Library hydras.solutions_exercises.predSuccUnicity

From hydras Require Import OrdinalNotations.ON_Generic.
From Coq Require Import Relations.

Section Proofs_of_unicity.

Context (A:Type)
        (lt le : relation A)
        (cmp : Compare A)
        (On : ON lt cmp).

Section Proofs.
  Variables alpha beta : A.

beta is a successor of alpha

  Hypothesis Halphabeta : Successor beta alpha.

  Section S1.
  Variable gamma: A.
  Hypothesis Halphagamma : Successor gamma alpha.

  Lemma L1 : gamma = beta.

  End S1.

  Section S2.
    Variable gamma: A.
    Hypothesis Hgammaalpha : Successor beta gamma.

    Lemma L2 : gamma = alpha.

  End S2.

End Proofs.

Please remind that Successor beta alpha must be read as "beta is a successor of alpha"