
    Copyright (C) 2012  G. Gonthier, B. Ziliani, A. Nanevski, D. Dreyer

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From mathcomp
Require Import ssreflect ssrfun ssrbool seq.
Require Import Setoid.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.

(* First some basic propositional equalities Basically, we need to repeat *)
(* most of ssrbool.v here but we'll do it as we go. *)

Lemma andTp p : True /\ p <-> p. Proof. by intuition. Qed.
Lemma andpT p : p /\ True <-> p. Proof. by intuition. Qed.
Lemma andFp p : False /\ p <-> False. Proof. by intuition. Qed.
Lemma andpF p : p /\ False <-> False. Proof. by intuition. Qed.
Lemma orTp p : True \/ p <-> True. Proof. by intuition. Qed.
Lemma orpT p : p \/ True <-> True. Proof. by intuition. Qed.
Lemma orFp p : False \/ p <-> p. Proof. by intuition. Qed.
Lemma orpF p : p \/ False <-> p. Proof. by intuition. Qed.

Delimit Scope rel_scope with rel.
Open Scope rel_scope.

(* We follow ssrbool, and provide four different types of predicates.     *)
(*                                                                        *)
(* (1) Pred is the type of propositional functions                        *)
(* (2) Simpl_Pred is the type of predicates that automatically simplify   *)
(*     when used in an applicative position.                              *)
(* (3) Mem_Pred is for predicates that support infix notation x \In P     *)
(* (4) PredType is the structure for interpreting various types, such as  *)
(* lists, tuples, etc. as predicates.                                     *)
(*                                                                        *)
(* Important point is that custom lemmas over predicates can be stated in *)
(* terms of Pred, while Simpl_Pred, Mem_Pred and PredType are for         *)
(* technical developments used in this file only. More on this point      *)
(* can be found in ssrbool.                                               *)

Definition Pred T := T -> Prop.
Identity Coercion fun_of_Pred : Pred >-> Funclass.

Notation xPred0 := (fun _ => False).
Notation xPred1 := (fun x y => x = y).
Notation xPredT := (fun _ => True).
Notation xPredI := (fun (p1 p2 : Pred _) x => p1 x /\ p2 x).
Notation xPredU := (fun (p1 p2 : Pred _) x => p1 x \/ p2 x).
Notation xPredC := (fun (p : Pred _) x => ~ p x).
Notation xPredD := (fun (p1 p2 : Pred _) x => ~ p2 x /\ p1 x).
Notation xPreim := (fun f (p : Pred _) x => p (f x)).

Section Predicates.
Variable T : Type.

(* simple predicates *)

Definition Simpl_Pred := simpl_fun T Prop.
Definition SimplPred (p : Pred T) : Simpl_Pred := SimplFun p.
Coercion Pred_of_Simpl (p : Simpl_Pred) : Pred T := p : T -> Prop.

(* it's useful to declare the operations as simple predicates, so that *)
(* complex expressions automatically reduce when used in applicative   *)
(* positions *)

Definition Pred0 := SimplPred xPred0.
Definition Pred1 x := SimplPred (xPred1 x).
Definition PredT := SimplPred xPredT.
Definition PredI p1 p2 := SimplPred (xPredI p1 p2).
Definition PredU p1 p2 := SimplPred (xPredU p1 p2).
Definition PredC p := SimplPred (xPredC p).
Definition PredD p1 p2 := SimplPred (xPredD p1 p2).
Definition Preim rT f (d : Pred rT) := SimplPred (xPreim f d).

(* membership predicates *)

CoInductive Mem_Pred : Type := MemProp of Pred T.
Definition isMem pT toPred mem := mem = (fun p : pT => MemProp [eta toPred p]).

(* the general structure for predicates *)

Structure PredType : Type := PropPredType {
  Pred_Sort :> Type;
  toPred : Pred_Sort -> Pred T;
  _ : {mem | isMem toPred mem}}.

Definition mkPredType pT toP := PropPredType (exist (@isMem pT toP) _ (erefl _)).

