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Codes as association lists and some of their properties

From Coq Require Bool.
From Coq Require Import Sorting.Permutation.
From Huffman Require Export AuxLib UniqueKey Frequency.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".

Section Code.
Variable A : Type.
Variable A_eq_dec : forall a b : A, {a = b} + {a <> b}.

Local Hint Constructors Permutation : core.
Local Hint Resolve Permutation_refl : core.
Local Hint Resolve Permutation_app : core.
Local Hint Resolve Permutation_app_swap : core.

A code is an association list
Definition code := list (A * list bool).

Predicate that tells that a message (a list of message) is in the alphabet of the code
Definition in_alphabet (m : list A) (c : code) :=
  forall a : A, In a m -> exists l : list bool, In (a, l) c.

Being in an alphabet is compatible with inclusion
Theorem in_alphabet_incl :
 forall m1 m2 c, incl m1 m2 -> in_alphabet m2 c -> in_alphabet m1 c.
intros m1 m2 c H H0; red in |- *.
intros a H1; case (H0 a); auto.

Every code is in the alphabet of an empty message
Theorem in_alphabet_nil : forall c, in_alphabet [] c.
intros c a H; inversion H.
Local Hint Resolve in_alphabet_nil : core.

An element can be added in the message if it is in the code
Theorem in_alphabet_cons :
 forall (m : list A) c a ca,
 In (a, ca) c -> in_alphabet m c -> in_alphabet (a :: m) c.
intros m c a ca H H0; red in |- *; simpl in |- *.
intros a1 [H1| H1].
exists ca; rewrite <- H1; auto.
case (H0 a1); auto.
Local Hint Resolve in_alphabet_cons : core.

Inversion theorem
Theorem in_alphabet_inv :
 forall (c : code) (a : A) (l : list A),
 in_alphabet (a :: l) c -> in_alphabet l c.
intros c a l H; red in |- *.
intros a1 H1; apply H; simpl in |- *; auto.

Definition code_dec :
  forall (c : code) a,
  {(exists l : list bool, In (a, l) c)} +
  {(forall l : list bool, ~ In (a, l) c)}.
intros c a; elim c; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros (a1, l1) l H; case (A_eq_dec a1 a); intros H1.
left; exists l1; rewrite H1; auto.
case H.
intros e; left; case e; intros l2 H2; exists l2; auto.
intros n; right; intros l0; red in |- *; intros [H0| H0];
 [ case H1 | case (n l0) ]; auto.
injection H0; auto.

Checking if a code is in an alphabet is decidable
Definition in_alphabet_dec :
  forall m c, {in_alphabet m c} + {~ in_alphabet m c}.
intros m; elim m; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros a l H c; case (H c); intros H1.
case (code_dec c a); intros H2.
left; red in |- *; simpl in |- *.
intros a1 [H3| H3];
 [ case H2; intros l1 Hl1; exists l1; rewrite <- H3 | idtac ];
right; red in |- *; intros H3; case (H3 a); simpl in |- *; auto.
right; contradict H1; auto; red in |- *.
intros a0 H0; case (H1 a0); simpl in |- *; auto.
intros x H2; exists x; auto.

The empty list is associated to none of element of A in the code
Definition not_null (c : code) := forall a : A, ~ In (a, []) c.

Inversion theorem
Theorem not_null_inv :
 forall (a : A * list bool) l, not_null (a :: l) -> not_null l.
intros a l H; red in |- *.
intros a0; red in |- *; intros H0; case (H a0); simpl in |- *; auto.

Adding a non-empty element preserves the property of non-emptyness
Theorem not_null_cons :
 forall a b (l : list (A * list bool)),
 b <> [] -> not_null l -> not_null ((a, b) :: l).
intros a b l H H0; red in |- *.
intros a1; simpl in |- *; red in |- *; intros [H1| H1]; auto.
case H; injection H1; auto.
case (H0 a1); simpl in |- *; auto.
Local Hint Resolve not_null_cons : core.

Non emptyness is compatible with append
Theorem not_null_app :
 forall l1 l2 : list (A * list bool),
 not_null l1 -> not_null l2 -> not_null (l1 ++ l2).
intros l1; elim l1; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros (a2, l2); case l2; auto.
intros l H l0 H0 H1; case (H0 a2); simpl in |- *; auto.
intros b l l0 H l3 H0 H1; apply not_null_cons; auto.
red in |- *; intros H2; discriminate.
apply H; auto.
apply not_null_inv with (1 := H0).
Local Hint Resolve not_null_app : core.

