(* Authors: Christian Doczkal and Jan-Oliver Kaiser *)
(* Distributed under the terms of CeCILL-B. *)
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
From RegLang Require Import misc languages dfa minimization regexp.

Set Default Proof Using "Type".

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.


For us, classifiers (right-congruent functions from words into some finite type) serve as a constructive approximation of Myhill-Nerode partition. We show that classifiers for given language can be turned into DFAs and vice versa. Moroever, we show that there exist most general classifiers corresponding to minimal automata.

Section Clasifiers.

Variable char: finType.
Local Notation word := (word char).

Record classifier := Classifier {
  classifier_classes : finType;
  classifier_fun :> word -> classifier_classes }.

Notation classes_of := classifier_classes.

It would be desirable to have classifiers also coerce to finType (to be able to write |E| for the number of classes). However, this introduces an ambiguity since [finType] already coerces to Funclass (as the universally true predicate).

Definition right_congruent (X : eqType) (E : word -> X) :=
  forall u v a, E u = E v -> E (u ++ [::a]) = E (v ++ [::a]).

Definition refines (X: eqType) (L : dlang char) (E : word -> X) :=
  forall u v, E u = E v -> (u \in L) = (v \in L).

Record classifier_for L := {
    cf_classifier :> classifier;
    cf_congruent : right_congruent cf_classifier;
    cf_refines : refines L cf_classifier

Lemma cf_lang_eq_proof L1 L2 (M1 : classifier_for L1) : L1 =i L2 -> refines L2 M1.
Proof. move => H0 u v /cf_refines. by rewrite -!H0. Qed.

Definition cf_lang_eq L1 L2 (M1 : classifier_for L1) (H : L1 =i L2) :=
  {| cf_congruent := @cf_congruent L1 M1; cf_refines := cf_lang_eq_proof H |}.

Conversions between Classifiers and DFAs

Section DFAtoClassifier.
  Variable (A : dfa char).

  Lemma delta_s_right_congruent : right_congruent (delta_s A).
  Proof. move => u v a H. rewrite /= /delta_s !delta_cat. by f_equal. Qed.

  Lemma delta_s_refines : refines (dfa_lang A) (delta_s A).
  Proof. move => u v H. rewrite -!delta_lang. by f_equal. Qed.

  Definition dfa_to_cf : classifier_for (dfa_lang A) :=
    {| cf_classifier := Classifier (delta_s A);
       cf_congruent := delta_s_right_congruent;
       cf_refines := delta_s_refines |}.

  Lemma dfa_to_cf_size : #|A| = #|classes_of dfa_to_cf|. by []. Qed.
End DFAtoClassifier.

Section ClassifierToDFA.
  Variables (L : dlang char) (M : classifier_for L).

  Definition imfun_of := image_fun (@cf_congruent _ M).
  Definition imfun_of_surj := @surjective_image_fun _ _ _ (@cf_congruent _ M).

  Lemma imfun_of_refines : refines L imfun_of.
  Proof. move => x y []. exact: cf_refines. Qed.

  Lemma imfun_of_congruent : right_congruent imfun_of.
    move => x y a [] /cf_congruent.
    move/(_ a) => /eqP H. exact/eqP.

  Definition classifier_to_dfa :=
    {| dfa_s := imfun_of [::];
       dfa_fin := [set x | cr (imfun_of_surj) x \in L];
       dfa_trans x a := imfun_of (cr (imfun_of_surj) x ++ [::a]) |}.

  Lemma classifier_to_dfa_delta : delta_s classifier_to_dfa =1 imfun_of.
    apply: last_ind => [|w a IHw] //=.
    rewrite /delta_s -cats1 delta_cat -!/(delta_s _ _) IHw.
    apply: imfun_of_congruent. by rewrite crK.

  Lemma classifier_to_dfa_correct : dfa_lang classifier_to_dfa =i L.
    move => w. rewrite -delta_lang classifier_to_dfa_delta inE.
    apply: imfun_of_refines. by rewrite crK.
End ClassifierToDFA.

Lemma classifier_to_dfa_connected L (M : classifier_for L) :
  connected (classifier_to_dfa M).
  move => q. exists (cr (@imfun_of_surj _ M) q).
  rewrite -{2}[q](crK (Sf:=(@imfun_of_surj _ M))).
  by rewrite -/(delta_s _ _) classifier_to_dfa_delta.

Most General Classifiers

Just like there exists a coarsest Myhill-Nerode relation, there also exist most general classifiers. For these classifiers, the classes correspond exactly to thos of the coarsest Myhill-Nerode relation.

Definition nerode (X : eqType) (L : dlang char) (E : word -> X) :=
  forall u v, E u = E v <-> forall w, (u++w \in L) = (v++w \in L).

Record mgClassifier L := {
    mg_classifier :> classifier;
    nerodeP : nerode L mg_classifier }.

Lemma mg_right_congruent L (N : mgClassifier L) : right_congruent N.
Proof. move => u v a /nerodeP H. apply/nerodeP => w. by rewrite -!catA. Qed.

Lemma mg_refines L (N : mgClassifier L) : refines L N.
Proof. move => u v /nerodeP H. by rewrite -[u]cats0 -[v]cats0. Qed.

Definition mg_to_classifier L (N : mgClassifier L) := {|
  cf_congruent := @mg_right_congruent L N;
  cf_refines := @mg_refines L N |}.

Coercion mg_to_classifier : mgClassifier >-> classifier_for.

Arguments cf_congruent [L M u v a] H: rename.
Arguments cf_refines [L M u v] H: rename.
Arguments nerodeP [L] N u v: rename.

Most general classifiers coerce to classifiers and can be converted to DFAs
Most general classifier yield minimal automata

Lemma mg_minimal (L : dlang char) (M : mgClassifier L) : minimal (mg_to_dfa M).
  apply/minimalP. split; first exact: mg_to_connected.
  move => p q. split => [coll_pq|->//].
  rewrite -[p](crK (Sf := (@imfun_of_surj _ M))).
  rewrite -[q](crK (Sf := (@imfun_of_surj _ M))).
  apply/Sub_eq. apply/nerodeP => w.
  rewrite -!(@classifier_to_dfa_correct _ M) !inE /dfa_accept !delta_cat.
  rewrite -!/(delta_s _ _) !classifier_to_dfa_delta !crK. exact: coll_pq.

We can cast mgClassifiers to equivalent languages

Lemma mg_eq_proof L1 L2 (N1 : mgClassifier L1) : L1 =i L2 -> nerode L2 N1.
Proof. move => H0 u v. split => [/nerodeP H1 w|H1].
  - by rewrite -!H0.
  - apply/nerodeP => w. by rewrite !H0.

Definition mg_eq L1 L2 N1 (H : L1 =i L2) := {| nerodeP := mg_eq_proof N1 H |}.

Minimal DFAs immediately give rise to most general classifiers.

Section mDFAtoMG.
  Variable A : dfa char.
  Variable MA : minimal A.

  Lemma minimal_nerode : nerode (dfa_lang A) (delta_s A).
  Proof using MA.
    move => u v. apply: iff_trans (iff_sym (minimal_collapsed MA _ _)) _.
    by split => H w; move: (H w); rewrite -!delta_cat !delta_lang.

  Definition minimal_classifier := {| classifier_fun := delta_s A |}.

  Definition dfa_to_mg := {|
    mg_classifier := minimal_classifier;
    nerodeP := minimal_nerode |}.
End mDFAtoMG.

End Clasifiers.