Library gaia_hydras.T1Bridge
Bridge between Hydra-battle's and Gaia's T1 (Experimental)
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect zify.
From Coq Require Import Logic.Eqdep_dec.
From hydras Require Import DecPreOrder ON_Generic T1 E0.
From gaia Require Export ssete9.
Set Implicit Arguments.
The name T1 denotes Gaia's data type. We use T1.T1 or hT1 for Hydra battles ordinal terms.
We rename Hydra battle's total order on hT1
Restrictions to terms in normal form
Translation functions
Fixpoint h2g (a : hT1) : T1 :=
if a is T1.cons a n b then cons (h2g a) n (h2g b) else zero.
Fixpoint g2h (a : T1) : hT1 :=
if a is cons a n b then T1.cons (g2h a) n (g2h b) else
Lemma h2g_g2hK : cancel g2h h2g.
Lemma g2h_h2gK : cancel h2g g2h.
Lemma g2h_eqE (a b: T1): g2h a = g2h b ↔ a = b.
Lemma h2g_eqE (a b :hT1): h2g a = h2g b ↔ a = b.
Lemma g2h_diffE (a b : T1) : g2h a ≠ g2h b ↔ a ≠ b.
Lemma h2g_diffE (a b : hT1) : h2g a ≠ h2g b ↔ a ≠ b.
Pretty printing
Definition refines0 (x:hT1)(y:T1) := y = h2g x.
Definition refines1 (f:hT1 → hT1) (f': T1 → T1) :=
∀ x: hT1, f' (h2g x) = h2g (f x).
Definition refines2 (f:hT1 → hT1 → hT1) (f': T1 → T1 → T1 ) :=
∀ x y : hT1, f' (h2g x) (h2g y) = h2g (f x y).
Definition refinesPred (hP: hT1 → Prop) (gP: T1 → Prop) :=
∀ x : hT1, hP x ↔ gP (h2g x).
Definition refinesRel (hR: hT1 → hT1 → Prop)
(gR: T1 → T1 → Prop) :=
∀ x y : hT1, hR x y ↔ gR (h2g x) (h2g y).
Lemma refines1_R f f' :
refines1 f f' ↔ ∀ y: T1, f (g2h y) = g2h (f' y).
Lemma refines2_R f f' :
refines2 f f' ↔ ∀ y z: T1, f (g2h y) (g2h z) = g2h (f' y z).
Lemma zero_ref : refines0 zero.
Lemma one_ref : refines0 one.
Lemma Finite_ref (n:nat) : refines0 (T1.T1nat n) (\F n).
Lemma omega_ref : refines0 T1.T1omega T1omega.
Lemma succ_ref: refines1 T1.succ T1succ.
Lemma phi0_ref x: refines0 (T1.phi0 x) (phi0 (h2g x)).
Lemma g2h_phi0 a : g2h (phi0 a) = T1.phi0 (g2h a).
Lemma ap_ref : refinesPred Epsilon0.T1.ap T1ap.
Lemma T1eq_refl (a: T1) : T1eq a a.
Lemma T1eqE a b: T1eq a b → g2h a = g2h b.
Lemma T1eq_h2g (a b : hT1) : T1eq (h2g a) (h2g b) → a = b.
Lemma compare_ref (x y: hT1) :
match T1.compare_T1 x y with
| Datatypes.Lt ⇒ T1lt (h2g x) (h2g y)
| Datatypes.Eq ⇒ h2g x = h2g y
| Datatypes.Gt ⇒ T1lt (h2g y) (h2g x)
Lemma decide_hltE (a b : hT1):
bool_decide ( a b) = (h2g a < h2g b).
Lemma lt_ref : refinesRel T1lt.
Lemma le_ref : refinesRel T1.le T1le.
Section Proof_of_mult_ref.
Lemma T1mul_a0E (c : T1) : c × zero = zero.
Lemma T1mul_cons_cons_E n b n' b' :
cons zero n b × cons zero n' b' =
cons zero (n × n' + n + n') b'.
Lemma T1mulE4 a n b n' b' :
a != zero → (cons a n b) × (cons zero n' b') =
cons a (n × n' + n + n') b.
Lemma multE4 a n b n' b' :
a ≠ →
Epsilon0.T1.T1mul (T1.cons a n b)
(T1.cons n' b') =
T1.cons a (n × n' + n + n') b.
Lemma T1mulE5 a n b a' n' b' :
a' != zero →
(cons a n b) × (cons a' n' b') =
cons (a + a') n' (T1mul (cons a n b) b').