Adding an element in each component of a code makes it non-empty
Theorem not_null_map :
 forall (l : list (A * list bool)) b,
 not_null (map (fun v => match v with
                         | (a1, b1) => (a1, b :: b1)
                         end) l).
intros l; elim l; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros b; red in |- *; intros a; red in |- *; intros H; inversion H.
intros (a1, l1) l0 H b; apply not_null_cons; auto.
red in |- *; intros; discriminate.
Local Hint Resolve not_null_map : core.

Define the property of list of booleans to be a prefix of another
Inductive is_prefix : list bool -> list bool -> Prop :=
  | prefixNull : forall l, is_prefix [] l
  | prefixCons :
      forall (b : bool) l1 l2,
      is_prefix l1 l2 -> is_prefix (b :: l1) (b :: l2).
Local Hint Constructors is_prefix : core.

A list is a prefix of itself
Theorem is_prefix_refl : forall l, is_prefix l l.
intros l; elim l; simpl in |- *; auto.
Local Hint Resolve is_prefix_refl : core.

A code is a unique prefix if there is no encoding that is a prefix of another
Definition unique_prefix (l : code) :=
  (forall (a1 a2 : A) (lb1 lb2 : list bool),
   In (a1, lb1) l -> In (a2, lb2) l -> is_prefix lb1 lb2 -> a1 = a2) /\
  unique_key l.

The empty code is unique prefix
Theorem unique_prefix_nil : unique_prefix [].
split; auto.
intros a1 a2 lb1 lb2 H; inversion H; auto.
Local Hint Resolve unique_prefix_nil : core.

A unique prefix code can not have two elements prefix one from another
Theorem unique_prefix1 :
 forall (c : code) (a1 a2 : A) (lb1 lb2 : list bool),
 unique_prefix c ->
 In (a1, lb1) c -> In (a2, lb2) c -> is_prefix lb1 lb2 -> a1 = a2.
intros c a1 a2 lb1 lb2 (H1, H2); apply (H1 a1 a2 lb1 lb2); auto.

A unique prefix code has unique keys
Theorem unique_prefix2 : forall c : code, unique_prefix c -> unique_key c.
intros c (H1, H2); auto.

Inversion theorem
Theorem unique_prefix_inv :
 forall (c : code) (a : A) (l : list bool),
 unique_prefix ((a, l) :: c) -> unique_prefix c.
intros c a l (H1, H2); split.
intros a1 a2 lb1 lb2 H H0 H3; apply (H1 a1 a2 lb1 lb2); simpl in |- *; auto.
apply unique_key_inv with (1 := H2); auto.

A prefix code with a least two distinct elements is not_null
Theorem unique_prefix_not_null :
 forall (c : code) (a b : A),
 a <> b -> in_alphabet (a :: b :: []) c -> unique_prefix c -> not_null c.
intros c a b H H0 H1.
unfold not_null in |- *; intros a1; red in |- *; intros Ha1.
case (H0 a); simpl in |- *; auto; intros l1 Hl1.
case (H0 b); simpl in |- *; auto; intros l2 Hl2.
case H; apply trans_equal with a1.
apply sym_equal; apply unique_prefix1 with (3 := Hl1) (2 := Ha1); auto.
apply unique_prefix1 with (3 := Hl2) (2 := Ha1); auto.

Unique prefix is preserved by permutation
Theorem unique_prefix_permutation :
 forall c1 c2 : code,
 Permutation c1 c2 -> unique_prefix c1 -> unique_prefix c2.
intros c1 c2 H (H1, H2).
cut (Permutation c2 c1); [ intros HP; split | apply Permutation_sym; auto ].
intros a1 a2 lb1 lb2 H0 H3 H4.
apply (H1 a1 a2 lb1 lb2); auto.
apply Permutation_in with (2 := H0); auto.
apply Permutation_in with (2 := H3); auto.
apply unique_key_perm with (2 := H2); auto.

