Library hydras.OrdinalNotations.OmegaOmega

An implementation of ωω

New implementation as a refinement of epsilon0

Representation by lists of pairs of integers

Module LO.

  Definition t := list (nat×nat).

  Definition zero : t := nil.

omega^ i * S n + alpha

  Notation cons i n alpha := ((i,n)::alpha).

Finite ordinals

  Notation FS n := (cons 0 n zero: t).

  Definition fin (n:nat): t := match n with 0 ⇒ zero | S pFS p end.
  Coercion fin : nat >-> t.

omega ^i

  Notation phi0 i := (cons i 0 nil).

  Notation omega := (phi0 1).

data refinement

  Fixpoint refine (a : t) : T1.T1 :=
    match a with
    | cons i n bT1.cons (\F i)%t1 n (refine b)

  Inductive ap : t Prop :=
    ap_intro : a, ap (phi0 a).

Successor and limits (syntactic definitions)

  Fixpoint succb (a : t) :=
    match a with
    | cons 0 _ _true
    | cons _ _ bsuccb b

  Fixpoint limitb (a : t) :=
    match a with
    | cons 0 _ _false
    | cons _ _ niltrue
    | cons _ _ blimitb b

  Lemma succb_ref (a:t): succb a T1is_succ (refine a).

  Lemma limitb_ref (a:t): limitb a T1limit (refine a).

  #[ global ] Instance compare_oo : Compare t :=
  fix cmp (a b : t) :=
    match a, b with
    | nil, nilEq
    | nil, cons a' n' b'Datatypes.Lt
    | _ , nilGt
    | (cons a n b),(cons a' n' b') ⇒
      (match a a' with
       | Datatypes.LtDatatypes.Lt
       | GtGt
       | Eq ⇒ (match n n' with
                | Eqcmp b b'
                | compcomp

  Lemma compare_ref (a b : t) :
    compare a b = compare (refine a) (refine b).

  Definition lt (a b : t) : Prop :=
    compare a b = Datatypes.Lt.

  Lemma compare_rev :
     (a b : t),
      compare b a = CompOpp (compare a b).

  Lemma compare_reflect :
     a b,
      match compare a b with
      | Datatypes.Ltlt a b
      | Eqa = b
      | Gtlt b a

  Lemma compare_correct (a b: t):
    CompSpec eq lt a b (compare a b).

  Lemma lt_ref (a b : t) :
    lt a b (refine a) (refine b).

  Lemma eq_ref (a b : t) : a = b refine a = refine b.

  Lemma lt_irrefl (a : t): ¬ lt a a.

  Lemma lt_trans (a b c : t): lt a b lt b c lt a c.

  #[global] Instance lo_strorder: StrictOrder lt.

  #[global] Instance lo_comparable : Comparable lt compare.

  Fixpoint nf_b (alpha : t) : bool :=
    match alpha with
    | niltrue
    | cons a n niltrue
    | cons a n ((cons a' n' b') as b) ⇒
      (nf_b b && Nat.ltb a' a)%bool

  Definition nf alpha :Prop := nf_b alpha.
refinements of T1's lemmas

  Lemma zero_nf : nf zero.

  Lemma fin_nf (i:nat) : nf (fin i).

  Lemma single_nf :
     i n, nf (cons i n zero).

  Lemma cons_nf :
     i n j n' b, j i
      nf(cons j n' b)
      nf(cons i n (cons j n' b)).

  #[local] Hint Resolve zero_nf single_nf cons_nf : core.

  Lemma nf_inv2 :
     i n b, nf (cons i n b) nf b.

  Lemma nf_inv3 :
     i n j n' b',
      nf (cons i n (cons j n' b')) j i.

  Lemma nf_ref: a, (refine a) nf a.

  Declare Scope lo_scope.
  Delimit Scope lo_scope with lo.
  Open Scope lo_scope.

