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(*       Copyright 2009-2011: Thomas Braibant, Damien Pous.               *)

This module aggregates all DKA* modules, to obtain the decision procedure for Kleene algebras kleene_reflexivity.

Require Import Common.
Require Import Classes.
Require Import Graph.
Require Import Converse.
Require Import DKA_Definitions.
Require DKA_CheckLabels.
Require DKA_Construction.
Require DKA_Epsilon.
Require DKA_Determinisation.
Require DKA_Merge.
Require DKA_DFA_Equiv.
Require StrictStarForm.
Require Reification.

Require Import List.

Definition word list positive.
Inductive CounterExample: Set
| NotLeq: word CounterExample
| NotGeq: word CounterExample
| DifferentAtomSets: CounterExample.

Definition X_to_DFA (a: regex)
  let a' StrictStarForm.ssf a in
  let A DKA_Construction.X_to_eNFA a' in
  let A DKA_Epsilon.eNFA_to_NFA A (DKA_Construction.well_founded (StrictStarForm.ssf_complete a)) in
  let A DKA_Determinisation.NFA_to_DFA A in

Definition translate_ce (ce: option (boolword))
  match ce with
    | None None
    | Some(b,w) Some ((if b then NotLeq else NotGeq) (List.rev w))

Notation clean RegExp.Clean.rewrite.

Definition decide_kleene a b
  let a clean a in
  let b clean b in
    if negb (DKA_CheckLabels.same_labels a b) then Some DifferentAtomSets
    else translate_ce (DKA_Merge.compare_DFAs DKA_DFA_Equiv.equiv (X_to_DFA a) (X_to_DFA b)).

Lemma X_to_DFA_correct: a, DFA.eval (X_to_DFA a) == a.
  intro a. unfold X_to_DFA.
  rewrite DKA_Determinisation.correct by apply DKA_Epsilon.bounded, DKA_Construction.bounded.
  rewrite DKA_Epsilon.correct by apply DKA_Construction.bounded.
  rewrite DKA_Construction.correct.
  apply StrictStarForm.ssf_correct.

Lemma X_to_DFA_bounded: a, DFA.bounded (X_to_DFA a).
  intro a. apply DKA_Determinisation.bounded, DKA_Epsilon.bounded, DKA_Construction.bounded.

Lemma X_to_DFA_labels: a b,
  DKA_CheckLabels.same_labels (clean a) (clean b) = true
  DFA.max_label (X_to_DFA (clean a)) = DFA.max_label (X_to_DFA (clean b)).
  intros. unfold X_to_DFA.
  rewrite 2 DKA_Determinisation.preserve_max_label.
  rewrite 2 DKA_Epsilon.preserve_max_label.
  apply DKA_Construction.same_labels_max_label.
  apply DKA_CheckLabels.same_labels_ssf.

Lemma translate_correct: ce, translate_ce ce = None ce = None.
Proof. intros [[b w]|]; simpl; intuition discriminate. Qed.

Theorem Kozen94: a b, decide_kleene a b = None a == b.
  unfold decide_kleene. intros a b.
  case_eq (DKA_CheckLabels.same_labels (clean a) (clean b)); simpl; intros Hm.

   rewrite translate_correct.
   rewrite DKA_Merge.correct; try apply X_to_DFA_bounded.
    setoid_rewrite X_to_DFA_correct.
    setoid_rewrite RegExp.Clean.correct.
    apply DKA_DFA_Equiv.correct.
    apply X_to_DFA_labels, Hm.

   split; intro H.
    discriminate H.
    exfalso. apply DKA_CheckLabels.complete in Hm. tauto.

(* Print Assumptions Kozen94. *)

Import RegExp.Untype.
Import Reification.

Corollary dk_erase_correct `{KA: KleeneAlgebra} {env: Env}:
   n m (a b: KA.X n m), decide_kleene (erase a) (erase b) = None KA.eval a == KA.eval b.
Proof. intros. apply erase_faithful. apply Kozen94. assumption. Qed.