Find the list of booleans associated with an element, return the empty list if the element does not exists
Fixpoint find_code (a : A) (l : code) {struct l} : list bool :=
  match l with
  | [] => []
  | (b, c) :: l1 =>
      match A_eq_dec a b with
      | left _ => c
      | right _ => find_code a l1

The result of find_code is in the code
Theorem find_code_correct1 :
 forall (c : code) (a : A) (b : bool) (l : list bool),
 find_code a c = b :: l -> In (a, b :: l) c.
intros c a b l; elim c; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros; discriminate.
intros a0; case a0.
intros a1; case (A_eq_dec a a1); simpl in |- *; auto.
intros e l0 l1 H H0; left;
 apply f_equal2 with (f := pair (A:=A) (B:=list bool));

What is in the code can be found by find_code
Theorem find_code_correct2 :
 forall (c : code) (a : A) (l : list bool),
 unique_key c -> In (a, l) c -> find_code a c = l.
intros c a l; generalize a l; elim c; clear a l c; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros a l H H0; case H0.
intros a; case a.
intros a0 l l0 H a1 l1 H0 H1; case (A_eq_dec a1 a0).
intros H2; case H1; intros H3.
injection H3; auto.
apply unique_key_in_inv with (l := (a0, l) :: l0) (a := a0); simpl in |- *;
rewrite <- H2; auto.
intros H2; case H1; auto.
intros H3; case H2; injection H3; auto.
intros; apply H; auto.
apply unique_key_inv with (1 := H0); auto.

There is not more than what is in the code
Theorem not_in_find_code :
 forall a l, (forall p, ~ In (a, p) l) -> find_code a l = [].
intros a l; elim l; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros (a1, l1) l0 H H0.
case (A_eq_dec a a1); auto.
intros H1; case (H0 l1); rewrite H1; auto.
intros H1; apply H; intros p; red in |- *; intros Hp; case (H0 p); auto.

find_code is composed by append
Theorem find_code_app :
 forall a l1 l2,
 not_null l1 ->
 find_code a (l1 ++ l2) =
 match find_code a l1 with
 | [] => find_code a l2
 | b1 :: l3 => b1 :: l3
intros a l1; generalize a; elim l1; simpl in |- *; auto; clear a l1.
intros (a1, l1) l H a l2 H1; case (A_eq_dec a a1); auto.
generalize H1; case l1; auto.
intros H0; case (H0 a1); simpl in |- *; auto.
cut (not_null l); simpl in |- *; auto.
apply not_null_inv with (1 := H1); auto.

find_code is invariant under permutation
Theorem find_code_permutation :
 forall (a : A) (c1 c2 : code),
 Permutation c1 c2 -> unique_prefix c1 -> find_code a c1 = find_code a c2.
intros a c1 c2 H; elim H; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros a0; case a0.
intros a1; case (A_eq_dec a a1); auto.
intros n l L1 L2 H0 H1 H2; apply H1.
apply unique_prefix_inv with (1 := H2).
intros a0; case a0.
intros a1 l1.
case (A_eq_dec a a1).
intros Ha1 b; case b; auto.
intros a2 l2 L HL; case (A_eq_dec a a2); auto.
intros e.
case unique_key_in with (1 := unique_prefix2 _ HL) (b2 := l1); auto.
rewrite <- Ha1; rewrite e; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros Ha1 b; case b; auto.
intros L1 L2 L3 H0 H1 H2 H3 H4; apply trans_equal with (find_code a L2); auto.
apply H3.
apply (unique_prefix_permutation _ _ H0); auto.

Searching in a list with a common first element is equivalent to the search skipping the element
Theorem in_find_map :
 forall p a l b,
 In (a, l) p ->
 find_code a
      (fun v : A * list bool => match v with
                          | (a1, b1) => (a1, b :: b1)
                          end) p) = b :: find_code a p.
intros p; elim p; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros a l b H; case H.
intros (a1, l1) l H a0 l0 b [H0| H0]; auto.
case (A_eq_dec a0 a1); auto.
intros HH; case HH; injection H0; auto.
case (A_eq_dec a0 a1); auto.
intros n; apply (H a0 l0 b); auto.

Searching in a list with a common first element is equivalent to the search skipping the element
Theorem not_in_find_map :
 forall p a b,
 (forall l, ~ In (a, l) p) ->
 find_code a
      (fun v : A * list bool => match v with
                                | (a1, b1) => (a1, b :: b1)
                                end) p) = [].
intros p; elim p; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros (a1, l1) l H a0 b H0; case (A_eq_dec a0 a1); auto.
intros e; case (H0 l1); rewrite e; auto.
intros n; apply (H a0 b); auto.
intros l0; red in |- *; intros H1; case (H0 l0); auto.

Find the element associated with a list of booleans, return None if it does not exist in the code
Fixpoint find_val (a : list bool) (l : code) {struct l} : option A :=
  match l with
  | [] => None
  | (b, c) :: l1 =>
      match list_eq_dec Bool.bool_dec a c with
      | left _ => Some b
      | right _ => find_val a l1

find_val returns an element of the code
Theorem find_val_correct1 :
 forall (c : code) (a : A) (l : list bool),
 find_val l c = Some a -> In (a, l) c.
intros c a l; elim c; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros; discriminate.
intros a0; case a0.
intros a1 l0 l1; case (list_eq_dec Bool.bool_dec l l0); auto.
intros e H H0; injection H0.
intros e1; left; apply f_equal2 with (f := pair (A:=A) (B:=list bool)); auto.

