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Proof of Huffman algorithm: HeightPred.v
Definition of the predicate that associates a height list
with a cover
Definition: height_pred
Initial author: (2003)
From Huffman Require Export AuxLib.
From Huffman Require Export OrderedCover.
From Huffman Require Export WeightTree.
Require Import ArithRing.
From Huffman Require Export Ordered.
From Huffman Require Export Prod2List.
Section HeightPred.
Variable A : Type.
Variable f : A -> nat.
Variable eqA_dec : forall a b : A, {a = b} + {a <> b}.
A predicate that associates an initial height, a list of
height, a cover and a tree
Inductive height_pred : nat -> list nat -> list (btree A) -> btree A -> Prop :=
| height_pred_nil :
forall (n : nat) (t : btree A), height_pred n (n :: []) (t :: []) t
| height_pred_node :
forall (n : nat) (ln1 ln2 : list nat) (t1 t2 : btree A)
(l1 l2 : list (btree A)),
height_pred (S n) ln1 l1 t1 ->
height_pred (S n) ln2 l2 t2 ->
height_pred n (ln1 ++ ln2) (l1 ++ l2) (node t1 t2).
Hint Resolve height_pred_nil height_pred_node : core.
(* The cover is an ordered cover *)
Theorem height_pred_ordered_cover :
forall (n : nat) (ln : list nat) (t : btree A) (l : list (btree A)),
height_pred n ln l t -> ordered_cover l t.
Proof using.
intros n ln t l H; elim H; simpl in |- *; auto.
(* The height list is never empty *)
Theorem height_pred_not_nil1 :
forall (n : nat) (ln : list nat) (t : btree A) (l : list (btree A)),
height_pred n ln l t -> ln <> [].
Proof using.
intros n ln t l H; elim H; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros; discriminate.
intros n0 ln1 ln2 t1 t2 l1 l2 H0; case ln1; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros; discriminate.
(* The cover list is never empty *)
Theorem height_pred_not_nil2 :
forall (n : nat) (ln : list nat) (t : btree A) (l : list (btree A)),
height_pred n ln l t -> l <> [].
Proof using.
intros n ln t l H; elim H; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros; discriminate.
intros n0 ln1 ln2 t1 t2 l1 l2 H0; case l1; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros; discriminate.
(* The height and cover lists have same length *)
Theorem height_pred_length :
forall (n : nat) (ln : list nat) (t : btree A) (l : list (btree A)),
height_pred n ln l t -> length ln = length l.
Proof using.
intros n ln t l H; elim H; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros; repeat rewrite app_length; auto with arith.
The height and cover list gives a simple relation between
weight_tree, sum_leaves and the product of the two lists
Theorem height_pred_weight :
forall (n : nat) (ln : list nat) (t : btree A) (l : list (btree A)),
height_pred n ln l t ->
n * sum_leaves f t + weight_tree f t = prod2list f ln l.
Proof using.
intros n ln t l H; elim H; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros n0 ln1 ln2 t1 t2 l1 l2 H0 H1 H2 H3.
rewrite prod2list_app; auto with arith.
rewrite <- H3; rewrite <- H1; ring.
apply height_pred_length with (1 := H0); auto.
(* Ordered covers can be completed with a height list *)
Theorem ordered_cover_height_pred :
forall (n : nat) (t : btree A) (l : list (btree A)),
ordered_cover l t -> exists ln : list nat, height_pred n ln l t.
Proof using.
intros n t l H; generalize n; elim H; clear n t l H.
intros t l n; exists (n :: []); auto.
intros t1 t2 l1 l2 l3 H H0 H1 H2 n.
case (H0 (S n)); intros ln1 HH1.
case (H2 (S n)); intros ln2 HH2.
exists (ln1 ++ ln2); auto.
(* Elements in the height list are always larger than the initial height *)
Theorem height_pred_larger :
forall (n n1 : nat) (ln : list nat) (t : btree A) (l : list (btree A)),
height_pred n ln l t -> In n1 ln -> n <= n1.