(* Pred, SimplPred, Mem_Pred, pred and simpl_pred are PredType's *)
Canonical Structure PredPredType := Eval hnf in @mkPredType (Pred T) id.
Canonical Structure SimplPredPredType := Eval hnf in mkPredType Pred_of_Simpl.
Coercion Pred_of_Mem mp : Pred_Sort PredPredType :=
  let: MemProp p := mp in [eta p].
Canonical Structure MemPredType := Eval hnf in mkPredType Pred_of_Mem.
Canonical Structure predPredType := Eval hnf in @mkPredType (pred T) id.
Canonical Structure simplpredPredType :=
  Eval hnf in @mkPredType (simpl_pred T) (fun p x => p x).

End Predicates.

Arguments Pred0 {T}.
Arguments PredT {T}.
Prenex Implicits PredI PredU PredC PredD Preim.

Notation "r1 +p r2" := (PredU r1 r2)
  (at level 55, right associativity) : rel_scope.
Notation "r1 *p r2" := (PredI r1 r2)
  (at level 45, right associativity) : rel_scope.

Notation "[ 'Pred' : T | E ]" := (SimplPred (fun _ : T => E))
  (at level 0, format "[ 'Pred' : T | E ]") : fun_scope.
Notation "[ 'Pred' x | E ]" := (SimplPred (fun x => E))
  (at level 0, x ident, format "[ 'Pred' x | E ]") : fun_scope.
Notation "[ 'Pred' x : T | E ]" := (SimplPred (fun x : T => E))
  (at level 0, x ident, only parsing) : fun_scope.
Notation "[ 'Pred' x y | E ]" := (SimplPred (fun t => let: (x, y) := t in E))
  (at level 0, x ident, y ident, format "[ 'Pred' x y | E ]") : fun_scope.
Notation "[ 'Pred' x y : T | E ]" :=
  (SimplPred (fun t : (T*T) => let: (x, y) := t in E))
  (at level 0, x ident, y ident, only parsing) : fun_scope.

Definition repack_Pred T pT :=
  let: PropPredType _ a mP := pT return {type of @PropPredType T for pT} -> _ in
   fun k => k a mP.

Notation "[ 'PredType' 'of' T ]" := (repack_Pred (fun a => @PropPredType _ T a))
  (at level 0, format "[ 'PredType' 'of' T ]") : form_scope.

Notation Pred_Class := (Pred_Sort (PredPredType _)).
Coercion Sort_of_Simpl_Pred T (p : Simpl_Pred T) : Pred_Class := p : Pred T.

Definition PredArgType := Type.
Coercion Pred_of_argType (T : PredArgType) : Simpl_Pred T := PredT.

Notation "{ :: T }" := (T%type : PredArgType)
  (at level 0, format "{ :: T }") : type_scope.

(* These must be defined outside a Section because "cooking" kills the *)
(* nosimpl tag. *)
Definition Mem T (pT : PredType T) : pT -> Mem_Pred T :=
  nosimpl (let: PropPredType _ _ (exist mem _) := pT return pT -> _ in mem).
Definition InMem T x mp := nosimpl Pred_of_Mem T mp x.

Prenex Implicits Mem.

(* Membership Predicates can be used as simple ones *)
Coercion Pred_of_Mem_Pred T mp := [Pred x : T | InMem x mp].

(* equality and subset *)

Definition EqPredType T (pT : PredType T) (p1 p2 : pT) :=
  forall x : T, toPred p1 x <-> toPred p2 x.

Definition SubPredType T (pT : PredType T) (p1 p2 : pT) :=
  forall x : T, toPred p1 x -> toPred p2 x.

Definition EqPred T (p1 p2 : Pred T) := EqPredType p1 p2.
Definition SubPred T (p1 p2 : Pred T) := SubPredType p1 p2.
Definition EqSimplPred T (p1 p2 : Simpl_Pred T) := EqPredType p1 p2.
Definition SubSimplPred T (p1 p2 : Simpl_Pred T) := SubPredType p1 p2.
Definition EqMem T (p1 p2 : Mem_Pred T) := EqPredType p1 p2.
Definition SubMem T (p1 p2 : Mem_Pred T) := SubPredType p1 p2.