An element of the code can be found by find_val
Theorem find_val_correct2 :
 forall (c : code) (a : A) (l : list bool),
 unique_prefix c -> In (a, l) c -> find_val l c = Some a.
intros c a l; generalize a l; elim c; clear a l c; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros a l H H0; case H0.
intros a; case a.
intros a0 l l0 H a1 l1 H0 H1; case (list_eq_dec Bool.bool_dec l1 l).
intros H2; apply f_equal with (f := Some (A:=A)).
case H1; intros H3.
injection H3; auto.
apply unique_prefix1 with (1 := H0) (lb1 := l) (lb2 := l1); simpl in |- *;
rewrite H2; auto.
intros H2; case H1; auto.
intros H3; case H2; injection H3; auto.
intros; apply H; auto.
apply unique_prefix_inv with (1 := H0); auto.

Opaque list_eq_dec.

The value of an empty list cannot be found in a non empty code
Theorem not_null_find_val :
 forall c : code, not_null c -> find_val [] c = None.
intros c; elim c; simpl; auto.
intros a; case a.
intros a1 l; case (list_eq_dec Bool.bool_dec [] l); auto.
intros e l0 H H0; case (H0 a1); rewrite e; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros n l0 H H0; apply H.
unfold not_null in |- *; intros a2; red in |- *; intros H1.
case (H0 a2); simpl in |- *; auto.

Encoding is done by iteratively applying find_code
Fixpoint encode (c : code) (m : list A) {struct m} : list bool :=
  match m with
  | [] => []
  | a :: b => find_code a c ++ encode c b

Encoding can be splitted for appended lists
Theorem encode_app :
 forall l1 l2 c, encode c (l1 ++ l2) = encode c l1 ++ encode c l2.
intros l1; elim l1; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros a l H l2 c; rewrite H; auto.
rewrite app_ass; auto.

Inversion theorem for encode
Theorem encode_cons_inv :
 forall a l1 l m1, ~ In a m1 -> encode ((a, l1) :: l) m1 = encode l m1.
intros a l1 l m1; generalize a l1 l; elim m1; simpl in |- *; auto;
 clear a l1 l m1.
intros a l H a0 l1 l0 H0; case (A_eq_dec a a0); simpl in |- *; auto.
intros H1; case H0; auto.
intros e; rewrite H; auto.

The encoding does not depend of permutation
Theorem encode_permutation :
 forall (m : list A) (c1 c2 : code),
 Permutation c1 c2 -> unique_prefix c1 -> encode c1 m = encode c2 m.
intros m; elim m; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros a l H c1 c2 H0 H1.
apply f_equal2 with (f := app (A:=bool)); auto.
apply find_code_permutation; auto.

Permuting the message permutes the encoding
Theorem encode_permutation_val :
 forall m1 m2 c, Permutation m1 m2 -> Permutation (encode c m1) (encode c m2).
intros m1 m2 c H; elim H; simpl in |- *; auto; clear H m1 m2.
intros; repeat rewrite <- app_ass; auto.
intros l1 l2 l3 H H0 H1 H2; apply Permutation_trans with (1 := H0); auto.

To decode, first find the initial section of booleans that maps an encoding, this initial section is accumulated in the head
Fixpoint decode_aux (c : code) (head m : list bool) {struct m} : list A :=
  match m with
  | [] => match find_val head c with
           | Some a => a :: []
           | None => []
  | a :: m1 =>
      match find_val head c with
      | Some a1 => a1 :: decode_aux c (a :: []) m1
      | None => decode_aux c (head ++ a :: []) m1

