Library hydras.Epsilon0.Hessenberg

Hessenberg sum of ordinals terms (commutative and strictly monotonous)

Pierre Castéran, Labri, University of Bordeaux

From Coq Require Import Arith ArithRing Lia.
From hydras Require Import Prelude.More_Arith Prelude.Merge_Sort

Set Implicit Arguments.

Fixpoint oplus (alpha beta : T1) : T1 :=
  let fix oplus_aux beta {struct beta} :=
      match alpha, beta with
        | zero, _beta
        | _, zeroalpha
        | cons a1 n1 b1, cons a2 n2 b2
          match compare a1 a2 with
            | Gtcons a1 n1 (oplus b1 beta)
            | Ltcons a2 n2 (oplus_aux b2)
            | Eqcons a1 (S (n1 + n2)%nat) (oplus b1 b2)
  in oplus_aux beta.

Infix "o+" := oplus (at level 50, left associativity).

Fixpoint o_finite_mult n alpha :=
match n with
    0 ⇒
  | S palpha o+ (o_finite_mult p alpha)

Open Scope t1_scope.

Lemma oplus_0_r (alpha : T1) : alpha o+ zero = alpha.

Lemma oplus_0_l (beta : T1): zero o+ beta = beta.

Lemma oplus_compare_Lt:
   a n b a' n' b',
  compare a a' = Lt
  cons a n b o+ cons a' n' b' = cons a' n' (cons a n b o+ b').

Lemma oplus_lt_rw :
   a n b a' n' b', a a'
                         cons a n b o+ cons a' n' b'=
                         cons a' n' (cons a n b o+ b').

Lemma oplus_eq_rw :
   a n b n' b',
    cons a n b o+ cons a n' b'=
    cons a (S (n+n')%nat) (b o+ b').

Lemma oplus_gt_rw :
   a n b a' n' b', a' a
    cons a n b o+ cons a' n' b' = cons a n (b o+ cons a' n' b').

Lemma oplus_compare_Gt :
   a n b a' n' b', compare a a' = Gt
                         cons a n b o+ cons a' n' b' =
                         cons a n (b o+ cons a' n' b').

Lemma oplus_eqn :
   a b,
    a o+ b =
    match a, b with, _b
      | _, T1.zeroa
      | cons a1 n1 b1, cons a2 n2 b2
        match compare a1 a2 with
            Gtcons a1 n1 (b1 o+ b)
          | Eqcons a1 (S (n1 + n2)) (b1 o+ b2)
          | Ltcons a2 n2 (a o+ b2)

Lemma oplus_cons_cons :
   a n b a' n' b',
    (cons a n b) o+ (cons a' n' b') =
    match compare a a' with
          | Gtcons a n (b o+ (cons a' n' b') )
          | Eqcons a (S (n + n')%nat) (b o+ b')
          | Ltcons a' n' (cons a n b o+ b')

Lemma lt_a_phi0_b_oplus : gamma alpha beta,
                        alpha <_phi0 gamma
                        beta <_phi0 gamma
                        alpha o+ beta <_phi0 gamma.

Lemma oplus_bounded_phi0 alpha beta gamma :
  nf alpha nf beta nf gamma
  lt alpha (phi0 gamma)
  lt beta (phi0 gamma)
  lt (alpha o+ beta) (phi0 gamma).

Section Proof_of_plus_nf.

  Lemma oplus_nf_0 (gamma : T1):
    nf gamma alpha beta, nf alpha nf beta
                      alpha gamma
                      beta gamma
                               nf (alpha o+ beta).

  Lemma oplus_nf (alpha beta : T1) :
      nf alpha nf beta nf (alpha o+ beta).

End Proof_of_plus_nf.

Lemma o_finite_mult_nf : a n, nf a nf (o_finite_mult n a).

Section Proof_of_oplus_comm.
  Lemma oplus_comm_0 (gamma: T1):
    nf gamma
     alpha beta, nf alpha nf beta
               alpha gamma
               beta gamma
                        alpha o+ beta = beta o+ alpha.