Definition EqPredFun T1 T2 p1 p2 :=
  forall x : T1, @EqPred T2 (p1 x) (p2 x).
Definition SubPredFun T1 T2 p1 p2 :=
  forall x : T1, @SubPred T2 (p1 x) (p2 x).

Definition EqMem T p1 p2 := forall x : T, InMem x p1 <-> InMem x p2.
Definition SubMem T p1 p2 := forall x : T, InMem x p1 -> InMem x p2.

Notation "A <~> B" := (EqPred A B)
  (at level 70, no associativity) : rel_scope.
Notation "A ~> B" := (SubPred A B)
  (at level 70, no associativity) : rel_scope.
Notation "A <~1> B" := (EqPredFun A B)
  (at level 70, no associativity) : rel_scope.
Notation "A ~1> B" := (SubPredFun A B)
  (at level 70, no associativity) : rel_scope.

Notation "x \In A" := (InMem x (Mem A))
  (at level 70, no associativity) : rel_scope.
Notation "x \Notin A" := (~ (x \In A))
  (at level 70, no associativity) : rel_scope.
Notation "A =p B" := (EqMem (Mem A) (Mem B))
  (at level 70, no associativity) : type_scope.
Notation "A <=p B" := (SubMem (Mem A) (Mem B))
  (at level 70, no associativity) : type_scope.

(* Some notation for turning PredTypes into Pred or Simple Pred *)
Notation "[ 'Mem' A ]" := (Pred_of_Simpl (Pred_of_Mem_Pred (Mem A)))
  (at level 0, only parsing) : fun_scope.
Notation "[ 'PredI' A & B ]" := (PredI [Mem A] [Mem B])
  (at level 0, format "[ 'PredI' A & B ]") : fun_scope.
Notation "[ 'PredU' A & B ]" := (PredU [Mem A] [Mem B])
  (at level 0, format "[ 'PredU' A & B ]") : fun_scope.
Notation "[ 'PredD' A & B ]" := (PredD [Mem A] [Mem B])
  (at level 0, format "[ 'PredD' A & B ]") : fun_scope.
Notation "[ 'PredC' A ]" := (PredC [Mem A])
  (at level 0, format "[ 'PredC' A ]") : fun_scope.
Notation "[ 'Preim' f 'of' A ]" := (Preim f [Mem A])
  (at level 0, format "[ 'Preim' f 'of' A ]") : fun_scope.

Notation "[ 'Pred' x \In A ]" := [Pred x | x \In A]
  (at level 0, x ident, format "[ 'Pred' x \In A ]") : fun_scope.
Notation "[ 'Pred' x \In A | E ]" := [Pred x | (x \In A) /\ E]
  (at level 0, x ident, format "[ 'Pred' x \In A | E ]") : fun_scope.
Notation "[ 'Pred' x y \In A & B | E ]" :=
  [Pred x y | (x \In A) /\ (y \In B) /\ E]
  (at level 0, x ident, y ident,
   format "[ 'Pred' x y \In A & B | E ]") : fun_scope.
Notation "[ 'Pred' x y \In A & B ]" := [Pred x y | (x \In A) /\ (y \In B)]
  (at level 0, x ident, y ident,
   format "[ 'Pred' x y \In A & B ]") : fun_scope.
Notation "[ 'Pred' x y \In A | E ]" := [Pred x y \In A & A | E]
  (at level 0, x ident, y ident,
   format "[ 'Pred' x y \In A | E ]") : fun_scope.
Notation "[ 'Pred' x y \In A ]" := [Pred x y \In A & A]
  (at level 0, x ident, y ident,
   format "[ 'Pred' x y \In A ]") : fun_scope.

Section Simplifications.
Variables (T : Type) (pT : PredType T).

Lemma Mem_toPred : forall (p : pT), Mem (toPred p) = Mem p.
Proof. by rewrite /Mem; case: pT => T1 app1 [mem1 /= ->]. Qed.

Lemma toPredE : forall x (p : pT), toPred p x = (x \In p).
Proof. by move=> *; rewrite -Mem_toPred. Qed.

Lemma In_Simpl : forall x (p : Simpl_Pred T), (x \In p) = p x.
Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma Simpl_PredE : forall (p : Pred T), [Pred x | p x] <~> p.
Proof. by []. Qed.