Lemma multE5 a n b a' n' b' :
a' ≠ →
Epsilon0.T1.T1mul (T1.cons a n b) (T1.cons a' n' b') =
T1.cons (T1.T1add a a') n' (T1.T1mul (T1.cons a n b) b').
Lemma h2g_cons a n b : h2g (T1.cons a n b)= cons (h2g a) n (h2g b).
Lemma g2h_cons a n b : g2h (cons a n b) = T1.cons (g2h a) n (g2h b).
Lemma h2g_zero : h2g = zero.
Lemma g2h_zero : g2h zero =
Lemma mult_ref0 : refines2 T1.T1mul T1mul.
End Proof_of_mult_ref.
Lemma mult_ref : refines2 T1.T1mul T1mul.
Lemma g2h_multE (a b : T1) : g2h (a × b) = T1.T1mul (g2h a) (g2h b).
Lemma g2h_plusE (a b: T1) : g2h (a + b) = T1.T1add (g2h a) (g2h b).
Lemma nf_ref (a: hT1) : T1.nf_b a = T1nf (h2g a).
Lemma LT_ref : refinesRel T1.LT LT.
Lemma LE_ref : refinesRel T1.LE LE.
Limits, successors, etc
Lemma T1limit_ref (a:Epsilon0.T1.T1) : T1.T1limit a = T1limit (h2g a).
Lemma T1is_succ_ref (a:Epsilon0.T1.T1): T1.T1is_succ a = T1is_succ (h2g a).
Lemma hnf_g2h a : (g2h a) = T1nf a.
Lemma g2h_succ a : g2h (T1succ a) = T1.succ (g2h a).
Lemma hlt_iff a b: a b ↔ h2g a < h2g b.
Lemma T1lt_iff a b: T1nf a → T1nf b →
a < b ↔ g2h a t1< g2h b.
Lemma T1le_iff (a b: T1):
a ≤ b ↔ T1.le (g2h a) (g2h b).
#[global] Notation hE0 := E0.E0.
#[global] Notation hcnf := E0.cnf.
#[global] Notation hE0lt := E0.E0lt.
#[global] Notation hE0le := E0.E0le.
#[global] Notation hE0zero := E0.E0zero.
#[global] Notation hE0omega := E0.E0_omega.
#[global] Notation hE0phi0 := E0.E0_phi0.
#[global] Notation hE0fin := E0.E0fin.
#[global] Notation hE0limit := E0.E0limit.
#[global] Notation hE0is_succ := E0.E0is_succ.
Record E0 := mkE0 { cnf : T1 ; _ : T1nf cnf == true}.
Coercion cnf: E0 >-> T1.
Canonical e0Sub := [subType for cnf].
Check fun (x:E0) ⇒ val x.
Remark omeganf : T1nf T1omega == true.
Check (Sub T1omega).
Check (Sub T1omega omeganf : e0Sub).
Check (Sub T1omega omeganf : E0).
Definition E0eqb (a b: E0):= cnf a == cnf b.
Lemma gE0_eq_intro a b : cnf a = cnf b → a = b.
Definition E0_eq_mixin : Equality.mixin_of E0.
Definition E0_eqtype := Equality.Pack E0_eq_mixin.
Canonical Structure E0_eqtype.
Definition ppE0 (a: E0) := T1pp (cnf a).
Definition E0lt (a b: E0) := cnf a < cnf b.
Definition E0le (a b: E0) := cnf a ≤ cnf b.
#[global, program] Definition E0zero: E0 := @mkE0 zero _.
#[global, program]
Definition E0_succ (a: E0): E0 := @mkE0 (T1succ (cnf a)) _.
#[global, program]
Definition E0_pred (a:E0) : E0:= @mkE0 (T1pred (cnf a)) _.
Fixpoint E0fin (n:nat) : E0 :=
if n is p.+1 then E0_succ (E0fin p) else E0zero.
#[program] Definition E0_omega: E0 := @mkE0 T1omega _.
#[program] Definition E0_phi0 (a: E0) : E0 := @mkE0 (phi0 (cnf a)) _.
#[program] Definition E0plus (a beta: E0) : E0 :=
@mkE0 (T1add (cnf a) (cnf beta)) _.
#[program] Definition E0mul (a beta: E0) : E0 :=
@mkE0 (T1mul (cnf a) (cnf beta)) _.
Lemma E0fin_cnf (n:nat) : cnf (E0fin n) = \F n.
#[program] Definition E0_h2g (a: hE0): E0:= @mkE0 (h2g (E0.cnf a)) _.
