Library hydras.solutions_exercises.isqrt

From hydras Require Import primRec extEqualNat ssrnat_extracts.
From Coq Require Import Min ArithRing Lia Compare_dec Arith Lia.

Returns smallest value of x less or equal than b such that (P b x). Otherwise returns b
Check boundedSearch.
Search boundedSearch.

Lemma boundedSearch3 :
   (P : naryRel 2) (b : nat), boundedSearch P b b.

Lemma boundedSearch4 :
   (P : naryRel 2) (b : nat),
    P b b = true
    P b (boundedSearch P b) = true.

Definition isqrt_spec n r := r × r n < r.+1 × r.+1.

Section sqrtIsPR.

  Let P (n r: nat) := Nat.ltb n (S r × S r).
  Definition isqrt := boundedSearch P.

  Section Proof_isqrt.
    Variable n: nat.

    Remark R00 : P n (isqrt n) = true.

    Lemma R01 : n < (isqrt n).+1 × (isqrt n).+1.

    Lemma R02 : isqrt n × isqrt n n.

  End Proof_isqrt.

   Lemma sqrt_correct (n: nat) : isqrt_spec n (isqrt n).

 #[export] Instance issqrtIsPR : isPR 1 isqrt.

End sqrtIsPR.

Extra work : Define a faster implementation of sqrt_spec, and prove your function is extensionnaly equal to isqrt (hence PR!)