Library hydras.Prelude.First_toggle

Computes the first l between n and p (excluded) such that P l = true and P (S l) = false.
Pierre Castéran, Univ. Bordeaux and LaBRI

From Coq Require Import Arith Lia Inclusion Inverse_Image.
From hydras Require Import DecPreOrder.

Section Hypos.
  Context (P : nat Prop) `{Pdec: n, Decision (P n)} (n p : nat).

  Hypotheses (Hnp : n < p) (Hn : P n) (Hp : ¬ P p).

  Let spec := {l : nat | n l l < p
                          ( i: nat, n i i l P i)
               (¬ P (S l ))}.

  Definition first_toggle : spec.

End Hypos.

Arguments first_toggle : clear implicits.