Library hydras.Ackermann.LNN

LNN.v : Language of Natural Numbers (LNT+ <)
Original version by Russel O'Connor

From Coq Require Import Arith Ensembles List.

From hydras.Ackermann Require Export Languages folProof
  folProp folLogic3.
From LibHyps Require Import LibHyps.
From hydras Require Import MoreLibHyps NewNotations.

Instantiations of a few generic constructs

To do perhaps these redefinitions should be deprecated, because they cause some issues in statements which mix LNN and LNT terms and formulas

Definition Formula := Formula LNN.
Definition Formulas := Formulas LNN.
Definition System := System LNN.
Definition Sentence := Sentence LNN.
Definition Term := Term LNN.
Definition Terms := Terms LNN.
Definition SysPrf := SysPrf LNN.

#[local] Arguments apply _ _ _ : clear implicits.
#[local] Arguments atomic _ _ _ : clear implicits.

Notations (Experimental and unstable)

 Module NNnotations.
 Export FolNotations.

Definition Plus (x y : Term) : Term :=
  apply LNN Plus_ (Tcons x (Tcons y (Tnil))).

Definition Times (x y : Term) : Term :=
  apply LNN Times_ (Tcons x (Tcons y (Tnil))).

Definition Succ (x : Term) : Term :=
  apply LNN Succ_ (Tcons x (Tnil)).

Definition Zero : Term := apply LNN Zero_ (Tnil).

Definition LT (x y : Term) : Formula :=
  atomic LNN LT_ (Tcons x (Tcons y (Tnil))).

Notation S_ t := (apply LNN Succ_ (Tcons t (Tnil))).

Infix "+" := Plus: fol_scope.
Notation "n + p" := (Plus n p) (in custom fol at level 50, left associativity).

Check f[ 1, {var 1} + {var 1} = {var 1} ]f.
Infix "×" := Times: fol_scope.
Notation "n * p" := (Times n p) (in custom fol at level 40, left associativity).

Infix "<" := LT: fol_scope.
End NNnotations.

Import NNnotations.

Lemma LNN_eqdec : language_decidable LNN.

Section Free_Variables.

Lemma freeVarPlus (x y : Term) :
 freeVarT (Plus x y) = freeVarT x ++ freeVarT y.

Lemma freeVarTimes (x y : Term):
 freeVarT (Times x y) = freeVarT x ++ freeVarT y.

Lemma freeVarSucc (x : Term):
  freeVarT (Succ x) = freeVarT x.

Lemma freeVarZero : freeVarT Zero = nil.

Lemma freeVarLT (x y : Term) :
 freeVarF (LT x y) = freeVarT x ++ freeVarT y.

End Free_Variables.

Basic and derived properties

Section Logic.

Lemma Axm (T : System) (f : Formula): mem _ T f SysPrf T f.

Lemma sysExtend (T U : System) (f : Formula):
 Included _ T U SysPrf T f SysPrf U f.

Lemma sysWeaken (T : System) (f g : Formula):
  SysPrf T f SysPrf (Ensembles.Add _ T g) f.

Lemma impI (T : System) (f g : Formula):
 SysPrf (Ensembles.Add _ T g) f SysPrf T (g f)%fol.

Lemma impE (T : System) (f g : Formula):
  SysPrf T (g f)%fol SysPrf T g SysPrf T f.

Lemma contradiction (T : System) (f g : Formula):
  SysPrf T f SysPrf T (¬ f)%fol SysPrf T g.

Lemma nnE (T : System) (f : Formula):
  SysPrf T (~~ f)%fol SysPrf T f.

Lemma noMiddle (T : System) (f : Formula): SysPrf T (¬ f f)%fol.

Lemma nnI (T : System) (f : Formula):
  SysPrf T f SysPrf T (¬ ¬ f)%fol.

Lemma cp1 (T : System) (f g : Formula) :
 SysPrf T (¬ f ¬ g)%fol SysPrf T (impH g f).

Lemma cp2 (T : System) (f g : Formula):
 SysPrf T (g f)%fol SysPrf T (¬ f ¬ g)%fol.

Lemma orI1 (T : System) (f g : Formula):
  SysPrf T f SysPrf T (f g)%fol.

Lemma orI2 (T : System) (f g : Formula):
  SysPrf T g SysPrf T (f g)%fol.

Lemma orE (T : System) (f g h : Formula):
  SysPrf T (f g)%fol
  SysPrf T (f h)%fol SysPrf T (g h)%fol SysPrf T h.

Lemma orSys (T : System) (f g h : Formula) :
 SysPrf (Ensembles.Add _ T f) h SysPrf (Ensembles.Add _ T g) h
 SysPrf (Ensembles.Add _ T (f g)%fol) h.

Lemma andI (T : System) (f g : Formula):
 SysPrf T f SysPrf T g SysPrf T (f g)%fol.

Lemma andE1 (T : System) (f g : Formula):
  SysPrf T (f g)%fol SysPrf T f.

