Library gaia_hydras.T1Choice

Experimental !!!! This file is a draft !!!

From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect zify.
From Coq Require Import Logic.Eqdep_dec.
From hydras Require Import DecPreOrder ON_Generic T1 E0.
From gaia Require Export ssete9.
From gaia_hydras Require Import T1Bridge.

Set Implicit Arguments.

Type T1 vs generic trees

Fixpoint T12Tree (a: T1): GenTree.tree nat :=
  if a is cons b n c
  then GenTree.Node n [:: T12Tree b; T12Tree c]
  else GenTree.Leaf 0.

Fixpoint Tree2T1 (t: GenTree.tree nat): option T1 :=
  match t with
  | GenTree.Leaf 0 ⇒ Some zero
  | GenTree.Node n [:: t1; t2]
      match Tree2T1 t1, Tree2T1 t2 with
      | Some b, Some cSome (cons b n c)
      | _, _None
  | _None

Lemma TreeT1K : pcancel T12Tree Tree2T1.

to remove (useless)
Lemma T12Tree_inj: injective T12Tree.

Definition T1mixin :
  Countable.mixin_of T1 := PcanCountMixin TreeT1K.

Canonical T1Choice :=
  Eval hnf in ChoiceType T1 (CountChoiceMixin T1mixin).

Example ex_pos: alpha: T1, zero != alpha.

Example some_pos: T1 := xchoose ex_pos.

Example some_pos' : T1 := choose (fun p : T1zero != p)

Goal (zero: T1Choice) != some_pos'.

= EqType T1 (EqMixin (@T1eqP)) : eqType

= Choice.Pack {| Choice.base := EqMixin (@T1eqP); Choice.mixin := PcanChoiceMixin (pcan_pickleK TreeT1K) |} : choiceType

Definition T1_le_Mixin := leOrderMixin T1Choice.

Definition T1min a b := if T1lt a b then a else b.
Definition T1max a b := if T1lt a b then b else a.

Lemma T1ltE x y : T1lt x y = (y != x) && T1le x y.

Lemma T1minE x y : T1min x y = (if T1lt x y then x else y).

Lemma T1maxE x y : T1max x y = (if T1lt x y then y else x).

Lemma T1le_asym: ssrbool.antisymmetric T1le.

Definition T1leOrderMixin : leOrderMixin T1Choice :=
  LeOrderMixin T1ltE T1minE T1maxE T1le_asym T1le_trans T1le_total.

Canonical T1orderType :=
  @OrderOfChoiceType tt T1Choice T1leOrderMixin.

Goal @Order.le tt T1orderType T1omega T1omega.

Check T1omega: T1orderType.

Goal ((T1omega:T1orderType) (T1omega:T1orderType))%O.

Notation "x <= y" := (@Order.le _ T1orderType x y).

Notation "x < y" := ( _ T1orderType x y).

About Order.le.

Goal @Order.le tt T1orderType T1omega T1omega.
Import Order.POrderTheory.

Goal T1omega T1omega.
Set Printing All.

Goal T1omega < T1succ T1omega.

Goal ~~ (<%O (T1omega:T1orderType) (T1omega:T1orderType)).

Goal ~~(T1omega < T1omega).

Goal ~~ tt (T1orderType) T1omega T1omega.

Goal T1omega T1omega.

Print E0.