From HB Require Import structures.
Require Import Setoid Morphisms.
From mathcomp Require Import all_ssreflect.
Require Import edone preliminaries setoid_bigop structures pttdom.

Set Implicit Arguments.
Unset Strict Implicit.
Unset Printing Implicit Defensive.
Set Bullet Behavior "Strict Subproofs".

2p algebras, tests, initial algebra of terms

2p algebras (2pdom algebras with top)

We define ptt as a substructure of pttdom where top is interpreted appropriately. We also provide a factory where the laws for dom, (i.e., A13 and A14) can be omitted, as they are derivable

HB.mixin Record Ptt_of_Pttdom A of Pttdom A :=
  { A11: forall x: A, x · top dom x · top;
    A12: forall x y: A, (x1) · y (x1top y;
    domE: forall x: A, dom x 1 x·top }.
HB.structure Definition Ptt := { A of Ptt_of_Pttdom A & }.
Notation ptt := Ptt.type.

HB.factory Record Ptt_of_Ops A of Ops_of_Type A & Setoid_of_Type A :=
  { dot_eqv: Proper (eqv ==> eqv ==> eqv) (dot : A -> A -> A);
    par_eqv: Proper (eqv ==> eqv ==> eqv) (par : A -> A -> A);
    cnv_eqv: Proper (eqv ==> eqv) (cnv : A -> A);
    domE: forall x: A, dom x 1 x·top;
    parA: forall x y z: A, x (y z) (x y) z;
    parC: forall x y: A, x y y x;
    dotA: forall x y z: A, x · (y · z) (x · y) · z;
    dotx1: forall x: A, x · 1 x;
    cnvI: forall x: A, x°° x;
    cnvpar: forall x y: A, (x y x° y°;
    cnvdot: forall x y: A, (x · y y° · x°;
    par11: 1 1 1 :> A ;
    A10: forall x y: A, 1 x·y dom (x y°);
    A11: forall x: A, x · top dom x · top;
    A12: forall x y: A, (x1) · y (x1top y
  }. Context A (F : Ptt_of_Ops A).

  Instance ptt_equivalence : Equivalence (@eqv [the setoid of A]).
  Proof. exact: Eqv. Qed.

  Instance ptt_par_eqv : Proper (eqv ==> eqv ==> eqv) (par : A -> A -> A).
  Proof. exact: par_eqv. Qed.

  Instance ptt_dot_eqv : Proper (eqv ==> eqv ==> eqv) (dot : A -> A -> A).
  Proof. exact: dot_eqv. Qed.

  Lemma A13_ (x y: A): dom(x·y) dom(x·dom y).
  Proof. by rewrite domE -dotA A11 dotA -domE. Qed.

  Lemma A14_ (x y z: A): dom x·(yz) dom x·y z.
  Proof. by rewrite domE parC A12 (A12 _ y) parA. Qed.

  Lemma dom_eqv_ : Proper (eqv ==> eqv) (dom : A -> A).
  Proof. by move=> x y xy; rewrite !domE xy. Qed.

  HB.instance Definition Pttdom_of_Ops :=
    Pttdom_of_Ops.Build A
      dot_eqv par_eqv cnv_eqv dom_eqv_
      parA parC dotA dotx1 cnvI cnvpar cnvdot par11 A10 A13_ A14_.

  HB.instance Definition Ptt_of_Ops :=
    Ptt_of_Pttdom.Build A A11 A12 domE.


Instance ptt_equivalence (A : ptt) : Equivalence (@eqv [the ptt of A]).
Proof. exact: Eqv. Qed.

Instance ptt_par_eqv (A : ptt) : Proper (eqv ==> eqv ==> eqv) (par : A -> A -> A).
Proof. exact: par_eqv. Qed.

Instance ptt_dot_eqv (A : ptt) : Proper (eqv ==> eqv ==> eqv) (dot : A -> A -> A).
Proof. exact: dot_eqv. Qed.

basic derivable laws

Section derived.
 Variable X: ptt.

 Lemma parxtop (x: X): x top x.
   symmetry. generalize (A12 1 x).
   by rewrite par11 2!dot1x parC.

 Lemma partopx (x: X): top x x.
 Proof. by rewrite parC parxtop. Qed.

 Lemma cnvtop: top° @top X.
  rewrite -(parxtop top°) -{2}(cnvI top).
  by rewrite -cnvpar partopx cnvI.

End derived.

Section terms.
 Variable A: Type.
 Inductive term :=
 | tm_dot: term -> term -> term
 | tm_par: term -> term -> term
 | tm_cnv: term -> term
 | tm_dom: term -> term
 | tm_one: term
 | tm_top: term
 | tm_var: A -> term.
 Section e.
 Variable (X: Ops.type) (f: A -> X).
 Fixpoint eval (u: term): X :=
   match u with
   | tm_dot u v => eval u · eval v
   | tm_par u v => eval u eval v
   | tm_cnv u => (eval u) °
   | tm_dom u => dom (eval u)
   | tm_one => 1
   | tm_top => top
   | tm_var a => f a
 End e.
 Definition tm_eqv (u v: term): Prop :=
   forall (X: ptt) (f: A -> X), eval f u eval f v.

 Hint Unfold tm_eqv : core.
 Lemma tm_eqv_equivalence: Equivalence tm_eqv.
     now intro.
     intros ?? H X f. specialize (H X f). by symmetry.
     intros ??? H H' X f. specialize (H X f). specialize (H' X f). etransitivity. apply H. apply H'.
 HB.instance Definition tm_setoid := Setoid_of_Type.Build term tm_eqv_equivalence.

 HB.instance Definition tm_ops := Ops_of_Type.Build term tm_dot tm_par tm_cnv tm_dom tm_one tm_top.

 Let tm_eqv_eqv (u v: term) (X: ptt) (f: A -> X) : u v -> eval f u eval f v.
 Proof. exact. Qed.

 (* quotiented terms indeed form a 2p algebra *)
 Definition tm_ptt : Ptt_of_Ops.axioms_ term tm_ops tm_setoid.
  refine (Ptt_of_Ops.Build term _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _).
    abstract (repeat intro; simpl; by apply: dot_eqv; apply: tm_eqv_eqv).
    abstract (repeat intro; simpl; by apply: par_eqv; apply: tm_eqv_eqv).
    abstract (repeat intro; simpl; by apply: cnv_eqv; apply: tm_eqv_eqv).
    abstract (repeat intro; simpl; by apply: domE; apply: tm_eqv_eqv).
    abstract (repeat intro; simpl; by apply: parA; apply: tm_eqv_eqv).
    abstract (repeat intro; simpl; by apply: parC; apply: tm_eqv_eqv).
    abstract (repeat intro; simpl; by apply: dotA; apply: tm_eqv_eqv).
    abstract (repeat intro; simpl; by apply: dotx1; apply: tm_eqv_eqv).
    abstract (repeat intro; simpl; by apply: cnvI; apply: tm_eqv_eqv).
    abstract (repeat intro; simpl; by apply: cnvpar; apply: tm_eqv_eqv).
    abstract (repeat intro; simpl; by apply: cnvdot; apply: tm_eqv_eqv).
    abstract (repeat intro; simpl; by apply: par11; apply: tm_eqv_eqv).
    abstract (repeat intro; simpl; by apply: A10; apply: tm_eqv_eqv).
    abstract (repeat intro; simpl; by apply: A11; apply: tm_eqv_eqv).
    abstract (repeat intro; simpl; by apply: A12; apply: tm_eqv_eqv).
 HB.instance Definition _ := tm_ptt.

End terms.
Declare Scope ptt_ops.
Bind Scope ptt_ops with term.