From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Import preliminaries digraph sgraph.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".
Require Import preliminaries digraph sgraph.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".
Section Hereditary.
Variable (T : finType).
Implicit Types (p : pred {set T}) (F D : {set T}).
Definition hereditary p : bool := [forall (D : {set T} | p D), forall (F : {set T} | F \subset D), p F].
Definition superhereditary p : bool := hereditary [pred D | p (~: D)].
Proposition hereditaryP p :
reflect (forall D F : {set T}, (F \subset D) -> p D -> p F) (hereditary p).
apply: (iffP forall_inP) => [H1 D F FsubD pD|H2 D pD].
- exact: (forall_inP (H1 _ pD)).
- apply/forall_inP => F FsubD; exact: H2 pD.
Proposition superhereditaryP (p : pred {set T}) :
reflect (forall D F : {set T}, (D \subset F) -> p D -> p F) (superhereditary p).
apply: (iffP (hereditaryP _)) => /= sh_p D F.
all: by rewrite -setCS => /sh_p; rewrite ?setCK; auto.
Proposition maximal_indsysP p D : hereditary p ->
reflect (p D /\ forall v : T, v \notin D -> ~~ p (v |: D)) (maxset p D).
move/hereditaryP => p_hereditary; apply: (iffP maxset_properP).
- case => pD maxD; split => // v vD. apply: maxD.
by rewrite setUC properUl // sub1set.
- case => pD max1D; split => // A /properP [subA [v vA /max1D vD]].
apply: contraNN vD; apply: p_hereditary; by rewrite subUset sub1set vA.
Proposition minimal_indsysP p D : superhereditary p ->
reflect (p D /\ forall v : T, v \in D -> ~~ p (D :\ v)) (minset p D).
rewrite minmaxset => sh_p; apply: (iffP (maximal_indsysP _ _)) => //=.
all: rewrite ?setCK => -[pD H]; split => // v; move: (H v).
all: by rewrite !inE ?setCU ?setCK ?negbK setDE setIC.
End Hereditary.
Variable (T : finType).
Implicit Types (p : pred {set T}) (F D : {set T}).
Definition hereditary p : bool := [forall (D : {set T} | p D), forall (F : {set T} | F \subset D), p F].
Definition superhereditary p : bool := hereditary [pred D | p (~: D)].
Proposition hereditaryP p :
reflect (forall D F : {set T}, (F \subset D) -> p D -> p F) (hereditary p).
apply: (iffP forall_inP) => [H1 D F FsubD pD|H2 D pD].
- exact: (forall_inP (H1 _ pD)).
- apply/forall_inP => F FsubD; exact: H2 pD.
Proposition superhereditaryP (p : pred {set T}) :
reflect (forall D F : {set T}, (D \subset F) -> p D -> p F) (superhereditary p).
apply: (iffP (hereditaryP _)) => /= sh_p D F.
all: by rewrite -setCS => /sh_p; rewrite ?setCK; auto.
Proposition maximal_indsysP p D : hereditary p ->
reflect (p D /\ forall v : T, v \notin D -> ~~ p (v |: D)) (maxset p D).
move/hereditaryP => p_hereditary; apply: (iffP maxset_properP).
- case => pD maxD; split => // v vD. apply: maxD.
by rewrite setUC properUl // sub1set.
- case => pD max1D; split => // A /properP [subA [v vA /max1D vD]].
apply: contraNN vD; apply: p_hereditary; by rewrite subUset sub1set vA.
Proposition minimal_indsysP p D : superhereditary p ->
reflect (p D /\ forall v : T, v \in D -> ~~ p (D :\ v)) (minset p D).
rewrite minmaxset => sh_p; apply: (iffP (maximal_indsysP _ _)) => //=.
all: rewrite ?setCK => -[pD H]; split => // v; move: (H v).
all: by rewrite !inE ?setCU ?setCK ?negbK setDE setIC.
End Hereditary.
Section Weighted_Sets.
Variables (T : finType) (weight : T -> nat).
Implicit Types (A B S : {set T}) (p : pred {set T}).
Definition weight_set (S : {set T}) := \sum_(v in S) weight v.
Let W := weight_set.
Lemma leqwset A B : A \subset B -> W A <= W B.
Proof. move=> AsubB ; by rewrite [X in _ <= X](big_setID A) /= (setIidPr AsubB) leq_addr. Qed.
Hypothesis positive_weights : forall v : T, weight v > 0.
Lemma wset0 A : (A == set0) = (W A == 0).
- move=> Dempty ; rewrite /weight_set.
move: Dempty ->. exact: big_set0.
- move=> /eqP weightzero.
apply/eqP ; move: weightzero.
apply: contraLR => /set0Pn. elim=> x xinD.
apply: lt0n_neq0 ; rewrite /W /weight_set (bigD1 x) //=.
Lemma ltnwset A B : A \proper B -> W A < W B.
move => /properP [AsubB].
elim=> x xinB xnotinA.
rewrite {2}/W /weight_set (big_setID A) /= (setIidPr AsubB).
rewrite -[X in X <= _]addn0 addSn -addnS leq_add2l lt0n.
rewrite -/(weight_set _) -wset0.
by apply/set0Pn; exists x; apply/setDP.
(* Sets of minimum/maximum weight *)
Lemma maxweight_maxset p A : p A -> (forall B, p B -> W B <= W A) -> maxset p A.
move => pA maxA. apply/maxset_properP; split => // B /ltnwset; rewrite ltnNge.
Lemma minweight_minset p A : p A -> (forall B, p B -> W A <= W B) -> minset p A.
move => pA minA; apply/minset_properP; split => // B /ltnwset; rewrite ltnNge.
Lemma arg_maxset p A : p A -> maxset p (arg_max A p W).
Proof. by move => pA; apply/maxweight_maxset; case: arg_maxnP. Qed.
