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Ordinals in Pure Coq

Copyright INRIA (2013-2013) Marelle Team (José Grimm). After a work of Castéran

From mathcomp
  Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool eqtype ssrnat.
From mathcomp Require Import fintype bigop.

Set Implicit Arguments.


Useful lemmas missing in ssreflect

Lemma if_simpl (p: bool): (if p then true else false) = p.

Lemma ltn_simpl1 n n': ((n' + n).+1 < n) = false.

Lemma eqn_simpl1 n n': ((n' + n).+1 == n) = false.

Lemma ltn_simpl2 n n' n'':
  (n × n' + n + n' < n × n'' + n + n'') = (n' < n'').

Lemma eqn_simpl2 n n' n'':
   (n × n' + n + n' == n × n'' + n + n'') = (n' == n'').

Lemma ltn_add_le m1 m2 n1 n2: m1 < n1 m2 n2 m1 + m2 < n1 + n2.

Lemma ltn_add_el m1 m2 n1 n2: m1 n1 m2 < n2 m1 + m2 < n1 + n2.

Lemma ltn_add_ll m1 m2 n1 n2: m1 < n1 m2 < n2 m1 + m2 < n1 + n2.

The ssreflect comparison on nat is WF

Lemma lt_wf: well_founded (fun (a b:nat) ⇒ a < b).

Example 1

An example of function defined by transfinite induction using Fix
Module Wf_ex.

Definition f_spec f n :=
   if n is m.+2 then (f (f m.+1).+1 ).+1 else 0.

Lemma f_spec_simp f n: ( n, f n = f_spec f n) f n = n.-1.

Lemma f0 n p: p n p.+2 n.+2.

Definition f1 :
   x, ( z, z < x {y:nat |y z.-1})
  {y:nat | y x.-1}.

Definition f2 := Fix lt_wf _ f1.
Definition f (x:nat): nat := sval (f2 x).

Lemma f_eqn x: f2 x = f1 (fun y _f2 y).

Lemma f_correct n: f n = f_spec f n.

End Wf_ex.

Example 2

Second example, f(n) = 1 + \sum(i < n) f(i)

Module Wfsum.

Definition psum (f: nat nat) n := \sum_(i< n) (f i).
Definition f_spec f:= n, f n = (psum f n).+1.

Lemma f_spec_simp f n: f_spec f f n = 2 ^ n.

Lemma psum_exten n f g :
   ( k, k < n f k = g k) (psum f n).+1 = (psum g n).+1.

Lemma lt_dec n m: {n <m} + {~~ (n < m) }.

Definition extension (n : nat) (p : k : nat, k < n nat) k :=
  match lt_dec k n with
    | left xp k x
    | _ ⇒ 0 end.

Definition f1 (n : nat) (h : z : nat, z < n nat) :=
    (psum (extension h) n).+1.

Definition f2 := Fix lt_wf _ f1.

Lemma f_eqn x: f2 x = f1 (n:=x) (fun y _f2 y).

Definition f (x:nat): nat := f2 x.

Lemma f_correct: f_spec f.

End Wfsum.

Example 3

We consider here only even numbers, show that comparison is WF, define a function by transfinite induction and show it is correct.

Module Wf_ex3.

Definition lte n m := [&& ~~ odd n, ~~ odd m & n < m].

Lemma lte_wf: well_founded lte.

Definition f_spec f n :=
   if n is m.+4 then (f (f (m.+2)).*2.+2 ).+1 else 0.

Lemma f_spec_simp f n: ~~ odd n ( n, ~~odd n f n = f_spec f n)
    f n = (n.-1)./2.

Lemma f_spec_simp1 f n: ( n, ~~odd n f n = f_spec f n)
    f (n.*2.+2) = n.

Lemma f_spec_simp2 f n: ( n, f n = f_spec f n) f(n.*2.+3) = n.

Lemma f0a y n: odd n = false odd n.+2 y (n.+2)./2.-1
   y n./2 lte (y.*2).+2 n.+4.

Lemma f0b a b: odd a.*2.+2 b (a.*2.+2)./2.-1 b a.

Lemma f0c n: odd n = false lte n.+2 n.+4.

Lemma odd_dec n : {odd n} + {odd n = false}.

Definition f1 :
   x, ( z, lte z x {y:nat | odd z y (z./2).-1})
  {y:nat | odd x y (x./2).-1}.

Definition f2 := Fix lte_wf _ f1.
Definition f (x:nat): nat := sval (f2 x).

Lemma f_eqn x: f2 x = f1 (fun y _f2 y).

Lemma f_correct n: ~~odd n f n = f_spec f n.

End Wf_ex3.

More on accessiblity

We show that there is no striclty decreasing function with domain nat
Section Sequences.

Variable A : Set.
Variable R : A A Prop.

Lemma acc_rec a b: R a b Acc R b Acc R a.

Hypothesis W : well_founded R.

Theorem not_decreasing :
  ¬ ( f : nat A, ( i:nat, R (f i.+1) (f i))).

End Sequences.

We show here an induction principle; we could use it for ordinals in NF form.

Section restricted_recursion.

Variables (A:Type)(P:AProp)(R:AAProp).

Definition restrict a b := [/\ P a, R a b & P b].

Definition well_founded_P := a, P a Acc restrict a.

Lemma P_well_founded_induction_type :
        Q : A Type,
       ( x : A, P x ( y : A, P y R y x Q y) Q x)
        a : A, P a Q a.
End restricted_recursion.
Module CantorOrdinal.

The type T1

This type represents all ordinals less that ε 0 , via the Cantor Normal Form. More exactly cons a n b represents ω A * (n.+1) + B if a represents A and b represents B.

Inductive T1 : Set :=
  zero : T1
| cons : T1 nat T1 T1.


we define a boolean equality, the use the mechanism of canonical structures provided by ssreflect

Fixpoint T1eq x y {struct x} :=
  match x, y with
  | zero, zerotrue
  | cons a n b, cons a' n' b'[&& T1eq a a', n== n' & T1eq b b' ]
  | _, _false

Lemma T1eqP : Equality.axiom T1eq.

Canonical T1_eqMixin := EqMixin T1eqP.
Canonical T1_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType T1 T1_eqMixin.

Arguments T1eqP {x y}.

Lemma T1eqE a n b a' n' b':
  (cons a n b == cons a' n' b') = [&& a == a', n== n' & b == b' ].

Declare Scope cantor_scope.
Delimit Scope cantor_scope with ca.
Open Scope cantor_scope.

Some definitions
  • φ0(x) is cons x 0 zero , it represents ω x
  • one is φ0(0)
  • omega is φ0(1)
  • bad is an example of an ordinal not in normal form
  • fun n := \F n is the canonical injection of nat into T1
  • the log of cons a n b is a
  • an ordinal is AP if it is in the image of φ0.

Definition phi0 a := cons a 0 zero.
Definition one := cons zero 0 zero.
Definition T1omega := phi0 (phi0 zero).
Definition T1bad := cons zero 0 T1omega.
Definition T1nat (n:nat) : T1 :=
  if n is p.+1 then cons zero p zero else zero.
Definition T1log a := if a is cons a _ _ then a else zero.
Definition T1ap x := if x is cons a n b then ((n==0) && (b==zero)) else false.

Notation "\F n" := (T1nat n)(at level 29) : cantor_scope.

Lemma T1F_inj: injective T1nat.

Lemma T1phi0_zero : phi0 zero = \F 1.
Lemma T1phi0_zero' : phi0 zero = one.
Lemma T1log_phi0 x : T1log (phi0 x) = x.
Lemma T1ap_phi0 x: T1ap (phi0 x).

Order on T1

We give here a recursion definition of comparison. Essentially, φ0(x) is strictly increasing,

Fixpoint T1lt x y {struct x} :=
  if x is cons a n b then
    if y is cons a' n' b' then
      if a < a' then true
      else if a == a' then
         if (n < n')%N then true
         else if (n == n') then b < b' else false
         else false
      else false
  else if y is cons a' n' b' then true else false
where "x < y" := (T1lt x y) : cantor_scope.

Definition T1le (x y :T1) := (x == y) || (x < y).
Notation "x <= y" := (T1le x y) : cantor_scope.
Notation "x >= y" := (y x) (only parsing) : cantor_scope.
Notation "x > y" := (y < x) (only parsing) : cantor_scope.

Lemma T1lenn x: x x.

#[local] Hint Resolve T1lenn : core.

Lemma T1ltnn x: (x < x) = false.

Lemma T1lt_ne a b : a < b (a == b) = false.

Lemma T1lt_ne' a b : a < b (b == a) = false.

Lemma T1ltW a b : (a < b) (a b).

Lemma T1le_eqVlt a b : (a b) = (a == b) || (a < b).

Lemma T1lt_neAle a b : (a < b) = (a != b) && (a b).

Lemma T1ltn0 x: (x < zero) = false.
Lemma T1le0n x: zero x.
Lemma T1len0 x: (x zero) = (x == zero).
Lemma T1lt0n x: (zero < x) = (x != zero).

Lemma T1ge1 x: (one x) = (x != zero).

Lemma T1lt1 x: (x < one) = (x==zero).

Lemma T1nat_inc n p : (n < p)%N = (\F n < \F p).

This is an alternative version of less-or-equal

Lemma T1le_consE a n b a' n' b':
 (cons a n b cons a' n' b') =
    if a < a' then true
      else if a == a' then
         if (n < n')%N then true
         else if (n == n') then b b' else false
         else false.

We have exactly one of: a is less than, greater than, or equal to b

Lemma T1lt_trichotomy a b: [|| (a< b), (a==b) | (b < a)].

Lemma T1lt_anti b a: a < b (b < a) = false.

Lemma T1leNgt a b: (a b) = ~~ (b < a).

Lemma T1ltNge a b: (a < b) = ~~ (b a).

Lemma T1eq_le m n : (m == n) = ((m n) && (n m)).

Lemma T1le_total m n : (m n) || (n m).

The next three definitions are similar to to those defined in ssrnat. we shall use T1ltgtP a lot.

CoInductive T1ltn_xor_geq m n : bool bool Set :=
  | T1LtnNotGeq of m < n : T1ltn_xor_geq m n false true
  | T1GeqNotLtn of n m : T1ltn_xor_geq m n true false.

CoInductive T1leq_xor_gtn m n : bool bool Set :=
  | T1GeqNotGtn of m n : T1leq_xor_gtn m n true false
  | T1GtnNotLeq of n < m : T1leq_xor_gtn m n false true.

CoInductive compare_T1 m n : bool bool bool Set :=
  | CompareT1Lt of m < n : compare_T1 m n true false false
  | CompareT1Gt of m > n : compare_T1 m n false true false
  | CompareT1Eq of m = n : compare_T1 m n false false true.

Lemma T1leP x y : T1leq_xor_gtn x y (x y) (y < x).

