Library hydras.Prelude.Merge_Sort

P. Casteran, S. Salvati
Maybe already done in StdLib ????

From Coq Require Import List Wf_nat Recdef Compare_dec Arith Peano_dec
     Lia RelationClasses Sorting.Sorted Sorting.Permutation.

From hydras Require Import DecPreOrder DecPreOrder_Instances
Import Relations Morphisms.

Section Generic.
  Variables (A:Type).

  Section Splitting.

A function that splits any list in two lists of (almost) the same length

    Function split (l:list A):=
      match l with
        | nil
        | _::nil(l,nil)
        | a::b::l
          let (l1,l2):= split l in (a::l1,b::l2)

    Function split'_aux (l l':list A) :=
      match l,l' with
      | x::l,_::_::l'
        let (l1,l2) := split'_aux l l' in
        (x::l1, l2)
      | _,_(nil,l)

    Function split' (l:list A) := split'_aux l l.

Applying split to a list l returns a pair of two strictly shorter lists

    Lemma split_decr:
       l1 l2 a b, l1 = a::b::l2
                        length (fst(split l1)) < length l1
                        length (snd(split l1)) < length l1.

    Lemma split_permutation:
       l, Permutation ((fst(split l))++snd(split l)) l.

    Lemma split'_aux_length_preserve:
       l l',
        length(fst(split'_aux l l')) + length(snd (split'_aux l l')) =
        length l.

    Lemma split'_aux_length_fst:
       l l',
        length(fst(split'_aux l l')) =
 min (Nat.div2(length l')) (length l).

    Lemma split'_decr:
       l1 l2 a b, l1 = a::b::l2
                        length (fst(split' l1)) < length l1
                        length (snd(split' l1)) < length l1.

    Lemma split'_aux_eq:
       l l', ((fst(split'_aux l l'))++snd(split'_aux l l')) = l.

    Lemma split'_permutation:
       l, Permutation ((fst(split' l))++snd(split' l)) l.
  End Splitting.

  Section Merging.

    Fixpoint merge (leb : A A bool) l1 l2:=
      let fix merge_aux l2 {struct l2}:=
          match l1,l2 with
            | nil,_l2
            | _,nill1
            | a1::l1',a2::l2'
              if leb a1 a2 then a1 :: merge leb l1' l2 else a2 :: merge_aux l2'
      in merge_aux l2.

    Variable le : relation A.

    Context (le_total : TotalPreOrder le).
    Context (le_dec : RelDecision le).

    Notation "a <= b" := (le a b).

    Lemma merge_rect:
       P: list A list A list A Type,
        ( l:list A, P nil l l)
        ( l: list A, P l nil l)
        ( a1 l1 a2 l2,
           a1 a2
           P l1 (a2::l2) (merge (fun x ybool_decide (x y)) l1 (a2::l2))
           P (a1::l1) (a2::l2) (a1::(merge (fun x ybool_decide (x y))l1 (a2::l2))))
        ( a1 l1 a2 l2,
           ¬ le a1 a2
           P (a1::l1) l2 (merge (fun x ybool_decide (x y))(a1::l1) l2)
           P (a1::l1) (a2::l2) (a2::(merge (fun x ybool_decide (x y)) (a1::l1) l2)))
         l1 l2, P l1 l2 (merge (fun x ybool_decide (x y)) l1 l2).

    Definition merge_ind ( P: list A list A list A Prop) :=
      merge_rect P.

    Definition merge_rec( P: list A list A list A Set) :=
      merge_rect P.

    Ltac induction_merge l1 l2:= pattern (merge (fun x ybool_decide (x y)) l1 l2 ); apply merge_rect.

    Lemma merge_equation:
       l1 l2,
        merge (fun x ybool_decide (x y)) l1 l2 =
        match l1,l2 with
          | nil,_l2
          | _,nill1
          | a1::l1',a2::l2'
            if decide (a1 a2) then a1 :: merge (fun x ybool_decide (x y)) l1' l2
            else a2 :: merge (fun x ybool_decide (x y)) l1 l2'

    Section Correctness.

      Lemma merge_Forall:
         (f:AProp) l1 l2,
          List.Forall f l1
          List.Forall f l2
          List.Forall f (merge (fun x ybool_decide (x y)) l1 l2) .

      Lemma merge_LocallySorted:
         l1 l2, LocallySorted le l1 LocallySorted le l2
                      LocallySorted le (merge (fun x ybool_decide (x y)) l1 l2).

      Lemma merge_permutation:
         l1 l2, Permutation (l1++l2) (merge (fun x ybool_decide (x y)) l1 l2).

      Section merge_sort.
        Variable split: list A (list A × list A).

        Hypothesis split_decr:
           l1 l2 a b, l1 = a::b::l2
                        length (fst(split l1)) < length l1
                        length (snd(split l1)) < length l1.

        Hypothesis split_permutation:
           l, Permutation ((fst(split l))++snd(split l)) l.

        Function merge_sort (leb : A A bool) (l:list A) {measure length l} :=
          match l with
          | nil | _ :: nill
          | _::_::_
            let (l1,l2) := split l in
            merge leb (merge_sort leb l1) (merge_sort leb l2)

        Theorem merge_sort_correct: sort_correct A le (merge_sort (fun x ybool_decide (x y))).
      End merge_sort.
    End Correctness.

    Definition sp_merge_sort:= merge_sort split split_decr.

    Definition stable_merge_sort := merge_sort split' split'_decr.

  End Merging.

End Generic.

Check (sp_merge_sort: sort_fun_t).
Check (stable_merge_sort: sort_fun_t).

Theorem sp_mergesort_OK : sort_spec sp_merge_sort.

Theorem stable_mergesort_OK : sort_spec stable_merge_sort.