Proof using.
intros n n1 ln t l H; generalize n1; elim H; clear H n ln t l n1;
auto with arith.
intros n t n1 [H2| H2]; [ rewrite H2 | case H2 ]; auto.
intros n ln1 ln2 t1 t2 l1 l2 H H0 H1 H2 n1 H3; apply le_trans with (S n);
auto with arith.
case in_app_or with (1 := H3); auto.
In the height list is not a singleton, all its element are
strictly larger than the initial height
Theorem height_pred_larger_strict :
forall (n n1 : nat) (ln : list nat) (t : btree A) (l : list (btree A)),
height_pred n ln l t -> In n1 ln -> n < n1 \/ ln = n :: [] /\ l = t :: [].
Proof using.
intros n n1 ln t l H; generalize n1; elim H; clear H n ln t l n1; auto.
intros n ln1 ln2 t1 t2 l1 l2 H H0 H1 H2 n1 H3; left;
apply lt_le_trans with (S n); auto.
case in_app_or with (1 := H3).
intros H4; apply height_pred_larger with (1 := H); auto.
intros H4; apply height_pred_larger with (1 := H1); auto.
(* There always a larger element that the initial height in the heigh list *)
Theorem height_pred_larger_ex :
forall (n : nat) (ln : list nat) (t : btree A) (l : list (btree A)),
height_pred n ln l t -> exists n1, In n1 ln /\ n <= n1.
Proof using.
intros n ln t l H; elim H; clear H n ln t l.
intros n t; exists n; auto with datatypes.
intros n ln1 ln2 t1 t2 l1 l2 H (n1, (HH1, HH2)) H1 H2.
exists n1; auto with datatypes arith.
Lemma height_pred_disj_larger_aux :
forall (n : nat) (ln : list nat) (t : btree A) (l : list (btree A)),
height_pred n ln l t ->
forall ln1 ln2 a,
ln = ln1 ++ a :: ln2 ->
(forall n1 : nat, In n1 ln1 -> n1 < a) ->
(forall n1 : nat, In n1 ln2 -> n1 <= a) ->
(exists ln3, ln2 = a :: ln3) \/ ln = n :: [] /\ l = t :: [].
Proof using.
intros n ln t l H; elim H; clear H n ln t l.
intros n t l ln1 ln2 a; case ln1; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros n ln1 ln2 t1 t2 l1 l2 H H0 H1 H2 ln0 ln3 a H3 H4 H5.
case app_inv_app with (1 := H3).
intros (ln4, H7); auto.
cut (ln3 = ln4 ++ ln2);
[ intros E1
| apply app_inv_head with (l := ln0 ++ a :: []); repeat rewrite app_ass;
simpl in |- *; rewrite <- H3; rewrite H7; rewrite app_ass;
auto ].
case H0 with (1 := H7); auto; clear H0 H2.
intros n1 H8; apply H5; rewrite E1; auto with datatypes.
intros (ln5, HH); left; exists (ln5 ++ ln2).
apply trans_equal with (1 := E1); rewrite HH; auto.
intros (HH1, HH2).
cut (ln0 = [] /\ ln4 = [] /\ a = S n);
[ intros (HH3, (HH4, HH5))
| generalize HH1; rewrite H7; case ln0; simpl in |- *;
[ case ln4; try (intros; discriminate); (intros HH6; injection HH6; auto)
| intros n0 l; case l; simpl in |- *; intros; discriminate ] ].
generalize E1 H1; case ln2; simpl in |- *; auto; clear E1 H1.
intros E1 H1; case height_pred_not_nil2 with (1 := H1); auto.
generalize (height_pred_length _ _ _ _ H1); case l2; simpl in |- *; auto;
intros; discriminate.
intros n0 ln5 E1 H1; case height_pred_larger_strict with (n1 := n0) (1 := H1);
simpl in |- *; auto with datatypes.
intros HH6; contradict HH6; apply le_not_lt; rewrite <- HH5; apply H5;
rewrite E1; auto with datatypes.