Lemma andE2 (T : System) (f g : Formula):
  SysPrf T (f g)%fol SysPrf T g.

Lemma iffI (T : System) (f g : Formula):
 SysPrf T (f g)%fol SysPrf T (g f)%fol
 SysPrf T (f g)%fol.

Lemma iffE1 (T : System) (f g : Formula):
 SysPrf T (f g)%fol SysPrf T (f g)%fol.

Lemma iffE2 (T : System) (f g : Formula):
 SysPrf T (f g)%fol SysPrf T (g f)%fol.

Lemma forallI (T : System) (f : Formula) (v : nat):
 ¬ In_freeVarSys LNN v T SysPrf T f SysPrf T (allH v, f)%fol.

Lemma forallE (T : System) (f : Formula) (v : nat) (t : Term):
 SysPrf T (allH v, f)%fol SysPrf T (substF f v t).

Lemma forallSimp (T : System) (f : Formula) (v : nat) :
 SysPrf T (allH v, f)%fol SysPrf T f.

Lemma existI (T : System) (f : Formula) (v : nat) (t : Term):
 SysPrf T (substF f v t) SysPrf T (exH v, f)%fol.

Lemma existE (T : System) (f g : Formula) (v : nat):
  ¬ In_freeVarSys LNN v T
  ¬ In v (freeVarF g)
  SysPrf T (exH v, f)%fol SysPrf T (f g)%fol
  SysPrf T g.

Lemma existSimp (T : System) (f : Formula) (v : nat):
  SysPrf T f SysPrf T (exH v, f)%fol.

Lemma existSys (T : System) (f g : Formula) (v : nat):
  ¬ In_freeVarSys LNN v T
  ¬ In v (freeVarF g)
  SysPrf (SetAdds T f) g
  SysPrf (SetAdds T (exH v, f)%fol) g.

Lemma absurd1 (T : System) (f : Formula):
 SysPrf T (f ¬ f)%fol SysPrf T (¬ f)%fol.

Lemma nImp (T : System) (f g : Formula):
 SysPrf T (f ¬ g)%fol SysPrf T (¬ (f g))%fol.

Lemma nOr (T : System) (f g : Formula):
 SysPrf T (¬ f ¬ g)%fol SysPrf T (¬ (f g))%fol.

Lemma nAnd (T : System) (f g : Formula):
 SysPrf T (¬ f ¬ g)%fol SysPrf T (¬ (f g))%fol.

Lemma nForall (T : System) (f : Formula) (v : nat):
 SysPrf T (exH v, ¬ f)%fol SysPrf T (¬ (allH v, f))%fol.

Lemma nExist (T : System) (f : Formula) (v : nat):
 SysPrf T (allH v, ¬ f)%fol SysPrf T (¬ (exH v, f))%fol.

Lemma impRefl (T : System) (f : Formula): SysPrf T (f f)%fol.

Lemma impTrans (T : System) (f g h : Formula):
 SysPrf T (f g)%fol SysPrf T (g h)%fol SysPrf T (f h)%fol.

Lemma orSym (T : System) (f g : Formula):
  SysPrf T (f g)%fol SysPrf T (g f)%fol.

Lemma andSym (T : System) (f g : Formula):
SysPrf T (f g)%fol SysPrf T (g f)%fol.

Lemma iffRefl (T : System) (f : Formula): SysPrf T (f f)%fol.

Lemma iffSym (T : System) (f g : Formula):
  SysPrf T (f g)%fol SysPrf T (g f)%fol.

Lemma iffTrans (T : System) (f g h : Formula):
  SysPrf T (f g)%fol SysPrf T (g h)%fol
  SysPrf T (f h)%fol.

Lemma eqRefl (T : System) (a : Term): SysPrf T (a = a)%fol.

Lemma eqSym (T : System) (a b : Term):
 SysPrf T (a = b)%fol SysPrf T (b = a)%fol.

Lemma eqTrans (T : System) (a b c : Term):
SysPrf T (a = b)%fol SysPrf T (b = c)%fol SysPrf T (a = c)%fol.

Lemma eqPlus (T : System) (a b c d : Term):
  SysPrf T (a = b)%fol SysPrf T (c = d)%fol
  SysPrf T (a + c = b + d)%fol.

Lemma eqTimes (T : System) (a b c d : Term):
 SysPrf T (a = b)%fol SysPrf T (c = d)%fol
 SysPrf T (a × c = b × d)%fol.

Lemma eqSucc (T : System) (a b : Term):
  SysPrf T (a = b)%fol SysPrf T (Succ a = Succ b)%fol.

Lemma eqLT (T : System) (a b c d : Term):
 SysPrf T (a = b)%fol SysPrf T (c = d)%fol
 SysPrf T (a < c b < d)%fol.

End Logic.

Fixpoint natToTerm (n : nat) : Term :=
  match n with
  | OZero
  | S mSucc (natToTerm m)

#[global] Notation n2t i := (natToTerm i).

Lemma closedNatToTerm :
  a v : nat, ¬ In v (freeVarT (natToTerm a)).