Lemma T1ltP m n : T1ltn_xor_geq m n (n m) (m < n).

Lemma T1ltgtP m n : compare_T1 m n (m < n) (n < m) (m == n).

We show here transitivity of comparison, using T1ltgtP .

Lemma T1lt_trans b a c: a < b b < c a < c.

Lemma T1lt_le_trans b a c: a < b b c a < c.

Lemma T1le_lt_trans b a c: a b b < c a < c.

Lemma T1le_trans b a c: a b b c a c.

The following lemma implies x < ω x, so all ordinals are less than ε 0

Normal form

There exists a strictly infinite decreasing sequence of ordinals, so the order is not well founded
We say that cons a n b is NF if )b <φ0(a). If b is cons a' n' b', this says that b is less than b'. If a is zero, this says that b=0.

Fixpoint T1nf x :=
  if x is cons a _ b then [&& T1nf a, T1nf b & b < phi0 a ]
  else true.

Lemma T1nf_cons0 a n: T1nf a T1nf (cons a n zero).

Lemma T1nf_cons_cons a n a' n' b' : T1nf (cons a n (cons a' n' b')) a' < a.

Lemma T1nf_consa a n b: T1nf (cons a n b) T1nf a.

Lemma T1nf_consb a n b: T1nf (cons a n b) T1nf b.

Lemma T1nf_finite1 n b: T1nf (cons zero n b) = (b == zero).

Lemma T1nf_finite n b: T1nf (cons zero n b) (b = zero).

Lemma T1nfCE: ~~(T1nf T1bad).

We show here that the restriction of T1lt to NF ordinals is well-founded, then prove two induction principles. Note that nf_Wf' says every NF x is accessible by the relation: u<v, u and v NF. If x is not NF it is trivially accessible. The proof is a bit tricky

Section AddLocalNotation.
  #[local] Notation LT :=
    (@restrict T1 (fun x : T1is_true (T1nf x))
               (fun x y : T1is_true (x < y))).

  Lemma nf_Wf : well_founded (restrict T1nf T1lt).
  Lemma nf_Wf' : well_founded_P T1nf T1lt.

  Lemma T1transfinite_induction P:
    ( x, T1nf x ( y, T1nf y y < x P y) P x)
     a, T1nf a P a.

  Lemma T1transfinite_induction_Q (P: T1 Type) (Q: T1 Prop):
    ( x:T1, Q x T1nf x
                  ( y:T1, Q y T1nf y y < x P y) P x)
     a, T1nf a Q a P a.

  Lemma T1nf_rect (P : T1 Type):
    P zero
    ( n: nat, P (cons zero n zero))
    ( a n b n' b', T1nf (cons a n b)
                         P (cons a n b)
                         b' < phi0 (cons a n b)
                         T1nf b'
                         P b'
                         P (cons (cons a n b) n' b'))
     a, T1nf a P a.

End AddLocalNotation.


We say that cons a n b is
  • limit if a is non-zero, b is limit or zero
  • finite if a is zero
  • a successor if a is zero or b is a successor
and define its
  • successor as \F (n+2) or cons a n (succ b)
  • predecessor as \F n or cons a n (pred b)
  • split u,v as cons a n x, y if b split as x,y and a is non-zero; and as 0,n+1 if a is zero
Note that if a=0, the quantity b is ignored; but when x is NF, then b is zero.

Fixpoint T1limit x :=
  if x is cons a n b then
    if a==zero then false else (b== zero) || T1limit b
  else false.

Definition T1finite x := if x is cons a n b then a == zero else true.

Fixpoint T1is_succ x :=
  if x is cons a n b then (a==zero) || T1is_succ b else false.

Fixpoint T1succ (c:T1) : T1 :=
  if c is cons a n b
  then if a == zero then cons zero n.+1 zero else cons a n (T1succ b)
  else one.

Fixpoint T1pred (c:T1) : T1 :=
  if c is cons a n b then
    if (a==zero) then \F n else (cons a n (T1pred b))
  else zero.

Fixpoint T1split x:=
  if x is cons a n b then
    if a==zero then (zero, n.+1) else
      let: (x, y) := T1split b in (cons a n x,y)
  else (zero,0).

Lemma split_limit x: ((T1split x).2 == 0) = ((x==zero) || T1limit x).

Lemma split_is_succ x: ((T1split x).2 != 0) = (T1is_succ x).

Lemma split_finite x: ((T1split x).1 == zero) = T1finite x.

Lemma split_succ x: let:(y,n):= T1split x in T1split (T1succ x) = (y,n.+1).

Lemma split_pred x: let:(y,n):= T1split x in T1split (T1pred x) = (y,n.-1).

Lemma split_le x : (T1split x).1 x.

Lemma nf_split x : T1nf x T1nf (T1split x).1.

Lemma T1finite1 n: T1finite (\F n).

Lemma T1finite2 x: T1finite x T1nf x x = \F ((T1split x).2).

Lemma T1finite2CE: T1finite T1bad n, T1bad \F n.

Lemma T1finite_succ x: T1finite x T1finite (T1succ x).

Lemma T1succ_nat n: T1succ (\F n) = \F (n.+1).

Lemma nf_omega : T1nf T1omega.
Lemma nf_finite n: T1nf (\F n).
Lemma nf_phi0 a: T1nf (phi0 a) = T1nf a.
Lemma nf_log a: T1nf a T1nf (T1log a).

An ordinal is zero, limit or a successor, exclusively. When we split x the first component is zero or limit, the second is a natural number
If x is limit, if y is less than x, so is the successor of y
Some properties of comparison and successor


The definition of addition and subtraction given here are straightforward given our interpretation of cons

Fixpoint T1add x y :=
  if x is cons a n b then
    if y is cons a' n' b' then
      if a < a' then cons a' n' b'
      else if a' < a then (cons a n (b + (cons a' n' b')))
           else (cons a (n+n').+1 b')
    else x
  else y
where "a + b" := (T1add a b) : cantor_scope.

Fixpoint T1sub x y :=
  if x is cons a n b then
    if y is cons a' n' b' then
      if x < y then zero
      else if a' < a then cons a n b
           else if (n < n')%N then zero
                else if (a==zero) then
                       if (n ==n') then zero else cons zero ((n-n').-1) zero
                     else if (n == n') then b - b' else cons a (n-n').-1 b
    else x
  else zero
where "x - y" := (T1sub x y):cantor_scope.

Easy properties

Lemma succ_is_add_one a: T1succ a = a + one.

Lemma add1Nfin a: ~~ T1finite a one + a = a.

Lemma sub1Nfin a: ~~ T1finite a a - one = a.

Lemma sub1a x: x != zero T1nf x x = one + (x - one).

Lemma sub1b x: T1nf x x = (one + x) - one.

Lemma sub_1aCE (a:= cons zero 0 T1bad) : one + (a - one) != a.

Lemma sub_1bCE (a:= cons zero 0 T1bad) : (one + a - one) != a.

Lemma T1add0n : left_id zero T1add.
Lemma T1addn0: right_id zero T1add.

Lemma T1subn0 x: x - zero = x.

Lemma T1subnn x: x - x = zero.

Lemma add_int n m : \F n + \F m = \F (n +m)%N.

Lemma sub_int n m : \F n - \F m = \F (n -m)%N.

Lemma add_fin_omega n: \F n + T1omega = T1omega.

Lemma fooCE (x:= T1bad):
  ~~T1limit x /\( u v, T1limit u x u + \F v.+1).

Lemma split_add x: let: (y,n) :=T1split x in T1nf x
                                             (x == y + \F n) && ((y==zero) || T1limit y ).

Lemma add_to_cons a n b:
  b < phi0 a cons a n zero + b = cons a n b.

Lemma addC_CE (a := one) (b := T1omega):
  [/\ T1nf a, T1nf b & a + b b + a].

We say that x is AP is the sum of two ordinals less than x is less than x. This conditionq holds if x has the form )φ0(a); the converse is true when x is non-zero. We may also assume everything NF.

Lemma ap_pr0 a (x := phi0 a) b c:
  b < x c < x b + c < x.

Lemma ap_pr1 c:
  ( a b, a < c b < c a + b < c)
  (c== zero) || T1ap c.

Lemma ap_pr2 c:
  T1nf c c zero
  ( a b, T1nf a T1nf b a < c b < c a + b < c)
  T1ap c.

Lemma ap_pr2CE (c := cons T1bad 1 zero):
  ( a b, T1nf a T1nf b a < c b < c a + b < c).

Alternate definition of an AP: if a<x then a+x=x.

Lemma add_simpl1 a n b n' b': a != zero
                              cons a n b + cons zero n' b' = cons a n (b + cons zero n' b').

Lemma add_simpl2 n b a' n' b': a' != zero
                                cons zero n b + cons a' n' b' = cons a' n' b'.

Lemma ap_pr3 a b (x := phi0 a): b < x b + x = x.

Lemma ap_pr4 x: ( b, b < x b + x = x) (x == zero) || T1ap x.

It follows tthat the sum of two NF ordinals is NF

Lemma nf_add a b: T1nf a T1nf b T1nf (a + b).

Results anbout addition subtraction comparison

Lemma T1add_eq0 m n: (m + n == zero) = (m == zero) && (n == zero).

Lemma add_le1 a b: a a + b.

Lemma add_le2 a b: b a + b.

Lemma minus_lt a b: a < b a - b = zero.

Lemma minus_le a b: a b a - b = zero.

Lemma T1sub0 a: a - zero = a.

Lemma nf_sub a b: T1nf a T1nf b T1nf (a - b).

Lemma sub_le1 a b : T1nf a (a - b) a.

Lemma sub_pr a b: T1nf b (a + b) - a = b.

Lemma add_inj a b c : T1nf b T1nf c a + b = a + c b = c.

Lemma sub_pr1 a b: T1nf b a b b = a + (b - a).

Lemma sub_pr1CE: (one T1bad) && (T1bad != one + (T1bad - one)).

Lemma sub_pr1r a b: T1nf a a - b = zero a b.

Lemma omega_minus_one : T1omega - one = T1omega.

Lemma sub_nz a b: T1nf b a < b (b - a) != zero.

Lemma sub_nzCE (a := one) (b := (cons zero 0 one)):
  (a < b) && (b-a == zero).

Associativity of addition

Lemma T1addA c1 c2 c3: c1 + (c2 + c3) = (c1 + c2) + c3.

Lemma T1addS a b : (a + T1succ b) = T1succ (a+ b).

Lemma T1le_add2l p m n : (p + m p + n) = (m n).

Lemma T1lt_add2l p m n : (p + m < p + n) = (m < n).

Lemma T1lt_add2r p m n : (m + p < n + p ) (m < n).

Lemma T1le_add2r p m n : (m n) (m + p n + p).