Lemma arg_minset p A : p A -> minset p (arg_min A p W).
Proof. by move => pA ; apply/minweight_minset; case: arg_minnP. Qed.
End Weighted_Sets.
Section Domination_Theory.
Variable G : sgraph.
Section Stable_Set.
Variable S : {set G}.
Definition stable : bool := [disjoint NS(S) & S].
Local Lemma stableP_alt :
reflect {in S&, forall u v, ~~ u -- v} [forall u in S, forall v in S, ~~ (u -- v)].
Proof. apply: equivP (in11_in2 S S). do 2 (apply: forall_inPP => ?). exact: idP. Qed.
Lemma stableEedge : stable = [forall u in S, forall v in S, ~~ (u -- v)].
symmetry ; rewrite /stable ; apply/stableP_alt/disjointP => stS.
- move => x /bigcupP [y yS adjyx] xS.
move: adjyx. rewrite in_opn. apply/negP. by apply: stS.
- move => x y xS yS. apply/negP => adjxy.
exact: (stS y (mem_opns xS adjxy) yS).
Proposition stableP : reflect {in S&, forall u v, ~~ u -- v} stable.
Proof. rewrite stableEedge ; exact: stableP_alt. Qed.
Proposition stablePn : reflect (exists x y, [/\ x \in S, y \in S & x -- y]) (~~ stable).
rewrite stableEedge.
set E := exists _, _.
have EE : (exists2 x, x \in S & exists2 y, y \in S & x -- y) <-> E by firstorder.
rewrite !negb_forall_in; apply: equivP EE; apply: exists_inPP => x.
rewrite negb_forall_in; apply: exists_inPP => y. exact: negPn.
End Stable_Set.
(* the empty set is stable *)
Lemma stable0 : stable set0.
Proof. by apply/stableP=> ? ? ; rewrite in_set0. Qed.
Lemma stable1 x : stable [set x].
Proof. by apply/stableP => ? ? /set1P -> /set1P ->; rewrite sgP. Qed.
(* if D is stable, any subset of D is also stable *)
Lemma st_hereditary : hereditary stable.
move=> D F FsubD /stableP Dstable.
apply/stableP => u v uinF vinF.
move: (subsetP FsubD u uinF) => uinD.
move: (subsetP FsubD v vinF) => vinD.
exact: Dstable.
(* TOTHINK: do we need that hereditary is a boolean predicate? *)
Lemma sub_stable (B A : {set G}) :
A \subset B -> stable B -> stable A.
move => subAB stB. exact: (hereditaryP _ st_hereditary _ _ subAB).
Section Dominating_Set.
Variable D : {set G}.
Definition dominating : bool := [forall v, v \in NS[D]].
Local Lemma dominatingP_alt : reflect
(forall v : G, v \notin D -> exists2 u : G, u \in D & u -- v)
[forall (v | v \notin D), exists u in D, u -- v].
Proof. apply: forall_inPP => v; exact: exists_inP. Qed.
Lemma dominatingEedge : dominating = [forall (v | v \notin D), exists u in D, u -- v].
apply/forallP/forall_inP => [H v vND |H v].
- have [u udomv] := bigcupP (H v).
rewrite in_cln; case/predU1P => [?|uv]; first by subst;contrab.
by apply/exists_inP; exists u.
- case: (boolP (v \in D)) => [|/H/exists_inP[u uD uv]]; last exact: mem_clns uv.
Proposition dominatingP : reflect
(forall v : G, v \notin D -> exists2 u : G, u \in D & u -- v) dominating.
Proof. rewrite dominatingEedge; apply/dominatingP_alt. Qed.
Lemma dominatingPn :
reflect (exists2 v : G, v \notin D & {in D, forall u, ~~ u -- v}) (~~ dominating).
rewrite dominatingEedge negb_forall_in.
apply: exists_inPP => x; exact: exists_inPn.
End Dominating_Set.
(* V(G) is dominating *)
Lemma domT : dominating [set: G].
Proof. apply/forallP => x. exact: (subsetP (set_sub_clns _)). Qed.
(* if D is dominating, any supraset of D is also dominating *)
Lemma dom_superhereditary : superhereditary dominating.
apply/superhereditaryP => D F /subsetP DsubF /dominatingP Ddom.
apply/dominatingP => v vnotinF.
have/Ddom [w winD wv]: v \notin D by apply: contraNN vnotinF; exact: DsubF.
exists w => //; exact: DsubF.
Section Irredundant_Set.
Variable D : {set G}.
Implicit Types x y v w : G.
Definition private_set (v : G) := N[v] :\: NS[D :\ v].
Lemma privateP v w :
reflect (v -*- w /\ {in D, forall u, u -*- w -> u = v}) (w \in private_set v).
apply: (iffP setDP); rewrite !in_cln => -[v_dom_w H]; split => //.
- move => u inD u_dom_w; apply: contraNeq H => uDv.
apply/bigcupP; exists u; by [exact/setD1P|rewrite in_cln].
- apply/negP => /bigcupP [u /setD1P [uDv /H]]. rewrite in_cln => X {}/X.
Definition irredundant : bool := [forall v : G, (v \in D) ==> (private_set v != set0)].
Proposition irredundantP: reflect {in D, forall v, (private_set v != set0)} irredundant.
rewrite /irredundant ; apply: (iffP forallP).
- move=> H1 v vinD. by move/implyP: (H1 v) => /(_ vinD).
- move=> H2 v. apply/implyP=> vinD. by move: (H2 v vinD).
Proposition irredundantPn : reflect (exists2 v, v \in D & private_set v == set0) (~~ irredundant).
rewrite /irredundant ; apply: (iffP forall_inPn) ; last first.
- case => x xinD H1. by exists x ; rewrite ?xinD ?H1.
- case => x xinD H2; rewrite negbK in H2. by exists x.
