Library hydras.Hydra.Hydra_Lemmas

Pierre Casteran LaBRI, Université de Bordeaux

From Coq Require Import Arith Lia List Relation_Operators
     Operators_Properties Peano_dec Wellfounded.Inverse_Image

From hydras Require Import More_Arith Epsilon0 Hessenberg
     Simple_LexProd MoreLibHyps.

From hydras Require Export Hydra_Definitions.
Import Relations.
Open Scope nat_scope.

Properties of the hydra data type

Lemma add_r_0 : h: Hydra, add_r h 0 = h.

Lemma hy_app_assoc :
   (s1 s2 s3 : Hydrae) ,
    hy_app s1 (hy_app s2 s3) = hy_app (hy_app s1 s2) s3.

Lemma hcons_mult_app : (h: Hydra) (n :nat) (s s': Hydrae),
    hcons_mult h n (hy_app s s') =
    hy_app (hcons_mult h n s) s'.

Lemma hcons_mult_comm :
   i h s,
    hcons_mult h i (hcons h s) = hcons h (hcons_mult h i s).

Lemma R1_iff s s' : R1 (node s) (node s') S0 s s'.

Lemma R2_iff i s s' : R2 i (node s) (node s')
                      S1 i s s' S2 i s s'.

Lemma S2_iff : n h h' s s',
    S2 n (hcons h s) (hcons h' s')
    R2 n h h' s = s'
                 h = h' S2 n s s'.

Lemma S0_app : s1 s2 s3, S0 s2 s3
                                S0 (hy_app s1 s2)
                                   (hy_app s1 s3).

Lemma R1_app : s1 s2 s3,
    R1 (node s2) (node s3)
    R1 (node (hy_app s1 s2)) (node (hy_app s1 s3)).

Lemma S1_app n : s1 s2 s3,
    S1 n s2 s3 S1 n (hy_app s1 s2) (hy_app s1 s3).

Induction Schemes for R2

Scheme R2_ind2 := Induction for R2 Sort Prop
                  S2_ind2 := Induction for S2 Sort Prop.
Arguments R2_ind2 n P P0 : rename.
Arguments S2_ind2 n P P0 : rename.

Lemma S2_app : n s1 s2 ,
    S2 n s1 s2
     l, S2 n (hy_app l s1) (hy_app l s2).

Lemma R2_app n : s1 s2 ,
    R2 n (node s1) (node s2)
     l, R2 n (node (hy_app l s1))
                  (node (hy_app l s2)).

Lemma hcons_mult_S0 : h i s s' ,
                             S0 s s'
                             S0 (hcons_mult h i s)
                                (hcons_mult h i s').

Lemma hcons_mult_S1 n : h i s s' , S1 n s s'
                                         S1 n (hcons_mult h i s)
                                              (hcons_mult h i s').

Lemma hcons_mult_S2 n : h i s s' , S2 n s s'
                                            S2 n (hcons_mult h i s)
                                               (hcons_mult h i s').

Properties of single rounds

Lemma head_no_round_n : i h, ¬ round_n i head h.

Lemma head_no_round : h, ¬ round head h.

Properties of battle

Lemma rounds_trans {B:Battle} :
   i h j h', rounds B i h j h'
                    k h0, rounds B k h0 i h
                                 rounds B k h0 j h'.

Properties of standard and free battle classes

Lemma standard_incl_free : i h h',
     battle_rel standard i h h' battle_rel free i h h' .

Lemma standard_battle_head :
   i h j h',
    @rounds standard i h j h' h head.

Generic properties of round_plus

Lemma round_plus_trans : h h' h'', h -+-> h'
                                      h' -+-> h''
                                      h -+-> h''.

Lemma S0_remove_r : l , S0 (add_head_r l) l.

Lemma S0_remove_r_i : i l, S0 (add_head_r_plus l (S i))
                                     (add_head_r_plus l i).

Lemma R1_remove_r_i : i h,
                       R1 (add_r h (S i)) (add_r h i).

Lemma round_n_remove_h : i j h,
    round_n j (add_r h (S i)) (add_r h i).

Lemma remove_heads_r : i h j, rounds standard
                                       (add_r h (S i))
                                       (S i+j)%nat

Lemma remove_heads_r_free: i h j, rounds free
                                       (add_r h (S i))
                                       (S i+j)%nat

Lemma variant_mono_free {A:Type} {Lt: relation A}{Tr : Transitive Lt}
      {Wf: well_founded Lt} m {V: Hvariant Wf free m}:
   i h j h', rounds free i h j h' Lt (m h') (m h).

Lemma m_strict_mono {A:Type} {Lt: relation A}{St: StrictOrder Lt}
      {Wf: well_founded Lt} m (V: @Hvariant _ _ Wf free m){h h':Hydra}:
  h -+-> h' Lt (m h') (m h).

companion lemmas for R1 and R2

Lemma round_n_inv i h h' : round_n i h h' R1 h h' R2 i h h'.

Lemma rounds_free_equiv1 : i j h h',
    rounds free i h j h'
    h -+-> h'.

Lemma rounds_free_equiv2 : h h',
     h -+-> h'
     i, j, rounds free i h j h'.

Lemma Termination_strong (B:Battle) :
   Termination B_termination B.

Lemma Hvariant_Termination {A : Type} {lt : relation A}
      (Hwf : well_founded lt) (m : Hydra A) :
  @Hvariant _ _ Hwf free m Termination.

If the hydra is not reduced to a head, there exists at least one head that Hercules can chop off

Definition next_round_dec n (h: Hydra) :
  (h = head) + {h' : Hydra & {R1 h h'} + {R2 n h h'}}.
chose a lowest head

Definition next_round n :
  h , round_spec h n.

Definition next_step (f : n h, round_spec h n) n h :=
  match f n h with
      inright _head
    | inleft (exist _ h' _) ⇒ h'

Definition classic_battle f t h :=
  let fix go n t h :=
      match h, t with head, _h
                   | _, 0 ⇒ h
                | _, S t'go (S n) t' (next_step f n h)
  in go 1 t h.