(* Definition InE := (In_Simpl, Simpl_PredE). (* to be extended *) *)

Lemma Mem_Simpl : forall (p : Simpl_Pred T), Mem p = p :> Pred T.
Proof. by []. Qed.

Definition MemE := Mem_Simpl. (* could be extended *)

Lemma Mem_Mem : forall p : pT, (Mem (Mem p) = Mem p) * (Mem [Mem p] = Mem p).
Proof. by move=> p; rewrite -Mem_toPred. Qed.

End Simplifications.

(* Definitions and lemmas for setoids *)

Section RelProperties.
Variables (T : Type) (pT : PredType T).

Lemma EqPredType_refl (r : pT) : EqPredType r r. Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma SubPredType_refl (r : pT) : SubPredType r r. Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma EqPredType_sym (r1 r2 : pT) : EqPredType r1 r2 -> EqPredType r2 r1.
Proof. by move=>H1 x; split; move/H1. Qed.

Lemma EqPredType_trans' (r1 r2 r3 : pT) :
  EqPredType r1 r2 -> EqPredType r2 r3 -> EqPredType r1 r3.
Proof. by move=>H1 H2 x; split; [move/H1; move/H2 | move/H2; move/H1]. Qed.

Lemma SubPredType_trans' (r1 r2 r3 : pT) :
  SubPredType r1 r2 -> SubPredType r2 r3 -> SubPredType r1 r3.
Proof. by move=>H1 H2 x; move/H1; move/H2. Qed.

Definition EqPredType_trans r2 r1 r3 := @EqPredType_trans' r1 r2 r3.
Definition SubPredType_trans r2 r1 r3 := @SubPredType_trans' r1 r2 r3.
End RelProperties.

Hint Resolve EqPredType_refl SubPredType_refl : core.

(* Declaration of relations *)

(* Unfortunately, Coq setoids don't seem to understand implicit coercions *)
(* and canonical structures so we have to repeat relation declarations    *)
(* for all instances. This is really annoying, but at least I don't have  *)
(* to reprove the lemmas on refl, sym and trans                           *)
(*                                                                        *)
(* Add Parametric Relation T (pT : PredType T) : pT (@EqPredType _ pT)    *)
(*   reflexivity proved by (@EqPredType_refl _ _)                         *)
(*  symmetry proved by (@EqPredType_sym _ _)                              *)
(*  transitivity proved by (@EqPredType_trans' _ _) as EqPredType_rel.    *)
(*                                                                        *)
(* Add Parametric Relation T (pT : PredType T) : pT (@SubPredType _ pT)   *)
(*  reflexivity proved by (@SubPredType_refl _ _)                         *)
(*  transitivity proved by (@SubPredType_trans' _ _) as SubPredType_rel.  *)

Add Parametric Relation T : (Pred T) (@EqPred _)
  reflexivity proved by (@EqPredType_refl _ _)
  symmetry proved by (@EqPredType_sym _ _)
  transitivity proved by (@EqPredType_trans' _ _) as EqPred_rel.

Add Parametric Relation T : (Pred T) (@SubPred _)
  reflexivity proved by (@SubPredType_refl _ _)
  transitivity proved by (@SubPredType_trans' _ _) as SubPred_rel.

Add Parametric Relation T : (Simpl_Pred T) (@EqSimplPred _)
  reflexivity proved by (@EqPredType_refl _ _)
  symmetry proved by (@EqPredType_sym _ _)
  transitivity proved by (@EqPredType_trans' _ _) as EqSimplPred_rel.

Add Parametric Relation T : (Simpl_Pred T) (@SubSimplPred _)
  reflexivity proved by (@SubPredType_refl _ _)
  transitivity proved by (@SubPredType_trans' _ _) as SubSimplPred_rel.

Add Parametric Relation T : (Mem_Pred T) (@EqMem T)
  reflexivity proved by (@EqPredType_refl _ _)
  symmetry proved by (@EqPredType_sym _ _)
  transitivity proved by (@EqPredType_trans' _ _) as EqMem_rel.

Add Parametric Relation T : (Mem_Pred T) (@SubMem _)
  reflexivity proved by (@SubPredType_refl _ _)
  transitivity proved by (@SubPredType_trans' _ _) as SubMem_rel.