End Irredundant_Set.
(* the empty set is irredundant *)
Lemma irr0 : irredundant set0.
Proof. apply/irredundantP => v ; by rewrite in_set0. Qed.
(* if D is irredundant, any subset of D is also irredundant *)
Lemma irr_hereditary : hereditary irredundant.
move=> D F FsubD /irredundantP Dirr.
apply/irredundantP => v vinF.
move: (subsetP FsubD v vinF) => vinD.
move: (Dirr v vinD).
case/set0Pn => x /privateP [vdomx H1]. apply/set0Pn; exists x.
apply/privateP ; split=> //.
move=> u uinF udomx. move: (subsetP FsubD u uinF) => uinD.
exact: (H1 u uinD udomx).
Variable S : {set G}.
Definition stable : bool := [disjoint NS(S) & S].
Local Lemma stableP_alt :
reflect {in S&, forall u v, ~~ u -- v} [forall u in S, forall v in S, ~~ (u -- v)].
Proof. apply: equivP (in11_in2 S S). do 2 (apply: forall_inPP => ?). exact: idP. Qed.
Lemma stableEedge : stable = [forall u in S, forall v in S, ~~ (u -- v)].
symmetry ; rewrite /stable ; apply/stableP_alt/disjointP => stS.
- move => x /bigcupP [y yS adjyx] xS.
move: adjyx. rewrite in_opn. apply/negP. by apply: stS.
- move => x y xS yS. apply/negP => adjxy.
exact: (stS y (mem_opns xS adjxy) yS).
Proposition stableP : reflect {in S&, forall u v, ~~ u -- v} stable.
Proof. rewrite stableEedge ; exact: stableP_alt. Qed.
Proposition stablePn : reflect (exists x y, [/\ x \in S, y \in S & x -- y]) (~~ stable).
rewrite stableEedge.
set E := exists _, _.
have EE : (exists2 x, x \in S & exists2 y, y \in S & x -- y) <-> E by firstorder.
rewrite !negb_forall_in; apply: equivP EE; apply: exists_inPP => x.
rewrite negb_forall_in; apply: exists_inPP => y. exact: negPn.
End Stable_Set.
(* the empty set is stable *)
Lemma stable0 : stable set0.
Proof. by apply/stableP=> ? ? ; rewrite in_set0. Qed.
Lemma stable1 x : stable [set x].
Proof. by apply/stableP => ? ? /set1P -> /set1P ->; rewrite sgP. Qed.
(* if D is stable, any subset of D is also stable *)
Lemma st_hereditary : hereditary stable.
move=> D F FsubD /stableP Dstable.
apply/stableP => u v uinF vinF.
move: (subsetP FsubD u uinF) => uinD.
move: (subsetP FsubD v vinF) => vinD.
exact: Dstable.
(* TOTHINK: do we need that hereditary is a boolean predicate? *)
Lemma sub_stable (B A : {set G}) :
A \subset B -> stable B -> stable A.
move => subAB stB. exact: (hereditaryP _ st_hereditary _ _ subAB).
Section Dominating_Set.
Variable D : {set G}.
Definition dominating : bool := [forall v, v \in NS[D]].
Local Lemma dominatingP_alt : reflect
(forall v : G, v \notin D -> exists2 u : G, u \in D & u -- v)
[forall (v | v \notin D), exists u in D, u -- v].
Proof. apply: forall_inPP => v; exact: exists_inP. Qed.
Lemma dominatingEedge : dominating = [forall (v | v \notin D), exists u in D, u -- v].
apply/forallP/forall_inP => [H v vND |H v].
- have [u udomv] := bigcupP (H v).
rewrite in_cln; case/predU1P => [?|uv]; first by subst;contrab.
by apply/exists_inP; exists u.
- case: (boolP (v \in D)) => [|/H/exists_inP[u uD uv]]; last exact: mem_clns uv.
Proposition dominatingP : reflect
(forall v : G, v \notin D -> exists2 u : G, u \in D & u -- v) dominating.
Proof. rewrite dominatingEedge; apply/dominatingP_alt. Qed.
Lemma dominatingPn :
reflect (exists2 v : G, v \notin D & {in D, forall u, ~~ u -- v}) (~~ dominating).
rewrite dominatingEedge negb_forall_in.
apply: exists_inPP => x; exact: exists_inPn.
End Dominating_Set.
(* V(G) is dominating *)
Lemma domT : dominating [set: G].
Proof. apply/forallP => x. exact: (subsetP (set_sub_clns _)). Qed.
(* if D is dominating, any supraset of D is also dominating *)
Lemma dom_superhereditary : superhereditary dominating.
apply/superhereditaryP => D F /subsetP DsubF /dominatingP Ddom.
apply/dominatingP => v vnotinF.
have/Ddom [w winD wv]: v \notin D by apply: contraNN vnotinF; exact: DsubF.
exists w => //; exact: DsubF.
Section Irredundant_Set.
Variable D : {set G}.
Implicit Types x y v w : G.
Definition private_set (v : G) := N[v] :\: NS[D :\ v].
Lemma privateP v w :
reflect (v -*- w /\ {in D, forall u, u -*- w -> u = v}) (w \in private_set v).
apply: (iffP setDP); rewrite !in_cln => -[v_dom_w H]; split => //.
- move => u inD u_dom_w; apply: contraNeq H => uDv.
apply/bigcupP; exists u; by [exact/setD1P|rewrite in_cln].
- apply/negP => /bigcupP [u /setD1P [uDv /H]]. rewrite in_cln => X {}/X.
Definition irredundant : bool := [forall v : G, (v \in D) ==> (private_set v != set0)].
Proposition irredundantP: reflect {in D, forall v, (private_set v != set0)} irredundant.
rewrite /irredundant ; apply: (iffP forallP).
