem_map. Qed.

Section AltE.
Variables (T rT : Type) (p : pred T) (x : T) (fT : p x -> rT) (fF : ~~ p x -> rT).

Lemma altT (px : p x) :
  match boolP (p x) with AltTrue b => fT b | AltFalse b => fF b end = fT px.
case: {-}_ /boolP => -px'; last by case:notF; rewrite px in px'.
by rewrite (bool_irrelevance px' px).

Lemma altF (px : ~~ p x) :
  match boolP (p x) with AltTrue b => fT b | AltFalse b => fF b end = fF px.
case: {-}_ /boolP => -px'; first by case:notF; rewrite px' in px.
by rewrite (bool_irrelevance px' px).
End AltE.

Arguments card_gt0P {T A}.

(**The following two lemmas are adapted from their face instances in revsnip.v. *)
(* TODO: move to preliminaries/mathcomp *)
Lemma fcard0P (T : finType) (A : pred T) f :
  injective f -> fclosed f A -> reflect (exists x, x \in A) (0 < fcard f A).
move => injf clfA.
apply: (iffP card_gt0P) => [[x /andP[]]|[x xA]]; first by exists x.
exists (froot f x); rewrite inE roots_root /=; last exact: fconnect_sym.
by rewrite -(closed_connect clfA (connect_root _ x)).

Lemma fcard1P (T : finType) (A : pred T) f :
  injective f -> fclosed f A ->
  reflect (exists2 x, x \in A & exists2 y, y \in A & ~~ fconnect f x y)
          (1 < fcard f A).
move=> inj_f clAf; pose cfC := fconnect_sym inj_f.
apply: (iffP card_gt1P) => [|[x xA [y yA not_xfy]]].
  move => [x] [y] [/andP [/= rfx xA]] /andP[/= rfy yA] xDy.
  by exists x; try exists y; rewrite // -root_connect // (eqP rfx) (eqP rfy).
exists (froot f x), (froot f y); rewrite !inE !roots_root ?root_connect //=.
by split => //; rewrite -(closed_connect clAf (connect_root _ _)).

Lemma index_inj (T : eqType) (s : seq T) : {in s &, injective (index^~ s)}.
Proof. by move => u v u_s v_s E; rewrite -[u](nth_index u u_s) E nth_index. Qed.

Section Closure.
Variables (T : finType).
Implicit Types (e : rel T) (a : pred T) (x y : T).

Lemma closureP e a y :
  reflect (exists2 x, x \in a & connect e y x) (y \in closure e a).
rewrite /closure_mem unfold_in disjoint_sym.
by apply: (iffP pred0Pn) => [[x] /andP[? ?]|[x]]; exists x.

Lemma closure_connect e a x y : connect e x y -> y \in closure e a -> x \in closure e a.
move => e_xy /closureP [z z_a c_yz]; apply/closureP ; exists z => //.
exact: connect_trans c_yz.

Lemma eq_closure e e' a : connect e =2 connect e' -> closure e a =i closure e' a.
by move => eq_e z; apply/closureP/closureP => -[x ?]; exists x => //; rewrite ?eq_e // -eq_e.

Lemma eq_closure_r e a a': a =i a' -> closure e a =i closure e a'.
Proof. by move => eq_a y; apply/closureP/closureP => -[x ?]; exists x; rewrite // ?eq_a // -eq_a. Qed.

Lemma eq_fclosure (f f' : T -> T) a : f =1 f' -> fclosure f a =i fclosure f' a.
Proof. move => eq_f; apply: eq_closure. exact: eq_fconnect. Qed.

Lemma eq_closed (e e' : rel T) (a : {pred T}) :
  e =2 e' -> closed e a <-> closed e' a.
rewrite /closed_mem => eq_e.
by split => cl x y; [rewrite -eq_e|rewrite eq_e]; apply: cl.