(* Declaring morphisms. *)
(* Annoyingly, even the coercions must be declared *)

Add Parametric Morphism T : (@Pred_of_Simpl T) with signature
      @EqSimplPred _ ==> @EqPred T as Pred_of_Simpl_morph.
Proof. by []. Qed.

(* Do we need other coercions? We'll discover as we go *)

(* Now the other morphisms. Again, not clear which ones are needed.   *)
(* However, for all this to work, it seems that morphisms must be     *)
(* declared with most specific signatures, or else the system         *)
(* complains. For example, we use EqPred _ instead of EqPredType _ _, *)
(* even though the former is an instance of the later.                *)

Add Parametric Morphism T : (@EqPred T) with signature
    @EqPred _ ==> @EqPred _ ==> iff as EqPred_morph.
Proof. by move=>r1 s1 H1 r2 s2 H2; rewrite H1 H2. Qed.

Add Parametric Morphism T : (@SubPred T) with signature
    @EqPred _ ==> @EqPred _ ==> iff as SubPred_morph.
Proof. by move=>r1 s1 H1 r2 s2 H2; split=>H x; move/H1; move/H; move/H2. Qed.

Add Parametric Morphism T : (@InMem T) with signature
    @eq _ ==> @EqMem _ ==> iff as InMem_morph.
Proof. by move=>x r s H; split; move/H. Qed.

Add Parametric Morphism T (pT : PredType T) : (@Mem T pT) with signature
  @EqPredType _ _ ==> @EqMem _ as Mem_morhp.
Proof. by move=>x y H p; rewrite /EqPredType -!toPredE in H *; rewrite H. Qed.

Add Parametric Morphism T : (@PredU T) with signature
    @EqPred _ ==> @EqPred _ ==> @EqSimplPred _ as predU_morph.
move=>r1 s1 H1 r2 h2 H2 x; split;
by case; [move/H1 | move/H2]=>/=; auto.

Add Parametric Morphism T : (@PredI T) with signature
    @EqPred _ ==> @EqPred _ ==> @EqPred _ as predI_morph.
move=>r1 s1 H1 r2 s2 H2 x; split;
by case; move/H1=>T1; move/H2=>T2.

Add Parametric Morphism T : (@PredC T) with signature
    @EqPred _ ==> @EqPred _ as predC_morph.
Proof. by move=>r s H x; split=>H1; apply/H. Qed.

Section RelLaws.
Variable (T : Type).

Lemma orrI (r : Pred T) : r +p r <~> r.
Proof. by move=>x; split; [case | left]. Qed.

Lemma orrC (r1 r2 : Pred T) : r1 +p r2 <~> r2 +p r1.
Proof. move=>x; split=>/=; tauto. Qed.

Lemma orr0 (r : Pred T) : r +p Pred0 <~> r.
Proof. by move=>x; split; [case | left]. Qed.

Lemma or0r (r : Pred T) : Pred0 +p r <~> r.
Proof. by rewrite orrC orr0. Qed.

Lemma orrCA (r1 r2 r3 : Pred T) : r1 +p r2 +p r3 <~> r2 +p r1 +p r3.
Proof. by move=>x; split=>/=; intuition. Qed.

Lemma orrAC (r1 r2 r3 : Pred T) : (r1 +p r2) +p r3 <~> (r1 +p r3) +p r2.
Proof. by move=>?; split=>/=; intuition. Qed.

Lemma orrA (r1 r2 r3 : Pred T) : (r1 +p r2) +p r3 <~> r1 +p r2 +p r3.
Proof. by rewrite (orrC r2) orrCA orrC. Qed.

(* absorption *)
Lemma orrAb (r1 a : Pred T) : r1 <~> r1 +p a <-> a ~> r1.
split; first by move=>-> x /=; auto.
move=>H x /=; split; first by auto.
by case=>//; move/H.

Lemma sub_orl (r1 r2 : Pred T) : r1 ~> r1 +p r2. Proof. by left. Qed.
Lemma sub_orr (r1 r2 : Pred T) : r2 ~> r1 +p r2. Proof. by right. Qed.

