Library additions.Trace_exercise

Solution to an exercise

From Coq Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.
Require Import Addition_Chains PArith.

Fixpoint fusion {A} (compare : A A comparison)(l1 l2 : list A) :=
      let fix aux l2 {struct l2}:=
          match l1,l2 with
            | nil,_l2
            | _,nill1
            | a1::l1',a2::l2'
              match compare a1 a2 with
                Lta2 :: aux l2'
              | Eqa1 :: fusion compare l1' l2'
              | Gta1 :: fusion compare l1' l2
      in aux l2.

Open Scope positive_scope.

Traces with full information

Inductive info : Set :=
| Add (p q : positive).

Definition trace_compare (t t' : positive × info) :=
  match t, t' with
    (x,_),(y,_) x y end.

Definition trace_mult (l l' : list (positive × info)):=
    match l, l' with
    nil, _ | _,nill
  | ((x,_)::l1),((y,_)::l'1) ⇒ (x+y,Add x y):: fusion trace_compare l l'

Definition chain_trace c :=
  List.rev (chain_execute c trace_mult ((1,Init)::nil)).

Definition exponents c := fst (chain_trace c).