Library hydras.Hydra.Hydra_Definitions

Pierre Casteran, LaBRI, University of Bordeaux

Data types

An hydra is a finitely branched tree. We use the auxiliary type Hydrae for representing finite sequences of hydras.

From Coq Require Export Relations.
From hydras Require Import T1 Epsilon0.
From Coq Require Import List.
Import ListNotations.

Inductive Hydra : Set :=
| node : Hydrae Hydra
with Hydrae : Set :=
| hnil : Hydrae
| hcons : Hydra Hydrae Hydrae.

Alternative representation (discarded)

Module Alt.
  Inductive Hydra : Set :=
  | hnode (daughters : list Hydra).
End Alt.

Mutual induction scheme for types Hydra and Hydrae

Scheme Hydra_rect2 := Induction for Hydra Sort Type
with Hydrae_rect2 := Induction for Hydrae Sort Type.

Arguments Hydra_rect2 P P0 : rename.
Arguments Hydrae_rect2 P P0 : rename.

All elements of s satisfy P
Fixpoint h_forall (P: Hydra Prop) (s: Hydrae) :=
  match s with
  | hnilTrue
  | hcons h s'P h h_forall P s'

Lemma h_eq_dec : h h':Hydra, {h = h'}+{h h'}
with hs_eq_dec : l l':Hydrae, {l = l'}+{l l'}.

For list usage

Fixpoint hs2l (s: Hydrae): list Hydra :=
match s with
| hcons h s'h :: hs2l s'

Fixpoint l2hs (l: list Hydra): Hydrae :=
match l with
| h :: l'hcons h (l2hs l')

Lemma hs2lK (s: Hydrae) : l2hs (hs2l s) = s.

Lemma l2hsK (l: list Hydra) : hs2l (l2hs l) = l.

Number of nodes (a.k.a. size)

Fixpoint hsize (h:Hydra) : nat :=
  match h with
  | node lS (lhsize l)
with lhsize l : nat :=
       match l with
       | hnil ⇒ 0
       | hcons h hshsize h + lhsize hs

height (length of longest branch)

Fixpoint height (h:Hydra) : nat :=
  match h with
  | node llheight l
with lheight l : nat :=
       match l with
       | hnil ⇒ 0
       | hcons h hsNat.max (S (height h)) (lheight hs)


Heads : A head is just a node without daughters

Hydra with 0, 1, 2 or 3 daughters

Notation head := (node hnil).
Notation hyd1 h := (node (hcons h hnil)).
Notation hyd2 h h' := (node (hcons h (hcons h' hnil))).
Notation hyd3 h h' h'' := (node (hcons h (hcons h' (hcons h'' hnil)))).

Adds n copies of the same hydra h at the right of s

Fixpoint hcons_mult (h:Hydra)(n:nat)(s:Hydrae):Hydrae :=
  match n with
  | Os
  | S phcons h (hcons_mult h p s)

Hydra with n equal daughters

Definition hyd_mult h n := node (hcons_mult h n hnil).

Managing sequences of hydras


Fixpoint hy_app (s1 s2: Hydrae) : Hydrae :=
  match s1 with
  | hcons h1 s1'hcons h1 (hy_app s1' s2)

Adds a head to the right of s

Fixpoint add_head_r (s: Hydrae) :=
  match s with
    hnilhcons head hnil
  | hcons h s'hcons h (add_head_r s')

Adds i heads to the right of s

Fixpoint add_head_r_plus (s:Hydrae) (i:nat) :=
  match i with
    0 ⇒ s
  | S jadd_head_r (add_head_r_plus s j)

adds i heads to the root of h (to the right of its daughters)

Definition add_r h i :=
  match h with node snode (add_head_r_plus s i) end.

Hydra Battles

Relation associated with a single round.

We represent the rules of Hydra Battles through a binary relation: round_n n on the Hydra type. The proposition round_n n h h' holds if h' is obtained from h by a single round of a battle, and n is the expected replication factor (irrelevant if the chopped head is at distance 1 from the foot).
The proposition round_n n h h' holds
  • if h' is obtained from h by chopping off one head of height 1. This situation is described by the proposition R1 h h'.
  • Or h' is obtained from h through a beheading at distance from the foot, with creation of n copies of some dub-hydra.
Before giving the definition in Coq of round_n, we need to define several auxiliary relations.


The proposition S0 s s' holds if the sequence s' is obtained by removing one head from s

Inductive S0 : relation Hydrae :=
| S0_first : s, S0 (hcons head s) s
| S0_rest : h s s', S0 s s' S0 (hcons h s) (hcons h s').


The proposition R1 h h' holds if h' is obtained by removing one head from h at distance 1 from the foot

Inductive R1 : relation Hydra :=
| R1_intro : s s', S0 s s' R1 (node s) (node s').


S1 n s s' holds if s' is obtained from s by replacing some member h of s by copies of h, where R1 h h' holds. Thus, n is the number of new replicas of h'.

Inductive S1 (n:nat) : relation Hydrae :=
| S1_first : s h h' ,
              R1 h h'
              S1 n (hcons h s) (hcons_mult h' (S n) s)
| S1_next : h s s',
                 S1 n s s'
                 S1 n (hcons h s) (hcons h s').


The proposition R2 n h h' holds if some sub-hydra h0 of h has been replaced by h'0, where R1 n h0 h'0. The S2 relation is just a helper for R2.