intros (H8, H9); left; exists []; injection H8.
intros HH7 HH8; rewrite HH5; rewrite <- HH8; rewrite <- HH7; rewrite E1;
rewrite HH4; auto.
intros (ln4, H7); auto.
cut (ln0 = ln1 ++ ln4);
[ intros E1
| apply app_inv_tail with (l := a :: ln3); rewrite <- H3; rewrite H7;
rewrite app_ass; auto ].
case H2 with (1 := H7); auto.
intros n1 H6; apply H4; rewrite E1; auto with datatypes.
intros (HH1, HH2).
cut (ln3 = [] /\ ln4 = [] /\ a = S n);
[ intros (HH3, (HH4, HH5))
| generalize HH1; rewrite H7; case ln4; simpl in |- *;
[ case ln3; try (intros; discriminate); (intros HH6; injection HH6; auto)
| intros n0 l; case l; simpl in |- *; intros; discriminate ] ].
case height_pred_larger_ex with (1 := H); auto.
intros n1; rewrite <- HH5; intros (HH6, HH7).
contradict HH7; apply lt_not_le; apply H4; rewrite E1; auto with datatypes.
(* The first maximum height in the list is immediately repeated once *)
Theorem height_pred_disj_larger :
forall (n a : nat) (ln1 ln2 : list nat) (t : btree A) (l : list (btree A)),
height_pred n (ln1 ++ a :: ln2) l t ->
(forall n1 : nat, In n1 ln1 -> n1 < a) ->
(forall n1 : nat, In n1 ln2 -> n1 <= a) ->
(exists ln3, ln2 = a :: ln3) \/
(ln1 = [] /\ a = n /\ ln2 = []) /\ l = t :: [].
Proof using.
intros n a ln1 ln2 t l H H0 H1;
with (a := a) (ln1 := ln1) (ln2 := ln2) (1 := H);
auto; case ln1; simpl in |- *;
[ intros (HH1, HH2); injection HH1; auto
| intros n0 l1; case l1; simpl in |- *; intuition; try discriminate ].
Lemma height_pred_disj_larger2_aux :
forall (n : nat) (ln : list nat) (t : btree A) (l : list (btree A)),
height_pred n ln l t ->
forall ln1 ln2 a,
ln = ln1 ++ a :: ln2 ->
(exists n1, In n1 ln1 /\ a <= n1) \/
(exists n1, In n1 ln2 /\ a <= n1) \/ ln = n :: [] /\ l = t :: [].
Proof using.
intros n ln t l H; elim H; clear H n ln t l.
intros n t l ln1 ln2 a; case ln1; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros n ln1 ln2 t1 t2 l1 l2 H H0 H1 H2 ln0 ln3 a H3.
case app_inv_app with (1 := H3).
intros (ln4, H4); auto.
cut (ln3 = ln4 ++ ln2);
[ intros E1
| apply app_inv_head with (l := ln0 ++ a :: []); repeat rewrite app_ass;
simpl in |- *; rewrite <- H3; rewrite H4; rewrite app_ass;
auto ].
case H0 with (1 := H4); auto; intros [(n1, (HH1, HH2))| (HH1, HH2)]; auto;
clear H0 H2.
right; left; exists n1; split; auto; rewrite E1; auto with datatypes.
cut (ln0 = [] /\ ln4 = [] /\ a = S n);
[ intros (HH3, (HH4, HH5))
| generalize HH1; rewrite H4; case ln0; simpl in |- *;
[ case ln4; try (intros; discriminate); (intros HH6; injection HH6; auto)
| intros n0 l; case l; simpl in |- *; intros; discriminate ] ].
case height_pred_larger_ex with (1 := H1); auto.
intros n1; rewrite <- HH5; intros (HM1, HM2).
right; left; exists n1; split; auto; rewrite E1; auto with datatypes.
intros (ln4, H4); auto.
cut (ln0 = ln1 ++ ln4);
[ intros E1
| apply app_inv_tail with (l := a :: ln3); rewrite <- H3; rewrite H4;
rewrite app_ass; auto ].