Lemma T1eq_add2l p m n : (p + m == p + n) = (m == n).

Lemma add_le3 a b: a = a + b b = zero.

Lemma add_le4 a b: b != zero a < a + b.

Lemma sub_pr1rCE (a := T1bad) (b := one) : (a - b == zero) && (b < a).


A limit ordinal is the supremum of a sequence of ordinals. We first show that some sequences are unbounded. We then show that, if the sequence is bounded, there is a least upper bound, more preciselly, if a property is satisfied for some NF ordinal, it is satisfied for a least NF aordinal. This requires teh excluded middel principle.

Fixpoint omega_tower (n:nat) : T1 :=
  if n is p.+1 then phi0 (omega_tower p) else one.

Lemma omega_tower_nf n: T1nf (omega_tower n).

Lemma omega_tower_unbounded x: ¬ ( n, (omega_tower n) < x).

Definition ex_middle:=
   (P: T1 Prop), let Q := x, (T1nf x P x) in Q ¬Q.

Lemma ex_middle_pick (P: T1 Prop): ex_middle
                                       ( x, (T1nf x P x)) ( x, T1nf x ¬ (P x)).

Lemma min_exists (P: T1 Prop) x: ex_middle
                                    T1nf x (P x)
                                     y, T1nf y P y z, T1nf z P z y z.


We say that x is the limit of f, or the supremum of the f(i) if f(i)<x (we could use less-or-equal here as f will be strictly increasing) and if moreover, every ordinal less than x is bounded by some f(i). Note that x is then the least upper bound. The trouble is that each f(i) may be NF and x is not. Thus , we give an alternate definition. Trouble is: a function may have more then one limit (at most one of them being NF).

Notation Tf := (nat T1).

Definition limit_v1 (f: Tf) x :=
  ( n, f n < x) ( y, y < x ( n, y f n)).

Definition limit_v2 (f: Tf) x :=
  ( n, f n < x) ( y, T1nf y y < x ( n, y f n)).

Lemma limit_unique1 (f: Tf) x x' :limit_v1 f x limit_v1 f x'
                                  x = x'.

Lemma limit_unique2 (f: Tf) x x' : limit_v2 f x limit_v2 f x'
                                   T1nf x T1nf x' x = x'.

Definition omega_plus_n n := cons one 0 (cons zero n zero).

Lemma nf_omega_plus_n n : T1nf ( omega_plus_n n).

Lemma limit_CE1: limit_v1 omega_plus_n (cons one 0 T1omega).

Lemma limit_CE2: limit_v2 omega_plus_n (cons one 1 zero).

Lemma limit_CE3: limit_v2 omega_plus_n (cons one 0 T1omega).

The normal form

To each ordinal, one can associate another ordinal that is NF. However, this is in general incompatible with other operations

Fixpoint toNF x :=
  if x is cons a n b then (cons (toNF a) n zero) + toNF b else zero.

Lemma nf_toNF x: T1nf (toNF x).

Lemma toNF_nz x : toNF x = zero x = zero.

Lemma toNF_nf x: T1nf x toNF x = x.

Lemma toNF_mon x : x toNF x.

Lemma toNF_ex1 x: toNF (cons zero 0 x) = one + toNF x.

Lemma toNF_ex2: toNF (cons one 0 T1omega) = cons one 1 zero.

Lemma toNF_succ (x := cons zero 0 one): toNF (T1succ x) != T1succ (toNF x).

Lemma toNF_pred (x := cons zero 0 one): toNF (T1pred x) != T1pred (toNF x).

Realizing the limit

This is a simplification of the code given for the type T3 below. We define a function F(x); so that for any limit ordinal x, if f= F(x), then f is stictly increasing (of type nat T1), and its limit is x.

Lemma fincP (f: Tf) :
  ( n, f n < f n.+1)
  ( n m, (n < m)%N f n < f m).

Definition limit_of (f: Tf) x :=
  [/\ ( n m, (n < m)%N f n < f m), limit_v2 f x & T1nf x].

Lemma limit_unique f x y: limit_of f x limit_of f y x = y.

Lemma limit_lub f x y: limit_of f x ( n, f n y) T1nf y
                       x y.

Definition phi1 a (f:Tf) := fun na + f n.
Definition phi2 (f:Tf) := fun nphi0 (f n).
Definition phi3 a:= fun ncons a n zero.

Lemma limit1 a b f: T1nf a limit_of f b limit_of (phi1 a f) (a + b).

Lemma limit2 b f: limit_of f b limit_of (phi2 f) (phi0 b).

Lemma limit3 a: T1nf a limit_of (phi3 a) (phi0 (T1succ a)).

Normal functions

We say that f:T2 T2 is a normal function if it is striclly increasing and the suppremum of all f(y), for y<x is f(x) whenever x is limit. Everything is assumed NF.

Fixpoint limit_fct x :=
  if x is cons a n b then
    if (b==zero) then
      if(a==zero) then phi3 a
      else if (T1is_succ a)
           then if (n==0) then phi3 (T1pred a) else
                  phi1 (cons a n.-1 zero) (phi3 (T1pred a))
           else if(n==0) then (phi2 (limit_fct a))
                else phi1 (cons a n.-1 zero) (phi2 (limit_fct a))
    else phi1 (cons a n zero) (limit_fct b)
  else phi3 zero.

Lemma limit_prop x: T1nf x T1limit x limit_of (limit_fct x) x.

Definition sup (f: T1 T1) x z :=
  [/\ T1nf z,
   ( y, T1nf y y < x f y z) &
   ( z', T1nf z' z' < z y,
                   [&& T1nf y, y < x & z' < f y])].

Definition normal f:=
  [/\ x, T1nf x T1nf (f x),
     ( x y, T1nf x T1nf y x < y f x < f y)&
     ( x, T1nf x T1limit x sup f x (f x)) ].

Lemma sup_unique f x z z': sup f x z sup f x z' z = z'.

Lemma sup_Oalpha_zero: sup id zero zero.

Lemma sup_Oalpha_succ x: T1nf x sup id (T1succ x) x.

Lemma sup_Oalpha_limit x: T1nf x T1limit x sup id x x.

Identity is normal, composition of normal functions is normal, addition is normal when the firtst argument is fixed. A normal function maps limit ordinals to limit ordinls


There is a unique way to define multiplication (for NF arguments) compatible with our interpretation of cons. In the case where a and a' are zero, we could use zero or b instead of b'. With the current implementation, multiplication is associative, and there is a distributivity law

Fixpoint T1mul (c1 c2 : T1) {struct c2}:T1 :=
  if c2 is cons a' n' b' then
    if c1 is cons a n b then
       if((a==zero) && (a' == zero)) then cons zero (n×n' + n + n')%N b'
       else if(a'==zero) then cons a (n×n' + n + n')%N b
       else cons (a + a') n' ((cons a n b) × b')
     else zero
  else zero
where "c1 * c2" := (T1mul c1 c2) : cantor_scope.

Lemma mul_na n b x: (cons zero n b) × x = (cons zero n zero) × x.

Lemma T1muln0 x: x × zero = zero.

Lemma T1mul0n x: zero × x = zero.

Lemma mul_int n m : \F n × \F m = \F (n ×m)%N.

Lemma mul_phi0 a b: phi0 (a + b) = phi0 a × phi0 b.

Lemma T1mul_eq0 x y: (x × y == zero) = (x== zero) || (y == zero).

Lemma T1mul_eq1 a b: T1nf a (a× b == one) = ((a == one) && (b == one)).

Lemma mul_distr: right_distributive T1mul T1add.

Lemma mulA: associative T1mul.

Note that in some case the product of x and one is not x

Lemma T1muln1 x: T1nf x x × one = x.

Lemma T1mul1n x: one × x = x.

Lemma T1mul1nCE (x := T1bad): x × one x.

Lemma T1muln1_CE x:
  (x == x × one) =
    (if x is cons a n b then ((a != zero) || (b== zero)) else true).

Lemma mul_succ x y: T1nf x x × (T1succ y) = x × y + x.

Lemma T1lt_mul2l x y z: x != zero T1nf z ((x ×y < x ×z) = (y < z)).

Lemma mulnf0 a n b: a != zero b < phi0 a (cons zero n zero) × b < phi0 a.

Lemma nf_mul a b: T1nf a T1nf b T1nf (a × b).

Lemma T1lt_mul2r x y z: (y × x < z × x) (y < z).

Lemma T1le_mul2l x y z : x != zero T1nf y
    (x ×y x ×z) = (y z).

Lemma T1le_mul2r x y z: (y z) (y × x z × x).

Lemma T1eq_mul2l p m n : p != zero T1nf m T1nf n
   (p × m == p × n) = (m == n).

Lemma T1le_pmulr x a: T1nf a x != zero a a × x.

Lemma T1le_pmulrCE (x:= \F1 ) (a:=T1bad) : (a a × x) = false.

Lemma T1le_pmulrl x a: x != zero a x × a.

Lemma T1le_mulCE (m1:= one) (m2:= T1bad) (n1 := \F1) (n2 := one) :
   (m1 n1) && (m2 n2) && ( m1 × m2 n1 × n2) == false.

Lemma T1le_mul m1 m2 n1 n2 : T1nf m2 m1 n1 m2 n2
   m1 × m2 n1 × n2.

Preparation of the exponention

The prouct of an integer and omega is omega. This holds in fact for any limit ordinals. We give here a formula for the product of omega and x, and show that this is a limit ordinal. The converse holds.
We show here every ordinal x is the product of omega and y, to which an integer is added. We study the behaviour of this decomposition and multiplication

Normality of multiplication

If a is a non-zero ordinal, the multiplication by a is normal. This means, if b is limit, the supremum of all a ×c for c<b is a×b. We show this for omega, and for some special cases. This is equivalent to existence of ordinal division.

Lemma mul_omega_pr1 a: a != zero T1nf a
  sup (T1mul a) T1omega (a × T1omega).

Lemma mul_omega2_pr1 a (u:= cons one 1 zero): a != zero T1nf a
  sup (T1mul a) u (a × u).

Lemma mul_omega_pr3 a b c: a != zero c != zero
   T1nf a T1nf b T1nf c
  sup (T1mul a) c (a × c)
  sup (T1mul a) (b+c) (a × (b + c)).


In order to compute a ^b , we first write b as the sum of a limit ordinal and an integer n. Computing a ^n is trivial. The limit ordinal is omega times c; if a is at least one, then a ^omega = omega ^d for some d, and the result is a ^ (omega × c) = omega ^(d×c)=phi0(d×c) . This leads to the following definitions.

Fixpoint exp_F a n :=
  if n is p.+1 then a × (exp_F a p) else one.

Definition exp_O a b :=
  if (a==zero) then if (b== zero) then one else a
  else if (a== one) then one
  else if (T1finite a) then (phi0 b)
  else phi0 ((T1log a) × T1omega × b).

