Library additions.More_on_positive
From Coq Require Import Arith NArith Lia Recdef.
From additions Require Import Pow Compatibility Wf_transparent.
Open Scope positive_scope.
Import Monoid_def.
Definition pos_eq_dec : ∀ p p':positive, {p = p'}+{p ≠ p'}.
Lemma N_0_le_n: ∀ n:N, (0 ≤ n)%N.
Lemma Pos_to_nat_neq_0 : ∀ p, Pos.to_nat p ≠ 0%nat.
#[global] Hint Resolve Pos_to_nat_neq_0 : chains.
Lemma Npos_diff_zero : ∀ p, N.pos p ≠ 0%N.
Lemma Npos_gt_0 : ∀ p, (0 < N.pos p)%N.
#[global] Hint Resolve Npos_diff_zero Npos_gt_0 : chains.
Lemma pos2N_inj_lt : ∀ n p, (n < p)%positive ↔ (N.pos n < N.pos p)%N.
Lemma pos2N_inj_add : ∀ n p, N.pos (n + p) = (N.pos n + N.pos p)%N.
Ltac pos2nat_inj_tac :=
repeat (rewrite Pos2Nat.inj_add || rewrite Pos2Nat.inj_mul ||
rewrite Pos2Nat.inj_lt || rewrite Pos2Nat.inj_le).
Lemma Pos2Nat_le_1_p : ∀ p, (1 ≤ Pos.to_nat p)%nat.
Lemma N_le_1_pos : ∀ p, (1 ≤ N.pos p)%N.
Lemma pos_le_mul : ∀ p q , (p ≤ p × q)%positive.
Lemma pos_lt_mul : ∀ p q , (1 < q → p < p × q)%positive.
Lemma Pos2Nat_le_n_pn :
∀ p q,
(Pos.to_nat p ≤ Pos.to_nat p × Pos.to_nat q)%nat.
#[global] Hint Resolve Pos2Nat_le_1_p : chains.
Lemma Npos_gt_0 : ∀ p, (0 < N.pos p)%N.
#[global] Hint Resolve Npos_diff_zero Npos_gt_0 : chains.
Lemma pos2N_inj_lt : ∀ n p, (n < p)%positive ↔ (N.pos n < N.pos p)%N.
Lemma pos2N_inj_add : ∀ n p, N.pos (n + p) = (N.pos n + N.pos p)%N.
Ltac pos2nat_inj_tac :=
repeat (rewrite Pos2Nat.inj_add || rewrite Pos2Nat.inj_mul ||
rewrite Pos2Nat.inj_lt || rewrite Pos2Nat.inj_le).
Lemma Pos2Nat_le_1_p : ∀ p, (1 ≤ Pos.to_nat p)%nat.
Lemma N_le_1_pos : ∀ p, (1 ≤ N.pos p)%N.
Lemma pos_le_mul : ∀ p q , (p ≤ p × q)%positive.
Lemma pos_lt_mul : ∀ p q , (1 < q → p < p × q)%positive.
Lemma Pos2Nat_le_n_pn :
∀ p q,
(Pos.to_nat p ≤ Pos.to_nat p × Pos.to_nat q)%nat.
#[global] Hint Resolve Pos2Nat_le_1_p : chains.
Definition N2pos (n:N) : positive :=
match n with 0%N ⇒ xH | Npos p ⇒ p end.
Lemma N2pos_pos :
∀ i, N2pos (Npos i) = i.
Lemma N_pos_N2pos : ∀ n, 0%N ≠ n → n = Npos (N2pos n).
Lemma N2pos_lt_switch : ∀ n p, (0%N < n)%N →
( (N.pos p < n)%N ↔ (p < N2pos n)%positive).
Ltac N2pos_simpl x := simpl (N2pos (N.pos x)) in ×.
Ltac N2pos_destruct t y :=
destruct t as [| y] ; [try (discriminate || contradiction) | N2pos_simpl y].
Lemma N2pos_lt_switch2 : ∀ n p, (0%N < n)%N →
((N2pos n < p)%positive
↔ (n < N.pos p)%N).