case H2 with (1 := H4); auto; clear H0 H2.
intros (n1, (HH1, HH2)); left; exists n1; split; auto; rewrite E1;
auto with datatypes.
intros [HH1| (HH1, HH2)]; auto.
cut (ln3 = [] /\ ln4 = [] /\ a = S n);
[ intros (HH3, (HH4, HH5))
| generalize HH1; rewrite H4; case ln4; simpl in |- *;
[ case ln3; try (intros; discriminate); (intros HH6; injection HH6; auto)
| intros n0 l; case l; simpl in |- *; intros; discriminate ] ].
case height_pred_larger_ex with (1 := H); auto.
intros n1; rewrite <- HH5; intros (HM1, HM2).
left; exists n1; split; auto; rewrite E1; auto with datatypes.
(* There is no strict maximum in a list *)
Theorem height_pred_disj_larger2 :
forall (n a : nat) (ln1 ln2 : list nat) (t : btree A) (l : list (btree A)),
height_pred n (ln1 ++ a :: ln2) l t ->
(exists n1, In n1 ln1 /\ a <= n1) \/
(exists n1, In n1 ln2 /\ a <= n1) \/
(ln1 = [] /\ a = n /\ ln2 = []) /\ l = t :: [].
Proof using.
intros n a ln1 ln2 t l H;
with (a := a) (ln1 := ln1) (ln2 := ln2) (1 := H);
intros [H1| (H1, H2)]; auto.
generalize H1 H2; case ln1; simpl in |- *;
[ intros H3; injection H3; auto with datatypes | idtac ].
intros H0 H4 H5; repeat right; auto.
intros n0 l0; case l0; simpl in |- *; intros; discriminate.
Theorem height_pred_shrink_aux :
forall (n : nat) (ln : list nat) (t : btree A) (l : list (btree A)),
height_pred n ln l t ->
forall l1 l2 ln1 ln2 a b t1 t2,
ln = ln1 ++ a :: b :: ln2 ->
(forall n1 : nat, In n1 ln1 -> n1 < a) ->
(forall n1 : nat, In n1 (b :: ln2) -> n1 <= a) ->
length ln1 = length l1 ->
l = l1 ++ t1 :: t2 :: l2 ->
height_pred n (ln1 ++ pred a :: ln2) (l1 ++ node t1 t2 :: l2) t.
Proof using.
intros n ln t l H; elim H; clear n ln t l H; auto.
intros n t l1 l2 ln1 ln2 a b t1 t2; case ln1;
try (simpl in |- *; intros; discriminate).
intros n0 l0; case l0; try (simpl in |- *; intros; discriminate).
intros n ln1 ln2 t1 t2 l1 l2 H H0 H1 H2 l0 l3 ln0 ln3 a b t0 t3 H3 H4 H5 H6
cut (length ln1 = length l1);
[ intros Eq2 | apply height_pred_length with (1 := H) ].
cut (length ln2 = length l2);
[ intros Eq3 | apply height_pred_length with (1 := H1) ].
cut (length ln3 = length l3);
[ intros Eq4
| apply plus_reg_l with (length (ln0 ++ a :: b :: []));
rewrite <- app_length; rewrite app_ass; simpl in |- *;
rewrite <- H3; repeat rewrite app_length; simpl in |- *;
rewrite Eq2; rewrite Eq3; rewrite <- app_length;
rewrite H7; repeat rewrite app_length; simpl in |- *;
repeat rewrite (fun x y => plus_comm x (S y));
simpl in |- *; rewrite plus_comm; auto ].
case app_inv_app2 with (1 := H3); auto.
intros (ln4, Hp1).
cut (ln3 = ln4 ++ ln2);
[ intros E1
| apply app_inv_head with (l := ln0 ++ a :: b :: []);
repeat rewrite app_ass; simpl in |- *; rewrite <- H3;
rewrite Hp1; repeat rewrite app_ass; auto ].