- move=> H1 v vinD. by move/implyP: (H1 v) => /(_ vinD).
- move=> H2 v. apply/implyP=> vinD. by move: (H2 v vinD).
Proposition irredundantPn : reflect (exists2 v, v \in D & private_set v == set0) (~~ irredundant).
rewrite /irredundant ; apply: (iffP forall_inPn) ; last first.
- case => x xinD H1. by exists x ; rewrite ?xinD ?H1.
- case => x xinD H2; rewrite negbK in H2. by exists x.
End Irredundant_Set.
(* the empty set is irredundant *)
Lemma irr0 : irredundant set0.
Proof. apply/irredundantP => v ; by rewrite in_set0. Qed.
(* if D is irredundant, any subset of D is also irredundant *)
Lemma irr_hereditary : hereditary irredundant.
move=> D F FsubD /irredundantP Dirr.
apply/irredundantP => v vinF.
move: (subsetP FsubD v vinF) => vinD.
move: (Dirr v vinD).
case/set0Pn => x /privateP [vdomx H1]. apply/set0Pn; exists x.
apply/privateP ; split=> //.
move=> u uinF udomx. move: (subsetP FsubD u uinF) => uinD.
exact: (H1 u uinD udomx).
Section Relations_between_stable_dominating_irredundant_sets.
Variable D : {set G}.
(* A stable set D is maximal iff D is stable and dominating
* See Prop. 3.5 of Fundamentals of Domination *)
Theorem maximal_st_iff_st_dom : maxset stable D <-> (stable D /\ dominating D).
rewrite -(rwP (maximal_indsysP _ st_hereditary)).
rewrite /iff ; split ; last first.
- move=> [ stableD /dominatingP dominatingD].
split => // v vnotinD.
have [w winD adjwv] := dominatingD _ vnotinD.
apply/stablePn; exists v; exists w.
by rewrite !inE eqxx winD sgP adjwv orbT.
- move => [stableD H1]; split=> //.
apply/dominatingP => x xnotinD.
have/stablePn [w [z [winDcupx zinDcupx adjwz]]] := H1 x xnotinD.
case: (eqVneq z x) => [zisx|zisnotx].
+ by subst z; exists w => //; rewrite !inE (sg_edgeNeq adjwz) in winDcupx.
+ have zinD : z \in D by rewrite !inE (negbTE zisnotx) /= in zinDcupx.
exists z => //.
move: winDcupx; rewrite in_setU in_set1.
case/predU1P => [|winD]; first by move<- ; rewrite sg_sym adjwz.
have := stableP D stableD w z winD zinD.
apply: contraR. by rewrite adjwz.
(* A maximal stable set is minimal dominating
* See Prop. 3.6 of Fundamentals of Domination *)
Theorem maximal_st_is_minimal_dom : maxset stable D -> minset dominating D.
rewrite maximal_st_iff_st_dom => -[/stableP stableD dominatingD].
apply/(minimal_indsysP _ dom_superhereditary); split=> // x xinD.
apply/dominatingPn ; exists x ; first by rewrite in_setD1 eqxx andFb.
move=> y /setD1P [_ yinD]. exact: stableD.
(* A dominating set D is minimal iff D is dominating and irredundant
* See Prop. 3.8 of Fundamentals of Domination *)
Theorem minimal_dom_iff_dom_irr : minset dominating D <-> (dominating D /\ irredundant D).
rewrite -(rwP (minimal_indsysP _ dom_superhereditary)); split ; last first.
- move=> [dominatingD /irredundantP irredundantD]; split => // v vinD.
have/set0Pn [w /privateP [vdomw H1]] := irredundantD v vinD.
apply/dominatingPn; exists w.
+ rewrite in_setD1 negb_and negbK orbC.
case: (boolP (w \in D)) => //= /H1 -> //. exact: dominates_refl.
+ move=> u /setD1P [uneqv uinD].
apply: contra_neqN uneqv => uv.
by apply: H1 => //; rewrite /dominates uv orbT.
- move => [dominatingD H2] ; split=> //.
apply/irredundantP => v vinD.
have/dominatingPn[w wnotinDminusv H3] := H2 v vinD.
apply/set0Pn; exists w; apply/privateP ; split ; last first.
+ move=> u uinD udomw.
apply: contraTeq udomw => uneqv.
have uinDminusv : u \in D :\ v by rewrite in_setD1 uneqv uinD.
rewrite /dominates negb_or (H3 u uinDminusv) andbT.
by apply: contraNneq wnotinDminusv => <-.
+ rewrite /dominates ; case: (boolP (v == w)) => //= vneqw.
move: wnotinDminusv ; rewrite in_setD1 eq_sym vneqw andTb => wnotinD.
have [u uinD] := dominatingP _ dominatingD w wnotinD.
case: (boolP (u == v)) => [|uneqv] ; first by move/eqP->.
have uinDminusv : u \in D :\ v by rewrite in_setD1 uneqv uinD.
by rewrite (negbTE (H3 u uinDminusv)).
(* A minimal dominating set is maximal irredundant
* See Prop. 3.9 of Fundamentals of Domination *)
Theorem minimal_dom_is_maximal_irr : minset dominating D -> maxset irredundant D.
rewrite minimal_dom_iff_dom_irr -(rwP (maximal_indsysP _ irr_hereditary)).
move=> [dominatingD irredundantD]; split=> // v vnotinD.
apply/irredundantPn; exists v; first by rewrite in_setU1 eqxx.
apply: contraNT vnotinD => /set0Pn [x /privateP [vdomx xpriv]].
have/bigcupP [u uinD udomx] := forallP dominatingD x.
by rewrite -[v](xpriv u) -?in_cln // inE uinD orbT.
End Relations_between_stable_dominating_irredundant_sets.
Section Existence_of_stable_dominating_irredundant_sets.