Ltac display_counter_example e ce
  let eval_word w
    let rec build w
      lazymatch w with
      | nil fail 1
      | ?xnil constr:(Reification.unpack (@Reification.val _ e x))
      | ?x?q let q build q in constr:(q Reification.unpack (@Reification.val _ e x))
    let x build w in
    let x eval compute [e Reification.unpack Reification.tgt Reification.src
      Reification.sigma_get Reification.sigma_add Reification.sigma_empty
      FMapPositive.PositiveMap.find FMapPositive.PositiveMap.add
      FMapPositive.PositiveMap.empty Reification.val] in x
    in x
  match ce with
    | DifferentAtomSets fail 1 "Not a Kleene algebra theorem: different atom sets"
    | NotGeq ?w
      (try let u eval_word w in
        fail 2 "Not a Kleene Algebra theorem: " u "does not belong to the left-hand side");
      fail 1 "Not a Kleene Algebra theorem: the empty word (1) does not belong to the left-hand side"
    | NotLeq ?w
      (try let u eval_word w in
        fail 2 "Not a Kleene Algebra theorem: " u "does not belong to the right-hand side");
      fail 1 "Not a Kleene Algebra theorem: the empty word (1) does not belong to the right-hand side"

the tactic for solving Kleene algebras equations
Ltac kleene_reflexivity
  let e fresh "e" in
  unfold leq;
  kleene_reify; intros t e l r;
  apply dk_erase_correct; vm_compute;
  (reflexivity || lazymatch goal with |- Some ?w = None display_counter_example e w end).

extension to Kleene algebras with converse
Ltac ckleene_reflexivity converse_down; kleene_reflexivity.

Ltac kleene_ssf StrictStarForm.kleene_ssf.
Ltac kleene_clean_zeros Model_RegExp.kleene_clean_zeros.

Section test.

  Context `{KA: KleeneAlgebra}.

  Goal forall A B (a: X A B) (b: X B A), a*(b*a) == (a*b)*a.
    Time kleene_reflexivity.

  Goal forall A (a b: X A A), (a+b) == a*(b*a).
    Time kleene_reflexivity.

  Goal forall A (a b: X A A), a*b + a*b == a*b. intros. Time kleene_reflexivity. Abort. Goal forall A B (a c: X A B) (b: X B A), (a+c)*(b*a+b*c) == (a*b+c*b)*(a+c). intros. Time kleene_reflexivity. Abort. Goal forall A (a b: X A A), (a*b) == (a+b) . intros. try kleene_reflexivity. idtac. Abort. Goal forall A B (a: X A B) (b: X B A), a*(b*a) == (a*b)*a .
    try kleene_reflexivity.

  Goal forall A B (a: X A B) (b: X B A), a*b*a*b == a*b + a*b*a*b .
    try kleene_reflexivity.

  Goal forall A B (a: X A B) (b: X B A), a*b <== a*b*a*b.
    try kleene_reflexivity.

  Goal forall A B (a: X A B) (b: X B A) (c: X B B), a*c*(b*a) == (a*b)*a.
    try kleene_reflexivity.

  Goal forall A B (a: X A B) (b: X B A) (c: X B B), a*c*(b*a) == (a*b)*a*(1+c*0).
    try kleene_reflexivity.

  Goal forall A (a b: X A A), (a*0)*b == b+0*a+b*0. intros. kleene_clean_zeros. Abort. Goal forall A (a b: X A A), (a*0) <== b+0*a+0.
    intros. kleene_clean_zeros. 

  Goal forall A (a b: X A A), ((1+b)*(1+a)) == (a+b).
    intros. kleene_ssf. 
End test.

Section ctest.

  Context `{KA: ConverseKleeneAlgebra}.

  Goal forall A B (a: X A B) (b: X B A), a`*(a*b)` == (b*a)`*a`.
    Time ckleene_reflexivity.

End ctest.