replace (ln0 ++ pred a :: ln3) with ((ln0 ++ pred a :: ln4) ++ ln2);
[ idtac | rewrite app_ass; rewrite E1; auto ].
cut (l3 = firstn (length ln4) l3 ++ l2).
intros HH;
replace (l0 ++ node t0 t3 :: l3) with
((l0 ++ node t0 t3 :: firstn (length ln4) l3) ++ l2);
[ idtac | pattern l3 at 2 in |- *; rewrite HH; rewrite app_ass; auto ].
apply height_pred_node; auto.
apply H0 with (1 := Hp1); auto.
intros n1 HH1; (apply H5; auto).
simpl in HH1; case HH1; intros H9; try rewrite H9; auto with datatypes.
rewrite E1; auto with datatypes.
apply app_inv_tail with (l := l2).
repeat rewrite app_ass; apply trans_equal with (1 := H7); auto.
pattern l3 at 1 in |- *; rewrite HH; auto.
apply sym_equal;
apply trans_equal with (2 := firstn_skipn (length ln4) l3).
apply f_equal2 with (f := app (A:=btree A)); auto.
apply trans_equal with (skipn (length l1 - length l1) l2).
rewrite <- minus_n_n; simpl in |- *; auto.
rewrite <- skipn_le_app1; auto.
rewrite H7.
rewrite <- Eq2; rewrite Hp1.
rewrite skipn_le_app1.
rewrite app_length.
rewrite H6; rewrite minus_plus; simpl in |- *; auto.
rewrite <- H6; rewrite app_length; simpl in |- *; auto with arith.
intros [(ln4, HH)| (HH1, HH2)].
cut (ln0 = ln1 ++ ln4);
[ intros E1
| apply app_inv_tail with (l := a :: b :: ln3); rewrite <- H3; rewrite HH;
rewrite app_ass; auto ].
cut (l0 = l1 ++ skipn (length l1) l0).
intros Eq1; rewrite Eq1; rewrite E1; repeat rewrite app_ass.
apply height_pred_node; auto.
apply H2 with (b := b); auto.
intros n1 H8; apply H4; (rewrite E1; auto with datatypes).
rewrite length_skipn; rewrite <- Eq2; rewrite <- H6;
rewrite <- length_skipn; rewrite E1; rewrite skipn_le_app2;
auto; rewrite skipn_length_all; simpl in |- *; auto.
apply app_inv_head with (l := l1).
rewrite <- app_ass; rewrite <- Eq1; auto.
apply sym_equal;
apply trans_equal with (2 := firstn_skipn (length l1) l0).
apply f_equal2 with (f := app (A:=btree A)); auto.
apply trans_equal with (firstn (length l1) (l1 ++ l2)).
rewrite firstn_le_app1; auto; rewrite <- minus_n_n; simpl in |- *;
auto with datatypes.
rewrite H7; rewrite firstn_le_app2; auto.
rewrite <- H6; rewrite <- Eq2; rewrite E1; rewrite app_length;
auto with arith.
rewrite HH1 in H; case height_pred_disj_larger2 with (1 := H); simpl in |- *;
intros (n1, (HH3, HH4)); contradict HH4; auto with arith.
intros [(n1, (HH3, HH4))| ((HH3, (HH4, HH5)), HH6)]; [ case HH3 | idtac ].
case height_pred_larger_strict with (1 := H1) (n1 := b); auto.
rewrite HH2; auto with datatypes.
rewrite <- HH4; intros HH7; contradict HH7; apply le_not_lt;
auto with arith datatypes.
intros (H8, H9); rewrite HH4; rewrite HH3; simpl in |- *.
cut (l0 = []); [ intros HM1; rewrite HM1 | idtac ].
cut (ln3 = []); [ intros HM2; rewrite HM2 | idtac ].
replace l3 with (nil (A:=btree A)); simpl in |- *; auto.
rewrite HH6 in H7; rewrite H9 in H7; rewrite HM1 in H7; simpl in H7;
injection H7.
intros Ht1 Ht2 Ht3; rewrite Ht2; rewrite Ht3; auto.
