Library hydras.Hydra.Hydra_Examples

From Coq Require Import Arith Lia.
From hydras Require Import Hydra_Lemmas More_Arith.
Open Scope nat_scope.

Check Hydra_rect2.

Module Examples.

  Example ex1 : h h', R1 (hyd3 h head h') (hyd2 h h').

  Example Hy := hyd3 head
                           (hyd2 head head))

  Example Hy' := hyd2 head
                            (hyd2 head head))

  Example ex4: round Hy Hy'.

  Example Hy'' :=
    hyd2 head
            (hyd_mult (hyd1 head) 5)

  Example Hy'H'' : round Hy' Hy''.

  Example R2_example: R2 4 Hy' Hy''.
move to 2nd sub-hydra (0-based indices)
move to first sub-hydra
we're at distance 2 from the to-be-chopped-off head let's go to the first daughter, then chop-off the leftmost head

  Example Exx : {h' | round Hy' h'}.

  Example Ex5 : {h' | Hy -*-> h'}.

  Example Hy''' :=
    node (hcons head
                (hcons_mult (hyd1 (hyd_mult (hyd1 head) 5)) 3 hnil)).

  Example hsize_bigger : (hsize Hy'' < hsize Hy''')%nat.

  Example height_not_strictly_decreasing : height Hy'' = height Hy'''.

  Example Hy_1 : R1 Hy Hy'.

  Example Hy_2 : R2 4 Hy' Hy''.

  Example ex_2 :{Hy'' | R2 4 Hy' Hy''}.

  Example Hy_3 : R2 2 Hy'' Hy'''.

  Example Hy''_Hy''' : Hy'' -1-> Hy'''.

  Example Hy_Hy''' : Hy -+-> Hy'''.

End Examples.

Check Hydra_ind.

Module Bad.
  Lemma height_lt_size (h:Hydra) : height h < hsize h. End Bad.

Lemma height_lt_size (h:Hydra) : height h < hsize h.