Library gaia_hydras.onType

Ordinal Notations (Experimental !!!!) Warning: This file is a draft !!! We try to adapt to Gaia the ON class of ordinal notations (defined as a naïve (pre Stdpp) type class).
An Ordinal Notation is just a well-founded ordered type, with a trichotomic comparison
Notions of ordinal arithmetics should be defined in substructures

From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect zify.
From mathcomp Require Import fintype.
From Coq Require Import Logic.Eqdep_dec.
From Coq Require Import Wellfounded.Inclusion Wf_nat Inverse_Image.

Set Implicit Arguments.


restriction of a decidable relation

Definition restrict {A} (p: A bool) (r: A A bool):=
  fun x y[&& (p x), (p y) & r x y].

Complements on orderType

Section MoreOrderType.
  Variable disp: unit.
  Variable T: orderType disp.

  Definition limit_v2 (f: nat T)(x: T) :=
    ( (n:nat), (f n < x)%O)
      ( y : T, (y < x)%O n : nat, (y f n)%O).

  Definition limit_of (f: nat T) x :=
    ( n m : nat, (n < m)%nat (f n < f m)%O) limit_v2 f x.

  Definition is_successor_of (x y: T):=
    (x < y)%O z, (x < z)%O ~~ (z < y)%O.

  Section Succ_no_limit.
    Variables (x y: T) (s: nat T).
    Hypothesis Hsucc : is_successor_of x y.
    Hypothesis Hlim : limit_of s y.

    Remark R0: (n:nat), (x (s n))%O.

    Remark R1: z, (x < z < y)%O.

    Lemma F: False.

  End Succ_no_limit.

End MoreOrderType.

Type for ordinal notations

Module ONDef.
  Record mixin_of disp (T: orderType disp) :=
    Mixin {
        _ : @well_founded T <%O;

  Section Packing.
    Variable disp: unit.
    Structure pack_type : Type :=
      Pack{ type: orderType disp; _ : mixin_of type}.

    Variable cT: pack_type.

    Definition on_struct: mixin_of cT :=
      let: Pack _ c := cT return mixin_of cT in c.

  End Packing.

  Module Exports.

    Notation on := (pack_type ).
    Notation ONMixin := Mixin.
    Notation ON T m := (@Pack T m).
    Coercion type : pack_type >-> orderType.

    Section Lemmas.
      Variable disp: unit.
      Variable U: @on disp.

      Definition tricho (a b: U) := if (a == b)%O then Eq
                                    else if (a < b)%O then Lt
                                         else Gt.

      Lemma trichoP (a b: U) :
        CompareSpec (a == b) (a < b)%O (b < a)%O (tricho a b).

      Lemma wf : @well_founded U <%O.

    End Lemmas.
  End Exports.
End ONDef.

Export ONDef.Exports.

First instances of ON

The Ordinal notation for 'I_i

Lemma wf_ltn: well_founded (fun n[eta ltn n]).

Section onFiniteDef.
  Variable i: nat.

  Lemma I_i_wf: @well_founded 'I_i (<%O).

Definition onFiniteMixin := ONMixin I_i_wf.
Canonical onFiniteType := ON _ _ onFiniteMixin.

End onFiniteDef.

Tests Definition O12_33: onFiniteType 33. by exists 12. Defined.
Compute tricho O12_33 O12_33.
Goal (O12_33 <= O12_33)

An ordinal notation for omega

Section onOmegaDef.

 Lemma omega_lt_wf : @well_founded Order.NatOrder.orderType <%O.

Definition onOmegaMixin := ONMixin omega_lt_wf.
Canonical onOmegaType := ON _ _ onOmegaMixin.

End onOmegaDef.

Example om12 : onOmegaType := 12.
Example om67 : onOmegaType := 67.

To do : Notation for epsilon0

From gaia_hydras Require Import T1Bridge.

Section ONEpsilon0Def.

End ONEpsilon0Def.