#[program] Definition E0_g2h (a: E0): hE0 := @E0.mkord (g2h (cnf a)) _.
Definition E0limit a := hE0limit (E0_g2h a).
Definition E0is_succ a := hE0is_succ (E0_g2h a).
Lemma E0_h2g_nf (a:hE0) : T1nf (cnf (E0_h2g a)).
Lemma gE0lt_iff a beta : E0lt a beta ↔ E0_g2h a o< E0_g2h beta.
Lemma gE0le_iff a beta : E0le a beta ↔ E0_g2h a o≤ E0_g2h beta.
Lemma E0_h2g_g2hK : cancel E0_g2h E0_h2g.
Lemma E0_g2h_h2gK : cancel E0_h2g E0_g2h.
Lemma g2h_E0_succ a : E0_g2h (E0_succ a)= E0.E0_succ (E0_g2h a).
Lemma E0is_succ_succ a : E0is_succ (E0_succ a).
Lemma E0is_succE a: E0is_succ a → {beta: E0 | a = E0_succ beta}.
Lemma E0_eqE (x y: E0) : x = y ↔ (E0_g2h x = E0_g2h y).
Lemma E0_diffE (x y: E0) : x ≠ y ↔ (E0_g2h x ≠ E0_g2h y).
Lemma E0_pred_succK x : E0_pred (E0_succ x) = x.
Lemma g2h_E0zero : E0_g2h E0zero = E0.E0zero.
Lemma E0g2h_Fin i: E0_g2h (E0fin i) = E0.E0fin i.
Lemma E0g2h_phi0 a : E0_g2h (E0_phi0 a) = E0.E0_phi0 (E0_g2h a).
Lemma E0g2h_mulE (a b: E0): E0_g2h (E0mul a b) = E0.E0mul (E0_g2h a) (E0_g2h b).
Lemma E0g2h_plusE (a b: E0): E0_g2h (E0plus a b)= E0.E0add (E0_g2h a) (E0_g2h b).
Lemma E0g2h_omegaE : E0_g2h E0_omega = hE0omega.
From Coq Require Import Relations Basics
Wellfounded.Inverse_Image Wellfounded.Inclusion.
#[global] Notation hcnf := E0.cnf.
#[global] Notation hE0lt := E0.E0lt.
#[global] Notation hE0le := E0.E0le.
#[global] Notation hE0zero := E0.E0zero.
#[global] Notation hE0omega := E0.E0_omega.
#[global] Notation hE0phi0 := E0.E0_phi0.
#[global] Notation hE0fin := E0.E0fin.
#[global] Notation hE0limit := E0.E0limit.
#[global] Notation hE0is_succ := E0.E0is_succ.
Record E0 := mkE0 { cnf : T1 ; _ : T1nf cnf == true}.
Coercion cnf: E0 >-> T1.
Canonical e0Sub := [subType for cnf].
Check fun (x:E0) ⇒ val x.
Remark omeganf : T1nf T1omega == true.
Check (Sub T1omega).
Check (Sub T1omega omeganf : e0Sub).
Check (Sub T1omega omeganf : E0).
Definition E0eqb (a b: E0):= cnf a == cnf b.
Lemma gE0_eq_intro a b : cnf a = cnf b → a = b.
Definition E0_eq_mixin : Equality.mixin_of E0.
Definition E0_eqtype := Equality.Pack E0_eq_mixin.
Canonical Structure E0_eqtype.
Definition ppE0 (a: E0) := T1pp (cnf a).
Definition E0lt (a b: E0) := cnf a < cnf b.
Definition E0le (a b: E0) := cnf a ≤ cnf b.
#[global, program] Definition E0zero: E0 := @mkE0 zero _.
#[global, program]
Definition E0_succ (a: E0): E0 := @mkE0 (T1succ (cnf a)) _.
#[global, program]
Definition E0_pred (a:E0) : E0:= @mkE0 (T1pred (cnf a)) _.
Fixpoint E0fin (n:nat) : E0 :=
if n is p.+1 then E0_succ (E0fin p) else E0zero.
#[program] Definition E0_omega: E0 := @mkE0 T1omega _.
#[program] Definition E0_phi0 (a: E0) : E0 := @mkE0 (phi0 (cnf a)) _.
#[program] Definition E0plus (a beta: E0) : E0 :=
@mkE0 (T1add (cnf a) (cnf beta)) _.
#[program] Definition E0mul (a beta: E0) : E0 :=
@mkE0 (T1mul (cnf a) (cnf beta)) _.
Lemma E0fin_cnf (n:nat) : cnf (E0fin n) = \F n.