Definition T1exp a b:=
  (exp_O a (T1div_by_omega (T1split b).1)) × (exp_F a ( (T1split b).2)).

Notation "a ^ b" := (T1exp a b) : cantor_scope.

Properties of exp_O

Lemma expO_mul1 a b: (exp_O a b) × (one) = exp_O a b.

Lemma nf_expO a b: T1nf a T1nf b T1nf (exp_O a b).

Lemma expO_n0 x: exp_O x zero = one.

Lemma expO_1n n: exp_O (one) n = one.

Lemma expO_eq0 a b: (exp_O a b == zero) = ((a== zero) && (b != zero)).

Lemma expO_eq1 a b: (exp_O a b == one) = ((a== one) || (b == zero)).

Lemma expO_add z u v: exp_O z u × exp_O z v = exp_O z (u + v).

Properties of exp_F
Lemma nf_expF a n: T1nf a T1nf (exp_F a n).

Lemma expF_add a n m: (exp_F a n) × (exp_F a m) = exp_F a (n + m).

Lemma expF_mul a n m: exp_F a (n × m) = exp_F (exp_F a n) m.

Lemma expF_1n n: exp_F (one) n = one.

Lemma expF_eq0 a n: (exp_F a n == zero) = ((a== zero) && (n != 0)).

Lemma expF_eq1 a n: T1nf a (exp_F a n == one) = ((a== one) || (n == 0)).

Properties of exp

Lemma nf_exp a b: T1nf a T1nf b T1nf (a ^b).

Lemma exp00: zero ^zero = one.

Lemma expx0 x: x ^zero = one.

Lemma expx_pnat x n b: x ^ (cons zero n b) = exp_F x n.+1.

Lemma expx_nat x n: x ^ \F n = exp_F x n.

Lemma expx1 x: T1nf x x ^ one = x.

Lemma expx1CE: T1bad ^ one = one.

Lemma exp2omega n: (\F n.+2)^ T1omega = T1omega.

Lemma exp1x x: one ^ x = one.

Lemma exp_eq0 x y: x^y == zero = ((x==zero) && (y != zero)).

Lemma exp0nz x: x != zero zero ^ x = zero.

Lemma exp_eq1 x y: T1nf x T1nf y
  (x^y == one) = ((x== one) || (y == zero)).

Lemma exp_int a b: (\F a) ^ (\F b) = \F (a ^b%N).

Lemma exp_consCE1 (x := \F 2) (a := zero) (n := 0)(b := T1omega):
   x ^(cons a n b) != x ^(cons a n zero) × x ^b.

Lemma pow_omega x: T1nf x T1omega ^x = phi0 x.

Existence and uniqueness of the Cantor Normal Form

Basic Properties

Lemma exp_sum x y z: T1nf x T1nf y z ^(x+y) = z ^x × z ^y.

Lemma exp_prod x y z: T1nf z T1nf x T1nf y z ^(x ×y) = (z ^x) ^y.

Lemma pow_mon1 x y z: T1nf x T1nf y T1nf z x != zero
   y z x ^y x ^z.

Lemma pow_mon2 x y z: T1nf x T1nf y T1nf z x != zero x != one
   y < z x ^y < x ^z.

Lemma T1le_pmull x a: x != zero a x × a.

Lemma pow_mon3 x y z: T1nf x x y x ^z y ^z.

End CantorOrdinal.

Export CantorOrdinal.

The type T2

Module Gamma0.

Definition and Equality

This is like T1 with one more argument

Inductive T2 : Set :=
  zero : T2
| cons : T2 T2 nat T2 T2.

Declare Scope g0_scope.
Delimit Scope g0_scope with g0.
Open Scope g0_scope.

Fixpoint T2eq x y {struct x} :=
  match x, y with
  | zero, zerotrue
  | cons a b n c, cons a' b' n' c'
      [&& T2eq a a', T2eq b b', n== n' & T2eq c c' ]
  | _, _false

Lemma T2eqP : Equality.axiom T2eq.

Canonical T2_eqMixin := EqMixin T2eqP.
Canonical T2_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType T2 T2_eqMixin.

Arguments T2eqP {x y}.

Lemma T2eqE a b n d a' b' n' d':
  (cons a b n d == cons a' b' n' d') =
      [&& a == a', b == b', n== n' & d == d' ].

We write psi a b instead of cons a b 0 0; we introduce omega and epsilon0. We consider also the size, this is really the depth of the object

Notation "[ x , y ]" := (cons x y 0 zero) (at level 0) :g0_scope.

Definition T2nat p := if p is n.+1 then cons zero zero n zero else zero.

Notation "\F n" := (T2nat n)(at level 29) : g0_scope.

Definition psi a b := [a, b].

Definition one := [zero, zero].

Definition omega := [zero, one].

Definition epsilon0 := [one,zero].

Fixpoint T1T2 (c: T1) : T2 :=
  if c is CantorOrdinal.cons a n b then cons zero (T1T2 a) n (T1T2 b)
  else zero.

Fixpoint size x :=
  if x is cons a b n c then
     (maxn (size a) (maxn (size b) (size c))).+1
  else 0.

Lemma size_prop1 a b n c (l:= size (cons a b n c)):
   [/\ size a < l, size b < l, size c < l & size [a, b] l]%N.

Lemma size_prop a b n c a' b' n' c'
   (l := (size (cons a b n c) + size (cons a' b' n' c'))%N) :
   (size c + size c' < l)%N (size [a, b] + size b' < l)%N
   (size a' + size a < l)%N (size b + size b' < l)%N
   (size b + size [a', b'] < l)%N (size a + size a' < l)%N.


Comparing ordinals is complicated. We are looking for the fixpoint of some complicated expression F(a,b), in which the psi-parts of a and b appear as arguments of F. Thus, a definition by induction is impossible. However if l is the some of the size if the arguments of F, then all calls of F have a smaller value. Thus, we use a definition by induction on l. All proofs will be by induction on l as well.

Definition lt_rec f x y :=
 if x is cons a b n c then
   if y is cons a' b' n' c' then
     if ( ((f a a') && (f b ([a', b'])))
         || ((a == a') && (f b b'))
         || ((f a' a) && (f ([a, b]) b'))
         || (((f a' a) && ([a, b] == b'))))
     then true
     else if ((a== a') && (b==b')) then
       if (n < n')%N then true
       else if (n == n') then (f c c') else false
       else false
   else false
 else if y is cons a' b' n' c' then true else false.

Fixpoint T2lta k:=
 if k is k.+1 then lt_rec (T2lta k) else fun x yfalse.

Definition T2lt a b := T2lta ((size a) + size b).+1 a b.
Definition T2le (x y :T2) := (x == y) || (T2lt x y).
Notation "x < y" := (T2lt x y) : g0_scope.
Notation "x <= y" := (T2le x y) : g0_scope.
Notation "x >= y" := (y x) (only parsing) : g0_scope.
Notation "x > y" := (y < x) (only parsing) : g0_scope.

Main result: Our comparison is a fix-point

Lemma T2ltE x y : x < y = lt_rec T2lt x y.

This is how we compare two psi-terms
Definition lt_psi a b a' b':=
      ((a < a') && (b < [a', b']))
   || ((a == a') && (b < b'))
   || ((a' < a) && ([a, b] < b'))
   || ((a' < a) && ([a, b] == b')).

Lemma T2lt_psi a b a' b': [a,b] < [a', b'] = lt_psi a b a' b'.

Lemma T2lt_consE a b n c a' b' n' c' :
   cons a b n c < cons a' b' n' c' =
     if (lt_psi a b a' b') then true
     else if ((a== a') && (b==b')) then
       if (n < n')%N then true
       else if (n == n') then (c < c') else false
       else false.


Lemma T2le_consE a b n c a' b' n' c' :
   cons a b n c cons a' b' n' c' =
     if (lt_psi a b a' b') then true
     else if ((a== a') && (b==b')) then
       if (n < n')%N then true
       else if (n == n') then (c c') else false
       else false.

Lemma T2ltn0 x: (x < zero) = false.
Lemma T2lt0n x: (zero < x) = (x != zero).
Lemma T2le0n x: zero x.
Lemma T2len0 x: (x zero) = (x == zero).
Lemma omega_lt_epsilon0: omega < epsilon0.

Lemma T2ltnn x: (x < x) = false.

Lemma T2lt_ne a b : a < b (a == b) = false.

Lemma T2lt_ne' a b : a < b (b == a) = false.

Lemma T2ltW a b : (a < b) (a b).

Lemma T2le_eqVlt a b : (a b) = (a == b) || (a < b).

Lemma T2lt_neAle a b : (a < b) = (a != b) && (a b).

Lemma T2lenn x: x x.

#[local] Hint Resolve T2lenn : core.

Lemma T2ge1 x: (one x) = (x != zero).

Lemma T2lt1 x: (x < one) = (x==zero).

Lemma T2nat_inc n p : (n < p)%N = (\F n < \F p).

Lemma psi_lt1 a b c n a' b':
   cons a b n c < [a', b'] = ([a, b] < [a', b']).

Lemma psi_lt2 a b n c n' c': cons a b n' c' < cons a b n c =
   (if (n' < n)%N then true else if n' == n then c' < c else false).

Lemma T1T2_inj n p : (n == p) = (T1T2 n == T1T2 p).

Lemma T1T2_inc n p : (n < p)%ca = (T1T2 n < T1T2 p)%g0.

First two non-trivial results
what follows is the same as for T1

Lemma T2leNgt a b: (a b) = ~~ (b < a).

Lemma T2ltNge a b: (a < b) = ~~ (b a).

Lemma T2eq_le m n : (m == n) = ((m n) && (n m)).

Lemma T2le_total m n : (m n) || (n m).

CoInductive T2ltn_xor_geq m n : bool bool Set :=
  | T2LtnNotGeq of m < n : T2ltn_xor_geq m n false true
  | T2GeqNotLtn of n m : T2ltn_xor_geq m n true false.

CoInductive T2leq_xor_gtn m n : bool bool Set :=
  | T2GeqNotGtn of m n : T2leq_xor_gtn m n true false
  | T2GtnNotLeq of n < m : T2leq_xor_gtn m n false true.

CoInductive compare_T2 m n : bool bool bool Set :=
  | CompareT2Lt of m < n : compare_T2 m n true false false
  | CompareT2Gt of m > n : compare_T2 m n false true false
  | CompareT2Eq of m = n : compare_T2 m n false false true.

Lemma T2leP x y : T2leq_xor_gtn x y (x y) (y < x).

Lemma T2ltP m n : T2ltn_xor_geq m n (n m) (m < n).

Lemma T2ltgtP m n : compare_T2 m n (m < n) (n < m) (m == n).

Lemma T2lt_psi_aux a b a' b': a < a' b < [a', b'] [a,b] < [a',b'].