(* Definitions of "maximal stable", "minimal dominating" and "maximal irredundant" sets *)
Definition max_st := maxset stable.
Definition min_dom := minset dominating.
Definition max_irr := maxset irredundant.
(* Inhabitants that are "maximal stable", "minimal dominating" and "maximal irredundant"
* Recall that ex_minimal and ex_maximal requires a proof of an inhabitant of "stable",
* "dominating" and "irredudant" to be able to generate the maximal/minimal set. *)
Definition inhb_max_st := s2val (maxset_exists stable0).
Definition inhb_min_dom := s2val (minset_exists domT).
Definition inhb_max_irr := s2val (maxset_exists irr0).
Lemma inhb_max_st_is_maximal_stable : max_st inhb_max_st.
Proof. exact: (s2valP (maxset_exists stable0)). Qed.
Lemma inhb_min_dom_is_minimal_dominating : min_dom inhb_min_dom.
Proof. exact: (s2valP (minset_exists domT)). Qed.
Lemma inhb_max_irr_is_maximal_irredundant : max_irr inhb_max_irr.
Proof. exact: (s2valP (maxset_exists irr0)). Qed.
End Existence_of_stable_dominating_irredundant_sets.
Section Weighted_domination_parameters.
Variable weight : G -> nat.
Hypothesis positive_weights : forall v : G, weight v > 0.
Let W := weight_set weight.
(* Definition of weighted parameters. *)
Definition ir_w : nat := W (arg_min inhb_max_irr max_irr W).
Fact ir_min D : max_irr D -> ir_w <= W D.
rewrite /ir_w.
by case: (arg_minnP W inhb_max_irr_is_maximal_irredundant) => A _ ; apply.
Fact ir_witness : exists2 D, max_irr D & W D = ir_w.
rewrite /ir_w.
case: (arg_minnP W inhb_max_irr_is_maximal_irredundant) => D.
by exists D.
Fact ir_minset D : max_irr D -> W D = ir_w -> minset max_irr D.
move => max_irrD irD; apply: minweight_minset => // A.
rewrite -/W irD; exact: ir_min.
Definition gamma_w : nat := W (arg_min setT dominating W).
Fact gamma_min D : dominating D -> gamma_w <= W D.
Proof. rewrite /gamma_w. case: (arg_minnP W domT) => A _ ; apply. Qed.
Fact gamma_witness : exists2 D, dominating D & W D = gamma_w.
rewrite /gamma_w.
case: (arg_minnP W domT) => D.
by exists D.
Fact gamma_minset D : dominating D -> W D = gamma_w -> minset dominating D.
move => domD gammaD; apply: minweight_minset => // A.
rewrite -/W gammaD; exact: gamma_min.
Definition ii_w : nat := W (arg_min inhb_max_st max_st W).
Fact ii_min S : max_st S -> ii_w <= W S.
rewrite /ii_w.
by case: (arg_minnP W inhb_max_st_is_maximal_stable) => A _ ; apply.
Fact ii_witness : exists2 S, max_st S & W S = ii_w.
rewrite /ii_w.
case: (arg_minnP W inhb_max_st_is_maximal_stable) => S.
by exists S.
Fact ii_minset D : max_st D -> W D = ii_w -> minset max_st D.
move => max_stD iiD; apply: minweight_minset => // A.
rewrite -/W iiD; exact: ii_min.
Definition alpha_w : nat := W (arg_max set0 stable W).
Fact alpha_max S : stable S -> W S <= alpha_w.
Proof. by move: S; rewrite /alpha_w; case: (arg_maxnP W stable0). Qed.
Fact alpha_witness : exists2 S, stable S & W S = alpha_w.
Proof. by rewrite /alpha_w; case: (arg_maxnP W stable0) => A; exists A. Qed.
Fact alpha_maxset S : stable S -> W S = alpha_w -> maxset stable S.
move => stS alphaS; apply: maxweight_maxset => // A.
rewrite -/W alphaS; exact: alpha_max.
Definition Gamma_w : nat := W (arg_max inhb_min_dom min_dom W).
Fact Gamma_max D : min_dom D -> W D <= Gamma_w.
move: D ; rewrite /Gamma_w.
by case: (arg_maxnP W inhb_min_dom_is_minimal_dominating).
Fact Gamma_witness : exists2 D, min_dom D & W D = Gamma_w.
rewrite /Gamma_w.
case: (arg_maxnP W inhb_min_dom_is_minimal_dominating) => D.
by exists D.
Fact Gamma_maxset D : min_dom D -> W D = Gamma_w -> maxset min_dom D.
move => min_domD GammaD; apply: maxweight_maxset => // A.
rewrite -/W GammaD; exact: Gamma_max.
Definition IR_w : nat := W (arg_max set0 irredundant W).
Fact IR_max D : irredundant D -> W D <= IR_w.
Proof. by move: D; rewrite /IR_w; case: (arg_maxnP W irr0). Qed.
Fact IR_witness : exists2 D, irredundant D & W D = IR_w.
Proof. by rewrite /IR_w; case: (arg_maxnP W irr0) => D; exists D. Qed.
Fact IR_maxset D : irredundant D -> W D = IR_w -> maxset irredundant D.
move => irrD IRD; apply: maxweight_maxset => // A.
rewrite -/W IRD; exact: IR_max.
Variable D : {set G}.
(* A stable set D is maximal iff D is stable and dominating
* See Prop. 3.5 of Fundamentals of Domination *)
Theorem maximal_st_iff_st_dom : maxset stable D <-> (stable D /\ dominating D).
rewrite -(rwP (maximal_indsysP _ st_hereditary)).
rewrite /iff ; split ; last first.
- move=> [ stableD /dominatingP dominatingD].
split => // v vnotinD.
have [w winD adjwv] := dominatingD _ vnotinD.
apply/stablePn; exists v; exists w.
by rewrite !inE eqxx winD sgP adjwv orbT.