Lemma eq_closed_r (e : rel T) (a b : {pred T}) :
  a =i b -> closed e a <-> closed e b.
by rewrite /closed_mem => ab; split => -cl x y /cl; rewrite !ab.

Lemma predD_closed (e : rel T) (a b : {pred T}) :
  connect_sym e -> closed e a -> closed e b -> closed e [predD a & b].
move=> sym_e cl_a cl_b; apply: intro_closed => // x y xy.
by rewrite !inE (cl_a _ _ xy) (cl_b _ _ xy).

(* TOTHINK: connect_sym should not be necessary with a good def of closure *)
Lemma closure1 e x : connect_sym e -> connect e x =i closure e (pred1 x).
move => sym_e z; apply/idP/idP => [c_x_z|/closureP [x0] /eqP ->]; last by rewrite sym_e.
by apply/closureP; exists x; rewrite ?inE // sym_e.

Lemma closure_pred2 e x y :
  connect_sym e ->
  closure e (pred2 x y) =i [predU closure e (pred1 x) & closure e (pred1 y)].
move => sym_e z; rewrite !inE /= -!closure1 // !inE. (* why slow ? *)
apply/closureP/idP => [[? /pred2P [->|->]]|/orP[]]; rewrite sym_e; try by move->.
  by exists x; rewrite // !inE eqxx.
by exists y; rewrite // !inE eqxx.

Lemma codom_id : codom (@id T) =i predT.
Proof. by move => x; rewrite -[x]/(id x) codom_f. Qed.

Lemma in_eq_n_comp e e' a :
  connect_sym e -> connect_sym e' -> closed e a -> closed e' a ->
  {in a &, e =2 e'} -> n_comp e a = n_comp e' a.
move => sym_e sym_e' cl_e cl_e' eq_e.
have adj_e : rel_adjunction id e e' a.
{ apply: strict_adjunction => //=. apply/subsetP => z _; exact: codom_id.
  move => u v u_a. rewrite inE negbK /= in u_a.
  apply/idP/idP => uv; first by rewrite -eq_e // -(cl_e u v).
  by rewrite eq_e // -(cl_e' u v). }
rewrite [in RHS](eq_n_comp_r (_ : a =i [preim id of a])) //.
exact: adjunction_n_comp.

End Closure.
Arguments eq_closed [T e e' a].
Arguments eq_closed_r [T e a b].

Section order.
Variables (T : finType) (f : T -> T).

Lemma before_findex x z m :
  fconnect f x z -> m < findex f x z -> iter m f x != z.
elim: m x z => [x z|n IHn x z xCz nz]; first by rewrite lt0n findex_eq0.
have xDz : z != x by apply: contraTneq nz => ->; rewrite findex0.
rewrite iterSr IHn -1?ltnS -?fconnect_findex //.
by rewrite fconnect_eqVf eq_sym (negbTE xDz) in xCz.

Lemma order_le_looping m z : looping f z m -> order f z <= m.
apply: contraTT; rewrite -ltnNge -looping_uniq => m_lt_o.
rewrite -(take_traject _ _ m_lt_o); exact: take_uniq (orbit_uniq _ _).

Lemma order_le_fix m z : iter m.+1 f z = z -> order f z <= m.+1.
move=> fix_z. apply: order_le_looping.
by rewrite /looping fix_z trajectS mem_head.

Lemma iter_looping m z y :
  (forall n, n < m -> iter n f z != y) -> looping f z m -> ~~ fconnect f z y.
move => not_y ?; rewrite fconnect_orbit; apply/trajectP => -[k k_lt_o].
apply/eqP; rewrite eq_sym not_y //.
exact: leq_trans k_lt_o (order_le_looping _).

Lemma findex_finv z : findex f z (finv f z) = (order f z).-1.
Proof. by rewrite findex_iter ?orderSpred. Qed.

Lemma index_orbit (x : T) :
  index x (orbit f x) = 0.
Proof. by rewrite /orbit -orderSpred /= eqxx. Qed.