Inductive R2 (n:nat) : relation Hydra :=
| R2_intro : s s', S1 n s s' R2 n (node s) (node s')
| R2_intro_2 : s s', S2 n s s' R2 n (node s) (node s')

with S2 (n:nat) : relation Hydrae :=
     | S2_first : h h' s ,
         R2 n h h' S2 n (hcons h s) (hcons h' s)
     | S2_next : h r r',
         S2 n r r' S2 n (hcons h r) (hcons h r').


Let n be an expected replication number. The relation round_n n h h' holds:
  • if h' is obtained from h by removing one head of height 1 (and the factor n is irrelevant)
  • or h' is obtained from h by removing one head of height greater or equal than 2, and this beheading was made with a relocation factor n.

Definition round_n n h h' := R1 h h' R2 n h h'.

Transition system associated with battles

Binary relation associated with a battle round

Definition round h h' := n, round_n n h h'.
Infix "-1->" := round (at level 60).

transitive closures of round

Definition round_plus := clos_trans_1n Hydra round.
Definition round_star h h' := h = h' round_plus h h'.

Infix "-+->" := round_plus (at level 60).
Infix "-*->" := round_star (at level 60).

Experimental tactics for interactive battles

removes the i-th daughter (should be a head)

Ltac chop_off i :=
  match goal with |- S0 ?h ?h'
                  match i with
                    | Oeapply S0_first
                    | S ?jeapply S0_rest; chop_off j
                  | |- round ?h ?h'
                      0; left; split; chop_off i
                  | |- round_n ?n ?h ?h'
                     left ; split; chop_off i

Calls the R2 relation

Ltac h_search_n n := match goal with
                       |- round ?h ?h' n; eright

Ltac h_search := match goal with
                    | |- round_n ?p ?h ?h'eright

Ltac s2_nth n :=
  match n with
    | 0 ⇒ eleft
    | S ?peright ; s2_nth p

Moves to the i-th daugther

Ltac r2_up i := match goal with
                    |- R2 ?n ?h ?h'eright; s2_nth i

Ltac S1_nth i :=
  match goal with
      |- S1 ?n ?h ?h'
      match i with
        | 0 ⇒ eleft
        | S ?jeright ; S1_nth j

chops off a head which is the j-th daughter of the i-th dauchter

Ltac r2_d2 i j :=
 match goal with
      |- R2 ?n ?h ?h'eleft; S1_nth i; split; chop_off j

End of the battle

Ltac stop :=
  match goal with
      |- round_star ?h ?h'left; reflexivity

Still fighting

Lemma round_star_intro h h'' : h',
    h -1-> h' h' -*-> h'' h -*-> h''.

Ltac forward :=
  match goal with
      |- round_star ?h ?h'eapply round_star_intro


Inductive trace_to dest : list nat Hydra Prop :=
  trace_to1 : n h, round_n n h dest trace_to dest (n:: nil) h
| trace_toS : n t h h', round_n n h h' trace_to dest t h'
                                 trace_to dest (n:: t) h.

Definition trace t h h' := trace_to h' t h.

Let be an hydra and and expected replication factor. The next step of the current battle may be specified by the following type

Definition round_spec h n :=
  {h' : Hydra | round_n n h h'} + {h = head}.

Classes of battles

In an hydra battle, the interaction between the two players may depend on the time (number of rounds) elapsed since the beginning of the fight.
Let us formalize this dependence through a relation linking the number of the current round, and the hydra before and after the considered round.

Definition round_t := nat Hydra Hydra Prop.

Class Battle :=
  { battle_rel : round_t;
    battle_ok : i h h', battle_rel i h h' round h h'}.

Arguments battle_rel : clear implicits.

In the current state of this development, we will consider two instances of class Battle:
  • In free, we hydra may chose any replication factor at any time.
  • In standard the replication factor at round number i is just i

#[ global, refine ] Instance free : Battle
  := Build_Battle (fun _ h h'round h h') _.

#[ global, refine] Instance standard : Battle :=
  Build_Battle round_n _.

The following relation allows us to consider sequences of rounds in a given class of battles
The proposition rounds b i h j h' holds if there is a battle of class B that starts with hydra h at round i and ends with hydra h' at round j

Inductive rounds (B:Battle)
  : nat Hydra nat Hydra Prop :=
  rounds_1 : i h h',
    battle_rel B i h h' rounds B i h (S i) h'
| rounds_n : i h j h' h'',
    battle_rel B i h h''
    rounds B (S i) h'' j h'
    rounds B i h j h'.

number of steps leading to the hydra's death

Definition battle_length B k h l :=
    rounds B k h (Nat.pred (k + l)%nat) head.

#[deprecated(note="use rounds")]
  Notation battle := rounds (only parsing).

Uniform termination

Definition Termination := well_founded (transp _ round).

Definition B_termination (B: Battle) :=
  well_founded (fun h' h i:nat, battle_rel B i h h' ).

Variants for proving termination

Class Hvariant {A:Type}{Lt:relation A}
      (Wf: well_founded Lt)(B : Battle)
      (m: Hydra A): Prop :=
  {variant_decr: i h h',
      h head battle_rel B i h h' Lt (m h') (m h)}.

Variant bounded by some ordinal alpha < epsilon0

Strictly Bounded variants

Class BoundedVariant {A:Type}{Lt:relation A}
      {Wf: well_founded Lt}{B : Battle}
      {m: Hydra A} (Var: Hvariant Wf B m)(mu:A):=
  { m_bounded: h, Lt (m h ) mu }.


For every reachable configuration (i,h), either h is a head, or there exists a beheading leading to some configuration (S i, h').

Definition Alive (B : Battle) :=
   i h, h head {h' : Hydra | battle_rel B i h h'}.