  Fixpoint succ (a : t) : t :=
    match a with
    | nilfin 1
    | cons 0 n _cons 0 (S n) nil
    | cons a n bcons a n (succ b)

  Fixpoint plus (a b : t) :t :=
    match a, b with
    | nil, yy
    | x, nilx
    | cons a n b, cons a' n' b'
       (match a a' with
        | Datatypes.Ltcons a' n' b'
        | Gt ⇒ (cons a n (plus b (cons a' n' b')))
        | Eq ⇒ (cons a (S (n+n')) b')
  where "a + b" := (plus a b) : lo_scope.

  Fixpoint mult (a b : t) : t :=
    match a, b with
    | nil, _zero
    | _, nilzero
    | cons 0 n _, cons 0 n' b'
       cons 0 (Peano.pred((S n) × (S n'))) b'
    | cons a n b, cons 0 n' _
       cons a (Peano.pred ((S n) × (S n'))) b
    | cons a n b, cons a' n' b'
       cons (a + a')%nat n' ((cons a n b) × b')
  where "a * b" := (mult a b) : lo_scope.

  Lemma phi0_ref (i:nat) : refine (phi0 i) = T1.phi0 (\F i).

  Lemma phi0_nf (i:nat) : nf (phi0 i).

  Lemma succ_ref (alpha : t) :
    refine (succ alpha) = T1.succ (refine alpha).

  Lemma succ_nf alpha : nf alpha nf (succ alpha).

  Lemma plus_ref : alpha beta: t,
      refine (alpha + beta) = T1.T1add (refine alpha) (refine beta).

  Lemma plus_nf alpha beta : nf alpha nf beta nf (alpha + beta).

  Lemma mult_ref : alpha beta: t,
      refine (alpha × beta) =
      T1.T1mul (refine alpha) (refine beta).

  Lemma mult_nf alpha beta : nf alpha nf beta nf (alpha × beta).

  #[global] Instance plus_assoc: Assoc eq plus.

  Lemma mult_plus_distr_l (a b c: t) : nf a nf b nf c
                                       a × (b + c) = a × b + a × c.

End LO.

Declare Scope OO_scope.

Delimit Scope OO_scope with oo.
Open Scope OO_scope.
Import LO.

well formed ordinal representation

Module OO.
  Class OO : Type := mkord {data: LO.t ; data_ok : data}.

  Arguments data : clear implicits.
  #[local] Hint Resolve data_ok : core.

  Definition lt (alpha beta: OO) := (data alpha) (data beta).
  Definition le := leq lt.
  #[ global ] Instance compare_OO : Compare OO :=
    fun (alpha beta: OO) ⇒ LO.compare_oo (data alpha) (data beta).

  #[ global ] Instance Zero : OO := @mkord nil refl_equal.

  #[ global ] Instance _Omega : OO.

  #[ global ] Instance Fin (i:nat) : OO.

  Notation omega := _Omega.

  #[ global ] Instance Succ (alpha : OO) : OO.

  #[ global ] Instance plus (alpha beta : OO) : OO.

  Infix "+" := plus : OO_scope.

  #[ global ] Instance mult (alpha beta : OO) : OO.

  Infix "×" := mult : OO_scope.

  #[ global ] Instance phi0 (i : nat): OO.

  Notation "'omega^'" := phi0 (only parsing) : OO_scope.

  Infix "×" := mult : OO_scope.

  #[ global ] Instance embed (alpha: OO) : E0.E0.

  Lemma lt_embed (alpha beta : OO): lt alpha beta
                                    E0lt (embed alpha) (embed beta).

  #[ global ] Instance oo_str : StrictOrder lt.

  Lemma nf_proof_unicity :
     (alpha:t) (H H': nf alpha), H = H'.

  Lemma OO_eq_intro : alpha beta : OO,
      data alpha = data beta alpha = beta.

  #[ global ] Instance OO_comp : Comparable lt compare.

  Lemma lt_wf : well_founded lt.

  Import ON_Generic.

  #[ global ] Instance ON_OO : ON lt compare.

End OO.

Import OO.
#[local] Open Scope OO_scope.

Check phi0 7.

#[global] Coercion Fin : nat >-> OO.

Example Ex42: omega + 42 + omega^ 2 = omega^ 2. Qed.