- move => [stableD H1]; split=> //.
apply/dominatingP => x xnotinD.
have/stablePn [w [z [winDcupx zinDcupx adjwz]]] := H1 x xnotinD.
case: (eqVneq z x) => [zisx|zisnotx].
+ by subst z; exists w => //; rewrite !inE (sg_edgeNeq adjwz) in winDcupx.
+ have zinD : z \in D by rewrite !inE (negbTE zisnotx) /= in zinDcupx.
exists z => //.
move: winDcupx; rewrite in_setU in_set1.
case/predU1P => [|winD]; first by move<- ; rewrite sg_sym adjwz.
have := stableP D stableD w z winD zinD.
apply: contraR. by rewrite adjwz.
(* A maximal stable set is minimal dominating
* See Prop. 3.6 of Fundamentals of Domination *)
Theorem maximal_st_is_minimal_dom : maxset stable D -> minset dominating D.
rewrite maximal_st_iff_st_dom => -[/stableP stableD dominatingD].
apply/(minimal_indsysP _ dom_superhereditary); split=> // x xinD.
apply/dominatingPn ; exists x ; first by rewrite in_setD1 eqxx andFb.
move=> y /setD1P [_ yinD]. exact: stableD.
(* A dominating set D is minimal iff D is dominating and irredundant
* See Prop. 3.8 of Fundamentals of Domination *)
Theorem minimal_dom_iff_dom_irr : minset dominating D <-> (dominating D /\ irredundant D).
rewrite -(rwP (minimal_indsysP _ dom_superhereditary)); split ; last first.
- move=> [dominatingD /irredundantP irredundantD]; split => // v vinD.
have/set0Pn [w /privateP [vdomw H1]] := irredundantD v vinD.
apply/dominatingPn; exists w.
+ rewrite in_setD1 negb_and negbK orbC.
case: (boolP (w \in D)) => //= /H1 -> //. exact: dominates_refl.
+ move=> u /setD1P [uneqv uinD].
apply: contra_neqN uneqv => uv.
by apply: H1 => //; rewrite /dominates uv orbT.
- move => [dominatingD H2] ; split=> //.
apply/irredundantP => v vinD.
have/dominatingPn[w wnotinDminusv H3] := H2 v vinD.
apply/set0Pn; exists w; apply/privateP ; split ; last first.
+ move=> u uinD udomw.
apply: contraTeq udomw => uneqv.
have uinDminusv : u \in D :\ v by rewrite in_setD1 uneqv uinD.
rewrite /dominates negb_or (H3 u uinDminusv) andbT.
by apply: contraNneq wnotinDminusv => <-.
+ rewrite /dominates ; case: (boolP (v == w)) => //= vneqw.
move: wnotinDminusv ; rewrite in_setD1 eq_sym vneqw andTb => wnotinD.
have [u uinD] := dominatingP _ dominatingD w wnotinD.
case: (boolP (u == v)) => [|uneqv] ; first by move/eqP->.
have uinDminusv : u \in D :\ v by rewrite in_setD1 uneqv uinD.
by rewrite (negbTE (H3 u uinDminusv)).
(* A minimal dominating set is maximal irredundant
* See Prop. 3.9 of Fundamentals of Domination *)
Theorem minimal_dom_is_maximal_irr : minset dominating D -> maxset irredundant D.
rewrite minimal_dom_iff_dom_irr -(rwP (maximal_indsysP _ irr_hereditary)).
move=> [dominatingD irredundantD]; split=> // v vnotinD.
apply/irredundantPn; exists v; first by rewrite in_setU1 eqxx.
apply: contraNT vnotinD => /set0Pn [x /privateP [vdomx xpriv]].
have/bigcupP [u uinD udomx] := forallP dominatingD x.
by rewrite -[v](xpriv u) -?in_cln // inE uinD orbT.
End Relations_between_stable_dominating_irredundant_sets.
Section Existence_of_stable_dominating_irredundant_sets.
(* Definitions of "maximal stable", "minimal dominating" and "maximal irredundant" sets *)
Definition max_st := maxset stable.
Definition min_dom := minset dominating.
Definition max_irr := maxset irredundant.
(* Inhabitants that are "maximal stable", "minimal dominating" and "maximal irredundant"
* Recall that ex_minimal and ex_maximal requires a proof of an inhabitant of "stable",
* "dominating" and "irredudant" to be able to generate the maximal/minimal set. *)
Definition inhb_max_st := s2val (maxset_exists stable0).
Definition inhb_min_dom := s2val (minset_exists domT).
Definition inhb_max_irr := s2val (maxset_exists irr0).
Lemma inhb_max_st_is_maximal_stable : max_st inhb_max_st.
Proof. exact: (s2valP (maxset_exists stable0)). Qed.
Lemma inhb_min_dom_is_minimal_dominating : min_dom inhb_min_dom.
Proof. exact: (s2valP (minset_exists domT)). Qed.
Lemma inhb_max_irr_is_maximal_irredundant : max_irr inhb_max_irr.
Proof. exact: (s2valP (maxset_exists irr0)). Qed.
End Existence_of_stable_dominating_irredundant_sets.
Section Weighted_domination_parameters.
Variable weight : G -> nat.
Hypothesis positive_weights : forall v : G, weight v > 0.
Let W := weight_set weight.
(* Definition of weighted parameters. *)
Definition ir_w : nat := W (arg_min inhb_max_irr max_irr W).
Fact ir_min D : max_irr D -> ir_w <= W D.
rewrite /ir_w.
by case: (arg_minnP W inhb_max_irr_is_maximal_irredundant) => A _ ; apply.
Fact ir_witness : exists2 D, max_irr D & W D = ir_w.
rewrite /ir_w.
case: (arg_minnP W inhb_max_irr_is_maximal_irredundant) => D.
by exists D.