Lemma T2gt1 x: (one < x) = ((x != zero) && (x != one)).

Second non-trivial result

Theorem T2lt_trans b a c: a < b b < c a < c.

Lemma T2lt_le_trans b a c: a < b b c a < c.

Lemma T2le_lt_trans b a c: a b b < c a < c.

Lemma T2le_trans b a c: a b b c a c.

Lemma T2le_psi1 a b n c: [a, b] cons a b n c.

Lemma T2lt_psi_b a b: b < [a,b].

Lemma T2lt_psi_a a b: a < [a,b].

Normal form

Same as in T1. TODO:: show that compraison is well-founded for NF

Fixpoint T2nf x :=
  if x is cons a b n c then [&& T2nf a, T2nf b, T2nf c & c < [a,b] ]
  else true.

Lemma T2nf_cons_cons a b n a' b' n' c':
  T2nf(cons a b n (cons a' b' n' c')) =
   [&& [a', b'] < [a, b], T2nf a, T2nf b & T2nf(cons a' b' n' c') ].

Lemma nf_psi a b n: T2nf (cons a b n zero) = T2nf a && T2nf b.

Lemma T2nf_consE a b n c:
    T2nf (cons a b n c) = [&& T2nf a, T2nf b, T2nf c & c < [a,b] ].

Lemma nf_omega : T2nf omega.
Lemma nf_one : T2nf one.
Lemma nf_finite n: T2nf (\F n).

Successor and predecessor

Same as for T1

Lemma lt_tail a b n c: T2nf (cons a b n c) c < cons a b n c.

Lemma T1T2range1 x: T1T2 x < epsilon0.

Lemma T1T2range2 x: T2nf x x < epsilon0 {y: T1 | x = T1T2 y}.

Definition T2finite x:=
  if x is cons a b n c then ([a,b]==one) else true.

Fixpoint T2limit x :=
  if x is cons a b n c then
    if ([a,b]==one) then false else (c== zero) || T2limit c
  else false.

Fixpoint T2split x:=
 if x is cons a b n c then
      if ([a,b]==one) then (zero, n.+1) else
     let: (x, y) := T2split c in (cons a b n x,y)
   else (zero,0).

Lemma T2nf_finite a b n c: [a,b]==one T2nf (cons a b n c) c = zero.

Lemma split_finite x: ((T2split x).1 == zero) = T2finite x.

Lemma T2finite2 x: T2finite x T2nf x x = \F ((T2split x).2).

Lemma omega_least_inf1 x: T2finite x x < omega.

Lemma omega_least_inf2 x: ~~ T2finite x omega x.

Lemma split_limit x: ((T2split x).2 == 0) = ((x==zero) || T2limit x).

Fixpoint T2is_succ x :=
  if x is cons a b n c then ([a,b]==one) || T2is_succ c else false.

Fixpoint T2succ x :=
  if x is cons a b n c
     then if ([a,b]==one) then \F n.+2 else cons a b n (T2succ c)
  else one.

Fixpoint T2pred x :=
  if x is cons a b n c then
     if ([a,b]==one) then \F n else (cons a b n (T2pred c))
  else zero.

Lemma split_is_succ x: ((T2split x).2 != 0) = (T2is_succ x).

Lemma split_succ x: let:(y,n):= T2split x in T2split (T2succ x) = (y,n.+1).

Lemma split_pred x: let:(y,n):= T2split x in T2split (T2pred x) = (y,n.-1).

Lemma split_le x : (T2split x).1 x.

Lemma nf_split x : T2nf x T2nf (T2split x).1.

Lemma T2finite_succ x: T2finite x T2finite (T2succ x).

Lemma T1succ_nat n: T2succ (\F n) = \F (n.+1).

Lemma limit_pr1 x: (x == zero) (+) (T2limit x (+) T2is_succ x).

Lemma limit_pr x y: T2limit x y < x T2succ y < x.

Lemma T2le_psi_b a b : T2succ b [a,b].

Lemma pred_le a: T2pred a a.

Lemma pred_lt a: T2is_succ a T2pred a < a.

Lemma succ_lt a: a < T2succ a.

Lemma nf_succ a: T2nf a T2nf (T2succ a).

Lemma nf_pred a: T2nf a T2nf (T2pred a).

Lemma succ_pred x: T2nf x T2is_succ x x = T2succ (T2pred x).

Lemma succ_p1 x: T2is_succ (T2succ x).

Lemma pred_succ x: T2nf x T2pred (T2succ x) = x.

Lemma succ_inj x y: T2nf x T2nf y (T2succ x == T2succ y) = (x==y).

Lemma lt_succ_succ x y: T2succ x < T2succ y x < y.

Lemma le_succ_succ x y: x y T2succ x T2succ y.

Lemma lt_succ_succE x y:
  T2nf x T2nf y (T2succ x < T2succ y) = (x < y).

Lemma le_succ_succE x y:
  T2nf x T2nf y (T2succ x T2succ y) = (x y).

Lemma lt_succ_le_1 a b : T2succ a b a < b.

Lemma lt_succ_le_2 a b: T2nf a a < T2succ b a b.

Lemma lt_succ_le_3 a b: T2nf a (a < T2succ b) = (a b).

Lemma lt_succ_le_4 a b: T2nf b (a < b) = (T2succ a b).

Lemma succ_nz x: T2succ x != zero.

Lemma succ_psi a b: [a, b] != one T2succ [a,b] = cons a b 0 one.

Lemma succ_psi_lt x a b : [a, b] != one x < [a,b] T2succ x < [a,b].

Lemma succ_psi_lt2 a b x: [a, b] != one ([a, b] T2succ x) = ([a, b] x).


same as for T1

Fixpoint T2add x y :=
  if x is cons a b n c then
    if y is cons a' b' n' c' then
       if [a,b] < [a',b'] then y
       else if [a',b'] < [a,b] then cons a b n (c + y)
       else cons a b (n+n').+1 c'
    else x
  else y
 where "x + y" := (T2add x y) : g0_scope.

Fixpoint T2sub x y :=
  if x is cons a b n c then
     if y is cons a' b' n' c' then
           if (x < y) then zero
           else if ([a',b'] < [a,b]) then x
           else if (n<n')%N then zero
           else if ([a,b]==one) then
             if (n==n')%N then zero else cons zero zero ((n-n').-1) zero
           else if(n==n') then c - c' else cons a b (n - n').-1 c
     else x
  else zero
where "a - b" := (T2sub a b) : g0_scope.

Lemma T2subn0 x: x - zero = x.

Lemma T2sub0n x: zero - x = zero.

Lemma minus_lt a b: a < b a - b = zero.

Lemma T2subnn x: x - x = zero.

Lemma minus_le a b: a b a - b = zero.

Lemma nf_sub a b: T2nf a T2nf b T2nf (a - b).

Lemma sub_int n m : \F n - \F m = \F (n -m)%N.

Lemma succ_is_add_one a: T2succ a = a + one.

Lemma add1Nfin a: ~~ T2finite a one + a = a.

Lemma sub1Nfin a: ~~ T2finite a a - one = a.

Lemma sub1a x: x != zero T2nf x x = one + (x - one).

Lemma sub1b x: T2nf x x = (one + x) - one.

Lemma T2add0n: left_id zero T2add.
Lemma T2addn0: right_id zero T2add.

Lemma add_int n m : \F n + \F m = \F (n +m)%N.

Lemma add_fin_omega n: \F n + omega = omega.

Lemma split_add x: let: (y,n) :=T2split x in T2nf x
   (x == y + \F n) && ((y==zero) || T2limit y ).

Lemma add_to_cons a b n c:
  c < [a,b] cons a b n zero + c = cons a b n c.

Lemma nf_add a b: T2nf a T2nf b T2nf (a + b).

Lemma T2add_eq0 m n: (m + n == zero) = (m == zero) && (n == zero).

Lemma add_le1 a b: a a + b.

Lemma add_le2 a b: b a + b.

Lemma sub_le1 a b : T2nf a (a - b) a.

Lemma sub_pr a b: T2nf b (a + b) - a = b.

Lemma add_inj a b c : T2nf b T2nf c a + b = a + c b = c.

Lemma sub_pr1 a b: T2nf b a b b = a + (b - a).

Lemma omega_minus_one : omega - one = omega.

Lemma sub_nz a b: T2nf b a < b (b - a) != zero.

Lemma T2addA c1 c2 c3: c1 + (c2 + c3) = (c1 + c2) + c3.

Lemma T2le_add2l p m n : (p + m p + n) = (m n).

Lemma T2lt_add2l p m n : (p + m < p + n) = (m < n).

Lemma T2lt_add2r p m n : (m + p < n + p ) (m < n).

Lemma T2le_add2r p m n : (m n) (m + p n + p).

Lemma T2eq_add2l p m n : (p + m == p + n) = (m == n).

Lemma add_le3 a b: a = a + b b = zero.

Lemma add_le4 a b: b != zero a < a + b.

Lemma sub_pr1r a b: T2nf a a - b = zero a b.

Definition T2ap x :=
  if x is cons a b n c then ((n==0) && (c==zero)) else false.

Lemma ap_pr0 a b (x := [a,b]) u v:
  u < x v < x u + v < x.

Lemma ap_limit x: T2ap x (x == one) || (T2limit x).

Lemma ap_pr1 c:
   ( a b, a < c b < c a + b < c)
   (c== zero) || T2ap c.

Lemma ap_pr2 c:
   T2nf c c zero
   ( a b, T2nf a T2nf b a < c b < c a + b < c)
   T2ap c.

Lemma ap_pr3 a b y (x := [a,b]): y < x y + x = x.

Lemma ap_pr4 x: ( b, b < x b + x = x) (x == zero) || T2ap x.

The function phi

We consider he some funciton phi

Definition T2_pr1 x:= if x is cons a b n c then a else zero.
Definition T2_pr2 x:= if x is cons a b n c then b else zero.
Definition T2finite1 x:=
  if x is cons a b n c then [&& a == zero, b== zero & c == zero] else false.

Definition phi a b :=
   if b is cons u v n k then
     if ((n==0) && (k==zero)) then
        if (a < u) then b else [a,b]
     else if ((n==0) && (T2finite1 k) && (a <u))
       then [a, cons u v 0 (T2pred k) ]
     else [a,b]
   else [a,b].

Lemma phi_ap x y : (phi x y) = [T2_pr1 (phi x y), T2_pr2 (phi x y)].

Lemma phi_le1 a b: a T2_pr1 (phi a b).

Lemma phi_le2 a b: T2_pr2 (phi a b) b.

Lemma phi_le3 a b: a < T2_pr1 (phi a b) (phi a b) = b.

Lemma phi_fix1 a u v: a < u phi a [u,v] = [u, v].

