Library hydras.Ackermann.ListExt

The most part of the original contents by Russel have been replaced by lemmas from Coq.List. We decided to keep in_remove_neq (originally In_list_remove2 since it appears in many composed tactics.

From Coq Require Import Lists.List.

Section List_Remove.

Variable A : Set.
Hypothesis Aeq_dec : a b : A, {a = b} + {a b}.

Lemma in_remove_neq:
  (a b : A) (l : list A), In a (List.remove Aeq_dec b l)
                                a b.

End List_Remove.

Old name in Russel's development

#[deprecated(note="use ListExt.in_remove_neq instead")]
 Notation In_list_remove2 := in_remove_neq (only parsing).