Fact ir_minset D : max_irr D -> W D = ir_w -> minset max_irr D.
move => max_irrD irD; apply: minweight_minset => // A.
rewrite -/W irD; exact: ir_min.
Definition gamma_w : nat := W (arg_min setT dominating W).
Fact gamma_min D : dominating D -> gamma_w <= W D.
Proof. rewrite /gamma_w. case: (arg_minnP W domT) => A _ ; apply. Qed.
Fact gamma_witness : exists2 D, dominating D & W D = gamma_w.
rewrite /gamma_w.
case: (arg_minnP W domT) => D.
by exists D.
Fact gamma_minset D : dominating D -> W D = gamma_w -> minset dominating D.
move => domD gammaD; apply: minweight_minset => // A.
rewrite -/W gammaD; exact: gamma_min.
Definition ii_w : nat := W (arg_min inhb_max_st max_st W).
Fact ii_min S : max_st S -> ii_w <= W S.
rewrite /ii_w.
by case: (arg_minnP W inhb_max_st_is_maximal_stable) => A _ ; apply.
Fact ii_witness : exists2 S, max_st S & W S = ii_w.
rewrite /ii_w.
case: (arg_minnP W inhb_max_st_is_maximal_stable) => S.
by exists S.
Fact ii_minset D : max_st D -> W D = ii_w -> minset max_st D.
move => max_stD iiD; apply: minweight_minset => // A.
rewrite -/W iiD; exact: ii_min.
Definition alpha_w : nat := W (arg_max set0 stable W).
Fact alpha_max S : stable S -> W S <= alpha_w.
Proof. by move: S; rewrite /alpha_w; case: (arg_maxnP W stable0). Qed.
Fact alpha_witness : exists2 S, stable S & W S = alpha_w.
Proof. by rewrite /alpha_w; case: (arg_maxnP W stable0) => A; exists A. Qed.
Fact alpha_maxset S : stable S -> W S = alpha_w -> maxset stable S.
move => stS alphaS; apply: maxweight_maxset => // A.
rewrite -/W alphaS; exact: alpha_max.
Definition Gamma_w : nat := W (arg_max inhb_min_dom min_dom W).
Fact Gamma_max D : min_dom D -> W D <= Gamma_w.
move: D ; rewrite /Gamma_w.
by case: (arg_maxnP W inhb_min_dom_is_minimal_dominating).
Fact Gamma_witness : exists2 D, min_dom D & W D = Gamma_w.
rewrite /Gamma_w.
case: (arg_maxnP W inhb_min_dom_is_minimal_dominating) => D.
by exists D.
Fact Gamma_maxset D : min_dom D -> W D = Gamma_w -> maxset min_dom D.
move => min_domD GammaD; apply: maxweight_maxset => // A.
rewrite -/W GammaD; exact: Gamma_max.
Definition IR_w : nat := W (arg_max set0 irredundant W).
Fact IR_max D : irredundant D -> W D <= IR_w.
Proof. by move: D; rewrite /IR_w; case: (arg_maxnP W irr0). Qed.
Fact IR_witness : exists2 D, irredundant D & W D = IR_w.
Proof. by rewrite /IR_w; case: (arg_maxnP W irr0) => D; exists D. Qed.
Fact IR_maxset D : irredundant D -> W D = IR_w -> maxset irredundant D.
move => irrD IRD; apply: maxweight_maxset => // A.
rewrite -/W IRD; exact: IR_max.
Proposition ir_w_leq_gamma_w : ir_w <= gamma_w.
rewrite /gamma_w.
have [D domD minWD] := arg_minnP W domT.
have min_domD := minweight_minset positive_weights domD minWD.
have max_irrD := minimal_dom_is_maximal_irr min_domD.
exact: ir_min.
Proposition gamma_w_leq_ii_w : gamma_w <= ii_w.
rewrite /ii_w.
have [S max_stS _] := arg_minnP W inhb_max_st_is_maximal_stable.
have domS := minsetp (maximal_st_is_minimal_dom max_stS).
exact: gamma_min.
Proposition ii_w_leq_alpha_w : ii_w <= alpha_w.
rewrite /alpha_w.
have [S stS maxWS] := arg_maxnP W stable0.
have max_stS := maxweight_maxset positive_weights stS maxWS.
exact: ii_min.
Proposition alpha_w_leq_Gamma_w : alpha_w <= Gamma_w.
rewrite /alpha_w.
have [S stS maxWS] := arg_maxnP W stable0.
have max_stS := maxweight_maxset positive_weights stS maxWS.
have min_domS := maximal_st_is_minimal_dom max_stS.
exact: Gamma_max.
Proposition Gamma_w_leq_IR_w : Gamma_w <= IR_w.
rewrite /Gamma_w.
have [D min_domD _] := arg_maxnP W inhb_min_dom_is_minimal_dominating.
have irrD := maxsetp (minimal_dom_is_maximal_irr min_domD).
exact: IR_max.
Theorem Cockayne_Hedetniemi_chain_w:
sorted leq [:: ir_w; gamma_w; ii_w; alpha_w; Gamma_w; IR_w].
rewrite /sorted /= ir_w_leq_gamma_w gamma_w_leq_ii_w ii_w_leq_alpha_w.
by rewrite alpha_w_leq_Gamma_w Gamma_w_leq_IR_w.
(* Usage: apply: (Cockayne_Hedetniemi_w i j) with i,j concrete
indices into the above list i < j *)
Definition Cockayne_Hedetniemi_w_leq :=
@sorted_leq_nth nat leq leq_trans leqnn 0 _ Cockayne_Hedetniemi_chain_w.
Notation Cockayne_Hedetniemi_w i j :=
(@Cockayne_Hedetniemi_w_leq i j erefl erefl erefl).