End RelLaws.

Section SubMemLaws.
Variable T : Type.

Lemma subp_refl (p : Pred T) : p <=p p.
Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma subp_asym (p1 p2 : Pred T) : p1 <=p p2 -> p2 <=p p1 -> p1 =p p2.
Proof. by move=>H1 H2 x; split; [move/H1 | move/H2]. Qed.

Lemma subp_trans (p2 p1 p3 : Pred T) : p1 <=p p2 -> p2 <=p p3 -> p1 <=p p3.
Proof. by move=>H1 H2 x; move/H1; move/H2. Qed.

Lemma subp_or (p1 p2 q : Pred T) : p1 <=p q /\ p2 <=p q <-> p1 +p p2 <=p q.
split=>[[H1] H2 x|H1]; first by case; [move/H1 | move/H2].
by split=>x H2; apply: H1; [left | right].

Lemma subp_and (p1 p2 q : Pred T) : q <=p p1 /\ q <=p p2 <-> q <=p p1 *p p2.
split=>[[H1] H2 x|] H; last by split=>x; case/H.
by split; [apply: H1 | apply: H2].

Lemma subp_orl (p1 p2 q : Pred T) : p1 <=p p2 -> p1 +p q <=p p2 +p q.
Proof. by move=>H x; case; [move/H; left|right]. Qed.

Lemma subp_orr (p1 p2 q : Pred T) : p1 <=p p2 -> q +p p1 <=p q +p p2.
Proof. by move=>H x; case; [left | move/H; right]. Qed.

Lemma subp_andl (p1 p2 q : Pred T) : p1 <=p p2 -> p1 *p q <=p p2 *p q.
Proof. by by move=>H x [H1 H2]; split; [apply: H|]. Qed.

Lemma subp_andr (p1 p2 q : Pred T) : p1 <=p p2 -> q *p p1 <=p q *p p2.
Proof. by move=>H x [H1 H2]; split; [|apply: H]. Qed.

End SubMemLaws.

Hint Resolve subp_refl : core.

Section ListMembership.
Variable T : Type.

Fixpoint Mem_Seq (s : seq T) :=
  if s is y::s' then (fun x => x = y \/ Mem_Seq s' x) else xPred0.

Definition EqSeq_Class := seq T.
Identity Coercion seq_of_EqSeq : EqSeq_Class >-> seq.

Coercion Pred_of_Eq_Seq (s : EqSeq_Class) : Pred_Class := [eta Mem_Seq s].

Canonical Structure seq_PredType := @mkPredType T (seq T) Pred_of_Eq_Seq.
(* The line below makes Mem_Seq a canonical instance of topred. *)
Canonical Structure Mem_Seq_PredType := mkPredType Mem_Seq.

Lemma In_cons : forall y s x, (x \In y :: s) <-> (x = y) \/ (x \In s).
Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma In_nil : forall x, (x \In [::]) <-> False.
Proof. by []. Qed.

Lemma Mem_Seq1 : forall x y, (x \In [:: y]) <-> (x = y).
Proof. by move=> x y; rewrite In_cons orpF. Qed.

Definition InE := (Mem_Seq1, In_cons, In_Simpl).
(* I also wanted to add Simpl_PredE, but setoid rewrite returns an error *)
(* and instead of trying the other rules in the tuple, it just stops *)
(* This is ridiculuous *)

End ListMembership.

(* Setoids for extensional equality of functions *)

Lemma eqfun_refl A B (f : A -> B) : f =1 f. Proof. by []. Qed.
Lemma eqfun_sym A B (f1 f2 : A -> B) : f1 =1 f2 -> f2 =1 f1.
Proof. by move=>H x; rewrite H. Qed.
Lemma eqfun_trans A B (f1 f2 f3 : A -> B) : f1 =1 f2 -> f2 =1 f3 -> f1 =1 f3.
Proof. by move=>H1 H2 x; rewrite H1 H2. Qed.

Add Parametric Relation A B : (A -> B) (@eqfun _ _)
  reflexivity proved by (@eqfun_refl A B)
  symmetry proved by (@eqfun_sym A B)
  transitivity proved by (@eqfun_trans A B) as eqfun_morph.