decode_aux is correct
Theorem decode_aux_correct :
 forall c : code,
 unique_prefix c ->
 not_null c ->
 forall (m1 m2 head : list bool) (a : A),
 find_val (head ++ m1) c = Some a ->
 decode_aux c head (m1 ++ m2) = a :: decode_aux c [] m2.
intros c Hc1 Hc2 m1; elim m1; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros m2; case m2; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros head a; rewrite <- app_nil_end.
intros H1; rewrite H1; auto.
rewrite not_null_find_val; auto.
intros b l head a; rewrite <- app_nil_end.
intros H1; rewrite H1; auto.
rewrite not_null_find_val; auto.
intros a l Rec m2 head a1 H2.
rewrite <- Rec with (head := head ++ a :: []).
generalize (fun a => find_val_correct1 c a head).
case (find_val head c); auto.
intros a0 H; (cut (In (a0, head) c); [ intros Hin1 | auto ]).
cut (In (a1, head ++ a :: l) c);
 [ intros Hin2 | apply find_val_correct1; auto ].
cut (a1 = a0); [ intros Heq | idtac ].
absurd (head ++ a :: l = head); auto.
elim head; simpl in |- *; auto.
red in |- *; intros; discriminate.
intros a2 l0 H0; red in |- *; intros H1; case H0; auto.
injection H1; auto.
apply unique_key_in_inv with (l := c) (a := a1); auto.
apply unique_prefix2; auto.
rewrite Heq; auto.
apply sym_equal; apply (unique_prefix1 c a0 a1 head (head ++ a :: l)); auto.
elim head; simpl in |- *; auto.
rewrite app_ass; auto.

Decode is just decode_aux with an empty head
Definition decode (c : list (A * list bool)) (m : list bool) :=
  decode_aux c [] m.

Decoding is correct
Theorem decode_correct :
 forall c : code,
 unique_prefix c ->
 not_null c ->
 forall (m1 m2 : list bool) (a : A),
 find_val m1 c = Some a -> decode c (m1 ++ m2) = a :: decode c m2.
intros c H H0 m1 m2 a H1; unfold decode in |- *; apply decode_aux_correct;

Encoding and decoding return the same message if the code is prefix
Theorem correct_encoding :
 forall c : code,
 unique_prefix c ->
 not_null c ->
 forall m : list A, in_alphabet m c -> decode c (encode c m) = m.
intros c H1 H2 m; elim m; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros H3; unfold decode in |- *; simpl in |- *.
rewrite not_null_find_val; auto.
intros a l H H0; rewrite decode_correct with (a := a); auto.
apply f_equal2 with (f := cons (A:=A)); auto.
apply H; apply in_alphabet_inv with (1 := H0); auto.
case (H0 a); simpl in |- *; auto.
intros l1 Hl1.
apply find_val_correct2; auto.
case (H0 a); simpl in |- *; auto.
intros x1; case x1.
intros H3; case (H2 a); auto.
intros b l0 H3; cut (find_code a c = b :: l0).
intros H4; rewrite H4; apply find_code_correct1; auto.
apply find_code_correct2 with (2 := H3); auto.
case H1; auto.

A unique prefix code in an alphabet of at least 2 elements is non-empty
Theorem frequency_not_null :
 forall m (c : code),
 1 < length (frequency_list A_eq_dec m) ->
 unique_prefix c -> in_alphabet m c -> not_null c.
intros m c H H0 H1.
case_eq (frequency_list A_eq_dec m); auto.
intros H2; rewrite H2 in H; contradict H; simpl in |- *; auto with arith.
intros p l; case p; case l; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros a n H2; rewrite H2 in H; contradict H; simpl in |- *; auto with arith.
intros p0 l0; case p0; intros b nb a na H2.
apply unique_prefix_not_null with a b; auto.
intros H3; absurd (In (fst (a, na)) (fst (b, nb) :: map (fst (B:=_)) l0)).
cut (NoDup (map (fst (B:=_)) (frequency_list A_eq_dec m))).
rewrite H2; simpl in |- *; intros H4; inversion H4.
case H7; rewrite H3; auto with datatypes.
apply unique_key_NoDup.
apply frequency_list_unique.
simpl in |- *; rewrite H3; auto with datatypes.
case (H1 a); auto.
apply frequency_list_in with A_eq_dec na; rewrite H2; auto with datatypes.
intros l1 Hl1; apply in_alphabet_cons with l1; auto.
case (H1 b); auto.
apply frequency_list_in with A_eq_dec nb; rewrite H2; auto with datatypes.
intros l2 Hl2; apply in_alphabet_cons with l2; auto.

End Code.
Arguments encode [A].
Arguments decode [A].
Arguments find_code [A].
Arguments find_val [A].
Arguments in_alphabet [A].
Arguments unique_prefix [A].
Arguments not_null [A].
#[export] Hint Constructors is_prefix : core.
#[export] Hint Resolve is_prefix_refl : core.
#[export] Hint Resolve not_null_map : core.
#[export] Hint Resolve unique_prefix_nil : core.
#[export] Hint Resolve in_alphabet_nil in_alphabet_cons : core.
#[export] Hint Resolve not_null_app : core.