Lemma phi_fix2 a b (u:= T2_pr1 b) (v:= T2_pr2 b):
  phi a b = b b = [u,v] a < u.

Lemma phi_succ a u v n: a < u
  phi a (cons u v 0 (\F n.+1)) = [a, cons u v 0 (\F n)].

phi a b is either b, psi a b or psi a (b-1).

Lemma phi_cases a b:
    {phi a b = b} + {phi a b = [a, b]} +
    { phi a b = [a, T2pred b] b = T2succ (T2pred b) }.

Lemma nf_phi x y : T2nf x T2nf y T2nf (phi x y).

Lemma phi_principalR a b: { c:T2 | [a, b] = phi zero c}.

Theorem phi_spec1 a b c: c < a phi c (phi a b) = phi a b.

Lemma phi_spec2 a x:
    T2nf a T2nf x ( c, T2nf c c < a phi c x = x)
    a T2_pr1 x.

Lemma phi_spec3 a x:
  T2nf a T2nf x ( c, T2nf c c < a phi c x = x)
  a != zero {b : T2 | x = phi a b}.

Lemma phi_spec4a u v: u != zero phi zero [u,v] = [u, v].

Lemma phi_spec4b x: phi zero x = x
  x = [T2_pr1 x, T2_pr2 x] T2_pr1 x != zero.

Lemma phi_spec4c x: T2nf x phi zero x = x
  { b: T2 | x = phi one b }.

Lemma no_critical a: a < phi a zero.

Lemma phi_ab_le1 a b: b phi a b.

Lemma phi_ab_le2 a b:a < phi a b.

Lemma phi_inv1 a b: phi a (T2succ b) = [a,b]
   { n: nat | (b = cons (T2_pr1 b) (T2_pr2 b) 0 (\F n) a < T2_pr1 b) }.

Monotonicity is non-trivial
Two lemmas for equal or less-than

Lemma phi_eqE a b a' b': T2nf a T2nf a' T2nf b T2nf b'
   (phi a b == phi a' b') =
    (if a < a' then b == phi a' b'
     else if a' < a then phi a b == b' else b== b').

Lemma phi_ltE a b a' b': T2nf a T2nf a' T2nf b T2nf b'
   (phi a b < phi a' b') =
    (if a < a' then b < phi a' b'
     else if a' < a then phi a b < b' else b < b').

Every x is uniquely a phi with some conditions

Lemma phi_inv0 a b a' b':
  phi a b = phi a' b' b < phi a b b' < phi a' b' a = a'.

Lemma phi_inv2 a b a' b':
  phi a b = phi a' b' b < phi a b b' < phi a' b' b = b'.

Lemma phi_inv3 x:
 T2ap x { a: T2 & { b: T2 |
    [/\ x = phi a b, b < x, (size a < size x)%N & (size b < size x)%N ] }}.

Expression psi in terms of phi
Definition psi_phi_aux a b :=
  let (b', n) := T2split b in if phi a b' == b' then (T2succ b) else b.

Definition psi_phi a b := phi a (psi_phi_aux a b).

Lemma psi_phi1 a b (c:= psi_phi_aux a b): c < phi a c.

End Gamma0.


Module Ackermann.
Declare Scope ak_scope.
Delimit Scope ak_scope with ak.
Open Scope ak_scope.

Inductive T3 : Set :=
  zero : T3
| cons : T3 T3 T3 nat T3 T3.

Fixpoint T3eq x y {struct x} :=
  match x, y with
  | zero, zerotrue
  | cons a b c n d, cons a' b' c' n' d'
      [&& T3eq a a', T3eq b b', T3eq c c', n== n' & T3eq d d' ]
  | _, _false

Lemma T3eqP : Equality.axiom T3eq.

Canonical T3_eqMixin := EqMixin T3eqP.
Canonical T3_eqType := Eval hnf in EqType T3 T3_eqMixin.

Arguments T3eqP {x y}.

Lemma T3eqE a b c n d a' b' c' n' d':
  (cons a b c n d == cons a' b' c' n' d') =
      [&& a == a', b == b', c == c', n== n' & d == d' ].

Notation "[ x , y , z ]" := (cons x y z 0 zero) (at level 0) :ak_scope.
Definition T3nat p := if p is n.+1 then cons zero zero zero n zero else zero.
Notation "\F n" := (T3nat n)(at level 29) : ak_scope.

Fixpoint size x :=
  if x is cons a b c n d then
     (maxn (size a) (maxn (size b) (maxn (size c) (size d)))).+1
  else 0.

Lemma size_a a b c n d: (size a < size (cons a b c n d))%N.

Lemma size_b a b c n d: (size b < size (cons a b c n d))%N.

Lemma size_c a b c n d: (size c < size (cons a b c n d))%N.

Lemma size_d a b c n d: (size d < size (cons a b c n d))%N.

Lemma size_psi a b c n d: (size [a, b, c] size (cons a b c n d))%N.

Lemma size_prop1 a b c n d (l:= size (cons a b c n d)):
   [&& size a < l, size b < l, size c < l, size d < l
   & size [a, b, c] l]%N.

Lemma size_prop a b c n d a' b' c' n' d'
   (l := ((size (cons a b c n d) + size (cons a' b' c' n' d')))%N) :
  [&& (size a' + size a < l), (size b + size b' < l),
   (size c + size c' < l), (size d + size d' < l),
   (size a + size a' < l), (size b' + size b < l),
   (size [a, b, c] + size b' < l),(size b + size [a', b', c'] < l),
   (size [a, b, c] + size c' < l) &(size c + size [a', b', c'] < l)]%N.


Definition lt_psi_rec f a b c a' b' c' (x := [a,b,c])(x':= [a', b', c']):=
  [|| [&& a==a', b==b' & f c c'],
      [&& a==a', f b b' & f c x'],
      [&& a==a', f b' b & f x c'],
      [&& a==a', f b' b & x == c'],
      [&& f a a', f b x' & f c x'],
      ((f a' a) && f x b'),
      ((f a' a) && (x == b')),
      ((f a' a) && f x c') |
      ((f a' a) && (x == c'))].

Definition lt_rec f x y :=
 if x is cons a b c n d then
   if y is cons a' b' c' n' d' then
     if (lt_psi_rec f a b c a' b' c')
     then true
     else if ((a== a') && (b==b') && (c==c')) then
       if (n < n')%N then true
       else if (n == n') then (f d d') else false
       else false
   else false
 else if y is cons a' b' c' n' d' then true else false.

Fixpoint T3lta k {struct k}:=
 if k is k.+1 then lt_rec (T3lta k) else fun x yfalse.

Definition T3lt a b := T3lta ((size a) + size b).+1 a b.
Definition T3le (x y :T3) := (x == y) || (T3lt x y).
Notation "x < y" := (T3lt x y) : ak_scope.
Notation "x <= y" := (T3le x y) : ak_scope.
Notation "x >= y" := (y x) (only parsing) : ak_scope.
Notation "x > y" := (y < x) (only parsing) : ak_scope.

Lemma T3ltE x y : x < y = lt_rec T3lt x y.

Definition lt_psi (a b c a' b' c': T3):=
 [|| [&& a==a', b==b' & c < c'],
      [&& a==a', b < b' & c < [a',b',c']],
      [&& a==a', b' < b & [a,b,c] < c'],
      [&& a==a', b' < b & [a,b,c] == c'],
      [&& a < a', b < [a',b',c'] & c < [a',b',c']],
      ((a' < a) && ([a,b,c] < b')),
      ((a' < a) && ([a,b,c] == b')),
      ((a' < a) && ([a,b,c] < c')) |
      ((a' < a) && ([a,b,c] == c'))].

Lemma T3lt_psi a b c a' b' c': [a,b,c] < [a', b',c'] = lt_psi a b c a' b' c'.

Lemma T3lt_consE a b c n d a' b' c' n' d' :
   cons a b c n d < cons a' b' c' n' d' =
     if ([a, b, c] < [a', b', c']) then true
     else if ([a, b, c] == [a', b', c']) then
       if (n < n')%N then true
       else if (n == n') then (d < d') else false
       else false.

Lemma T3ltn0 x: (x < zero) = false.
Lemma T3lt0n x: (zero < x) = (x != zero).

Lemma T3ltnn x: (x < x) = false.

Lemma T3lt_ne a b : a < b (a == b) = false.

Lemma T3lt_ne' a b : a < b (b == a) = false.

Lemma T3ltW a b : (a < b) (a b).

Lemma T3le_eqVlt a b : (a b) = (a == b) || (a < b).

Lemma T3lt_neAle a b : (a < b) = (a != b) && (a b).

Definition one := [zero,zero,zero].
Definition omega := [zero,zero, one].
Definition epsilon0 := [zero, one, zero].
Definition T3bad := cons zero zero zero 0 one.

Lemma T3le0n x: zero x.
Lemma T3len0 x: (x zero) = (x == zero).

Lemma T3ge1 x: (one x) = (x != zero).

Lemma T3lt1 x: (x < one) = (x==zero).

Lemma T3lcp0_pr x y: x < y (y==zero) = false.

Lemma finite_ltP n p : (n < p)%N = (\F n < \F p).

Lemma T3lt_anti b a: a < b (b < a) = false.

Lemma T3lt_trichotomy a b: [|| (a< b), (a==b) | (b < a)].

Lemma T3lenn x: x x.

#[local] Hint Resolve T3lenn : core.

Lemma T3leNgt a b: (a b) = ~~ (b < a).

Lemma T3ltNge a b: (a < b) = ~~ (b a).

Lemma T3eq_le m n : (m == n) = ((m n) && (n m)).

CoInductive T3ltn_xor_geq m n : bool bool Set :=
  | T3LtnNotGeq of m < n : T3ltn_xor_geq m n false true
  | T3GeqNotLtn of n m : T3ltn_xor_geq m n true false.

CoInductive T3leq_xor_gtn m n : bool bool Set :=
  | T3GeqNotGtn of m n : T3leq_xor_gtn m n true false
  | T3GtnNotLeq of n < m : T3leq_xor_gtn m n false true.

CoInductive compare_T3 m n : bool bool bool Set :=
  | CompareT3Lt of m < n : compare_T3 m n true false false
  | CompareT3Gt of m > n : compare_T3 m n false true false
  | CompareT3Eq of m = n : compare_T3 m n false false true.

Lemma T3leP x y : T3leq_xor_gtn x y (x y) (y < x).

Lemma T3ltP m n : T3ltn_xor_geq m n (n m) (m < n).

Lemma T3ltgtP m n : compare_T3 m n (m < n) (n < m) (m == n).

Lemma T3le_consE a b c n d a' b' c' n' d' :
   cons a b c n d cons a' b' c' n' d' =
     if ([a, b, c] < [a', b', c']) then true
     else if ([a, b, c] == [a', b', c']) then
       if (n < n')%N then true
       else if (n == n') then (d d') else false
       else false.

