(* Authors: Christian Doczkal and Jan-Oliver Kaiser *)
(* Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *)
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
From RegLang Require Import misc languages dfa minimization regexp.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
(* Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *)
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
From RegLang Require Import misc languages dfa minimization regexp.
Set Default Proof Using "Type".
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Section Clasifiers.
Variable char: finType.
Local Notation word := (word char).
Record classifier := Classifier {
classifier_classes : finType;
classifier_fun :> word -> classifier_classes }.
Notation classes_of := classifier_classes.
It would be desirable to have classifiers also coerce to finType
(to be able to write |E| for the number of classes). However, this
introduces an ambiguity since [finType] already coerces to Funclass
(as the universally true predicate).
Definition right_congruent (X : eqType) (E : word -> X) :=
forall u v a, E u = E v -> E (u ++ [::a]) = E (v ++ [::a]).
Definition refines (X: eqType) (L : dlang char) (E : word -> X) :=
forall u v, E u = E v -> (u \in L) = (v \in L).
Record classifier_for L := {
cf_classifier :> classifier;
cf_congruent : right_congruent cf_classifier;
cf_refines : refines L cf_classifier
Lemma cf_lang_eq_proof L1 L2 (M1 : classifier_for L1) : L1 =i L2 -> refines L2 M1.
Proof. move => H0 u v /cf_refines. by rewrite -!H0. Qed.
Definition cf_lang_eq L1 L2 (M1 : classifier_for L1) (H : L1 =i L2) :=
{| cf_congruent := @cf_congruent L1 M1; cf_refines := cf_lang_eq_proof H |}.
Section DFAtoClassifier.
Variable (A : dfa char).
Lemma delta_s_right_congruent : right_congruent (delta_s A).
Proof. move => u v a H. rewrite /= /delta_s !delta_cat. by f_equal. Qed.
Lemma delta_s_refines : refines (dfa_lang A) (delta_s A).
Proof. move => u v H. rewrite -!delta_lang. by f_equal. Qed.
Definition dfa_to_cf : classifier_for (dfa_lang A) :=
{| cf_classifier := Classifier (delta_s A);
cf_congruent := delta_s_right_congruent;
cf_refines := delta_s_refines |}.
Lemma dfa_to_cf_size : #|A| = #|classes_of dfa_to_cf|. by []. Qed.
End DFAtoClassifier.
Section ClassifierToDFA.
Variables (L : dlang char) (M : classifier_for L).
Definition imfun_of := image_fun (@cf_congruent _ M).
Definition imfun_of_surj := @surjective_image_fun _ _ _ (@cf_congruent _ M).
Lemma imfun_of_refines : refines L imfun_of.
Proof. move => x y []. exact: cf_refines. Qed.
Lemma imfun_of_congruent : right_congruent imfun_of.
move => x y a [] /cf_congruent.
move/(_ a) => /eqP H. exact/eqP.
Definition classifier_to_dfa :=
{| dfa_s := imfun_of [::];
dfa_fin := [set x | cr (imfun_of_surj) x \in L];
dfa_trans x a := imfun_of (cr (imfun_of_surj) x ++ [::a]) |}.
Lemma classifier_to_dfa_delta : delta_s classifier_to_dfa =1 imfun_of.
apply: last_ind => [|w a IHw] //=.
rewrite /delta_s -cats1 delta_cat -!/(delta_s _ _) IHw.
apply: imfun_of_congruent. by rewrite crK.
Lemma classifier_to_dfa_correct : dfa_lang classifier_to_dfa =i L.
move => w. rewrite -delta_lang classifier_to_dfa_delta inE.
apply: imfun_of_refines. by rewrite crK.
End ClassifierToDFA.
Lemma classifier_to_dfa_connected L (M : classifier_for L) :
connected (classifier_to_dfa M).
move => q. exists (cr (@imfun_of_surj _ M) q).
rewrite -{2}[q](crK (Sf:=(@imfun_of_surj _ M))).
by rewrite -/(delta_s _ _) classifier_to_dfa_delta.
Most General Classifiers
Definition nerode (X : eqType) (L : dlang char) (E : word -> X) :=
forall u v, E u = E v <-> forall w, (u++w \in L) = (v++w \in L).
Record mgClassifier L := {
mg_classifier :> classifier;
nerodeP : nerode L mg_classifier }.
Lemma mg_right_congruent L (N : mgClassifier L) : right_congruent N.
Proof. move => u v a /nerodeP H. apply/nerodeP => w. by rewrite -!catA. Qed.
Lemma mg_refines L (N : mgClassifier L) : refines L N.
Proof. move => u v /nerodeP H. by rewrite -[u]cats0 -[v]cats0. Qed.
Definition mg_to_classifier L (N : mgClassifier L) := {|
cf_congruent := @mg_right_congruent L N;
cf_refines := @mg_refines L N |}.
Coercion mg_to_classifier : mgClassifier >-> classifier_for.
Arguments cf_congruent [L M u v a] H: rename.
Arguments cf_refines [L M u v] H: rename.
Arguments nerodeP [L] N u v: rename.
Most general classifiers coerce to classifiers and can be converted to DFAs
Definition mg_to_dfa L (N : mgClassifier L) := classifier_to_dfa N.
Lemma mg_to_dfa_correct L (N : mgClassifier L) : dfa_lang (mg_to_dfa N) =i L.
Proof. exact: classifier_to_dfa_correct. Qed.
Lemma mg_to_connected L (N : mgClassifier L) : connected (mg_to_dfa N).
Proof. exact: classifier_to_dfa_connected. Qed.
Most general classifier yield minimal automata
Lemma mg_minimal (L : dlang char) (M : mgClassifier L) : minimal (mg_to_dfa M).
apply/minimalP. split; first exact: mg_to_connected.
move => p q. split => [coll_pq|->//].
rewrite -[p](crK (Sf := (@imfun_of_surj _ M))).
rewrite -[q](crK (Sf := (@imfun_of_surj _ M))).
apply/Sub_eq. apply/nerodeP => w.
rewrite -!(@classifier_to_dfa_correct _ M) !inE /dfa_accept !delta_cat.
rewrite -!/(delta_s _ _) !classifier_to_dfa_delta !crK. exact: coll_pq.
We can cast mgClassifiers to equivalent languages
Lemma mg_eq_proof L1 L2 (N1 : mgClassifier L1) : L1 =i L2 -> nerode L2 N1.
Proof. move => H0 u v. split => [/nerodeP H1 w|H1].
- by rewrite -!H0.
- apply/nerodeP => w. by rewrite !H0.
Definition mg_eq L1 L2 N1 (H : L1 =i L2) := {| nerodeP := mg_eq_proof N1 H |}.
Minimal DFAs immediately give rise to most general classifiers.
Section mDFAtoMG.
Variable A : dfa char.
Variable MA : minimal A.
Lemma minimal_nerode : nerode (dfa_lang A) (delta_s A).
Proof using MA.
move => u v. apply: iff_trans (iff_sym (minimal_collapsed MA _ _)) _.
by split => H w; move: (H w); rewrite -!delta_cat !delta_lang.
Definition minimal_classifier := {| classifier_fun := delta_s A |}.
Definition dfa_to_mg := {|
mg_classifier := minimal_classifier;
nerodeP := minimal_nerode |}.
End mDFAtoMG.
End Clasifiers.