Lemma arc_orbit (x y : T) :
  fconnect f x y -> arc (orbit f x) x y = traject f x (findex f x y).
move=> conn_xy; rewrite /arc index_orbit rot0 /findex; set i := index y _.
suff I : i <= order f x by rewrite -(take_traject _ _ I).
by apply: ltnW; rewrite -size_orbit index_mem -fconnect_orbit.

Lemma findex_bound (x y : T) n : iter n f x = y -> findex f x y <= n.
move => iter_n; have f_xy: fconnect f x y by rewrite -iter_n fconnect_iter.
by apply: contra_eqT iter_n; rewrite -ltnNge; apply: before_findex.

injective f could be weakened to fcycle f (orbit f x)
Lemma findex_f (x y : T) : injective f -> fconnect f x y ->
  findex f (f x) (f y) = findex f x y.
move=> inj_f conn_xy; apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq; apply/andP;split.
  by apply: findex_bound; rewrite -iterSr iterS iter_findex.
apply: findex_bound; rewrite -[iter _ _ _](finv_f inj_f) -iterS iterSr.
by rewrite iter_findex ?finv_f // -same_fconnect1 -?same_fconnect1_r.

Lemma fconnect_findex_r (x y : T) :
  injective f -> fconnect f x y -> y != x ->
  findex f x y = (findex f x (finv f y)).+1.
move=> inj_f con_xy yDx.
by rewrite -[in RHS]findex_f 1?same_fconnect1_r ?f_finv // fconnect_findex .

Lemma orbit_prefix n x :
  n <= order f x -> orbit f x = traject f x n ++ drop n (orbit f x).
move => le_n_ox.
by rewrite /orbit -(subnKC le_n_ox) trajectD drop_size_cat // size_traject.

generalizes orbit_id
Lemma orbit_fix x : f x = x -> orbit f x = [:: x].
move => fx; rewrite /orbit (_ : order f x = 1) //.
by apply/eqP; rewrite eqn_leq order_gt0 andbT; apply: order_le_fix.

Lemma order_f (inj_f : injective f) x:
  order f (f x) = order f x.
Proof. by apply/(orbitPcycle 1 2); rewrite /= inE -same_fconnect1. Qed.

Lemma orbit_rot1 (inj_f : injective f) x : orbit f (f x) = rot 1 (orbit f x).
have [fx_x|fxNx] := eqVneq (f x) x; first by rewrite fx_x orbit_fix.
suff S : index (f x) (orbit f x) = 1.
  rewrite (orbitE (cycle_orbit inj_f x)) ?S //.
  by rewrite -fconnect_orbit -same_fconnect1_r.
rewrite /orbit -orderSpred /= eq_sym (negPf fxNx).
by case: (_.-1) => //= n; rewrite eqxx.

Lemma orbit_rot_iter n (inj_f : injective f) x o :
  orbit f x = o -> orbit f (iter n f x) = iter n (rot 1) o.
Proof. by move <-; elim: n => // n IHn; rewrite !iterS -IHn orbit_rot1. Qed.

End order.

Arguments eq_closure_r [T e a a'].

Lemma forall_all (T : finType) (p : {pred T}) : [forall x, p x] = all p (enum T).
Proof. apply/forallP/allP => [|H x]; by [firstorder|apply/H/mem_enum]. Qed.

Lemma exists_has (T : finType) (p : {pred T}) : [exists x, p x] = has p (enum T).
Proof. by rewrite -[LHS]negbK negb_exists forall_all all_predC negbK. Qed.

Lemma n_compD (T : finType) (a b : {pred T}) e :
  n_comp e a = n_comp e [predI a & b] + n_comp e [predD a & b].
rewrite -[LHS](cardID b).
by congr (_ + _); apply: eq_card => x; rewrite !inE; case: (roots _ _).

Arguments n_compD [T a] b.