Lemma pos_lt_wf : well_founded
Partial exact log2 function
Fixpoint exact_log2(p:positive) : option positive :=
match p with
| 1%positive | xI _ ⇒ None
| 2%positive ⇒ Some xH
| xO q ⇒ match exact_log2 q with
| Some l ⇒ Some (l+1)%positive
| _ ⇒ None
Compute exact_log2 16.
= Some 4
: option positive
Compute exact_log2 10.
= None
: option positive
Lemma exact_log2xOx0 :
∀ p i, exact_log2 (xO p) = Some i →
exact_log2 (xO (xO p)) = Some (i+1)%positive.
Lemma exact_log2_spec :
∀ p i: positive, exact_log2 p = Some i → p = (2 ^ i)%positive.
Another induction principle for positive
Lemma positive_4step_ind : ∀ P : positive → Prop,
P 1%positive → P 2%positive → P 3%positive →
(∀ p, P p → P (xO (xO p)) ∧ P (xI (xO p)) ∧ P (xO (xI p)) ∧
P (xI (xI p))) →
∀ p, P p.
Lemma pos_gt_3 : ∀ p:positive,
p ≠ 1 → p ≠ 3 → exact_log2 p = None → 3 < p.
#[global] Hint Resolve pos_gt_3 : chains.
Lemma pos_div_eucl_quotient_pos : ∀ a b q r,
N.pos_div_eucl a b = (q, r) →
(b ≤ N.pos a)%N →
b ≠ 0%N →
(q ≠ 0%N).
Lemma pos_div_eucl_quotient_lt : ∀ a b q r,
N.pos_div_eucl a b = (q, r) →
(1 < b)%N →
(q < N.pos a)%N.
Lemma N_pos_div_eucl_divides : ∀ i b q,
N.pos_div_eucl i (N.pos b) = (q, 0%N) →
(b × N2pos q)%positive = i.
Lemma N_pos_div_eucl_rest : ∀ i b q r,
N.pos_div_eucl i (N.pos b) = (q, r) →
(0 < r)%N → (0 < q)%N →
(b × N2pos q + N2pos r)%positive = i.
Lemma N_pos_div_eucl_q0 : ∀ i b r,
N.pos_div_eucl i (N.pos b) = (0%N, r) →
i = N2pos r.
An auxiliary lemma
Lemma lt_S_2i :
∀ i j:nat, (i < j → 2 × i + 1 < 2 × j)%nat.
Lemma N_le_mul_pos : ∀ q p, (q ≤ q × N.pos p)%N.
Ltac quotient_small div_equation H :=
match type of div_equation with
(N.pos_div_eucl ?a ?b = (?q,?r)) ⇒
assert (H : (q < N.pos a)%N);
[apply (pos_div_eucl_quotient_lt _ _ _ _ div_equation); auto|]
Ltac rest_small div_equation H :=
match type of div_equation with
(N.pos_div_eucl ?a ?b = (?q,?r)) ⇒
let H0 := fresh "H" in
assert (H : (r < b)%N);
[generalize (N.pos_div_eucl_remainder a b); simpl; intro H0;
rewrite div_equation in H0; apply H0 ; try discriminate| ]
∀ i j:nat, (i < j → 2 × i + 1 < 2 × j)%nat.
Lemma N_le_mul_pos : ∀ q p, (q ≤ q × N.pos p)%N.
Ltac quotient_small div_equation H :=
match type of div_equation with
(N.pos_div_eucl ?a ?b = (?q,?r)) ⇒
assert (H : (q < N.pos a)%N);
[apply (pos_div_eucl_quotient_lt _ _ _ _ div_equation); auto|]
Ltac rest_small div_equation H :=
match type of div_equation with
(N.pos_div_eucl ?a ?b = (?q,?r)) ⇒
let H0 := fresh "H" in
assert (H : (r < b)%N);
[generalize (N.pos_div_eucl_remainder a b); simpl; intro H0;
rewrite div_equation in H0; apply H0 ; try discriminate| ]