Lemma T3lt_psi' a b c a' b' c': [a, b, c] < [a', b', c' ] =
  [|| [&& a==a', b==b' & c < c'],
      [&& a==a', b < b' & c < [a', b', c'] ],
      [&& a==a', b' <b & [a,b,c] c'],
      [&& a < a', b < [a', b', c'] & c < [a', b', c']],
      ((a' < a) && ([a,b,c] b')) |
      ((a' < a) && ([a,b,c] c'))].

Theorem T3lt_trans b a c: a < b b < c a < c.

Lemma T3lt_le_trans b a c: a < b b c a < c.

Lemma T3le_lt_trans b a c: a b b < c a < c.

Lemma T3le_trans b a c: a b b c a c.

Lemma T3le_anti : antisymmetric T3le.

Lemma T3le_total m n : (m n) || (n m).

Lemma T3le_psi a b c n d: [a,b,c] cons a b c n d.

Lemma T3lt_psi_bc a b c: ((b < [a,b,c]) && (c < [a, b, c])).

Lemma psi_lt1 a b c d n a' b' c':
   cons a b c n d < [a', b', c'] = ([a, b,c] < [a', b', c']).

Lemma psi_lt2 a b c n d n' d': cons a b c n' d' < cons a b c n d =
   (if (n' < n)%N then true else if n' == n then d' < d else false).

Lemma T3lt_psi_b a b c: b < [a,b,c].

Lemma T3lt_psi_c a b c: c < [a,b,c].

Lemma T3lt_psi_a a b c: a < [a,b,c].

Normal form

Fixpoint T3nf x :=
  if x is cons a b c _ d
  then [&& T3nf a, T3nf b, T3nf c, T3nf d & d < [a,b,c] ]
  else true.

Lemma nf_0: T3nf zero.

Lemma nf_psi a b c: T3nf [a, b, c] = [&& T3nf a, T3nf b & T3nf c].

Lemma nf_int n: T3nf (\F n).

Lemma nf_cons_cons a b c n a' b' c' n' d':
  T3nf (cons a b c n (cons a' b' c' n' d')) =
   [&& [a', b',c'] < [a, b,c], T3nf [a,b, c] &
    T3nf (cons a' b' c' n' d') ].

Lemma nf_consE a b c n d:
    T3nf (cons a b c n d) = [&& T3nf [a,b,c], T3nf d & d < [a,b,c] ].

Lemma nf_Wf : well_founded_P T3nf T3lt.

Theorem lt_not_wf : ¬ (well_founded T3lt).

Successor Predecessor

Fixpoint T1_T3 (c:CantorOrdinal.T1) : T3 :=
  if c is CantorOrdinal.cons a n b then cons zero zero (T1_T3 a) n (T1_T3 b)
  else zero.

Lemma lt_epsilon0 a b c n d :
  cons a b c n d < epsilon0 = [&& a==zero, b == zero & c < epsilon0 ].

Lemma T1T3_lt_epsilon0 x: T1_T3 x < epsilon0.

Delimit Scope cantor_scope with ca.
Notation "x < y" := (CantorOrdinal.T1lt x y) : cantor_scope.

Lemma T1T3_inc x y: (x <y)%ca (T1_T3 x) < (T1_T3 y).

Lemma TT1T3_inj: injective T1_T3.

Lemma T1T3_surj x: T3nf x x < epsilon0 y, x = T1_T3 y.

Definition all_zero a b c :=[&& a==zero, b==zero & c== zero].

Fixpoint T3limit x :=
  if x is cons a b c n d then
    if (all_zero a b c) then false else (d== zero) || T3limit d
  else false.

Definition T3finite x :=
   if x is cons a b c n d then all_zero a b c else true.

Fixpoint T3split x:=
 if x is cons a b c n d then
      if all_zero a b c then (zero, n.+1) else
     let: (x, y) := T3split d in (cons a b c n x,y)
   else (zero,0).

Lemma all_zeroE a b c: all_zero a b c = ([a,b,c] == one).

Lemma T3nf_finite a b c n d: all_zero a b c T3nf (cons a b c n d)
    d = zero.

Lemma split_finite x: ((T3split x).1 == zero) = T3finite x.

Lemma T3finite1 n: T3finite (\F n).

Lemma T3finite2 x: T3finite x T3nf x x = \F ((T3split x).2).

Lemma T3gt1 x: (one < x) = ((x != zero) && (x != one)).

Lemma omega_least_inf1 x: T3finite x x < omega.

Lemma omega_least_inf2 x: ~~ T3finite x omega x.

Lemma lt_omega1 c n d a' b' c' n' d' :
   cons zero zero c n d < cons a' b' c' n' d' =
     if ((a'== zero) && (b'==zero)) then
       ((c < c') || ((c==c') && ((n < n')%N || ((n==n') && (d < d')))))
    else (c < [a', b', c']).

Lemma lt_omega2 c a' b' c' :
   ([zero, zero, c] < [a', b', c']) =
     if ((a'== zero) && (b'==zero)) then c < c' else (c < [a', b', c']).

Lemma split_limit x: ((T3split x).2 == 0) = ((x==zero) || T3limit x).

Fixpoint T3is_succ x :=
  if x is cons a b c n d then (all_zero a b c) || T3is_succ d else false.

Fixpoint T3succ x :=
  if x is cons a b c n d
     then if all_zero a b c then \F n.+2 else cons a b c n (T3succ d)
  else one.

Fixpoint T3pred x :=
  if x is cons a b c n d then
     if all_zero a b c then \F n else (cons a b c n (T3pred d))
  else zero.

Lemma split_is_succ x: ((T3split x).2 != 0) = (T3is_succ x).

Lemma split_succ x: let:(y,n):= T3split x in T3split (T3succ x) = (y,n.+1).

Lemma split_pred x: let:(y,n):= T3split x in T3split (T3pred x) = (y,n.-1).

Lemma split_le x : (T3split x).1 x.

Lemma nf_split x : T3nf x T3nf (T3split x).1.

Lemma T3finite_succ x: T3finite x T3finite (T3succ x).

Lemma T1succ_nat n: T3succ (\F n) = \F (n.+1).

Lemma nf_omega : T3nf omega.
Lemma nf_finite n: T3nf (\F n).

Lemma limit_pr1 x: (x == zero) (+) (T3limit x (+) T3is_succ x).

Lemma limit_pr x y: T3limit x y < x T3succ y < x.

Lemma pred_le a: T3pred a a.
Lemma pred_lt a: T3is_succ a T3pred a < a.

Lemma succ_lt a: a < T3succ a.

Lemma nf_succ a: T3nf a T3nf (T3succ a).

Lemma nf_pred a: T3nf a T3nf (T3pred a).

Lemma succ_pred x: T3nf x T3is_succ x x = T3succ (T3pred x).

Lemma succ_p1 x: T3is_succ (T3succ x).

Lemma pred_succ x: T3nf x T3pred (T3succ x) = x.

Lemma succ_inj x y: T3nf x T3nf y (T3succ x == T3succ y) = (x==y).

Lemma lt_succ_succ x y: T3succ x < T3succ y x < y.

Lemma le_succ_succ x y: x y T3succ x T3succ y.

Lemma lt_succ_succE x y:
  T3nf x T3nf y (T3succ x < T3succ y) = (x < y).

Lemma le_succ_succE x y:
  T3nf x T3nf y (T3succ x T3succ y) = (x y).

Lemma lt_succ_le_1 a b : T3succ a b a < b.

Lemma lt_succ_le_2 a b: T3nf a a < T3succ b a b.
Lemma lt_succ_le_3 a b: T3nf a (a < T3succ b) = (a b).

Lemma lt_succ_le_4 a b: T3nf b (a < b) = (T3succ a b).

Lemma succ_nz x: T3succ x != zero.

Lemma succ_psi a b c: [a, b, c] != one T3succ [a,b,c] = cons a b c 0 one.

Lemma succ_psi_lt x a b c: [a, b, c] != one
   x < [a,b,c] T3succ x < [a,b,c].

Lemma succ_psi_lt2 a b c x: [a, b, c] != one
  ([a, b, c] T3succ x) = ([a, b, c] x).


Fixpoint T3add x y :=
  if x is cons a b c n d then
    if y is cons a' b' c' n' d' then
       if [a,b,c] < [a',b',c'] then y
       else if [a',b',c'] < [a,b,c] then cons a b c n (d + y)
       else cons a b c (n+n').+1 d'
    else x
  else y
 where "x + y" := (T3add x y) : ak_scope.

Fixpoint T3sub x y :=
  if x is cons a b c n d then
     if y is cons a' b' c' n' d' then
           if (x < y) then zero
           else if ([a',b',c'] < [a,b,c]) then x
           else if (n<n')%N then zero
           else if ([a,b,c] == one) then
             if (n==n')%N then zero else cons zero zero zero ((n-n').-1) zero
           else if(n==n') then d - d' else cons a b c (n - n').-1 d
     else x
  else zero
where "a - b" := (T3sub a b) : ak_scope.

Lemma T3subn0 x: x - zero = x.

Lemma T3sub0n x: zero - x = zero.

Lemma minus_lt a b: a < b a - b = zero.

Lemma T3subnn x: x - x = zero.

Lemma minus_le a b: a b a - b = zero.

Lemma nf_sub a b: T3nf a T3nf b T3nf (a - b).

Lemma sub_int n m : \F n - \F m = \F (n -m)%N.

Lemma succ_is_add_one a: T3succ a = a + one.

Lemma add1Nfin a: ~~ T3finite a one + a = a.

Lemma sub1Nfin a: ~~ T3finite a a - one = a.

Lemma sub1a x: x != zero T3nf x x = one + (x - one).

Lemma sub1b x: T3nf x x = (one + x) - one.

Lemma sub_1aCE (a:= T3bad) : one + (a - one) != a.

Lemma sub_1bCE (a:= T3bad) : (one + a - one) != a.

Lemma T3add0n : left_id zero T3add.
Lemma T3addn0: right_id zero T3add.

Lemma add_int n m : \F n + \F m = \F (n +m)%N.

Lemma add_fin_omega n: \F n + omega = omega.

Lemma fooCE (x:= T3bad):
   ~~T3limit x /\( u v, T3limit u x u + \F v.+1).

Lemma split_add x: let: (y,n) :=T3split x in T3nf x
   (x == y + \F n) && ((y==zero) || T3limit y ).

Lemma add_to_cons a b c n d:
  d < [ a,b,c] cons a b c n zero + d = cons a b c n d.

Lemma addC_CE (a := one) (b := omega):
  [&& T3nf a, T3nf b & a + b != b + a].

Lemma nf_add a b: T3nf a T3nf b T3nf (a + b).

Lemma T3add_eq0 m n: (m + n == zero) = (m == zero) && (n == zero).