#[program] Definition E0_h2g (a: hE0): E0:= @mkE0 (h2g (E0.cnf a)) _.
#[program] Definition E0_g2h (a: E0): hE0 := @E0.mkord (g2h (cnf a)) _.
Definition E0limit a := hE0limit (E0_g2h a).
Definition E0is_succ a := hE0is_succ (E0_g2h a).
Lemma E0_h2g_nf (a:hE0) : T1nf (cnf (E0_h2g a)).
Lemma gE0lt_iff a beta : E0lt a beta ↔ E0_g2h a o< E0_g2h beta.
Lemma gE0le_iff a beta : E0le a beta ↔ E0_g2h a o≤ E0_g2h beta.
Lemma E0_h2g_g2hK : cancel E0_g2h E0_h2g.
Lemma E0_g2h_h2gK : cancel E0_h2g E0_g2h.
Lemma g2h_E0_succ a : E0_g2h (E0_succ a)= E0.E0_succ (E0_g2h a).
Lemma E0is_succ_succ a : E0is_succ (E0_succ a).
Lemma E0is_succE a: E0is_succ a → {beta: E0 | a = E0_succ beta}.
Lemma E0_eqE (x y: E0) : x = y ↔ (E0_g2h x = E0_g2h y).
Lemma E0_diffE (x y: E0) : x ≠ y ↔ (E0_g2h x ≠ E0_g2h y).
Lemma E0_pred_succK x : E0_pred (E0_succ x) = x.
Lemma g2h_E0zero : E0_g2h E0zero = E0.E0zero.
Lemma E0g2h_Fin i: E0_g2h (E0fin i) = E0.E0fin i.
Lemma E0g2h_phi0 a : E0_g2h (E0_phi0 a) = E0.E0_phi0 (E0_g2h a).
Lemma E0g2h_mulE (a b: E0): E0_g2h (E0mul a b) = E0.E0mul (E0_g2h a) (E0_g2h b).
Lemma E0g2h_plusE (a b: E0): E0_g2h (E0plus a b)= E0.E0add (E0_g2h a) (E0_g2h b).
Lemma E0g2h_omegaE : E0_g2h E0_omega = hE0omega.
From Coq Require Import Relations Basics
Wellfounded.Inverse_Image Wellfounded.Inclusion.
TODO: simplify this proof !!!
Lemma gE0lt_wf : well_founded E0lt.
Lemma L1' (a: T1) : T1omega × (a × T1omega) = T1omega × a × T1omega.
Sequences and limits
Definition g2h_seq (s: nat→ T1) n := g2h (s n).
Definition h2g_seq (s: nat → hT1) n := h2g (s n).
Definition gstrict_lub (s : nat → T1) (lambda : T1) :=
(∀ i : nat, LT (s i) lambda) ∧
(∀ a : T1, (∀ i : nat, LE (s i) a) → LE lambda a).
Lemma strict_lub_ref (s:nat→ hT1) (lambda: hT1) :
strict_lub s lambda ↔ gstrict_lub (h2g_seq s) (h2g lambda).
Search ( _ × ?beta = ?beta)%ca.
Search ( _ × ?beta = ?beta)%t1.
#[global] Instance T1compare : Compare T1:=
fun a beta ⇒ compare (g2h a) (g2h beta).
Lemma compare_g2h (a beta : T1):
compare (g2h a) (g2h beta) = compare a beta .
Lemma compare_h2g (a beta: hT1) :
compare (h2g a) (h2g beta) =compare a beta .
Lemma T1compare_correct (a b: T1):
CompSpec eq T1lt a b (compare a b).
#[global] Instance E0compare: Compare E0 :=
fun (alpha beta: E0) ⇒ T1compare (cnf alpha) (cnf beta).
Lemma E0compare_correct (alpha beta : E0) :
CompSpec eq E0lt alpha beta (compare alpha beta).
#[global] Instance E0_sto : StrictOrder E0lt.
#[global] Instance E0_comp : Comparable E0lt compare.
#[global] Instance Epsilon0 : ON E0lt compare.
Locate T1omega.
Definition strict_mono (f: nat → nat) :=
∀ n p, (n< p)%N → (f n < f p)%N.
Definition dominates_from (n : nat) (g f : nat → nat) :=
∀ p : nat, (n ≤ p)%N → (f p < g p)%N.
Definition dominates g f := ∃ n : nat, dominates_from n g f .
Definition dominates_strong g f := {n : nat | dominates_from n g f}.
Definition fun_le f g := ∀ n:nat, (f n ≤ g n)%N.