Library additions.Wf_transparent

Transparent versions of wf_incl and wf_inverse_image

From Coq Require Export Relation_Definitions.

Lemma wf_incl_transparent :
(A : Type) (R1 R2 : A A Prop),
Relation_Definitions.inclusion A R1 R2 well_founded R2 well_founded R1.

Section Inverse_Image_transp.
  Variables A B : Type.
  Variable R : B B Prop.
  Variable f : A B.

  Let Rof (x y:A) : Prop := R (f x) (f y).

  Remark Acc_lemma : y:B, Acc R y x:A, y = f x Acc Rof x.

  Lemma Acc_inverse_image : x:A, Acc R (f x) Acc Rof x.

  Theorem wf_inverse_image_transparent : well_founded R well_founded Rof.

End Inverse_Image_transp.