Lemma add_le1 a b: a a + b.

Lemma add_le2 a b: b a + b.

Lemma sub_le1 a b : T3nf a (a - b) a.

Lemma sub_pr a b: T3nf b (a + b) - a = b.

Lemma add_inj a b c : T3nf b T3nf c a + b = a + c b = c.

Lemma sub_pr1 a b: T3nf b a b b = a + (b - a).

Lemma omega_minus_one : omega - one = omega.

Lemma sub_nz a b: T3nf b a < b (b - a) != zero.

Lemma T3addA c1 c2 c3: c1 + (c2 + c3) = (c1 + c2) + c3.

Lemma T3le_add2l p m n : (p + m p + n) = (m n).

Lemma T3lt_add2l p m n : (p + m < p + n) = (m < n).

Lemma T3lt_add2r p m n : (m + p < n + p ) (m < n).

Lemma T3le_add2r p m n : (m n) (m + p n + p).

Lemma T3eq_add2l p m n : (p + m == p + n) = (m == n).

Lemma add_le3 a b: a = a + b b = zero.

Lemma add_le4 a b: b != zero a < a + b.

Lemma sub_pr1r a b: T3nf a a - b = zero a b.

Lemma sub_pr1rCE (a := T3bad) (b := one) : (a - b == zero) && (b < a).

Lemma T3addS a b : (a + T3succ b) = T3succ (a+ b).


Notation Tf := (nat T3).

Definition limit_of (f: Tf) x :=
  [/\ ( n m, (n < m)%N f n < f m),
      ( n, f n < x) &
      ( y, T3nf y y < x ( n, y f n))].

Lemma fincP (f: Tf) :
  ( n, f n < f n.+1)
  ( n m, (n < m)%N f n < f m).

Definition limit12_hyp a b c:=
   if c is cons a1 b1 c1 n1 d1 then
       (n1 == 0) && (d1 == zero) &&
       ( ((a == a1) && (b < b1)) || ((a < a1) && (b < c)))
   else false.

Definition phi0:= fun _ :natzero.
Definition phi1 a (f:Tf) := fun na + f n.
Definition phi5 (f:Tf) := fun n[f n, zero,zero].
Definition phi12a a b (f:Tf) := fun n[a,b,f n].

Lemma limit1 a b f:
   T3nf a (limit_of f b) (limit_of (phi1 a f) (a + b)).

Lemma limit5 f x: (limit_of f x) (limit_of (phi5 f) [x,zero,zero]).

Lemma limit12a f a b c: ~~ (limit12_hyp a b c)
   (limit_of f c) (limit_of (phi12a a b f)[a, b, c]).

Fixpoint phi3 x n := if n is n.+1 then phi3 x n + x else x.

Lemma phi3v a b c k: phi3 [a,b,c] k = cons a b c k zero.

Lemma limit3 x: limit_of (phi3 [zero,zero,x]) [zero, zero, T3succ x].

Lemma limit2: limit_of (phi3 one) omega.

Lemma limit12b1 x: (limit12_hyp zero zero x)
  limit_of (phi3 x) [zero, zero, x].

Fixpoint phi4 x n :=
   if n is n.+1 then [x, phi4 x n, phi4 x n] else [x,zero,zero].

Lemma limit4 x: limit_of (phi4 x) [T3succ x, zero, zero].

Fixpoint phi8 x y n :=
   if n is n.+1 then [x, phi8 x y n, phi8 x y n] else [T3succ x,zero,y].

Lemma limit8 x y: limit_of (phi8 x y) [T3succ x, zero, T3succ y].

Fixpoint phi12b2 x y n :=
   if n is n.+1 then [x, phi12b2 x y n, phi12b2 x y n] else y.

Lemma limit12b2 x y: (limit12_hyp (T3succ x) zero y)
    limit_of (phi12b2 x y) [T3succ x, zero, y].

Fixpoint phi6 x y n :=
   if n is n.+1 then [x, y, phi6 x y n] else [x,y,zero].

Fixpoint phi10 x y z n :=
   if n is n.+1 then [x, y, phi10 x y z n] else [x,T3succ y,z].

Fixpoint phi12b4 x y z n :=
   if n is n.+1 then [x, y, phi12b4 x y z n] else z.

Lemma limit6 x y:
    limit_of (phi6 x y) [x,T3succ y, zero].

Lemma limit10 x y z:
    limit_of (phi10 x y z) [x,T3succ y, T3succ z].

Lemma limit12b4 x y z: (limit12_hyp x (T3succ y) z)
    limit_of (phi12b4 x y z) [x,T3succ y,z].

Fixpoint phi7 x y f n :=
  if n is n.+1 then [x, f n, phi7 x y f n] else y.

Fixpoint phi9 x y f n :=
  if n is n.+1 then [f n, phi9 x y f n, phi9 x y f n] else [x, zero,y].

Fixpoint phi11 x y z f n :=
  if n is n.+1 then [x,f n, phi11 x y z f n ] else [x, y,z].

Fixpoint phi12b3 y f n :=
  if n is n.+1 then [f n, phi12b3 y f n , phi12b3 y f n] else y.

Fixpoint phi12b5 x z f n :=
  if n is n.+1 then [x,f n, phi12b5 x z f n ] else z.

Lemma limit7 x y f: (limit_of f y)
  (limit_of ( phi7 x y f) [x,y,zero]).

Lemma limit9 x y f: (limit_of f x)
  (limit_of (phi9 x y f) [x,zero, T3succ y]).

Lemma limit11 x y z f: (limit_of f y)
  (limit_of (phi11 x y z f) [x, y, T3succ z]).

Lemma limit12b3 x y f: (limit_of f x) (limit12_hyp x zero y)
  (limit_of (phi12b3 y f) [x, zero, y]).

Lemma limit12b5 x y z f: (limit_of f y) (limit12_hyp x y z)
  (limit_of (phi12b5 x z f) [x,y,z]).

Definition phi_rec_psi f a b c :=
  if (c==zero) then
    if(b==zero) then
       if(a==zero) then phi0
       else if(T3is_succ a) then phi4 (T3pred a)
       else phi5 (f a)
    else if(T3is_succ b) then phi6 a (T3pred b)
    else phi7 a b (f b)
  else if(T3is_succ c) then
    if(b==zero) then
      if(a==zero) then phi3 [zero,zero, T3pred c]
      else if (T3is_succ a) then phi8 (T3pred a) (T3pred c)
      else phi9 a (T3pred c) (f a)
    else if(T3is_succ b) then phi10 a (T3pred b) (T3pred c)
    else phi11 a b (T3pred c) (f b)
  else if (limit12_hyp a b c) then
    if(b==zero) then
      if(a==zero) then phi3 c
      else if(T3is_succ a) then phi12b2 (T3pred a) c
      else phi12b3 c (f a)
    else if (T3is_succ b) then phi12b4 a (T3pred b) c
    else phi12b5 a c (f b)
  else phi12a a b (f c).

Definition phi_rec f (x: T3) :=
  if x is cons a b c n d then
  if (d==zero) then
    if n is n.+1 then phi1 (cons a b c n zero) (phi_rec_psi f a b c)
     else phi_rec_psi f a b c
  else phi1 (cons a b c n zero) (f d)
  else phi0.

Fixpoint phia k := if k is k.+1 then phi_rec (phia k) else (fun xphi0).
Definition phi x := phia (size x).+1 x.

Lemma phiE x : phi x = phi_rec phi x.

Lemma phiE_1 a b c n:
  phi (cons a b c n.+1 zero) = phi1 (cons a b c n zero) (phi [a, b, c]).

Lemma phiE_2 a b c n d: d != zero
  phi (cons a b c n d) = phi1 (cons a b c n zero) (phi d).

Lemma phiE_3 a b c: phi ([a,b,c]) = phi_rec_psi phi a b c.

Lemma phiL x: T3nf x T3limit x limit_of (phi x) x.

Lemma conc1 (x:= [zero,zero, epsilon0]): limit_of (phi3 epsilon0) x.

additive principal

Definition T3ap x :=
  if x is cons a b c n d then ((n==0) && (d==zero)) else false.

Lemma ap_pr0 a b c (x := [a,b,c]) u v:
  u < x v < x u + v < x.

Lemma ap_limit x: T3ap x (x == one) || (T3limit x).

Lemma ap_pr1 c:
   ( a b, a < c b < c a + b < c)
   (c== zero) || T3ap c.

Lemma ap_pr2 c:
   T3nf c c zero
   ( a b, T3nf a T3nf b a < c b < c a + b < c)
   T3ap c.

Lemma ap_pr3 a b c y (x := [a,b,c]): y < x y + x = x.

Lemma ap_pr4 x: ( b, b < x b + x = x) (x == zero) || T3ap x.

Lemma ap_pr2CE (c := cons zero zero T3bad 1 zero):
   ( a b, T3nf a T3nf b a < c b < c a + b < c).

Definition psi_succ x :=
  if x is cons a b c _ _ then
   if ((a==zero) && (b==zero)) then [zero,zero, T3succ c] else [zero,zero, x]
  else zero.

Lemma psi_succ_pr1 a b c: [a,b,c] < psi_succ ([a,b,c]).

Lemma succ_psi1 a b c (x:= [a, b, c]): ((a != zero) || (b != zero))
    ( a' b' c', x < [a',b',c'] (psi_succ x) [a',b',c']).

Lemma succ_psi2 u (x := [zero,zero,u]) :
   ( a' b' c', T3nf c' x < [a',b',c'] (psi_succ x) [a',b',c']).

Lemma succ_prCE (u:= one) (v := T3bad): (u < v) && (v < T3succ u).

Lemma succ_psiCE (z := [zero,zero, T3bad]):
   (omega < z) && (z < (psi_succ omega)) && ~~(T3nf z).

Definition sup_of (f: T3 T3) x z :=
  [/\ T3nf z,
      ( y, T3nf y y < x f y z) &
      ( z', T3nf z' z' < z y,
          [&& T3nf y, y < x & z' < f y])].

Definition normal f:=
  [/\ x, T3nf x T3nf (f x),
      ( x y, T3nf x T3nf y x < y f x < f y)&
      ( x, T3nf x T3limit x sup_of f x (f x)) ].

Lemma sup_unique f x z z': sup_of f x z sup_of f x z' z = z'.

Lemma sup_Oalpha_zero: sup_of id zero zero.

Lemma sup_Oalpha_limit x: T3nf x T3limit x sup_of id x x.

Lemma sup_Oalpha_succ x: T3nf x sup_of id (T3succ x) x.

Lemma normal_id: normal id.

Lemma normal_limit f x: normal f T3nf x T3limit x T3limit (f x).

Lemma normal_compose f g:
   normal f normal g normal (f \o g).

Lemma add_normal a: T3nf a normal (T3add a).

End Ackermann.