generalize Eq4; rewrite HM2; case l3; simpl in |- *; auto; intros;
rewrite HH2 in H8; injection H8; auto.
generalize H6; rewrite HH3; case l0; simpl in |- *; auto; intros;
A cover can be shrunk at the first maximum of the height while
preserving the height list
Theorem height_pred_shrink :
forall (n a b : nat) (ln1 ln2 : list nat) (t t1 t2 : btree A)
(l1 l2 : list (btree A)),
height_pred n (ln1 ++ a :: b :: ln2) (l1 ++ t1 :: t2 :: l2) t ->
(forall n1 : nat, In n1 ln1 -> n1 < a) ->
(forall n1 : nat, In n1 (b :: ln2) -> n1 <= a) ->
length ln1 = length l1 ->
height_pred n (ln1 ++ pred a :: ln2) (l1 ++ node t1 t2 :: l2) t.
Proof using.
intros n a b ln1 ln2 t t1 t2 l1 l2 H H0 H1 H2;
apply height_pred_shrink_aux with (1 := H) (b := b);
Given a tree and its associated code it is possible to build
a height list (the length of the codes) and a cover (the leaves)
that are in relation
Theorem height_pred_compute_code :
forall (n : nat) (t : btree A),
height_pred n (map (fun x => length (snd x) + n) (compute_code t))
(map (fun x => leaf (fst x)) (compute_code t)) t.
Proof using.
intros n t; generalize n; elim t; clear t n; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros b H b0 H0 n.
repeat rewrite map_app.
(forall (b : bool) l,
map (fun x : A * list bool => length (snd x) + n)
(map (fun v : A * list bool => let (a1, b1) := v in (a1, b :: b1)) l) =
map (fun x : A * list bool => length (snd x) + S n) l);
[ intros E1 | idtac ].
(forall b l,
map (fun x : A * list bool => leaf (fst x))
(map (fun v : A * list bool => let (a1, b1) := v in (a1, b :: b1)) l) =
map (fun x : A * list bool => leaf (fst x)) l); [ intros E2 | idtac ].
apply height_pred_node; repeat rewrite E1; repeat rewrite E2; auto.
intros b1 l; elim l; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros a; case a; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros a0 l0 l1 H1; apply f_equal2 with (f := cons (A:=btree A)); auto.
intros b1 l; elim l; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros a; case a; simpl in |- *; auto.
intros a0 l0 l1 H1; apply f_equal2 with (f := cons (A:=nat)); auto.
A consequence of the previous theorem, the weight of the tree
is exactly the encoding of the message of the corresponding code
Theorem weight_tree_compute :
forall (m : list A) t,
distinct_leaves t ->
(forall a : A, f a = number_of_occurrences eqA_dec a m) ->
length (encode eqA_dec (compute_code t) m) = weight_tree f t.
Proof using.
intros m t H0 H.
rewrite frequency_length; auto.
apply trans_equal with (0 * sum_leaves f t + weight_tree f t); auto.
rewrite height_pred_weight with (1 := height_pred_compute_code 0 t).
unfold prod2list in |- *.
(f :=
fun (a : nat) (b : A * list bool) =>
a + number_of_occurrences eqA_dec (fst b) m * length (snd b))
(f1 :=
fun (a : nat) (b : A * list bool) =>
a + (fun b => f (fst b) * length (snd b)) b);
rewrite <-
(fold_left_map _ _ (fun a b : nat => a + b) _ 0 (compute_code t)
(fun b : A * list bool => f (fst b) * length (snd b)))
rewrite fold_left_eta with (f := fun a b : nat => a + b) (f1 := plus); auto.
apply f_equal3 with (f := fold_left (A:=nat) (B:=nat)); auto.
elim (compute_code t); simpl in |- *; auto.
intros a l H1; apply f_equal2 with (f := cons (A:=nat)); auto with arith.
apply btree_unique_prefix2; auto.
End HeightPred.
Arguments height_pred [A].
Hint Resolve height_pred_nil height_pred_node : core.