Let gamma_w_leq_Gamma_w: gamma_w <= Gamma_w.
Proof. exact: (Cockayne_Hedetniemi_w 1 4). Qed.
End Weighted_domination_parameters.
(* "argument" policy:
every weighted parameter requires a graph, the weight vector and a proof that their
components are positive *)
Arguments ir_w : clear implicits.
Arguments gamma_w : clear implicits.
Arguments ii_w : clear implicits.
Arguments alpha_w : clear implicits.
Arguments Gamma_w : clear implicits.
Arguments IR_w : clear implicits.
Proof. exact: (Cockayne_Hedetniemi_w 1 4). Qed.
End Weighted_domination_parameters.
(* "argument" policy:
every weighted parameter requires a graph, the weight vector and a proof that their
components are positive *)
Arguments ir_w : clear implicits.
Arguments gamma_w : clear implicits.
Arguments ii_w : clear implicits.
Arguments alpha_w : clear implicits.
Arguments Gamma_w : clear implicits.
Arguments IR_w : clear implicits.
Section Classic_domination_parameters.
Definition ones : (G -> nat) := (fun _ => 1).
Let W1 : ({set G} -> nat) := (fun A => #|A|).
Lemma cardwset1 (A : {set G}) : #|A| = weight_set ones A.
Proof. by rewrite /weight_set sum1dep_card cardsE. Qed.
Local Notation eq_arg_min := (eq_arg_min _ (frefl _) cardwset1).
Local Notation eq_arg_max := (eq_arg_max _ (frefl _) cardwset1).
Definition of unweighted parameters and its conversion to weighted ones.
Definition ir : nat := #|arg_min inhb_max_irr max_irr W1|.
Fact eq_ir_ir1 : ir = ir_w ones.
Proof. by rewrite /ir /ir_w -cardwset1 eq_arg_min. Qed.
Definition gamma : nat := #|arg_min setT dominating W1|.
Fact eq_gamma_gamma1 : gamma = gamma_w ones.
Proof. by rewrite /gamma /gamma_w -cardwset1 eq_arg_min. Qed.
Definition ii : nat := #|arg_min inhb_max_st max_st W1|.
Fact eq_ii_ii1 : ii = ii_w ones.
Proof. by rewrite /ii /ii_w -cardwset1 eq_arg_min. Qed.
Definition alpha : nat := #|arg_max set0 stable W1|.
Fact eq_alpha_alpha1 : alpha = alpha_w ones.
Proof. by rewrite /alpha /alpha_w -cardwset1 eq_arg_max. Qed.
Definition Gamma : nat := #|arg_max inhb_min_dom min_dom W1|.
Fact eq_Gamma_Gamma1 : Gamma = Gamma_w ones.
Proof. by rewrite /Gamma /Gamma_w -cardwset1 eq_arg_max. Qed.
Definition IR : nat := #|arg_max set0 irredundant W1|.
Fact eq_IR_IR1 : IR = IR_w ones.
Proof. by rewrite /IR /IR_w -cardwset1 eq_arg_max. Qed.
Corollary ir_leq_gamma : ir <= gamma.
Proof. by rewrite eq_ir_ir1 eq_gamma_gamma1 ir_w_leq_gamma_w. Qed.
Corollary gamma_leq_ii : gamma <= ii.
Proof. by rewrite eq_gamma_gamma1 eq_ii_ii1 gamma_w_leq_ii_w. Qed.
Corollary ii_leq_alpha : ii <= alpha.
Proof. by rewrite eq_ii_ii1 eq_alpha_alpha1 ii_w_leq_alpha_w. Qed.
Corollary alpha_leq_Gamma : alpha <= Gamma.
Proof. by rewrite eq_alpha_alpha1 eq_Gamma_Gamma1 alpha_w_leq_Gamma_w. Qed.
Corollary Gamma_leq_IR : Gamma <= IR.
Proof. by rewrite eq_Gamma_Gamma1 eq_IR_IR1 Gamma_w_leq_IR_w. Qed.
Corollary Cockayne_Hedetniemi_chain:
sorted leq [:: ir; gamma; ii; alpha; Gamma; IR].
rewrite /sorted /= ir_leq_gamma gamma_leq_ii ii_leq_alpha.
by rewrite alpha_leq_Gamma Gamma_leq_IR.
Definition Cockayne_Hedetniemi_leq :=
@sorted_leq_nth nat leq leq_trans leqnn 0 _ Cockayne_Hedetniemi_chain.
Notation Cockayne_Hedetniemi i j :=
(@Cockayne_Hedetniemi_leq i j erefl erefl erefl).
Let gamma_leq_Gamma: gamma <= Gamma.
Proof. exact: (Cockayne_Hedetniemi 1 4). Qed.
End Classic_domination_parameters.
End Domination_Theory.
Arguments ir_w : clear implicits.
Arguments gamma_w : clear implicits.
Arguments ii_w : clear implicits.
Arguments alpha_w : clear implicits.
Arguments Gamma_w : clear implicits.
Arguments IR_w : clear implicits.
Arguments ir : clear implicits.
Arguments gamma : clear implicits.
Arguments ii : clear implicits.
Arguments alpha : clear implicits.
Arguments Gamma : clear implicits.
Arguments IR : clear implicits.
Proof. exact: (Cockayne_Hedetniemi 1 4). Qed.
End Classic_domination_parameters.
End Domination_Theory.
Arguments ir_w : clear implicits.
Arguments gamma_w : clear implicits.
Arguments ii_w : clear implicits.
Arguments alpha_w : clear implicits.
Arguments Gamma_w : clear implicits.
Arguments IR_w : clear implicits.
Arguments ir : clear implicits.
Arguments gamma : clear implicits.
Arguments ii : clear implicits.
Arguments alpha : clear implicits.
Arguments Gamma : clear implicits.
Arguments IR : clear implicits.