  Lemma oplus_comm (alpha beta: T1):
   nf alpha nf beta alpha o+ beta = beta o+ alpha.

End Proof_of_oplus_comm.

Lemma oplus_lt_rw2 : a n b x, nf (cons a n b) nf x
                                     x <_phi0 a
                                     cons a n b o+ x =
                                     cons a n (b o+ x).

Section Proof_of_oplus_assoc.

  Ltac ass_rw Hrec alpha a b c :=
    match goal with |- context Gamma [oplus ?a (oplus ?b ?c)] ⇒
                    erewrite Hrec with alpha a b c end.

  Ltac ass_rw_rev Hrec alpha a b c :=
    match goal with |- context Gamma [oplus (oplus ?a ?b) ?c] ⇒
                          erewrite <- Hrec with alpha a b c end.
  Lemma oplus_assoc_0 (alpha: T1):
      nf alpha
       a b c, nf a nf b nf c
             a alpha
             b alpha c alpha
                      a o+ (b o+ c) = (a o+ b) o+ c.

  Lemma oplus_assoc (alpha beta gamma:T1) :
    nf alpha nf beta nf gamma
    alpha o+ (beta o+ gamma) =
    alpha o+ beta o+ gamma.

End Proof_of_oplus_assoc.

Section Proof_of_oplus_lt1.
  Variables a1 a2: T1.
  Variable n : nat.
  Hypothesis H0 : nf (cons a1 n a2).

  Lemma oplus_lt_0 : b, nf b b (b o+ (cons a1 n a2)).

End Proof_of_oplus_lt1.

Lemma oplus_lt1 : a b, nf a nf b a
                     b (b o+ a).

Lemma oplus_lt2 : a b, nf a nf b b
                     a (b o+ a).

Lemma oplus_le1 : a b, nf a nf b leq lt a (a o+ b).

Lemma oplus_le2 : a b, nf a nf b leq lt b (a o+ b).

Lemma oplus_strict_mono_0 :
   alpha, nf alpha
                 a (Ha:nf a) b (Hb: nf b) c (Hc : nf c),
                  lt a alpha lt c alpha lt b c
                  lt (a o+ b) (a o+ c).

Lemma oplus_strict_mono_r : a b c, nf a nf b nf c
                                          lt b c lt (a o+ b) (a o+ c).

Lemma oplus_strict_mono_l : a b c, nf a nf b nf c
                                 a b
                                 (a o+ c) (b o+ c).

Lemma oplus_strict_mono_LT_l (alpha beta gamma : T1) :
  nf gamma alpha t1< beta
  alpha o+ gamma t1< beta o+ gamma.
Lemma oplus_strict_mono_LT_r (alpha beta gamma : T1) :
  nf alpha beta t1< gamma
  alpha o+ beta t1< alpha o+ gamma.
Lemma oplus_strict_mono_bi : a b c d ,
    nf a nf b nf c nf d a b c d (a o+ c) (b o+ d).

Lemma oplus_of_phi0_0 : a b,
                          phi0 a o+ phi0 b =
                          match compare (phi0 a) (phi0 b)
                          with Ltcons b 0 (cons a 0
                            | Eqcons a 1
                            | Gtcons a 0 (cons b 0

Lemma oplus_of_phi0 : a b,
                        phi0 a o+ phi0 b =
                        match compare a b
                        with Ltcons b 0 (cons a 0
                          | Eqcons a 1
                          | Gtcons a 0 (cons b 0

Lemma o_finite_mult_rw : a n, o_finite_mult (S n) (phi0 a) =
                                     cons a n

Lemma o_finite_mult_lt_phi0_1 : a b n,
                         a b
                         (o_finite_mult n (phi0 a)) (phi0 b).

Lemma o_finite_mult_mono : a b n, nf a nf b a b
                                 (o_finite_mult (S n) a)
                                             (o_finite_mult (S n) b).

Lemma oplus_lt_phi0 : a b c, nf a nf b nf c
                            a c b c
                            (phi0 a o+ phi0 b) (phi0 c).