Library additions.FirstSteps

Polymorphic versions of exponentiation functions

From Coq Require Import Arith ZArith String.

Polymorphic exponentiation functions

Section Definitions.

 Variables (A : Type)
           (mult : A A A)
           (one : A).

#[local] Infix "*" := mult.
#[local] Notation "1" := one.

Naive (linear) implementation

Fixpoint power (x:A)(n:nat) : A :=
  match n with
    | 0%nat ⇒ 1
    | S px × x ^ p
where "x ^ n" := (power x n).

Logarithmic implementation (with exponents in N)

Fixpoint binary_power_mult (x a:A)(p:positive) : A
  match p with
    | xHa × x
    | xO qbinary_power_mult (x × x) a q
    | xI qbinary_power_mult (x × x) (a × x) q

Fixpoint Pos_bpow (x:A)(p:positive) :=
 match p with
  | xHx
  | xO qPos_bpow (x × x) q
  | xI qbinary_power_mult (x × x) x q

Definition N_bpow x (n:N) :=
  match n with
  | 0%N ⇒ 1
  | Npos pPos_bpow x p

End Definitions.

Arguments N_bpow {A}.
Arguments power {A}.


Open Scope string_scope.

Exponentiation on 2x2 matrices

Module M2.
Section M2_Definitions.

  Variables (A: Type)
           (zero one : A)
           (plus mult : A A A).

  Variable rt : semi_ring_theory zero one plus mult (@eq A).
  Add Ring Aring : rt.

  Notation "0" := zero.
  Notation "1" := one.
  Notation "x + y" := (plus x y).
  Notation "x * y " := (mult x y).

  Structure t : Type := mat{c00 : A; c01 : A;
                            c10 : A; c11 : A}.

  Definition Id2 : t := mat 1 0 0 1.

  Definition M2_mult (M M':t) : t :=
    mat (c00 M × c00 M' + c01 M × c10 M')
        (c00 M × c01 M' + c01 M × c11 M')
        (c10 M × c00 M' + c11 M × c10 M')
        (c10 M × c01 M' + c11 M × c11 M').

End M2_Definitions.
End M2.

Import M2.

Arguments M2_mult {A} plus mult _ _.
Arguments mat {A} _ _ _ _.
Arguments Id2 {A} _ _.

Definition fibonacci (n:N) :=
 c00 N (N_bpow (M2_mult Nplus Nmult) (Id2 0%N 1%N)(mat 1 1 1 0)%N n).

Definition power_t := (A:Type)
                             (mult : A A A)
                             (n:N), A.

A wrong definition of correctness

Module Bad.

  Definition correct_expt_function (f : power_t) : Prop :=
     A (mult : A A A) (one:A)
           (x:A) (n:N), power mult one x (N.to_nat n) =
                        f A mult one x n.

  Section CounterExample.
    Let mul (n p : nat) := n + 2 × p.
    Let one := 0.

With our fake definition, N_bpow is not correct!

    Remark mul_not_associative :
       n p q, mul n (mul p q) mul (mul n p) q.

    Remark one_not_neutral :
       n : nat, mul one n n.

    Lemma correct_exp_too_strong : ¬ correct_expt_function (@N_bpow).

  End CounterExample.

End Bad.

Fibonacci matrices