Lemma n_comp0 (T : finType) (e : rel T) (a : {pred T}) :
  a =i pred0 -> n_comp e a = 0.
by move=> a0; rewrite (eq_n_comp_r a0); apply: eq_card0 => x; rewrite !inE andbF.

Lemma set_inP (T : finType) (A : {pred T}) (p : pred T) x :
  reflect (x \in A /\ p x) (x \in [set x in A | p x]).
Proof. rewrite !inE; exact: andP. Qed.

Section RootPartition.
Variables (T : finType) (e : rel T) (A : {set T}).
Hypothesis sym_e : connect_sym e.
Hypothesis closed_A : closed e A.

Lemma closed_root x : (root e x \in A) = (x \in A).
symmetry; exact: closed_connect closed_A _ _ (connect_root _ _).

Let block x := [set y in connect e x].
Definition root_partition := [set block x | x in A & x \in roots e].

Lemma root_partitionE :
  root_partition = equivalence_partition (connect e) A.
apply/setP => B; apply/imsetP/imsetP => -[x Hx ->].
  move: Hx => /set_inP[x_A root_x]; exists x => //; apply/setP => y.
  by rewrite !inE andb_idl // => xy; rewrite -(closed_connect closed_A xy).
exists (root e x); first by rewrite !inE closed_root Hx roots_root.
apply/setP => y; rewrite !inE andb_idl => [|xy].
  apply: same_connect => //; exact: connect_root.
by rewrite -(closed_connect closed_A xy).

Lemma connect_equivalence : equivalence_rel (connect e).
by rewrite equivalence_relP; split; by [apply: connect0|apply: same_connect].

Lemma root_partitionP : partition root_partition A.
rewrite root_partitionE equivalence_partitionP //.
by apply:in3W; apply: connect_equivalence.

Let rpP := root_partitionP.

Lemma sum_roots : #|A| = \sum_(x in roots e | x \in A) #|connect e x|.
under [RHS]eq_bigl => ? do rewrite andbC.
rewrite (card_partition rpP) (set_partition_big_cond _ rpP) /=.
apply: eq_bigr => B /imsetP [x]; rewrite inE => /andP[x_A root_x] ->.
rewrite (big_pred1 x) ?cardsE // => y; rewrite !inE.
apply/andP/eqP => [[xy root_y]|->//].
by rewrite -(eqP root_y) -(rootP sym_e xy) (eqP root_x).

Lemma n_comp_partition : n_comp e A = #|equivalence_partition (connect e) A|.
rewrite -root_partitionE.
rewrite card_in_imset; first by apply: eq_card => z; rewrite !inE andbC.
move => x y /set_inP [x_A root_x] /set_inP [y_A root_y] /setP /(_ y).
rewrite !inE connect0 -{2}[x](eqP root_x) -{2}[y](eqP root_y) => xy.

End RootPartition.

Lemma closedT (T : finType) (e : rel T) : closed e [set: T].
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite !inE. Qed.

Lemma sum_rootsT (T : finType) (e : rel T) :
  connect_sym e -> #|T| = \sum_(x in roots e) #|connect e x|.
move=> sym_e; rewrite -cardsT (sum_roots sym_e); last exact: closedT.
by under eq_bigl => ? do rewrite !inE andbT.

Lemma sum_roots_order (T : finType) (f : T -> T) (inj_f : injective f) :
  #|T| = \sum_(x in froots f) order f x.
Proof. exact/sum_rootsT/fconnect_sym. Qed.

Lemma sub_in_connect (T : finType) (e e' : rel T) (x : T) :
  (forall y, connect e x y -> e y =1 e' y) -> forall y, connect e x y -> connect e' x y.
move => H y /connectP [p]. elim/last_ind : p y => [y _ -> //|p z IHp y].
rewrite rcons_path last_rcons => /andP[pth_p ez -> {y}].
rewrite H in ez; last by apply/connectP; exists p.
apply: connect_trans (connect1 ez). exact: IHp.